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Digital tectonic: Rethinking the building with

earth in Architecture

Conference Paper · October 2013


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3 authors, including:

Alexandra Paio
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa


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Digital tectonic: Rethinking the building with earth in architecture
B . Varela, A. Paio, V. Rato
Vitruvius FabLab-IUL, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal

ABSTRACT: In a context of digital revolution, we need to ask ourselves: What are the capabilities of digi-
tal tectonic in earth architecture? This research attempts to answer to this question based on the results of an
on-going work developed at digital fabrication laboratory Vitruvius Fablab-IUL in Lisbon, Portugal. The main
goal is to explore the capabilities of advanced digital processes within earth construction to generate low-cost
self-built housing solutions, combining the innovative digital techniques with local traditional materials. This
challenge was addressed adopting a methodology that explores parametric generative design and digital fabri-
cation to create experimental solutions. A link between the computational power of parametric design and
CNC construction technology suggests a new tectonic paradigm for architects and local end users. The digital
tectonic is increasingly being enriched with technological evolution based on scientific knowledge in design
and production, coupled with recent cultural and economic shifts, renewed interest in the processes involved
with prefabrication and self-built housing. This paper presents the initial results of the research, an experimen-
tal pilot with different earth construction techniques performed by CNC processes and makes the case for the
potential of the combination between tradition and technology.

1 INTRODUCTION At a second level, this paradigm shift should be

accompanied by the establishment of new methods
based on advanced digital technology. In recent
Today's society is becoming more aware of the
years, new digital tools have been available for 3D
excesses involved in actual building methods. This
representation and digital fabrication, which have al-
awareness, more acute in times of crisis, arouses the
lowed creating new ways of interacting with the
need to open new paradigms for the construction
computer and architecture. The architecture design
based on resource sustainability and greater respect
methods are changing rapidly with the introduction
for the natural environment. In this sense, one of the
of parametric CAD (computer-aided Design) / CAM
options is to retrieve and analyze the viability of tra-
(Computer-Aided Manufacturing) technologies.
ditional building systems to provide real and effec-
CAM allows the direct control of physical manufac-
tive alternative to the current constructive paradigm.
turing processes, involving rapid prototyping, CNC
Traditional construction, also called autochthonous
or robotic technologies. The main topic is not the de-
or vernacular, is essentially characterized by the use
sign of form but the design of a manufacturing proc-
of local materials and techniques. The earth con-
ess that is informed by material precision (William
struction techniques are one of the traditional solu-
et al. 2012). Physical modeling is a way through
tions, and has been known for over 9000 years. Even
which designers become conscious of mental con-
today, one third of the human population lives in
cepts. Digital fabrication enables personalization,
earthen houses what proves the economic, social and
customization, standardization and local prototyping
environmental sustainability of this self-construction
and execution. Thus, digital fabrication offers oppor-
processes. Besides the low cost and the simple con-
tunities to design real scale construction solutions,
struction techniques, earth architecture has excellent
besides offering a new and contemporary powerful
thermal and acoustic characteristics.
Nowadays, the development of advanced model- digital materiality to describe an emergent trans-
ing software has enable architects to rethink and ex- formation in the expression of architecture. Materi-
pand the construction possibilities using traditional ality is increasing being enriched with digital char-
materials like wood, masonry and cork (Sass & Ox- acteristics, which substantially affect architecture’s
man 2005, Block et al. 2011, Sousa, 2010). There physic Digital materiality evolves through the inter-
has been a growing interest in researching material
play between digital and material processes in de-
In this context, the main question is to investigate sign and construction”.
the hypothesis that uses CAD/CAM technologies to
introduce innovation on earth construction. This re-
search suggests that earth as a digital materiality al-
lows a dialogue between material and design and
each is enriched by the other. As Gottfried Semper
(2004) pointed, the constructional requirements of
architecture can be deduced primarily from different
cultural and material models.
To address this challenge, we proposed a meth-
odology that explores parametric generative design
and digital fabrication to create real scale solutions
using earth. A link between the computational power
of parametric design and the construction technology
of CNC (computer numerically controlled) fabrica-
tion equipment suggests a new building paradigm for
architects. Advanced digital technologies can emerge
as a possible solution to a sustainable and integrated
design economically and socially responsible.


Earth construction is one of the traditional and

millenarian solutions, used worldwide. It is a sus-
tainable method of self-construction.
As a result, an increasing number of earth build-
ings are being constructed nowadays. Omar Rabie
‘Revealing The Potencial of Compressed Earth
Blocks – A Study in the Materiality of Compressed
Earth Blocks (CEB): Lightness, Tactility, and Form- Figure 1. Mockup’s. Omar Rabie. Revealing the Potential of
Compressed Earth Blocks . A Study in the Materiality of Com-
ability’(Figure 1), is an important reference. In this
pressed Earth Blocks (CEB): Lightness, Tactility, and Forma-
work the nature of the material is revealed through bility (from
the understanding and practice of the production
process. This project proved that sustainability can
The present research project explores different
only be brought to people through an integrated and
interactive process in which they participate actively applications of milling technologies at an earlier
in the design process. stage of the design process. The integration of digi-
One of the most relevant projects is the Timbrel tal technologies in architecture has consisted in the
Vaulting Using Cardboard Formwork developed by possibility of the computer to influence the realm of
Lara Davis, Matthias Rippman and Philippe Block construction, by supporting a direct connection be-
(BLOCK Research Group at ETH Zurich). Being tween digital design and material information. The
relevant in several aspects, the most significant was integrated use of CAD/CAM processes allowed ad-
the upgrade to centennial technique 'timbrel vaulting' dressing the full cycle of the design process. In the
when combining new drawing software technologies last decade, CNC milling technologies enabled new
- high-tech - with traditional materials - low-tech - possibilities in building non-standard geometries.
like bricks, cardboard boxes and wooden pallets.
The integration of digital design and digital fabrica-
Since 2000, Gramazio & Kohler have been ex-
tion extends many opportunities to design construct-
ploring digital materiality in architecture, working
ible solutions at many levels of complexity. As a
with the firm conviction that the digital paradigm
method, digital design can be generically described
will inevitably redefine the material potentials. As
as a constructed relationship between information
Gramazio & Kohler (2008:7) put it “We use the term
and forms of representation that support design in including types of earth, proportions of earth blocks,
computational environments. Parametric modeling different reliefs and depths, different milling cutter
software such as Rhino-Grasshopper can provide de- and prototyping features. (2) Define different types
sign data and representations as descriptions of the of earth processes to CNC prototyping. (3) Define
building’s construction systems themselves. Digital structures, joints, fittings to assemble masonry. (4)
Define the most appropriate solution to social, envi-
fabrication offers realistic opportunities for shape
ronmental and economic issues based on current
representation, evaluation and redesign complex free demands.
forms of organic nature based on shapes and patterns The using of 3D modelling in Rhino and Grass-
of nature. hopper allowed the creation of a parametric pattern
based in form-finding and bottom up generative
processes. The digital fabrication – materialization
used CAD/CAM tools to simulate and prototype 3D

3.1 The properties of earth and CNC prototyping

Frequently, earth has different names when used
as building material: Loam when referred to in scien-
tific terms; Adobes, meaning handmade unbaked
bricks; Soil blocks, as compressed unbaked bricks;
or Rammed earth, when compacted within a form-
work (Minke 2013).
Earth mixture is characterised by its components
and mixing proportions. The components are clay,
silt, sand and sometimes gravel or stone. Clay acts as
a binder for all larger particles in the loam. Depend-
ing on which of the three components is dominant in
the proportion, we can define the loam as clayey,
Figure 2. From morphogenesis to production
silty or sandy.
The first task of the pilot experience was to ana-
In a society that seeks to significantly reduce the lyze the different components (clay, silt, sand and
negative impact on the planet, attempting to mimic gravel) of the earth mixture. The experiments were
the natural processes of generation and maintenance conducted in order to test material strength and tech-
of biological structures appears to be a promising nical capabilities of the CNC milling machine. The
route. As a consequence, biomimicry and morpho- biggest challenge was to evaluate the best method
genesis emerge; the first of which mimics the form for a particular intention.
and behaviour and the second also comprises per- Four fabrication processes were selected: (1) Dry
formance. This concept is deeply inspired by nature process – after the earth blocks are dried, the 3D pat-
and seeks, in the simplicity of its process, to repro- tern made in CAD is milled by CNC machine (Fig-
ure 3); (2) Mould process - explores CNC moulds to
duce the generation of form (Figure 2). Digital tec- be filled with earth later (Figure 4); (3) Plastic proc-
tonics leads architects from the design of static ess - performs modelling of raw earth directly on the
forms to the design of material process. CNC milling machine (Figure 5); and (4) Part proc-
ess - based in a prototyped single piece (repeatable)
that depends on its placement on a wall to translate
3 PILOT EXPERIENCE the proposed design (Figure 6).
The initial phase of the research is to explore the
possibilities and capabilities of the CNC milling ma- The Dry Process
chine in the fabrication of contemporary structures.
The research is interlinked with a pilot experience A set of 16x16x25 cm earth blocks with different
held by an interdisciplinary group of expertise earth mixtures were prepared (Figure 3). Different
(CAD/CAM tools and earth construction) at Vitru- 3D modelling using CNC milling machine were then
vius FabLab-IUL. tested. The experiments showed that the mixtures in-
The pilot experience was concerned by four tasks. fluence the definition of the final form. Another im-
(1) Analyze the different properties (clay, silt, sand portant observation was that the 3D modelling has to
and gravel) of the earth to define the right features be very simple. It is also important to note that cork
for CNC prototyping. Different tests were performed agglomerate was added to build light blocks.
Exploring new superficial textures is important to
optimize this process.

Figure 3. Dry process

The Mould Process

This second process requires that the negative of

the 3D modelling design has to be prototyped in a
mould material for the subsequent filling with earth
layers (Figure 4).
The process allows 3D modelling design with to- Figure 4. Mould process
tal perforations; very narrow modelling should be
The Plastic Process

The third process explores mainly the material

plasticity of earth. The earth block is not dried when
milled. After being compressed in the mould, the
earth mixtures go directly to the CNC milling ma- modelling structure (taking into account multiple as-
chine to prototype the 3D modelling previously de- sembling possibilities) (Figure 6).
signed (Figure 5).
The fresh earth mixture more suitable for CNC
prototyping is the one with higher silt content.
The prototyping process allows unexpected re-
sults and is the most interesting artistically.

Figure 6. Part process

This first testing phase concerning the type of

earth and the more suitable fabrication process al-
lowed some important observations.
Higher silt content is needed in order to increase
material cohesion, thus improving CNC prototyping
results. Earth mixture for this purpose has to be pro-
duced with a low water quantity to allow for a more
effective drying procedure. Compaction of the sever-
al earth layers, when filling the moulds, is critical to
obtain adequate mechanical properties; it also seems
to have some influence in crack avoidance in the
drying process.


This paper presents the initial results of an on-

going research - a pilot experiment done with differ-
Figure 5. Plastic process
ent earth construction techniques performed by CNC
processes and demonstrates the potential of the
combination between tradition and high technology.
The Part Process
From the economic and social point of view, the
introduction of an additional manufacturing step at
The fourth process is an extension of the mould
the process can offer a new customized design prod-
process. This is based in a single piece that depends
uct conceived and produced with CAD/CAM/CNC
on its placement on site to create a different 3D

Gramazio, F. & Kohler, M., 2008. Digital Materiality in Archi-

tecture, Germany: Lars Müller Publishers.
Hauschild, M. & Karzel, R., 2011. Digital Processes. Plan-
ning, Design, Production, Germany: Edition Detail.
Minke, G., 2006. Building with Earth: Design and Technology
of a Sustainable Architecture, Basel: Birkhäuser.
Rippmann, D., Pawlofsky, M. & Block, P., 2011, Efficient and
Expressive Thin-tile Vaulting using Cardboard Form-
work. In Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium.
Sass, L. & Oxman, R., 2005. Materializing design: The impli-
cations of rapid prototyping in digital design. In Design
Studies, (27), pp 325–355.
Semper, G., 2004. Style in the Technical and Tectonic Arts;
or, Practical Aesthetics, Getty Research Institute.
Sousa, J.P. 2010: From Digital to Material: Rethinking cork in
architecture through the use of CAD/CAM technologies.
Lisbon: IST.
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Architecture, Art and Design, pp.12-27.

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