Extra-Judicial Settlement Sample

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Know all men by these presents:

This Extrajudicial Settlement of the Estate of the late ___________________
entered into between and among:

______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident

of _______________ City, Philippines;
______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines;
______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines;
_______________________, deceased without issue/s;
I______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines;
______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines;
______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines; and
______________________, of legal age, Filipino, _______________ and a resident
of _______________ City, Philippines;
1. That they are the legitimate wife and children who survived the deceased
_________________, who died intestate on ___________________
at_________________________, Philippines;
2. That said deceased left no known or existing obligations;
3. That at the time of the death of ___________________, he left one (1) parcel
of land, covered by Transfer Certificate of Title No. ____________, situated
at _________________________ and more particularly described as follows,
to wit:

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________


Signed in the presence of: ___________________ and ____________________________

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4. That the above-named heirs do hereby EXTRAJUDICIALLY SETTLE and

adjudicate unto themselves, the above described properties among
them; AND BY WAY OF:
5. That for and in consideration of the sum of ____________________ PESOS (P
___________.00) in Philippine Currency, to us in hand and in cash paid by
the Buyer _______________, and receipt of which amount is hereby
acknowledged to my entire satisfaction, we, the heirs of
_________________, do hereby SELL, TRANSFER AND CONVEY in favor of the
Buyer the above real property, specifically, together with all the
improvements thereon, free from all liens and encumbrances;

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and
affixed their signatures this ________________ at ________________, Philippines.

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________


Signed in the presence of: ___________________ and __________________________


BEFORE ME, this _______________ at _____________________, Philippines,

personally appeared ________________, _____________________.,
______________________, _______________________, _________________,
________________ and
___________________, all known to me to be the same persons who executed the
foregoing Extra-Judicial Settlement of Estate and acknowledged to me that the
same is their free and voluntary act and deed. Machine copies of their
government-issued IDs are hereto attached as competent proof of their identity.

This instrument consisting of two (2) pages including this

acknowledgement, signed by all the parties and their corresponding
instrumental witnesses on each and every page hereof.

WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL on the date and lace above-written.

Doc. No._____
Page No._____
Book No._____
Series of 2018

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