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(Speaking part 2 và Writing part 2)

1. When you visit the country, what should you do to make trip worthy?

1. Meet and make friends with the locals= have closer contact with indigenes.
- You should ask for an accommodation= a place to sleep over if possible.
- Talk to local people more to get to know their way of living= their lifestyle.

2. Try local foods= Examine that country's delicacies= Sample exotic foods.
- Cook it yourself if you have a chance. ( or when the local are willing to guide you
how to prepare meals in their style.)
- Should not eat packed-meal as you cannot try different tastes.

3. Bond with your companions= Save golden moments with them= Take pictures.
- Treasure time to get closer to each other as normally, you spend most of the time
on your everyday work.
- Keep something for later use. (When you want to recall memorable memory.)

4. Capture the beauty of nature= Take photos of the natural beauty.

- The grander of nature is different from one another.
- Their beauties are worth saving forever in your camera as well as your mind.

4. Experience more.
- Do not lie all day on your hotel bed - > Waste of time.
- Dare to experience, do something different which you have never tried before.

5. Note down=Jot down=Take note if something is amazingly new to you.

- One journey equals one chance to learn something new.
- Enrich your knowledge and stimulate your brain by understanding new horizon.

2. Which type of diet will you follow if you want to lose/ gain weight?

Chọn lose weight viết cho dễ nhé:

1. No canned food= No fast food= No packed meal.

- It is hard for your organs to digest these types of food.
- You will look fatty, which makes you feel unconfident in yourself.

2. Eat vegetables, fruits more.

- They contain vitamin of all kinds( A, C,..)
- Brighten your skin and keep it shining.

3. Drink more water. = Keep your body hydrated all day long.
- Water is an inseparable part in you daily routine.
- Remember to drink at least 2l a day= Do not wait to drink water until you remember
to drink, set a reminder on your phone in order not to dehydrate your body.

4. No sugar and sweets.

- Sugar is proven to be bad to you body. If you want to have something sweet, use
natural one instead( honey,..)
- Do not eat candies too often because they will damage your teeth as well as having
strong impact on your healthy body.

5. Eat all kinds of nuts and seeds if possible. (peanuts, walnuts, chiaseeds,..)
- Nuts and seeds are good for your heart and brain.
- They keep you busy from eating any other unhealthy food and keep you full longer.

3. Something you did to change your friend? (Việc bạn đã làm cho bạn của
mình thay đổi)

Các bạn nên làm theo dàn ý này nhé:

● When it happened.
● What happened.
● How (s)he changed.

Sample essay:

I have a friend who is quite calm at the first time. However, time flies and she
somehow changes. She often yells at me for no reason. Sometimes, I feel as though
she was a totally different person. At first, I decide to say nothing as I think she will
know that herself. Plus, I am pretty afraid of being shouted at. Nevertheless, after a
while, I cannot bear that any longer. Thus, I call her and ask her out for dinner. While
enjoying our meals, I gentlely express what I am suffering these days and ask her to
change her attitude. Fortunately, she understands that and promises to calm herself
down whenever she feels unwell. Now, we are still friends, and I feel blessed
because of that.

4. Công việc nhà mà bạn không thích

(Nấu ăn: Reason 1: Nấu ăn không ngon. Reason 2: Mất nhiều thời gian cho việc
chuẩn bị, nấu ăn và dọn dẹp. Reason 3: Ở 1 mình, ăn ngoài sẽ thuận tiện và tiết
kiệm hơn do không bị thừa đồ ăn => không lãng phí thức ăn, ...)
5. Would you like to donate to a charity organization? Why (not)?
1. Help other people = Protect them from living in harsh time.
- They do not have enough food, water, clothes.
- They are likely to be threatened from living in poor standard = conditions.

2. Realize how difficult it is while living in poor situation.

- Know= understand how they have to struggle = face everyday's burden to make
ends meet.
- Feel blessed = Appreciate what you are having.

3. Create your own happiness.

- A helping day is a loving day. You can enjoy your day by making others happy.
- You know that at least you can do something to help those who are in need. -> You
are treasure in their eyes.

4. Start a new life for the poor = underprivileges.

- Some poor people, they might be very smart and initiative. However, they lack
money= finance = capital to launch their own project.
- They do not have to live under the bridge or in slums.

5. Reduce the gap between the rich and the poor.

- They will feel better while comparing themselves with others.
- Everyone deserves to have a higher living standard.

6. Disadvantages of increasing private cars?

1. Release fumes = exhaust smoke to the environment. More cars, more exhaust.
- The surrounding atmosphere is affected.
- Make a city no longer a promising land= heaven.
- They have a huge impact on human beings' health.
- In case they are under pressure, it is dangerous for them to drive a car by
2. Cause traffic jam= traffic congestion
- It can be seen regularly, especially in rush hours.
- Travellers have to spend longer hours because of it - > cause irritation,
3. The more private cars appear, the less available space on the road =street
- They occupy space. It is difficult for pedestrians = walkers = commuters on foot to
cross the street, or at intersections.

7. "Can people post and share freely on their own social network pages? Why
or why not? "
Mọi người có nên thoải mái chia sẻ mọi thứ lên các trang phương tiện xã hội của họ

1. It may contain offensive and bad words.

- We are normal human beings= people =creatures, so we can hardly = find it hard to
control ourselves while writing something on social network pages.
- Other people, specifically children, may easily see and imitate you by using those
bad words.
2. It we share something negative, it affects our reputations = our images.
- We show that we are not mature enough as we post negative things on Facebook,
Twitter, etc..
- Moreover, it seems that we are not well- educated since we share not-really-good
posts on the Net.
3. It may hurt other people.
- 'Freely' here means that you can share whatever you think=whatever pops up in
your mind on the Internet. Therefore, people can be affected by your posts if it has
negative and offensive content.
- If you share something related to someone's personal life while you don't even get
what is exactly happening to them, you will definitely hurt them.
4. If you share everything, you will keep nothing for yourself.
- There is nothing, no secret that should be kept and held back for your own.
- Everybody knows you, knows your life - > it becomes boring when you share
something new.
5. You yourself get hurt.
- People have a chance to criticize you if you posts all your personal life on the
- You are no longer yourself after being criticized by those who are living in virtual
world like social network.
8. ​Can you post or share freely on their social network pages? Why / why not?
1. It may contain offensive and bad words.
- We are normal human beings= people =creatures, so we can hardly = find it hard to control
ourselves while writing something on social network pages.
- Other people, specifically children, may easily see and imitate you by using those bad words.
2. It we share something negative, it affects our reputations = our images.
- We show that we are not mature enough as we post negative things on Facebook, Twitter, etc..
- Moreover, it seems that we are not well- educated since we share not-really-good posts on the
3. It may hurt other people.
- 'Freely' here means that you can share whatever you think=whatever pops up in your mind on
the Internet. Therefore, people can be affected by you posts if it has negative and offensive
- If you share something related to someone's personal life while you don't even get what is
exactly happening to them, you will definitely hurt them.
4. If you share everything, you will keep nothing for yourself.
- There is nothing, no secret that should be kept and held back for your own.
- Everybody knows you, knows your life - > it becomes boring when you share something new.
5. You yourself get hurt.
- People have a chance to critisize you if you posts all your personal life on the Internet.
- You are no longer yourself after being critisized by those who are living in virtual world like
social network.

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