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Food Control 17 (2006) 336–341

Microbiological evaluation of an edible antimicrobial coating

on minimally processed carrots
a,b a,* a
A.M. Durango , N.F.F Soares , N.J. Andrade
Food Science Department, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36570-000 Viçosa-MG, Brazil
Food Engineering Department, Universidad de Córdoba, Monterı́a, Colombia

Received 3 February 2004; received in revised form 23 October 2004; accepted 25 October 2004


This work aimed to develop an edible antimicrobial coating based on a starch–chitosan matrix to evaluate its effect on minimally
processed carrot by means of microbiological analyses. Coatings based on 4% yam starch (w/w) + 2% glycerol (w/w) and coatings
based on 4% yam starch (w/w) + 2% glycerol (w/w) + chitosan in 0.5% and 1.5% concentrations were prepared. Samples of mini-
mally processed carrot slices were immersed into these coatings. All the samples were placed in expanded polystyrene trays, wrapped
in polyvinylchloride film and stored at 10 C/15 days. During storage, all the samples had counting <100 CFU/g for Staphylococcus
aureus and <3 MPN/g for Escherichia coli. Starch + 0.5% chitosan coating controlled the growth of mesophilic aerobes, yeasts and
molds and psychrotrophs during the first five days of storage, ultimately presenting reductions of only 0.64, 0.11 and 0.16 log cycles,
respectively, compared to the control. Starch + 1.5% chitosan coated samples showed reductions in mesophilic aerobes, mold and
yeast and psychrotrophic counting of 1.34, 2.50 and 1.30 log cycles, respectively, compared to the control. The presence of 1.5%
chitosan in the coatings inhibited the growth of total coliforms and lactic acid bacteria throughout the storage period. The use
of edible antimicrobial yam starch and chitosan coating is a viable alternative for controlling microbiological growth in minimally
processed carrot.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Edible antimicrobial coating; Chitosan; Starch

1. Introduction to reduce, inhibit or delay the growth of microorganisms

on the surface of foods in contact with the packaged
The greatest losses in food are due to microbiological product (Appendini & Hotchkiss, 2002).
alterations. Many chemical and physical processes have In most fresh or processed foods, microbial contam-
been developed to preserve food quality. Among such ination occurs at a higher intensity on the food surface,
processes, adequate packaging is a fundamental factor thus requiring an effective microbial growth control
in the conservation and marketing phases. Thus, pack- (Padgett, Han, & Dawson, 1998). Traditionally, antimi-
aging plays a prominent role in maintaining food quality crobial agents are added directly to the foods, but their
(Debeaufort, Quezada-Gallo, & Voilley, 1998). activity may be inhibited by many substances in the food
Antimicrobial films and coatings have innovated the itself, diminishing their efficiency. In such cases, the use
concept of active packaging and have been developed of antimicrobial films or coatings can be more efficient
than adding antimicrobial agents directly to the food
since these may selectively and gradually migrate from
Corresponding author. Address: Food Science Department,
the package onto the surface of the food, thereby high
Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 36570-000 Viçosa-MG, Brazil. concentrations being maintained when most necessary
E-mail address: (N.F.F Soares). (Ouattara, Simard, Piette, Bégin, & Holley, 2000).

0956-7135/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.M. Durango et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 336–341 337

Edible antimicrobial films and coatings have shown its starch contains about 30% of amylose, and amylose
to be an efficient alternative in controlling food con- is responsible for the film forming capacity of starches
tamination. The growth of both deteriorating and (Mali et al., 2002).
pathogenic microorganisms may be prevented by incor- Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is one of the most popu-
porating antimicrobial agents into edible films or coat- larly consumed vegetables, but marketing is limited by
ings (Debeaufort et al., 1998). its fast deterioration during storage, due to physiologi-
The antimicrobial agents most commonly utilized in cal changes that reduce its shelf life (Peiyin & Barth,
edible coatings are: sorbic acid, propionic acid, potas- 1998). The product loses its firmness and develops
sium sorbate, benzoic acid, sodium benzoate and citric odors characteristic of anaerobic catabolism, due to
acid (Quintavalla & Vicini, 2002). Bacteriocins, such as the high respiration rate and microbiological deteriora-
nisin and pediocin (Sebti & Coma, 2002); enzymes, such tion (Barry-Ryan, Pacussi, & OÕBeirne, 2000).
as peroxidase and lysozyme (Padgett et al., 1998); and Minimally processed carrot quickly lose their bright
polysaccharides displaying natural antimicrobial prop- orange color during storage, developing a whitish
erties, such as chitosan, (Debeaufort et al., 1998) are appearance or white blush on its surface (Bolin & Hux-
also being used as antimicrobial agents. soll, 1991), thereby reducing consumersÕ acceptability.
Chitosan, is a polysaccharide obtained by deacetyla- Both microbial proliferation and white blush on the sur-
tion chitin, originated from crustacean exoskeleton face of the product can be controlled by application of
and fungal cell walls. Chitosan has widely been used in biopolymer based edible coatings (Cisneros-Zevallos,
antimicrobial films and coatings due to its property of Saltveit, & Krochta, 1997).
inhibiting the growth of many pathogenic bacteria and The objective of this work was to develop a yam
fungi (Romanazzi, Nigro, Ippolito, Di Venere, & Sal- starch and chitosan based edible antimicrobial coating
erno, 2002). In some fungi, chitosan can produce altera- to evaluate its effect on the microbiota normally present
tions of membrane functions, by interaction with the in minimally-processed carrot.
strongly electronegative microbial surface leading to
changes in permeability, metabolic disturbances, and
eventually death (Fang, Li, & Shih, 1994). 2. Materials and methods
According to Muzzarelli et al. (1990) chitosan antimi-
crobial activity against bacteria, could be due to the The experiment was conducted at the Packaging Lab-
polycationic nature of its molecule, which allows inter- oratory of the Universidade Federal de Viçosa-MG,
action and formation of polyelectrolyte complexes with Brazil. The experimental design was arranged in a ran-
acid polymers produced at the bacteria cell surface (lipo- domized complete design using a split plot scheme, with
polysaccharides, teichoic and teichuronic acids or capsu- the variable treatments being coatings 1, 2, 3 and 4 in
lar polysaccharides). Chitosan based films and coatings the plot and the variable times being 0, 5, 10 and 15 days
tested on Listeria monocytogenes were found to inhibit in the split plot, with two repetitions in triplicate.
the growth of this organism (Coma et al., 2002). El Gha-
outh, Ponnampalam, Castaigne, and Arul (1992) 2.1. Edible coating
showed that coatings based on 1% and 2% chitosan re-
duced the incidence of tomato deterioration, mainly that The coatings were prepared using yam starch (Dios-
caused by Botrytis cinerea. Studies have shown that corea sp) and chitosan. Yam starch was isolated accord-
chitosan based coatings have the potential to increase ing to Cruz and El Dash methodology (1984). Chitosan
the shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables, inhibiting (85% deacetylated) was acquired from Padetec (Fort-
the growth of microorganisms, reduced ethylene pro- aleza Ceará–Brazil).
duction, increased internal carbonic gas and decreased The coatings were prepared by heat-gelatinization
oxygen levels (Lazaridou & Biliaderis, 2002). using suspensions of 4% yam starch (w/w) and 2% glyc-
Among the polysaccharides used in the production of erol (w/w) (Mali et al., 2002); chitosan was then added in
edible packaging, starch is the natural biopolymer most concentrations of 0.5% and 1.5% (w/w) previously dis-
commonly used. Starch can be an interesting alternative solved in 0.4% glacial acetic acid (w/w). An agitator (Ul-
for edible films and coatings because this polymer is tra Turrax T 18 basic) was used at 10.000 rpm for 5 s to
cheap, abundant, biodegradable, edible and easy of homogenize the suspensions. Starch coatings without
use (Mali, Grossmann, Garcı́a, Martino, & Zaritzky, chitosan were also prepared (Table 1).
Studies carried out by Lawton (1996), show that 2.2. Sample preparation and coating application
starch based films and coatings exhibit different proper-
ties, attributed to the amylose content in the starch. Carrot (Daucus carota L.) from an unknown cultivar
Yam (Dioscorea sp) could be a good source of starch was purchased at the local market, washed, manually
for the production of edible films and coatings, since peeled and cut into slices (5 mm thick) using a vegetable
338 A.M. Durango et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 336–341

Table 1 3. Results
Composition of edible antimicrobial coatings used in minimally
processed carrots
During storage, all the samples showed absence of
Treatment Starch (%) Glycerol (%) Chitosan (%) S. aureus and E. coli with counting of <100 CFU/g
Coating 1 (control) – – and <3 MPN/g, respectively. Coating 4 inhibited the
Coating 2 4.0 2.0 – growth of lactic acid bacteria and total coliforms,
Coating 3 4.0 2.0 0.5
Coating 4 4.0 2.0 1.5
throughout the storage time presenting counting <10
CFU/g and <3 MPN/g, respectively. Compared to
coating 1 (control), coating 4 showed a reduction of 4,
processor (Robout Coup). The carrot slices were placed 18 and 2.56 log cycles in the growth of lactic acid bacte-
in sanitized nylon bags (200 mg/L active chlorine) and ria and total coliforms, respectively. (Fig. 1). During
rinsed (3 mg/L active chlorine), at 5 C, for 10 min and storage time, the samples with coatings 1, 2 and 3
centrifuged at 800g for 10 min. Samples containing showed similar acid lactic bacteria and total coliform
80 g of sliced carrots were submerged in different coat- counts.
ings for 3 min and air flow dried at 20 C for 3 h. The According to ANOVA analysis of the mesophilic aer-
control (noncoated carrots) was submerged in sterile dis- obes, yeasts and molds and psychrotrophs count in min-
tilled water under similar conditions. All the samples imally processed carrots, submitted to four coatings
were placed in expanded polystyrene trays, wrapped in during 15 storage days at 10 C, the coatings and coat-
polyvinylchloride (PVC) film and stored at 10 C for ing-time interaction showed significant differences at
15 days. 5% probability (Table 2).
The starch–1.5% chitosan coated sample (coating 4)
2.3. Microbiological analyses showed the lowest counting with 3.88 log CFU/g and
a reduction of 1.34 log cycles compared to the con-
To evaluate the microbiological efficiency of the anti- trol, at the end of the experiment (Fig. 2). The starch
microbial coatings on the carrot microbiota, microbio- coated sample (coating 2) had the highest mesophilic
logical analyses of mesophilic aerobes, total and fecal aerobes count during the first 10 days of storage.
coliforms, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, yeasts Although presenting a reduced mesophilic aerobes
and molds, lactic acid bacteria and psychrotrophs were count when evaluated at 5 storage days, coating 3 failed
carried out in the coated and noncoated carrot samples to control the development of this microbial group,
at 0, 5, 10 and 15 storage days, according to the method- afterwards. At the end of the storage time, coating 3
ology described by the Compendium of Methods for the showed a reduction of only 0.64 log cycles, compared
Microbiological Examination of Foods (Vanderzant & to the control.
Splittstoesser, 1992). At time zero, the coated carrots The antimicrobial activity of the coatings on the
were analyzed after the treatment. yeasts and molds was most efficient in coating 4, con-
taining 1.5% chitosan (Fig. 3). At this concentration,
2.4. Statistical analyses chitosan reduced 2.5 log cycles the counting of this
microbiological group in the carrot, after 15 storage
The computer program Statistical Analysis System days. Coating 3, at a concentration of 0.5% chitosan,
(SAS) was used in all the statistical analyses. Variance controlled the development of yeasts and molds in min-
analysis (ANOVA) tests were applied to the split plots imally processed carrot, during the first 5 days of stor-
and regression analysis was performed at a level of 5% age. After this time, these samples had counting
significance. similar to the control.

Coating 1 Coating 2 Coating 1 Coating 2

6 Coating 3 Coating 4 4
Coating 3 Coating 4
Log MPN/g
Log CFU/g

3 2


0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20
(A) Time (days) (B) Time (days)

Fig. 1. Effect of coatings on lactic acid bacteria (A) and total coliforms (B) in minimally processed carrot stored at 10 C/15 days.
A.M. Durango et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 336–341 339

Table 2
Summary of variance analysis of mesophilic aerobes, yeasts and molds and psychrotrophic bacteria in minimally processed carrots, submitted to four
coatings during 15 days of storage at 10 C
FV GL QM Mesophilic aerobes QM Yeasts and molds QM Psychrotrophs
Coating 3 1.6987** 6.0143** 2.6090**
Residue (a) 4 0.0003 0.0009 0.0067
Time 3 11.1527** 9.1639** 13.6104**
Coating · time 9 0.3210** 1.5102** 0.1697**
Residue (b) 12 0.0047 0.0018 0.0013
**Significant at 5% probability (P < 0.05).

6 7

5 6


Log CFU/g
Log CFU/g


2 Coating 1 = 2,1258 + 0,2787X – 0,0055 X2 R2 = 0, 93
Coating 1 = 2,3140 + 0,3928X – 0,0118 X2 R2= 0,99
= 2,5695 + 0,4804X – 0,0224 X2 R2 = 0, 94 2
Coating 2
Coating 2 = 3,1265 + 0,4248X – 0,0170 X2 R2= 0,93
1 Coating 3 = 1,5950 + 0,3700X – 0,0110 X2 R2 = 0, 96 = 1,9985 + 0,4582X – 0,0154 X2 R2= 0,99
1 Coating 3
Coating 4 = 1,7213 + 0,3548X – 0,0142 X2 R2 = 0, 99 = 1,9887 + 0,3262X – 0,0114 X2 R2= 0,99
Coating 4
0 5 10 15
Time (days) 0 5 10 15
Time (days)
Fig. 2. Effect of coating on the growth of mesophyll aerobes in
minimally processed carrot stored during 15 days at 10 C. Fig. 4. Psychrotrophic counting in minimally processed carrot sub-
mitted to four coatings during 15 days at 10 C.

Coating 1 = 1,7840 + 0,1613X – 0,0023 X2 R2= 0,84

6 4. Discussion
Coating 2 = 2,0525 + 0,1615X – 0,0047 X2 R2= 0,95

Coating 3 = 0,6462 + 0,2802X – 0,0005 X2 R2= 0,81

Coating 4 = 1,0500 + 0,0900X – 0,0100 X2 R2= 0,93 Coating 4, consisting of 1.5% chitosan added—starch
was the most efficient in controlling the microorganisms
evaluated, normally present in minimally processed car-
Log CFU/g

rot, stored at 10 C for 15 days. At this concentration,

the coating totally inhibited the growth of lactic acid
2 bacteria and total coliforms, during storage time. Lactic
acid bacteria have been associated to carrot deteriora-
1 tion (Zagory, 1999). According to Carlin, Nguyen-the,
Cudennes, and Reich (1989), deterioration of minimally
0 5
processed carrot after 14 days storage at 10 C was asso-
10 15
Time (days) ciated to Leuconostoc mesenteroides populations due to
Fig. 3. Effect of coatings on the growth of filamentous fungi and yeast
the process of lactic fermentation. Marchetti, Casadei,
in minimally processed carrot stored at 10 C for 15 days. and Guerzoni (1992), found lactic acid bacteria counting
of 3.16 · 105 CFU/g and 108 CFU/g in carrot salad after
7 day storage at 5 C. Coating 4 also had a satisfactory
The effect of the coatings on minimally processed performance in controlling mesophilic aerobes, with a
carrotÕs psychrotrophic microbiota was greater for coat- reduction of 1.34 log cycles at the end of the storage per-
ing 4 (Fig. 4), which presented the lowest psychrotrophic iod. Such reduction is considerable, when compared to
counting, 4.3 log CFU/g, at the end of the storage peri- other methods applied to reduce the microbial load in
od. Starch coated samples (coating 2) presented the foods. For instance, the sanitation method used in sliced
highest psychrotrophic counting throughout the storage carrot showed a reduction in the number of mesophilic
period, starting at 3.0 log CFU/g, and reaching aerobic bacteria of, approximately, one log cycle, using
5.8 log CFU/g after 15 days of storage. Coating 3 did 200 mg/L of chlorine during the process (Silva, 2003). A
not inhibit the growth of this microbiological group, lower efficiency of this process was found by Amanati-
compared to coating 1 (control), with a reduction of dou, Slump, Gorris, and Smid (2000), in sliced carrot
0.16 log cycle at the end of 15 storage days. with a reduction of only 0.4 log cycle in the microbial
340 A.M. Durango et al. / Food Control 17 (2006) 336–341

load of mesophilic aerobes. The number of mesophilic teria monocytogenes and that such activity was probably
aerobes found by Chervin and Boisseau (1992), in min- due to the positive charges of chitosan which interfere
imally processed carrots was 6.7 log CFU/g. Buick and with the negatively charged residues of macromolecules
Damoglou (1987) showed that 70% of the initial micro- at the Listeria cell surface, presumably by competing
biota in minimally processed sliced carrot consists of with calcium for electronegative sites on the membrane.
Erwinia ssp, which attacks the carrot, causing the so- Chitosan has been reported to inhibit various spoilage
called bacterial wet rot (Müeller, 1981). In this work, bacteria, through its capacities to both bind water and
the coating containing 0.5% chitosan did not present a inactivate various enzymes, and through its ability to
good performance in controlling deteriorating bacteria, absorb nutrients normally used by bacteria (Ouattara
despite the initial low number of mesophilic aerobes, et al., 2000).
lactic acid bacteria and psychrotrophs found in mini- Coating 2, which contained only starch, favored the
mally processed carrot. development of mesophilic and psychrotrophic bacteria,
In 1993, carrot was associated to an infection out- indicating that these microorganisms may have utilized
break caused by enterotoxigenic E. coli in the US. In this carbohydrate as a source of energy.
Lebanon, the prevalence of S. aureus in raw carrot has
been 14.3% (Beuchat, 2002). Zheng and Zhu (2003)
showed that 1% chitosan at a degree of deacetylation 5. Conclusions
of 88.76% and molecular weight of 48.5 kDa, has an
antimicrobial effect on E. coli and S. aureus at an inhibi- The results of this experiment showed that the use of
tion rate of 100% on these microorganisms growth. an antimicrobial coating consisting of chitosan-added
Concentration of 1% chitosan presented reductions be- yam starch is a viable alternative in controlling the mic-
tween 1 and 2 log cycles in the total counting of bacteria robiota present in minimally processed carrot, since the
in small meat pies; concentrations of 0.2% and 0.5% did growth of lactic acid bacteria, total coliforms, psychro-
not have an inhibiting effect on the deteriorating micro- trophs, yeasts and molds and mesophilic aerobes, was
flora, but the number of bacteria before starting the substantially inhibited by the application of 1.5% chito-
experiment was high >107 CFU/g, and chitosan is likely san coating.
to be more effective in low microbial populations (Dar- Based on the concept of protection barrier technol-
madji & Izumimoto, 1994). ogy, the use of such coating may contribute to improve
Regard to the action of the coatings on yeasts and safety in minimally processed carrot thereby prolonging
molds, coating 4 presented the highest fungicidal action. its shelf life. Coating may be applied on minimally pro-
Studies have shown that the effect of chitosan on some cessed fruits and vegetables, combined to other types of
fungi is mainly due to alterations in the functions of controls, such as quality raw material, hygienic process-
the cellular membrane (Fang et al., 1994). The yeasts ing conditions and storage temperatures. The combina-
most commonly isolated from vegetables belong to the tion of these treatments as barrier offers a greater
genera Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula and Candida; among potential for shelf-life extension of minimally processed
the moulds are Fusarium, Mucor, Rhizopus and Penicil- vegetables.
lium (Francis, Thomas, & OÕBeirne, 1999). The main
disease caused by fungus in carrots is Sclerotinia rot.
Cheah, Page, and Shepherd (1997) showed that chitosan
applied as a 2% or 4% solution inhibits Sclerotinia stor-
The authors thank CNPq and FAPEMIG for the
age rot on carrots, and that the effect was due, at least in
financial support.
part, to inhibition of fungal growth.
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