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Ana Kristina Muñiz Plúa

1.- What was the name of the poem that alicia read after crossing the mirror?

2.- What was the shape of the yard that alicia crossed with the Red Queen?

3.- What was the insect that alicia talked with during the trip by train?

4.- What was the name of the poem that Tweedledee recited?

5.- Who explained the meaning of the Jabberwocky poem to alicia?

6.- What did the red queen say to alicia when she arrived to the peg that pointed the
second yard?

7.- With what creature did alicia meet in the woods where she forgot her name?

8.- Arriving what box alicia would be queen?

9.- What did the red queen say to alicia when she arrived to the peg that pointed the
third yard?

10.- What was the name of the poem that the gentleman recited?

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