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The Politics and Power

Politics affect our lives because where under the law of citizen of the Philippines.

Therefore, we oblige to abide to every single words of constitution whether or agree it

entirely or not .I sometimes view the politics be a hindrance for my life style , Business

Ventures, and plans. However, politics may also pose as an opportunity if I can fully

grasp it, which further emphasizes the importance of being vigilant with recent news and

events. Basically, politicians handle the decisions and actions of the states and every

similar to how board member handle the decisions and action of the company. Politics

deals with the rules, economics, and distribution of power throughout the state.

To many perhaps more today than in some generations past ‘politics’ is a dirty

word. Yet the political permeates our social lives on the most personal of levels as well

as more generally. And the twin sibling of politics is power; specifically it’s exercise and

pursuit. Perhaps the thing that most upsets many of us about ‘politics’ is what we

perceive as the naked or covert use of power for personal betterment. But there’s a

complication there. As much as we tend to presume that unbalanced power is a bad

thing, the reality is that the stability of human societies through history and around the

globe rests on just such imbalances. And personal interest occupies an uneasy yet

always central motivator in the exercise of that power. In some ways, it is hard to even

conceive of power in terms other than in some unbalanced sense. After all, if one

person possesses the ability to compel someone else to do something, then that

represents an imbalance in itself. There’d be no compulsion if the person compelled

didn’t accept the authority of the other. Which highlights the difficult balance we need to
try and find as human societies if we are to balance some sense of social justice with

the sort of systemic efficacy we must aspire to if our states are to be run with

reasonable efficiency. The idea of the ‘political settlement’ that lies behind this project

encourages examination of the nature of those balances in the political realm.

But we can also think of power in different ways. But we also sometimes think of power

in different terms. For example, the power to do something is usually more about the

capacity we have to act, and we sometimes also talk about ‘inner’ strength; the power

we gain from within ourselves. Not quite the same as the capacity to do something

because it refers more to strength of character or resolve, but that can connect with

capacity as well. There is also a sense of power that labour unions, amongst others,

have often used: the power of unity or solidarity. The power we gain by working together

with others of like mind.

The Political settlement research project is designed to dig deeper into some of

the attitudes that women and men have to each other’s political engagement, and to

find out more about how those attitudes are reflected in the ‘political settlement’ that

underpins what has become an enduring peace in Somaliland. In so doing, we will be

thinking hard about how different kinds of power are exercised by women and men in

Somaliland: both in the negotiations, debates and decisions that form the political

settlement, and in the actions people take or have taken in an effort to influence those

decisions.It is axiomatic that one of the most persistently asymmetrical balances of

power is where it relates to the roles of men and women in a society. A growing body of

research has focused on Somali state-building, and particularly on Somaliland, and

there have been a number of studies on gender roles in that context. We are aiming to

explore the ideas at the intersection of those concerns by trying to understand more

about the assumptions and positions that shape social relations for men and women.

That links strongly to a number of specific areas, including violence against women and

girls, which seems to have worsened even while stability has been consolidated. It is not

about “what you do”, “it is about who you are and who you know”. If as a employees, we

have all heard sayings like this before when it comes to the business world. Politics have

been around in the workplace. Politics are a subliminal fight for survival and it actually

happens in personal lives as much as it does in our work lives. Politics can go hand in

hand with power, just as night follows the day. Many of the political situations that

occur .This type of politics also aids with cross functional communication and overall

efficiency. Knowing who is resourceful for various needs will benefit personal success as

well as overall company production. Unfortunately, politics has the potential to bring

negativity and corruption along with it. Often time’s political motives are based on

personal feelings or emotions. The result of making business decisions on the premise of

feeling rather than fact can hold heavy consequences. When politics are played on an

emotional level the drive to perform is based on likeability instead of productivity. This

decreases trust and morale while lowering overall organizational production. And also

Politics is the process by which groups of people make decisions. The term is generally

applied to behaviour within civil governments, but politics has been observed in all

human group interactions, including corporate, academic, and religious institutions. It

consists of social relations involving authority or power, the regulation of political units,

and the methods and tactics used to formulate and apply social policy.

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