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1. THW Use Poverty as a Mitigating in Criminal Court

2. THW Ban Private Artefact Collection
3. THW Make Managing Micro Loan Project as a Prerequisite to Graduate in Vocational School
4. In Response to the Recent Boko Haram Allegiance to ISIS, THW Create an African-led Intervention
to Eradicate Boko Haram
5. TH Supports a Unisex FIFA World Cup
6. THBT All Public Services Should be Provided by Private Providers
7. THW Ban the Killings of Animals for Commercial Purposes (Except for Medical Purposes)
8. THBT Democracies Should Extend Voting Rights to Migrant Workers
9. THBT Environmentalists Should Launch a Campaign of Sabotage and Property Destruction Aimed
at Major Polluting Companies
10. THBT Disney Should be Made to Promote Lead Protagonists Being LGBT
11. THW Never Categorize People by Their Face
12. THBT ICC Should Prosecute Crimes against Democracy
13. Assuming Technology Existed, THW Revive Those Who Commit Suicide

Topik yang akan diperdebatkan tidak hanya yang terdapat dalam daftar ini. Mosi impromptu (spontan)
juga disiapkan dan akan diumumkan menjelang sesi debat.

Contact Person:
Nadia (08562007488)
Tian (085692325247)

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