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Fill in each blank with the correct word. If both words can be used, choose the one that
sounds more natural in each situation:

1. I'm sorry for the (tardiness/delay). Your food will be right out.

2. Are you paying together, or would you like separate (bills/receipts)? ( =

Americans say "checks")

3. There's an automatic 15% (grace/gratuity) added to parties of 8 or more.

4. We accept all (primary/major) credit cards.

5. The bread is free-of- (charging/charge).( = You don't have to pay for it)

6. The drinks are in the (back/rear) of the menu.

7. We have (plenty/plentiful) of ( = many) vegetarian options as well.

8. Follow me, please - I'll (show/seat) you to your table.

9. You can get the salad on the (side/separate). ( = not on the same dish as the main

10. It'll (take/last) about half an hour to prepare.

11. I'm sorry, but our kitchen (stops/closes) at 11:00 PM.

12. Would you like anything for (sweets/dessert)?

13. How was (all/everything)?

14. Our (house/home) wine is Concha y Toro from Chile.

15. Would you like to take a look at our wine (description/list)?

16. Our (special/specialty) ( = what we do best) is Tandoor Chicken.

17. We stay open until the last customer (leaves/goes).

18. A (sampler/diversity) plate gives you a chance to try several different items at

19. We're (finished/out) of the (NAME OF DISH) = We have no more (NAME OF

DISH) left

20. The (portions/sizes) are very big.

21. Please make sure the water is (cooking/boiling) before you throw the pasta in.

22. I cleaned the (counter/desk) ( = the flat area where food is prepared) before I left
last night.

23. Could you please (chop up/chop out) three cups of mushrooms?

24. Tell the customer that the food will be (out/outside) in 10 minutes.

25. These knives are not (sharp/spicy) enough.

26. After you make the sauce, make sure to put it in the refrigerator so it doesn't (go
bad/do bad)

27. We need to (purchase/access) ( = buy) more celery.

28. The vegetable (broth/liquid) is too salty.

29. Make sure you warm up the milk before adding it to the sauce. Otherwise it will

30. Make sure to use the timer so that you don't end up (burn/burning) the bread.
Choose the most natural-sounding response:

1. Do we have to wait to be seated?

Yes, the hostess will seat you.
I'll get you some menus.
Yes, how can I help you?

2. What do you recommend?

Our specialty is grilled trout.
All of our entrees come with fries.
What would you like to drink?

3. This soup is cold.

I'll get you some bread.
Would you like some dessert?
I'm sorry. I'll get the chef to warm it up for you.

4. We reserved a table under the name (of) Brown.

I'm sorry, there's noone here by that name.
Please follow me. I'll show you to your table.
Do you have a reservation?

5. Can I get a salad with that?

Yes, we have salads on the menu.
I recommend the salad.
Yes, all of our entrees come with a choice of soup or salad.

6. Where's your restroom? ( = toilet)

It's down the hall to the right.
Yes, you can use the restroom.
Please follow me. I'll show you to your table.
7. This steak is well done. I ordered it rare.
I'm sorry, I'll get the chef to make you another one.
You can have your steak rare, medium, or well-done.
Is your steak not cooked all the way through?

8. Can I get a refill?

I'll bring you the bill right away.
Would you like another Coke?
Yes, I'll be right back with that.

9. Do you guys accept Visa?

Yes, you can pay cash.
Please pay at the cash register.
Yes, we accept all major credit cards.

10. Should I leave the money with you?

No, please pay at the cash register.
Yes, we accept all major credit cards.
It's our policy.

11. You spilled soup on my lap!

Be careful! The soup is hot.
I'm so sorry! I'll get a towel.
I'll get you the bill.

12. How big are the portions?

Each meal comes with either soup or salad.
Generally, our portions are very big.
13. Is this dish very spicy? I can only eat mild food.
Yes, it's very good. Would you like to order it?
It's spicy, but we can make a mild version for you if you like.
Yes, we can make it very spicy.

14. Excuse me, we ordered a while ago and our food hasn't arrived yet.
It's coming right out. Sorry for the delay.
Sorry for the delay. Would you like to order?
Would you like to see the menu?

15. Here's my card. You accept Visa, right?

I'm sorry, our machine is broken. You'll have to pay cash. ( = we can only accept cash)
We accept cash and credit cards.
Would you like to pay by credit card?

16. Three breakfast specials, please.

What kind of egg-scrambling do you prefer?
What style of egg preparation would you like?
How would you like your eggs?

17. Is this entree big enough to share?

Yes. It's big enough for two people.
Yes, would you like two?
Would you like an extra plate?

18. Can we get a table that's not next to the kitchen?

How about that one by the window?
How about that one by the kitchen?
Is there something wrong with your meal?
19. Do you deliver?
We're open between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Yes, between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM.
Would you like to see our take-out menu?

20. Thank you for the wonderful service!

Would you like me to bring you the bill?
Yes, it is.
My pleasure. Come back again.


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