English Worksheet "Unit 3 and 4 Review": Asignatura: Inglés Nivel: 5° Básico

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Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,

Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”

Nivel: 5° básico

English Worksheet “Unit 3 and 4 review”

NAME:_____________________________________________CLASS: 5th ____ DATE: _____December, 2017

What will you do today?

You will identify and describe
weather, people’s clothes and what
people are eating

Vocabulary Section

I. Look at the picture and answer




1. Where Camilla is, how’s the weather? 2. Where James is, how’s the weather?

a) it’s cloudy a) it’a rainy

b) it’s sunny and hot b) it’s snowy
c) it’s rainy and cold c) It’s sunny
d) it’s chilly and stormy d) it’s windy and chilly
Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,
Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”
Nivel: 5° básico

3. Where Katy is, how’s the weather? 4. Where Fran is, how’s the weather?

a) it’s sunny a) it’s snowy and chilly

b) it’s rainy b) it’s sunny and hot
c) it’s cloudy c) it’s snowy and cold
d) it’s stormy d) it’s cloudy

II. Answer the following questions

1. What is Camilla wearing?


2. What is James wearing?


3. What is Katy wearing?


4. What is Fran wearing?


III. Look at the pictures and answer

a) She is eating pizza a)They are eating an apple

b) They am eating pizza b)They am eat an apple
c) They are eating pizza c) They is eat an apple
d) He is eating pizza d) They are eat an apple
Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,
Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”
Nivel: 5° básico

a) They is eating carrots and lettuce a) He is eating ice cream

b) They am eat carrots and lettuce b) He am eating ice cream
c) They are eating carrots and lettuce c) He are eating ice cream
d) They are eat carrots and lettuce d) He is eat ice cream

a) He are eating chicken and drinking juice a) He is eating cookies and drinking milk
b) He is eat chicken and drink juice b) He is eat cookies and drink mil
c) He am eating chicken and drinking juice c) He are eating cookies and drinking milk
d) He is eating chicken and drinking juice d) He am eating cookies and drinking milk
Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,
Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”
Nivel: 5° básico

IV. Describe what these children are wearing

She _____________________________________
He _____________________________________

She _____________________________________
He _____________________________________
Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,
Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”
Nivel: 5° básico

She _____________________________________

He _____________________________________

He _____________________________________
Colegio The Garden School Valores Institucionales: “Autonomía,
Asignatura: Inglés Responsabilidad y Excelencia.”
Nivel: 5° básico

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