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Faculty of Economics and Business had been facing many challenges, but we are still able

positioned our self as a leading economic and business school in Indonesia. The challenges
we will face in the future must be very different with those in the past. In the past, the main
challenge was to build a public institution in the midst of society that the institutional system
not yet complete.

An advantage that we still can benefit further is that the competition in education
environment is still considerably moderate. The challenge in the future is how to improve
competitiveness between educational institutions and to shift the paradigm in science related
to economic and business.

Faculty of Economics and Business still last as the Center of Excellence that provide quality
of human resources for Indonesia on various capacities – as government decision makers,
business professionals, intellectual communities and non-educational research institution in

Our vision is to be the leading economic and business school in Southeast Asia and East
Asia, and also to be a home and career place for teaching staff and to produce graduates that
are competitive both in home country and abroad. To fulfill this vision, the competent
teaching staffs and supporting staffs are required.

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