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Water Salinity,
Formation Pretreatment,
and Well·Operations
Fluid·Selection Guidelines
Ronald F. Scheuerman and Barbara M. Bergersen, SPE,
Shell Development Co.

Summary. Injection-water/forma- Introduction layer. In dilute brines, diffusion forces are

tion-clay compatibility criteria that are Two factors affect whether injected waters/ large and the counter-ion cloud expands.
brines will cause formation-clay-related im- When mutual repulsion between the charged
based on water and formation-clay counter-ion clouds exceeds van der Waals
pairment: the water must have an adequate
analyses were developed to deter- total cation concentration (TCC) to prevent attractive forces, the particles disperse. In-
mine whether an injection water has deflocculation of formation clays, and dur- creasing salinity causes the counter-ion
sufficient total cations and/or divalent ing the transition from one water/brine to cloud to contract. Flocculation salinity (as
another, cation exchange must not reduce defined here) is the cation concentration at
cations to prevent formation-clay dis- which the counter-ion cloud contracts suffi-
the divalent cation concentration below the
persion and permeability impairment level required to keep clays flocculated. ciently that short-range van der Waals at-
and to determine when formation This paper discusses (1) the salinity-re- tractive forces begin to cause clay particles
lated formation damage mechanism, (2) in- to attach to each other and to pore walls
pretreatment is required to prevent (flocculate) or just begin to deflocculate (dis-
jection-water evaluation, (3) formation
impairment during the transition to in- perse) as brine salinity is slowly decreased.
pretreatments to prevent clay deflocculation
jection water. These criteria also were during water/water transitions, and (4) well- (Although flocculation and dispersion prob-
incorporated into a scheme to deter- operations brine-selection guidelines to pre- ably occur at slightly different concentra-
vent clay deflocculation and to eliminate the tions, our tests were not sufficiently sensitive
mine the type of brine to be used for to make such a distinction.)
need for formation pretreatment. Field ap-
completion, stimulation, and work- plication guidelines and field test results are Effect of Clay Type. Flocculation salini-
over operations to prevent formation- presented. ty increases with increasing clay cation ex-
change capacity (CEC). For example, the
clay deflocculation or to eliminate for- NaCI flocculation salinities for Wyoming
Salinity·Related Formation
mation pretreatment. montmorillonite (CEC=76 meq/lOO g dry
Damage Mechanism
clay), IMt-l illite (CEC = 15 meq/lOO g),
Formation clays respond to inadequate-salin- and KGa-2 kaolinite (CEC=3 meq/lOO g)
ity waters by swelling and/or deflocculating are 600, 200, and 17 meq/L, respectively.
(dispersing). Both mechanisms cause clay Chlorite has essentially no CEC and is not
particles to detach from each other and from deflocculated by fresh water. The compo-
pore walls. Migration of, and pore-throat sition and flocculation properties of the clays
plugging by, deflocculated clays is the and cores tested in this study are summar-
dominant impairment mechanism related to ized in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.
salinity-sensitive clay. The following sec- Effect of Cation Type. The clay-floccu-
. tions describe how water salinities and com- lating power of cations is a function primar-
positions, especially divalent cation concen- ily of valence and secondarily of the specific
trations, influence clay deflocculation. cation. Within a given valence, flocculating
power decreases with increasing hydrated
Flocculation Salinity. Clays have a net ionic radii. Thus, flocculating power de-
negative charge because of substitution of creases in the order Cs + > Rb + > NH/ ,
lower-valence cations in the clay lattice K + > Na + > Li + for monovalent cations
structure-e.g., Al +3 for Si +4 and Mg +2 and Ba++ >Sr++ >Ca++ >Mg++ for
for Al +3. To maintain electrical neutrali- divalent cations. 1,2 As discussed later in
ty, the resulting negative lattice charge is Well-Operations Brine Selection, K + is
balanced by positive cations (counter-ions) about six times more effective in flocculat-
located on and near the clay surface. The ing clays than is Na + . NH/ has the same
spatial distribution of counter-ions is deter- hydrated ionic radius as K + , and H + is
mined by the opposing forces of electrostatic smaller than K + . Thus, these ions are con-
attraction to the negative clay lattice and sidered to have clay-flocculating properties
diffusion into the surrounding bulk solution. equivalent to K + .
This diffused concentration of cations Depending on clay type, divalent cations
around the clay particle is often referred to are 50 to 100 times more effective in floc-
as the counter-ion cloud or diffuse double culating clays than monovalent cations, 1
and increasing Ca + + ion concentration
Copyright 1990 SOCiety of Petroleum Engineers sharply reduces the flocculation salinity.
836 July 1990 • JPT
Sand/Clay Packs Salinity
Composition Clays Clay Ov (meq/L)
Clay Hectorite Montmorilionite ~ Montmorilioniteilliite"" Kaolinite (%) CEC (meq/mL PV) NaCI ~ Remarks
SAz-1" 99+ 690 Ca-montmorilionite
("Cheto"), Apache
County, AZ
Wyoming Bentonite 81 5 0.2 600 88 Drilling-mud bentonite
STx-1" 98+ 540 Ca-montmorilionite
(white), Gonzales
County, TX
SHCa-1" 73 450 Hectorite, San Bernardino
County, CA
Montmorilioniteilliite Mixed Layer
ISMt-1" 96(40/60) 10 3.686 0.198 550 Mancos shale, Montana
Mixed Clay
API-100A 15 46(20/80) 30 10 1.34 0.070 120 API standard, England
IMt-1" 99+ 10 1.447 0.074 200 36 Cambrian shale, Silver
Hill, MT
KGa-1" 99+ 2 Kaolinite, well crystaliized,
Washington County, GA
LGa·2" 99+ 17 Kaolinite, poorly
crystallized, Warren
County, GA
'Clay Minerals Soc. "source clay project'· designation .
.. Relative percentage of each clay is given in parentheses.

(Total divalent cations can be represented 3 must be exceeded before the flocculation sa- sitive to water salinity, which indicates that
by equivalent Ca + + ion and are interpret- linity appreciably decreases with increasing increasing formation temperature (and thus
ed as such throughout this paper.) As Figs. Ca + + concentration. The flocculation sa- depth) decreases the formation-clay floccu-
1 through 3 show, for smectite, montmor- linities for other clays continuously decrease lation salinity. Because of these compensat-
illonite/illite mixed-layer, and illite clays, with increasing Ca + + concentration. The ing temperature effects, the flocculation-
respectively, a few percent divalent cation reason for this difference is not known. salinity criteria presented here, developed
can reduce the flocculation salinity by an or- Effect of Temperature. Khilar and primarily at about 75°F [24°C], are consid-
der of magnitude. These figures also show Fogler4 show only a mild effect of temper- ered adequate for evaluating injection-water
that two distinct types of behavior of floc- ature on flocculation salinity. Their data in- compatibility for most reservoirs.
culation salinity vs. divalent cation concen- dicate that the flocculation salinity doubles Procedure for Determining Flocculation
tration exist. The smectites and some with an increase of about 155°F [68°C]. As Salinity. Flocculation salinities for pure
montmorillonite/illite mixed-layer clays Table 2 shows, however, high-temperature clays, quarry stones, and reservoir cores
have a critical Ca + + concentration that formation clays were not particularly sen- were determined by flowing continuously


Brine Clays (wt%) Flocculation
Depth Temperatu;e Permeability' Montmorillonite/ Chlorite/ Ov Salinity
Field, Well (tt) (OF) (md) Illite Illite Kaolinite Chlorite Kaolinite (meq/mL) (meq/L)
--- ------
Montmorillonite Response
lowa b 4,417 135 800 to 1,100 3 4{65/35) 1 600
Montmorillonite/Illite Mixed-
Layer Response
Big Foot 3,302 130 0.08 to 0.15 15 7 to 15(95/5) 9 to 23 0.64 to 0.69 470
Belridge 6,049 210 3 to 7 7 18{55/45) 370
6,050 6 4 6{50/50) 1
6,050.3 2.5 4 1 310
8,718 8 to 9 3 3{15/85) Trace 320
Illite Response
Middle Ground Shoal 6,629 135 0.5 to 3 11 to 27 6 to 21 0.05 200
South Pass 7,630 170 90 to 125 10 6{20/80) 0.10 72
Eugene Island 10,136 200 1,000 to 4,000 21 6{20/80) 2 0.13 72
Upper Prairie du Chien 10,379 170 0.25 3 1 - 230
Green Canyon 13,107 150 1,100 7 7{50/50) 0.1 0.11 200
Bandera Quarry stone - 30 17 8 0.06 300
Berea Quarry stone - - 1 6 1 - 68
Kaolinite Response
Berea Quarry stone - 70 5 0.03 17
Small to No Response C
AWP Olmos 9,747 to 9,748 250 0.003 to 0,02 22{25/75) 6{98% chlorite)
EI Grullo 10,100 0.06 13 4 e
Lower Prairie du Chien 10,858 170 0.003 Trace
Fandango 15,591 400 0.2 to 1.6 1 9 9

a Preserved cores; thus, tor oil-bearing formations, these are residual-oil-saturation permeabilities.
bOld core, poor quality.
'These cores were not sensitive to slow dilution to deionized water; however, some responded to abrupt change from l-N brine to deionized water.
dNo response to deionized water after l-N KCI and 3% NH.CI brines; however, no response after 3% NH.CI at 400°F .
• Response to deionized water after NaCI and KCI at room temperature; however, no response after 3% NH 4 CI at 400°F.
f No response to deionized water upon abrupt switching after log dilution to 80 meq NaCI brine.
9 No response to deionized water after I·N NaCI brine.

JPT • July 1990 837

bined into the generalized flocculation sa-
SHCa-l =-z- linity diagrams for typically encountered
C 5 Tx-l
o IOWA CORE clay types in Fig. 4. Water compositions fall
into four composition zones. Zone A waters,
above and to the right of the flocculation-
salinity line, are compatible and, under equi-
librium conditions, will keep clays floccu-
lated. Zone B waters have inadequate total
and/or divalent cation concentrations to keep
E 50
clays flocculated and will be impairing. The
farther to the left of the flocculation-salinity
line and the lower the total cation concentra-
tion in Zone B, the greater the potential im-
.... pairment. Zone C waters result in the frac-
() 10 tion of divalent cation exchange sites being
z above the critical value but can result in

some generally tolerable impairment levels.
Because we cannot predict how much im-
() pairment would result, Zone C waters
.... should be used only as a last resort. Zone
.... D (shaded) is the range in flocculation sa-
linities obtained for clays from various
sources. The compatibility of Zone D waters
cannot be generalized, and more specific in-
formation is required. Flocculation-salinity
data from core flow tests are best. When
these data are not available, formation-water
0.1 L.....J'---''---''---'--L---L--L---L_ 10~"""''''''''''''~1~0'''''''-
o 10 composition, Table 2, and Fig. 5 can be
DIVALENT CATION, PERCENT OF TOTAL CATIONS used to match formation-clay composition
and depth to cores with known flocculation
salinities. To this end, it is assumed that con-
Fig. 1-Flocculation-salinity diagrams for smectite clays. nate water and reservoir clays are compat-
ible. Therefore, connate water establishes an
diluting brine through a sand/clay pack or loss in permeability. Their Berea core con-
upper bound for the most sensitive clay type.
core until the clays were deflocculated, as tained about S wt % clays made of 71 %
indicated by an injection pressure increase kaolinite, 15 % illite/mica, and 14 % chlo- InJection.Water Evaluation
caused by clay-particle release, migration, rite. At lower percentages, permeability Guidelines
and pore-throat plugging. The brine was decreases drastically when the cores are con-
diluted with Khilar et ai. 's5 stirred-vessel tacted with deionized water. Experimental The following guidelines are presented for
using the flocculation salinity diagrams in
technique. Appendix A in Ref. 6 details the data indicate that the critical fractions of
Figs. 4 and 5 to determine whether an in-
test procedure. divalent sites for montmorillonite, illite, and
jection water is compatible with formation
kaolinite clays are about 0.95, O.SO, and
clays at equilibrium conditions. Injection-
Critical-Fraction Divalent Cation Ex- <0.30, respectively. and formation-water cation analyses and X-
change Sites. Kia et ai. 7 show that when ray analysis of formation clay types, includ-
divalent cations occupy more than SO% of Water-Compatibility Criteria. The floccu- ing glycolation for mixed-layer clay analy-
the cation exchange sites, Berea cores can lation-salinity data of Figs. 1 through 3 and sis, are required.
be flooded with deionized water with little the critical-divalent-cation data are com- 1. The TCC is the sum of mono- and
divalent cations, both in milliequivalents per
liter. Divalent cations are expressed as the
percent of the TCC. The water composition
is plotted on the flocculation-salinity dia-
1000 1000 gram of the most salinity-sensitive clay pres-
ent. Salinity sensitivity decreases in order:
montmorillonite, illite, and kaolinite. Chlo-
rite is not salinity-sensitive. The injection-
water/formation-clay compatibility is then
100 determined by the position of the water com-
position on the diagram, as discussed in the
previous section.
2. Formations above about 250°F
[121°C] generally have little, ifany, fresh-
10 water sensitivity; thus, injection-water sa-
linity should not be a problem.
3. The salinity-sensitivity of montmoril-
lonite/illite mixed-layer clays is variable.
The data suggest that, depending on com-
'0L..-'-~-'--"0'--- position, flocculation salinities can range
from that of illite, when the montmorillo-
nite fraction of the mixed-layer clay is low,
to that of montmorillonite at high montmor-
Fig. 2-Flocculation-salinity diagrams for montmorillonite/illite mixed-layer clays. illonite fractions. Data indicate that forma-

838 July 1990 • JPT

tions containing montmorillonite/illite
mixed-layer clays with montmorillonite frac- ~ MIDDLE GROUND SHOALS

tions of :s 0.2 or that are deeper than about 500 500 500

10,000 ft [3048 m] will respond like illite

and that those with higher montmorillonite
fractions and shallower depths can be ex- 100 SHOWN AS 100 100 \
pected to behave like the mixed-layer clays DASHED LINE
shown in Table 2. 50 FIGURES
50 50 \
4. Connate waters are in equilibrium with
and compatible with their respective forma-
tion clays. Thus, connate water composi- \\
tions lie in Zone A of the flocculation-
salinity diagram. This fact can be useful in
. 10 10 10

determining which diagram to use. For ex- ~E \
ample, if both montmorillonite/illite mixed- Z \
layer and illite clays were present and the '"
;; \
connate water composition was in Zone B >-
0 10
0 10
of the montmorillonite/illite diagram but in 0
Zone A of the illite diagram, the illite dia- 0
gram would be the appropriate one to use. z
200 200 200
Transition to Injection Water ~
100 100
During the transition from formation to in-
>- 50
\ 50 50 \
jection water, if the fraction of formation-
\ \
clay cation exchange sites occupied by diva-
\ \
lent cations is greater when the formation \ \
is in equilibrium with injection water than 10 \ 10 \
with formation water, divalent cations will \ \
be stripped from the injected water until they
\ \
occupy enough cation exchange sites to re- \ \
establish equilibrium. This does not present \ \
a problem when the TCC of the injection 1 1
0 10 0
water is greater than the NaCI flocculation
salinity for the formation clays. That is, even
without divalent cations, the injection water
has adequate TCC to keep clays flocculated. Fig. 3-Flocculation-salinity diagrams for illite clays.
If divalent cations are required to keep clays
flocculated, however, divalent-cation strip-
ping can result in formation-clay defloccu-
lation and permeability impairment. The
effect of divalent-cation stripping at the Big
Foot waterflood is discussed below.
Fig. 6 shows that both potential water-
flood source waters, Escondido and Carrizo- HOW TO USE
Wilcox (C-W), are near the Big Foot for- ~
mation flocculation-salinity line but are com- 1000 1000 B - IMPAIRING WATER, THE
patible. However, the fraction of cation
exchange sites occupied by divalent cations
500r===~ __ 500
at equilibrium differs considerably for the o- NEED MORE DATA, SEE
two waters; hence, their cation stripping
characteristics differ considerably. The frac- 100

tion of Ca + + sites changes from about

15% when in equilibrium with formation 50
water, to about 80% when in equilibrium
with C-W water, to about 8% when in equi-
librium with Escondido water. Fig. 7 shows 10

how these changes affect the Ca + + ion

concentration in the injection water front.
The abrupt injection of C-W water decreases
Ca + + ion concentration to a value almost
100 times lower than that resulting from
simple dilution from the 400 ppm Ca + + in
formation water to the 21 ppm Ca + + in C-
W water. Nearly all the Ca + + is stripped
from the initial portion of the injected C-W
water. This shifts the water composition to
the left of the flocculation-salinity line and
into the incompatible Zone B region. Be-
cause C-W water contains only 1.05 meq/L
(21 ppm) Ca + + and the Big Foot forma-
tion has a high CEC, 0.64 to 0.69 meq/mL Fig. 4-Salinity criteria for various clay types.

JPT • July 1990 839

2 BELOW. 81 .... FOOT, 130~F


'00 '00

50 50


...... ~
'0 '0

2-BIG FoOt

0 10 20
, ,
0 '0


" 10


Fig. 5-Zone D flocculation-salinity data. Fig. 6-Composition of Big Foot field


PV, more than 400 PV is required to provide water. In some cases, KCI or NH 4 Cl brines causes the concentration gradient between
the Ca + + ions needed to establish the new are adequate pretreatments, and using these injected and formation waters to be suffi-
equilibrium. There results a large volume brines for well operations can eliminate the ciently gradual that little Ca + + stripping
of C-W water with a Ca + + ion concentra- need for a CaCl 2 brine pretreatment. Poly- will occur.
tion too low to keep clays flocculated. Fig. meric clay stabilizers can also be used but
8a shows that abrupt injection of C-W water are more expensive and can be impairing. Requirements for Pretreatment. Pretreat-
into a Big Foot core in equilibrium with Big Two principles are involved in the CaCl 2 ment is not required when the injection-
Foot formation water decreases permeability brine pretreatment. water TCC is greater than the NaCI floccu-
1. Saturating cation exchange sites with lation salinity of the most-water-sensitive
by 80 %. With Escondido water, however,
Ca + + eliminates subsequent Ca + + strip- clay present. NaCI flocculation salinities for
the fraction of Ca + + sites decreases during
ping from injected water. Fig. 8b demon- clays are listed in Tables 1 and 2 and shown
the transition from formation to Escondido in Fig. 4 as the 0% Ca + + ion flocculation
strates the effectiveness of CaCl 2 brine
water, and no Ca + + stripping occurs. As pretreatment with Big Foot cores. Pretreat- TCC. At lower cation concentrations, the
Fig. 7 shows, after dispersion dilution, the ment with O.5-N CaCl 2 brine prevented following criteria apply.
Ca + + ion concentration slowly decreases damage during the switch to C-W water The amount of divalent-cation stripping
to that of Escondido water (94 ppm). shown in Fig. 8a. The slight permeability that will occur depends on the mass-action
decrease in Fig. 8b, typical of long-term ratio (MAR) of the injection water to that
Formation Pretreatment. Saturating the flow tests, reflects a small accumulation of of the formation water, Fill' The MAR is
near-wellbore formation cation exchange debris rather than clay effects. the square of the monovalent cation concen-
sites with Ca + + eliminates subsequent 2. At distances beyond the pretreated tration divided by that of the divalent
divalent-cation stripping from the injection zone, dispersive mixing in the formation cations, both in milliequivalents per milli-




\. 400 ppm Ca++ 0.2 NaCI

0.' {I. . . . . . ~~.~.~.~:~.~~...... I ESCONDID~"l":'~~~'~'~~'?'~'I. c-w
94 ppm Ca++ 0.05 COMPUTER DOWN I

21 ppmCai'+
3 O.O~5:::0:-::60:--:7'::'0--:-'80:---:9~0:-3::070-,:l:-0-...l20--3l:0-..J4,:,"0-5J..0-..J6Lo --l370
v C W

~ 0.5
0.4 O.5N

I.J . I. . . . . . ~~.~~I.:~:.~~~~ox

..... :.<?~~.~~I.'?~ ... . .I.':'~'~~'~~~~~
.............. .
k 1.0 -0.94
0.3 ppm Ca++
5 O.10:--~'O:--;;20;:--;;3';;-0--;!;'0;---;5::-0--:6:::0---:..70:----:81:-
0- -:1:
2 4 6 '0

Fig. 7-Ca + + ion stripping by Big Foot formation during tran- Fig. 8-Effect of F//f flow test response data: (a) no pretreat-
sition from formation to injection water. ment; (b) with CaCI 2 pretreatment.

840 July 1990 • JPT

liter-MAR=[Na+J2/[Ca+ 2 ]. For the CONDITIONS:
purpose of determining CaCI 2 pretreatment - 20-1NCH SAND/CLAY PACK, 72 g F
10% IMt-1 ILLITE
requirements, formation water is the water r/J .. 35%
in the formation that is being displaced by - STABILIZE WITH BIG FOOT FORMATION WATER

an injected water. In this context, formation - PRETREAT WITH 1.2N CaCI 2 BRINE
water can be drilling-mud filtrate or comple-
tion, workover, or stimulation fluids. To de- 56.Scc/hr. .. 25 FT JDAY
24 cc/hr .. 11 FT !DAY
termine the critical Fill below which clay
deflocculation occurs, flow tests were run
with a series of decreasing Fill brines and
the injection pressure response observed as kTESl1

one brine displaced the other. When Fill is P~~~~~A~R1A'!;O lee, 1.2N CaCI.:2 _TE_ST_~~ AFTER 24 HRS.
START C-W WATER TAEATS 4.1' OF" PACK 4cc, 1.2N GaGI.:2 7.5 PV tNJ.
lower than critical values and the injection- INJECTION INJ. RATE T:;~~~~;:~~J~FR=~~I( k/k "O.59

water TCC is lower than the minimum NaCI BIG FOOT

,,-~.~,,~'~SC:::.o_ _ _ _ _ _--1-_ _-..,

flocculation salinity, formation pretreatment I-_W_"_E_R-l.+
'\ _ _ _"-_ _ _ _~:::::::...
_ _ __ . : : _ - - - - - - - - - - - k/ko~l
is required. ,~ Sec, 1,2N CaCI2
24cc/hr, INJ. RATE

Pretreatment Propagation and Radius. "

Fig. 9 shows the results of tests to determine
the effectiveness of a small-volume, high-
concentration CaCl 2 brine pretreatment in Fig. 9-Laboratory CaCI 2 brine pretreatment tests.
stabilizing clays as it propagates ahead of
an injection water. In this test, a 20-in.
[51-cm] sand/clay pack was used to simu- k/kO FOR IMPAIRED ZONE 110 FT)

late formation rock. The pack PV was about 1.0

~_ _- - - - - - - - - O.B
180 mL, and 1 mL of 1.2-N CaCI 2 brine
solution has enough Ca + + to treat the clay ~_ _- - - - - 0.5
in about a 4-in. [lO-cm] length of pack. Fig. o
12 summarizes the results of tests run with ~
1, 4, and 5 mL of 1.2-N CaCI 2 solution
pretreatments. In these tests, 1 mL treated
...>- 0.2

about 20% of the pack length, and severe ...>

impairment resulted when the following ,

low-salinity C-W injection water overran the "
pretreated zone. About 4 mL of 1.2-N HI..? ZONE

10 •
CaCl 2 solution treated about 80% of the FT
pack clay, and the injectivity was reduced 0.2
by about 40 % upon injection of C-W water. IMPAIRED ZONE
The 5-mL treatment had sufficient Ca + +
ion to treat all the pack clay and, as shown,
the transition to injection water was made
with no impairment. These tests demonstrate
that a small, high-concentration CaCI 2
brine slug will propagate and adequately Fig. 10-Effect of distance from well bore of Impaired zone on injectivity.
treat clays ahead of an advancing injection-
water front.
We did not study the effect of pump rate TABLE 3-CRITERIA FOR REQUIRING FORMATION PRETREATMENT"
(frontal velocity) on CaCI 2 brine treatment
effectiveness, but we suggest that pretreat- Smectite (montmorillonite) or montmorillonite/illite mixed-layer (> 20% montmorillonite
and < 10,000 ft)
ments be placed at rates recommended for Suggested when 0.5:s;F ilf <1.0
sandstone matrix acidizing treatments, 0.25 Recommended when F ilf < 0.5
to 0.5 bbl/min [0.04 to 0.08 m 3 /min]. Slow Montmorilionitelillite mixed-layer « 20% montmorillonite or > 10,000 ft) or illite
rates increase the near-wellbore contact time Suggested when 0.3:s; F ilf < 0.5
and allow diffusion to enhance Ca + + dis- Recommended when Filf < 0.3
tribution. The treatments shown in Fig. 9 Kaolinite
were pumped at rates corresponding to a Suggested when 0.15:s; Fill < 0.3
frontal advance of 11 and 25 ftlD [3.4 and Recommended when F ilf <0.15
7.6 mid]. Chlorite
Two considerations are important in pre- Chlorite is not freshwater-sensitive and pretreatment is not required
treatment-volume selection: the effect on in- Formation pretreatment is suggestedlrecommended when formations contain these clay types and F '" ratios
jectivity of impairment deep in the reservoir are in the ranges shown. When several clay types are present, pretreatment requirements are based on the most-
salinity·sensitive clay present. The clays are listed in order of decreaSing salinity sensitivity.
and the radial distance required to develop
dispersion dilution profiles adequate to pre- Pretreatment is suggested when laboratory data showed that F '" would result in about 20% stabilized permeability
impairment. This level of impairment may not be relevant in field operalions, but pretreatment is suggested if
vent deflocculation of clays in the near- costs are not prohibitive. At lower FII , values, increasingly severe impairment resulted and pretreatment is
wellbore region. recommended.

Some impairment is tolerable, provided F'I' =[N,+ ]2 / [Ca,+2]/[Na,+ ]2/[Ca,+2].

that it is far enough from the wellbore. Fig.

10 shows the effect of treatment radius on
the injectivity of a well with a lO-ft [3-m]
-wide impaired band. If impairment devel-
ops when the injection water overruns the
treated zone, how large would the near-

JPT • July 1990 841

well bore treatment zone have to be to mini-
FOR INJECTORS (NO FLOWBACK) mize the effect on well injectivity of any fur-
ther impairment? As shown, treating to a
With Smectite-Response Clays radius of about 5 ft [1,5 m] will reduce the
Smectite (Montmorillonite) and Montmorillonite/Illite Mixed-Layer effect of impairment farther out in the reser-
(> 20% montmorillonite and < 10,000 It) voir. Thus, on the basis of radial injectivity
Injection-Water TCC Acceptable Necessary MAR only, at least a 5-ft [I.5-m] minimum should
(meq/L) Operations Brines' Calculations' • be treated.
~600 Injection water A critical parameter that can determine the
~4% NaCI degree of impairment from cation stripping
~2% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI is the rate of transition from formation water
~1% CaCI 2 to injection water. Dilution experiments of
Seawater the type described in Appendix A in Ref. 6
Any brine (TCC ~ 600) showed that if the transition is slow enough,
Any brine (TCC < 600) Fbi!
then damage from cation stripping is mini-
600 > TCC~ 120 Injection water Fbi!
~4% NaCI Pretreat with KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI, CaCI 2 mal. In practice, we want to know the dis-
~2% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI tance from the well at which dispersion will
~ 1% CaCI 2 produce a gentle transition that yields mini-
Seawater Filb mum impairment. Nondamaging transition
Any brine (TCC ~ 600) Filb rates, determined with Big Foot cores, along
Any brine (TCC < 600) Fbi! and Filb with Big Foot and C-W injection waters in
< 120 Injection water Fbi! stirred cells (see Appendix A in Ref. 6),
~4% NaCI Pretreat with CaCI 2 were compared with dispersion curves gen-
~2% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI Pretreat with CaCI 2
erated with a reservoir simulator. Under
~ 1% CaCI 2
Seawater typical injection conditions and assuming ra-
Any brine (TCC~600) Filb
dial flow, it appears that the transition from
Any brine (TCC < 600) Fbi! and Filb formation to injection water past about 10
ft [3m] is slow enough to minimize damage
With Illite-Response Clays
from cation stripping. Thus, 10 ft [3 m] is
Montmorillonite/Illite Mixed-Layer
( < 20% montmorillonite or > 10,000 tt) the maximum treatment radius that should
be considered,
~ 100 Injection water
~2% NaCI
~1% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI
Fonnation Pretreatment Guidelines. For-
~0.5% CaCI 2 mation pretreatment is suggested or recom-
Seawater mended when (1) the injection-water TCC is
Any brine (TCC ~ 100) less than the NaCI flocculation salinity of the
Any brine (TCC < 100) Fbi! most-water-sensitive clay present and (2) the
100>TCC~20 Injection water Fbi! FilJ is less than the guideline values in Ta-
~2% NaCI Pretreat with KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI; CaCI 2 ble 3, The pretreatment "suggested" cate-
~1% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI
gory is based on laboratory flow tests when
~0.5% CaCI 2
the FilJ resulted in < 20 %, stabilized, per-
Any brine (TCC ~ 100) meability impairment. This impairment level
Any brine (TCC< 100) F bIf and Fill may not be relevant in field operations, but
<20 Injection water Fbi! pretreatment is suggested if costs are not
~2% NaCI Pretreat with CaCI 2 prohibitive. At lower FilJ values, increas-
2!:1% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI Pretreat with CaCI 2 ingly severe impairment resulted, and pre-
~0.5% CaCI 2 treatment is recommended.
Seawater Filb Formation CEC. The FilJ criteria are
Any brine (TCC ~ 100) Filb based on sand/clay packs and cores with a
Any brine (TCC<100) Fbi! and F ilb
CEC, Qv, less than 0.2-meq/mL PV.
With Kaolinite-Response Clays Divalent-cation stripping increases with in-
Kaolinite creasing formation Qv. Thus, for forma-
~ 10 Injection water tions with Qv>0.2 meq/mL, pretreatment
~1% NaCI is recommended for the higher FilJ ranges
~0.5% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI shown; i.e., suggested pretreatments be-
~0.1% CaCI 2 come recommended. .
Seawater Choice of Pretreatment Brine. As dis-
Any brine (TCC ~ 10) cussed in Well-Operations Brine Selection,
Any brine (TCC < 10) Fbi!
Injection water
Table 4 can be used to determine what
<10 Fbi!
~1% NaCI Pretreat with KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI, CaCI 2 pretreatment brine to use. Generally, KCl
~0.5% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI and NH4Ci brines are adequate pretreat-
~0.1% CaCI 2 ments and can be used when these tables in-
Seawater Filb dicate that a CaCl 2 brine pretreatment is
Any brine (TCC ~ 10) Filb not required.
Any brine (TCC < 10) F bIf and Filb Pretreatment Brine Volume Require-
ments. General pretreatment brine volume
'Injection water and any brines must be Zone A, clay·compatible . requirements are given by
. . F'lb =MAR of injection water/MAR of operations brine. If pretreatment is required on the basis of Table 3, pretreat
before injection. Vb =QvV/Cb' ................. (1)
F blf = MAR of operations brine/MAR of formation water. If pretreatment is required on the basis of Table 3, pretreat
before well operations.
where Vb = volume of brine per foot of
Check for scaling when injection water, formation water, seawater, CaGI 2 , and any brines are mixed with each other. open interval to treat Vp , bbllft; Vp = PV
MAR of seawater = 1.76.
per foot of open interval for desired radial

842 July 1990 • JPT

Brine Acceptable and F bit Calculations Required When
Formation Water TCC is in Range"
Formation-Clay Type Operations Brines' Acceptable FbIf Ftlb Acceptable Fblt Ft/b
TCC2:600 TCC < 600
Smectite Response
Smectites (montmorillonite) 2:4% NaCI Yes No
2:2% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI Yes Yes
Montmorillonite (> 20%)/ il- 2: 1% CaCI 2 Yes Yes
lite mixed layer Seawater Yes X
< 10,000 It Any brine (TCC 2: 600) Yes X
Any brine (TCC < 600) X X X
TCC2: 100 TCC< 100
Illite Response
Montmorillonite « 20%)/ 2:2% NaCI Yes No
illite mixed tayer 2:1% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI Yes Yes
or > 10,000 It 2:0.5% CaCI 2 Yes Yes
Illite Seawater Yes X
Any brine (TCC 2: 100) Yes X
Any brine (TCC < 100) X X X
TCC2:10 TCC<10
Kaolinite Response 2: 1% NaCI Yes No
2:0.5% KCI, NH 4 CI, HCI Yes Yes
2:0.1% CaCI 2 Yes Yes
Seawater Yes X
Any brine (TCC 2: 10) Yes X
Any brine (TCC < 10) X X X

'''Any brines" must be Zone A, clay·compatible. Also check for scaling when formation water is mixed with any brine, seawater, or CaCI 2 .
**"No" indicates that, because of excessive divalent-cation stripping from formation water during backflow, the brine should not be used for wett operations. An "X" indicates
that the MAR calculation should be made to determine whether a formation pretreatment is required. If F blf (brine displacing formation water) or F fib (formation water dis·
placing brine) indicates that a pretreatment is required, use another brine.

treatment distance out from the wellbore, the simplest solution. When a CaCl 2 or In all cases, divalent -cation stripping is a
bbllft {Vp =0.5589<1>(r; +0.5305rs ) in bbll KCI pretreatment is required after an HF concern: with Category I injectors, when
ft, where rs = pretreatment radius, ft, <I> = acid stimulation treatment, a 2 to 3 % operations brine displaces formation water
porosity, and 7-in. [17.8-cm] casing is as- NH4 Cl brine spacer must be used to and injection water displaces the operations
sumed}; and Cb = pretreatment brine con- separate the Ca + + or K + ions from spent brine; with Category 2 injectors, when op-
centration, meq cation/mL. For KCI, Cb = HF acid to prevent precipitation of calcium erations brine displaces formation water,
0.14(wt% KCI); for CaCI 2 , Cb =0.18(wt% fluoride and calcium or potassium fluorosili- formation water displaces operations brine
CaCI 2 ); and for NH 4 Cl, Cb =0.19(wt% cates. A sufficient volume of NH4Cl brine (during flowback), and injection water dis-
NH 4 CI). For simplicity, these equations should be used to displace spent HF acid 2 places formation water when water injection
are based on the total formation CEC. This to 3 ft [0.6 to 0.9 m] from the wellbore. is initiated; and with producers, when op-
provides a conservative estimate because the erations brine displaces formation brine and
fraction of exchange sites already occupied Well.Operations Brine Selection then again when formation water displaces
by Ca + + when in equilibrium with forma- During well completions, stimulation, or the operations brine as the well is placed on
tion brine is not included. workovers, the near-wellbore clays come production. We used the following criteria
Minimum Pretreatment Volumes. Re- into equilibrium with the cations of the brine in developing these guidelines.
gardless of calculated volume requirements, used for these operations. When water in- 1. The brines in Table 4 and Table 5
very small pretreatment volumes are not rec- jection is started or the well is put on pro- (NaCl, KCI, NH 4CI, and CaCI 2 ) and sea-
ommended. Volumes large enough to duction, the clays will re-establish water will keep clays flocculated. Any other
achieve adequate distribution throughout the equilibrium with the injection or formation brines used in well operations must have
wellbore should be used. We suggest 10 bbl water. As discussed above, divalent-cation adequate TCC and divalent cation concen-
[1.6 m 3 ] as a minimum pretreatment vol- stripping can result in the composition of the tration to keep clays flocculated-i.e., com-
ume, no matter how small the interval, be- leading portion of the formation water trans- positions in Zone A of the respective clay
cause at smaller volumes the volume of the gressing temporarily into Zone B composi- flocculation-salinity diagram.
wellbore becomes significant. tions. Proper selection of the well-operations 2. As Fig. 11 shows, the flocculation sa-
Additional Considerations During Pre- brine can eliminate this potential problem. linity for KCl is about one-sixth that for
treatment With CaCl2 Brine. If the for- We developed guidelines for selecting NaCl. Also, because NH4+ has the same
mation water contains sufficient SO 4= , well-operations brines for the following well hydrated ionic radii as K + and H + is
HC0 3- , and C0 3= to result in precipitation categories: (1) injectors where water injec- smaller, NH4 CI brines and acid should
of CaS04 or CaC0 3 scales when mixed tion begins immediately after well operations have clay-stabilizing properties equivalent
with the CaCl 2 pretreatment brine, either a and injection water displaces the well- to KCl brines. For these guidelines, the KCl
scale inhibitor can be added to the CaCl 2 operations brine (no flowback); (2) injectors flocculation salinity is taken as 20% of that
brine or a 2 % KCI or NH4 CI spacer can be allowed to flow back and re-establish equi- for NaCl. Thus, when the formation clays
used to prevent near-wellbore mixing of the librium with formation water before water are in equilibrium with these brines, much-
CaCl 2 brine and formation water. If the in- injection, whereupon injection water dis- lower-TCC waters can be used without clay
jection water is incompatible with CaCl 2 places formation water (flowback); and deflocculation.
pretreatment brine, a spacer of injection (3) producers where formation water dis- 3. Divalent-cation stripping is allowed for
water treated with scale inhibitor is probably places the well-operations brine (flowback). water/water transitions where the TCC of

JPT • July 1990 843

- SAND/CLAY PACKS 300r---------------------------~


- 72°F
o IMt-l1LLlTE 50

-------------- -----------_.
'" -- -----
Ibbl 11.6 Ib/g,1 C,CI2 BRINE)
- - - - - - - NONE

- - - 40
- - - - - 10

1° 0~---:'2':""0--4-'-0-~6':-0--'-eo--c:',oo

Fig. 11-Effect of K + ion on flocculation Fig. 12-Effect of CaCI 2 brine pretreatment on water injectivity at Big Foot field.

the displacing brine is equal to or greater If the operations brine were KCI, NH4 CI,
than one-half the NaCI flocculation salinity or acid, however, pretreatment would not
of the most-salinity-sensitive clay present, be required.
except for the smectite clays. Then, no Example 2. The same conditions apply as
divalent-cation stripping is allowed. The rea- for Example 1, but the injection-water TCC
son is that the Zone B area above 50 % of is 80 meq/L. As shown in the right-hand
the flocculation salinity (zero divalent cation column of the first part of Table 4, a CaCl 2
concentration value) is small, and little clay brine pretreatment is required before water
deflocculation is expected when divalent cat- injection even when KCI or NH4 CI opera-
ion concentrations are in this area of Zone B. tions brines or acid is used. Thus, using a
4. The suitability of seawater or "any" CaCl 2 operations brine would eliminate the
brine in well operations is determined by the need for pretreating. The Big Foot water-
MAR criteria of Table 3. If the MAR indi- flood exemplifies this case.
"Some impairment is cates that a preflush is required, another
brine is recommended. Examples for Producers and Injectors
tolerable, provided that With Flowback. Table 5 is for producers
it is far enough from and injectors where formation-water flow-
Examples for Injectors With No Flow-
back is allowed before injection. The right-
the wellbore. . . . If back. Table 4 summarizes operations brine-
hand columns show two things.
selection guidelines for wells where injection
impairment develops water directly displaces the operations brine
1. Operations brines acceptable when the
formation water has TCC values in the
when the injection (no flowback) and shows acceptable opera-
ranges shown are given. "No" means that
water overruns the tions brines when the injection water has the
excessive divalent-cation stripping from the
TCC given in the left-hand column. The
treated zone, how large right-hand column shows the brine transi-
leading portions of the formation water
occurs as it displaces the operations brine
would the near- -tions that require calculation to determine
when the well is flowed back.
wellbore treatment whether a pretreatment is required. Because
2. The times when FblJ and FJlb calcula-
a pretreatment requires additional operations tions are required are indicated by an "x."
zone have to be to and expense, selecting another operations FblJ is the MAR calculation for brine dis-
minimize the effect on brine, rather than pretreating, is suggested. placing formation water (brine MAR divided
Table 4 can be used when the most-salinity-
well injectivity of any sensitive clays present are smectite, illite,
by formation-water MAR), and FJlb is that
for formation water flowing back and dis-
further impairment?" and kaolinite, respectively. Chlorite presents placing the operations brine. If Table 3
no problems because it is not salinity- MAR criteria indicate that a preflush is re-
sensitive. quired, use another operations brine.
Example 1. The formation contains a Example 1. The formation contains a
montmorillonite/illite-mixed-Iayer clay that smectite-response montmorillonite/illite
is 45 % montmorillonite, and the formation mixed-layer clay, and the formation-water
depth is 5,600 ft [1710 m]. This is a smec- TCC is less than 600 meq/L. Table 5 shows
tite-response-type clay, and the first part of that NaCl brine would not be an acceptable
Table 4 applies. The injection-brine TCC is operations brine. KCI, NH 4CI, and CaCl 2
350 meq/L; thus, the 600 > TCC ~ 120 por- brines and acid are acceptable. The use of
tion applies. The right-hand column shows seawater or another brine (such as produced
that if an NaCI operations brine were used, water) requires the calculation of the MAR.
a KCI, NH 4CI, or CaCl 2 pretreatment Example 2. Same conditions apply as for
would be required before water injection. Example 1, except "any brine" with TCC

844 July 1990. JPT

< 600 meq/L is considered for a well work- pretreated with CaCl 2 had two to eight Authors
over. The first step is to be sure that the times better injectivity than those that were
"any brine" composition is in Zone A for not. Initial results indicated that a 5-ft
the particular smectite-response clay pres- [1.5-m] treatment radius is adequate.
ent. To do this, calculate the TCC and per-
cent divalent cations and plot them on the Comment Regarding Field Evaluation.
appropriate diagram of Fig. 4. If the water Formation pretreatments alleviate near-well-
is in Zone A, proceed with the Fbi! and Fflb bore impairment problems upon water injec-
calculations as indicated by the" x" in those tion. Farther out in the reservoir, dispersion
columns. If neither indicates that a pretreat- mixing prevents excessive divalent-cation
ment is required, then "any brine" is ac- stripping. Because the near-wellbore tran-
ceptable. sition time is relatively short, pretreatment
effectiveness should be apparent during the Scheuerman Bergersen
Big Foot Field Test first few days of injection. Thus, early-time
Ronald F. Scheuerman retired as a
injectivity data should provide the best eval-
In the Big Foot field waterflood, the FiI! ra- senior staff research chemist at Shell
uation of pretreatment effectiveness. Development Co. 's Bellaire Research
tio with C-W injection water (TCC= 14
Center. He worked on drilling, comple-
meq/L) is 0.013, and severe divalent-cation Conclusions tion, and stimulation fluids for 27 years.
stripping will occur if C-W water is injected We successfully used experimentally deter- Barbara M. Bergersen is a staff pro-
without pretreatment. In core flow tests, an mined flocculation salinity diagrams to duction engineer at Shell Develop-
80% permeability decrease resulted upon predict salinity-related formation damage ment's Bellaire Research Center. She
direct injection of C-W water (Fig. 8a). has worked in production and reservoir
and to select workover and injection fluids. engineering for 11 years.
When a CaCI 2 brine pretreatment was To apply the methods discussed, one must
used, however, the transition to C-W water know water compositions, reservoir clay
was made with no effect on core permea- types, and reservoir CEC's. Further details ticle Release in Water Sensitive Sandstones,"
bility (Fig. 8b). and examples of field applications appear in paper 63C presented the 1985 Spring Natl.
CaCI 2 brine pretreatments have been Ref. 6. Our work shows that 2 % KCl solu- Meeting of the American Inst. of Chemical En-
uscd in the Big Foot field waterflood- tions or 4 % NaCI solutions prevent defloc- gineers, Houston, March 24-28.
expansion project. Producers are being con- culation of all freshwater-sensitive clays.
verted to injectors after reconditioning with 51 Metric Conversion Factors
a 7 '12 % HCIIl '12 % HF stimulation treat- References bbl x 1.589 873 E-Ol m'
ment. A 40-bbl [6.4-m 3], 3% NH 4CI over- 1. Van Olphen, H.: An Introduction to Clay Col- ft x 3.048* E-Ol m
flush/spacer is used between the HCIIHF OF (OF-32)/1.8 °C
loid Chemistry, Interscience Publishers, New
gal X 3.785412 E-03 m'
acid and the CaCI 2 brine to prevent mixing York City (1961) 24-25.
in. X 2.54* E+OO = em
with spent HCIIHF and precipitation of cal- 2. Vinegar, H.J. and Waxman, M.H.: "Induced E-Ol = kg
Ibm X 4.535924
cium fluorosilicates. Polarization of Shaly Sands-The Effect of
As Table 4 shows, the NH4 CI overflush Clay Counter-Ion Type," Trans., SPWLA .. Conversion factor is exact.
25th Annual Logging Symposium, New
was not an adequate pretreatment because Orleans (June 10-13, 1984) II, Paper LLL.
the TCC of the C-W water (14 meq/L) was 3. Hill, H.J. and Lake, L.W.: "Cation Exchange
well below the 120-meq/L limit for using in Chemical Flooding: Part 3-Experimental," Original SPE manuscript, Injection-Water
KCI and NH 4 CI brines as pretreatments for SPEJ (Dec. 1978) 445-56. Salinity, Formation Pretreatment, and
montmorillonite/illite mixed-layer clays. For 4. Khilar, K.C. and Fogler, H.S.: "The Exis- Well Operations Fluid-Selection Guide-
TCC< 120, the right-hand column of Table tence of a Critical Salt Concentration for Par-
ticle Release," J. Colloid Interface Sci. (1984)
lines, received for review Feb. 8, 1989.
5 shows that KCI, NH 4 CI, and acid require Paper accepted for publication May 3, 1990.
101, No. I, 214-24.
a CaCI 2 pretreatment. Revised manuscript received Jan. 12, 1990.
5. Khilar, K.C., Fogler, H.S., and Ahluwalia,
Initial pretreatments were designed for J.S.: "Sandstone Water Sensitivity: Existence Paper (SPE 18461) first presented at the
about a IO-ft [3-m] radius (40 bbl [6.4 m 3] of a Critical Rate of Salinity Decrease for Par- 1989 SPE IntI. Symposium on Oilfield
of 11.6-lbm/gal [1390-kg/m3] CaCl 2 brine ticle Capture," Chern. Eng. Sci. (1983) 38, Chemistry held in Houston, Feb. 8-10.
per 30 ft [9 m] of open interval). Although No.5, 789-800.
these wells have propped fractures, pretreat- 6. Scheuerman, R.F. and Bergersen, B.M.: JPT
ment designs are based on radial geometry "Supplement to SPE 18461, Injection-Water
Salinity, Formation Pretreatment, and Well- SPE 21298, "Supplement to SPE 18461,
for lack of a better design criterion. Pretreat-
Operations Fluid-Selection Guidelines," paper
ment size was subsequently reduced to a 5-ft SPE 21298 available from SPE Book Order
Injection-Water Salinity, Formation
[1.5-m] radius, 10 bbl [1.6 m 3] of 11.6- Dept., Richardson, TX. Pretreatment, and Well-Operations Fluid
Ibm/gal [1390-kg/m3] CaCI 2 . Initial results 7. Kia, S.F., Ahluwalia, J.S., and Fogler, H.S.: Selection Guidelines," available from SPE
are encouraging. As Fig. 12 shows, wells "Effect of Sodium and Calcium Ions on Par- Book Order Dept.

JPT • July 1990 845

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