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1. Make a program by using Pascal language to calculate:

a. Determine the radius which has a diameter AB with coordinates A (2, 5) and B (-1, 4)

save format: no presensi_kelas_nama_nomor 1.pas

2. Fill in the truth table below with the value True or False

3. What is the function of the truth table in programming?

4. What do you know about the conditional (if) concept?
5. How to write the program below using the conditional concept if?
a. Suppose the following data are presented:
Create a program using the input command, to enter data as follows

Enter your value : Enter your value with an integer data type, use
writeln and read.
After you enter the value, then press enter and it
will display the predicate values, criteria and
Predicate Value: A written information in the table below
Criteria: Very Good
Improve your performance
Display program output based on
the criteria in the table below
Soal hampir sama pada modul pascal basic halaman 11
Range of values Output display
Predicate Value: A
>90 Criteria: Very Good
Improve your performance
Predicate Value: B
81-90 Criteria: Good
Study hard
Predicate Value: C
76-80 Criteria: Enough
You can do it
Predicate Value: D
70-75 Criteria: Less
Keep the spirit
Predicate Value: E
<70 Criteria: Very Less
Ask for additional learning
Save format: no presensi_kelas_nama_nomor 5.pas

Format pengumpulan Tugas

Tugas diupload di e-learning (season2_information technology)
1. Untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan nomor 5 dikerjakan pada microsoft word. Untuk soal
nomor 1 dan nomor 5, kode soal juga dipaste di microsoft word.

2. Untuk soal nomor 1 dan 5 untuk kode program (dengan format .pas) juga dikumpulkan
dan diupload di e-learning.

Jadi setiap siswa mengumpulkan :

a. Jawaban nomor 1-5 dalam bentuk ,doc
b. 2 jawaban dalam format .pas (nomor 1 dan 5)
Semuanya dijadikan satu folder dengan format penamaan task1_no

maximum collection of tasks today at 4:00 p.m. in e-learning

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