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Radiant-Section Design

A black body at absolute temperature T radiates energy at a rate WB:

W B = σ T4
For radiant heat transfer between two real surfaces at temperature Ta and Tb, the relation

qr = σ A F (Ta4 – Tb4)

Simplify with equivalent cold-plane surface

The working equation for calculating radiant heat transfer to the tubes thus becomes:

qRr = σ α Acp F (Tg4 – Tt4)

Estimating convection transfer

The relationship for convective heat transfer is:

qc = hc At (Tg – Tt)

qRc = (10) (2αAcp) (F/0,57) (Tg – Tt) = 35 α Acp F

the total heat-transfer rate in the radiant section is the sum of the radiant and convective heat

qR = σ α Acp F (Tg4 – Tt4) + 35 α Acp (Tg – Tt)

= σ (𝑇𝑔 4 − 𝑇𝑡 4 ) + 35(𝑇𝑔 − 𝑇𝑡 )
α Acp F

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