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Napoleon J. Casambre

For almost half a century, the United government, the Americans took an The lack of adequate finances was
States governed the Philippines. As a important step towards the just one of the several problems that
colonial power, the United States establishment of a public school confronted the American educational
pursued policies which it rightfully system in the Philippines. Jn March, system in the Philippines during the
believed would promote the social 1900, the second Philippine early years after its inception. There
and material wellbeing of the Commission which was the was also the problem of the dearth
Filipino. One such policy was the legislative body during the early of teachers who could speak the
introduction of the American system decades of American rule passed Act English language, the adopted
of education, and so pervasive and No. 74 ,3 This Act provided the medium of instruction in the public
far-reaching was its impact and creation of a department of public schools. The number of American
influence on the life and culture of instruction which would supervise soldiers- turned•teachers was not
the Filipino during and after the and control all the schools that had sufficient and there were only a few
colonial period that it is generally already been established and also the Filipinos who knew English. To solve
regarded as the "greatest prohibition of the teaching of the problem, the colonial authorities
contribution" of American religious subjects in public schools. decided to import American
colonialism in the Philippines.t This Subsequently, several amendments professional teachers. In 1901, the
article deals with that educational were made to the school organic law first batch of this group of teachers,
impact. in order to make provisions for an numbering around 600, arrived in
expanding educational system and to the Philippines by the USS Tliornas,
American Educational System in the make public elementary instruction hence their popular name,
Philippines: A Brief History free to Filipino children. The latter Thomasites.s They were immediately
Shortly after their arrival in the amendment resulted, inevitably, in assigned to teach in the elementary
Philippines, the American military the considerable increase in the and secondary schools. But, aside
forces began to establish schools. number of elementary schools from teaching school children, they
They opened the first school in throughout the archipelago. were also made to train Filipino
Corregidor when that island fell into In 1902, the legislative body also teachers.these pioneer American
their hands in May, 1898. Soon after enacted a law which provided for the teachers, indeed, played a very
they occupied Manila on August 13, establishment of a high school in important role in the development of
1898, they reopened seven schools every provincial capital to be the Filipino educational system; they
there. In the ensuing months, the supported by the local government. are well remembered in the history
number of schools increased; a These schools were intended to of Philippine education.
school was established in every othet accommodate Filipino children who Another step taken by the
town that they had subjugated.? wanted to continue their education American authorities to solve the
These early educational efforts, beyond the elementary level. The problem of the lack of teachers was
however, began to meet difficulties Act further provided that due tp the the institution of the ptnsionado
when the Filipino-American War poor financial condition of the program in 1903. 6 Under this
broke out on February 4, 1899. provincial treasuries "the salaries of program, selected Filipino students
When the military government teachers should be paid by the were sent as government scholars to
was replaced by a quasi-civil central government until the the United States for further studies.
province should be able to bear all
the expenses of maintaining the
secondary schools."4

Upon their return to the islands, As finally established, the Briefly, this was the development
they were made to render American public school system in the of the American educational system
government services. Some were Philippines consisted of three levels: in the Philippines. It began even
given technical jobs in the colonial a seven-year elementary school, a before the establishment of a colonial
bureaucracy, but a majority of them four-year high school, and a civil government. And, for the most
were assigned to teach in the public university. Throughout the colonial part of its existence, the Americans
schools. In recognition for their good regime, this school system expanded were the ones who "vitalized, guided,
services in the classrooms, some of considerably, especially the and ultimately controlled it."9
them were appointed to responsible elementary level. In 1906, there were Through its instrumentality,
positions in the educational system, only 3,342 elementary schools American-style education was
such as supervisors and division throughout the archipelago, with an adopted in the Philippines, resulting
superintendents. enrollment of 365,530. In 1935, in an impact which had affected
An equally important educational when the Filipino was virtually given Philippine life and culture during and
problem in the early years of self-government with the after the colonial days.
American rule was the lack of establishment of the Commonwealth
textbooks to be used in the schools. Government, the figures increased to The Impact of American Education
When the early schools were opened, 7,766 elementary schools, with an
in the Philippines During the
there were no textbooks available for enrollment of 1,173,587.7 This Colonial Period
the pupils to use. Hence, the school expansion of the public school
officials decided to import these system was due mainly to the Now I shall discuss the impact of
materials from the United States. At enthusiasm on the part of the American education in the
first, they were translated into Filipino parents to send their Philippines during the colonial
Spanish on account of the erroneous children to school. Like their period. At this time, perhaps, it
belief that the Spanish language was American masters, they realized would be essential to point out what
widely understood in the colony. "that the road to a democratic self- role education was to play in the
However, when they found out that government runs through the colonial regime in order to have an
this was not the case, English schoolhouse and the primary idea of its broad impact on the life
textbooks were adopted immediately. function of their system of education and culture of the Filipino. As stated
In 1908, the capstone of the public has been to facilitate national by the Philippine Commission in its
school system was laid when the progress along that road."e Report for 1900:
University of the Philippines was Side by side with the public Undoubtedly a well-directed system of
founded. Patterned after the state schools were the private schools education will prove to be one of the
universities in the United States, the which also gave elementary, most forceful 01genc1es for elevating the
institution was intended for those secondary, and college instruction. Filipinos, materially, socially, and
Filipino high school graduates who Many of these schools started during morally, and preparing them for a large
the Spanish colonial era, but they poirticipation in the affairs of the
wanted to enroll in a first-class
university where they could acquire were allowed to exist after the
literary, professional, and technical implantation of American rule in the Common schools must be established
training. It was also aimed at Islands. Some of them were founded everywhere and, as a minimum
later by American Protestant standard, every child must be taught
providing a training ground for the
arithmetic, and to read and write the
future leaders of the Philippines. missionaries. These schools were
English language. la
Owing to its close similarity to allowed to operate primarily because
American universities, liberal arts there were not enough government From what had been quoted, it is,
graduates of the University were schools to accommodate all the therefore, not hard to explain why
easily admitted to well-known Filipino children of school age. In English became a common language
graduate schools in the United 1970, they were gradually placed among the Filipino. This is an impact
States. under the supervision and control of of American education in the
the Department of Public Philippines which was very patent
Instruction. Consequently, they had during the American occupation-
to conform to the standards and and still is.
practices of the public schools in
such matters as curriculum, course
of study, and English as the medium
of instruction.

Under the Americans, English was primarily to train the Filipino to . .. Designed essentially to serve only
not only taught to every Filipino become teachers in the public evangelizing or imperial purposes,
school child but was adopted as the schools. As mentioned earlier, there Western education became a prime
medium of instruction in all public was a dearth of native teachers who contributor to the emergence of new
schools. This was provided by Act knew English in the early years of independent nations. Intended not to be
a structure for political recruitment, it
No. 74 of the Philippine Commission, American rule. Learning the
in fact called forth and activated some
the same act which established the language was accepted rather of the most upwardly mobile and
American public school system in the enthusiastically in the schools. The aggressively ambitious elements of the
Islands. The decision to adopt Commission Report of 1901 attests population-elements most determined
English as the language of the to this fact: to acquire political power, most
schools was made from the very The interested efforts of Filipino confident in the rightness of their claim
beginning and for practical reasons. teachers to teach English to children and most convinced of their capacity to
In the first place, there was the lack after they themselves have merely a govern. The serendipital effects of
of a common language among the year of instruction in that language are colonial education are the greatest
noteworthy and their zeal and their ironies of the historic encounter
Filipino when the Americans arrived
success in this form of instruction will between the West and the non-West.u
in the Islands. The Spanish language
was known by only a very small contribute greatly ta the spread of the The schools not only trained the
segment of the population and the English language here and the spread Filipino for service in the lower
of popular education.12 levels of the colonial bureaucracy,
dialects were just too numerous.
Secondly, teachers and textbooks Thus, the teaching of English and but also prepared them for
were not available either in Spanish its adoption as the medium of leadership in the campaign for
or in the dialects. instruction in the schools made political independence from the
Aside from adopting it as the possible the existence of a United States. The graduates of
language in the schools, other efforts widespread knowledge of the colleges and universities became the
were made to propagate and learn language among the Filipino during small western educated or elite class
English effectively as the common the American period. It has been which demanded initially greater
language of the population. Its study noted that when the Philippines participation of the Filipino in all
was emphasized in all intermediate acquired its political independence in levels of the colonial government
courses. In 1913, it was made the 1946, there were more people who and, later, self-government. Because
official language of the colony, could speak English than any other of the increased literacy rate and the
together with Spanish. When the language, and with few exceptions, widespread knowledge of the English
Servict Manual of the Bureau of English is still the language of language for effective
Education was adopted in 1917, it instruction in the primary schools.tJ communication, this group was able
was expressly provided that the only The impact of American education to carry out political mobilization of
language approved for use in the was also felt in the development of a mass following.
school premises and public buildings self-government among the Filipino. Whether by design or not, the
was English.11 In 1924, the Certainly, no one can deny the schools fostered the further
intermediate curriculum was revised importance of education in the development of Filipino national
to improve the teaching of the political development of nations. As consciousness. This was made
language. Besides grammar and expressed by James Coleman: possible not only because of the use
composition, conversational English of one language in the schools,
The introduction of a modern
and phonics were added to the English, but also because of the
educational system in a colonial area
course of study. The subjects were nature of the school system and the
had significant political consequences. It
also emphasized in the secondary was the single most important factor in subject taught to the children.
schools. the rise and spread of nationalistic Children coming from the different
English was taught not only to sentiment and activity. From the classes in Philippine society sat side
school children but also the adult modern educational system emerged an by side in common classrooms and
population. Adult education classes indigenous elite which demanded the were subjected to the same body of
were opened soon after the transfer of political power to itself on experience. On the school grounds,
the basis of political values of the they grouped and played together,
implantation of American Western liberal tradition or the ethical
sovereignty in the Philippines, imperatives of Christianity, both of
which have been learned in the schools.

Singing in Music Class, Sarrat Elementary School, The Philippines Carmen Espiritu-lgawa

unmindful of the fact that they came people towards the professions and undoubtedly seemed to have been
from families of different social occupations. Although it cannot be the chief characteristic of the Filipino
backgrounds and economic levels. denied that "status achievement" was colonial elite. Although education did
But, more importantly, they were the primary theme in Philippine not provide an automatic passport to
introduced to Filipino "civic culture" cultural settings in spite of the elite status, it, however, helped in
and were taught the lives of their introduction of a modern mass opening opportunities towards social
great men whose portraits usually educational system, "achievement- mobility. The ordinary Filipino
decorated their classrooms. oriented" themes characterized the realized that with education, he had
The impact was equally felt in the changing nature of elite recruitment the chance to improve his life
social aspect of Philippine colonial in the Philippines. This is shown by situation from the drudgery of the
life. Education became an instrument the gradual changes in educational farm to a small desk in the town
of upward social mobility. Many and occupational preferences. By the hall. The small-town boy who could
Filipinos who had the chance to 1930s, the Filipino was aware of the afford to study in Manila had a
acquire higher education, although importance of professions which are better chance of staying in the city
they belonged to families of modest the imperatives in the national to try his luck in the colonial
means, were able to work in the development of the country. These bureaucracy.
middle and upper echelons of the professions were geared towards The educational system during the
colonial government. This science, industries, and the American colonial regime, therefore,
development led to a general development of entrepreneurship. made possible opportunities for
proliferation in the structure of the However, it does not mean that upward social mobility in Philippine
Filipino elite which, during the educational attainment alone society. Although wealth was, and
Spanish period, was seemingly a guaranteed an elite status in still is, the primary qualification for
closed group composed of principnlin, Philippine society under the colonial high social status, educational
caciquts, and iluslrados. regime. It only means that it was, attainment became the requisite for
With the modification of the social and remains, one of the important the strengthening of such status.
composition of the Philippine elite prerequisites toward elite status. The Moreover, it became an important
came a change in the attitude of the possession of tangible wealth, like basis in the recruitment of political
vast tracts of lands and business leadership.
concerns which were managed
indirectly through hired talents,

Filipino cultural values and The Impact of American Education country as part of the program of
standards also came under the in Post-War Philippines technical assistance of the United
impact of American education during More than thirty years have passed States to the Philippines in nation-
the colonial period. Through the since the granting of Philippine building. These men, usually
agency of the schools, reinforced by independence and yet the impact of accompanied by their families, are
American example and movies, the American education is still very assigned to specific projects being
American scale of values gradually potent in the country. This situation undertaken jointly by the United
and imperceptibly entered the mental is due mainly to the educational States and the recipient country.
makeup of the Filipino. As a result, exchange program between the Because of their expertise, they
some of them developed a liking for United States and the Philippines usually serve as project directors
things American to the extent that which has been in existence since the and/or consultants.
they would consider anything postwar period. Under this program, The American purveyors of
manufactured in the United States as American professors, scholars, and American education in the
superior, and anything manufactured students have been brought to the Philippines after the war have their
locally or elsewhere in Asia as Philippine~ to teach, research, and to Filipino counterparts. These are
inferior. The average American undertake field work for a graduate returning Filipino students who have
materialism which finds expression thesis or dissertation. Whether they undertaken their graduate studies
in an inordinate love for material have come as Fulbrighters. or as and training at American colleges
possessions crept into the ordinary grantees of some United States and universities in various disciplines
Filipino mind. Success was now to be government agencies-. or as recipients and professional lines. Most of them
measured in terms of cash and of grants administered by certain have been recipients of American
material acquisitions. Perhaps, this American private foundations, such government scholarships, such as
may be the reason why a prominent as Ford and Rockefeller. the fact Fulbright-Smith-Mundt and the
Filipino nationalist would consider remains that they have been Fulbright-Hays, or grantees of some
the establishment of American purveyors of American education in American private foundations, such
education in the Philippines as the the Philippines. Under the Fulbright as Ford and Rockefeller. Some are
start of the education, as well as the Exchange Program alone, some 340 Philippine government pmsiados who
miseducalion, of the Filipino. In part, he American grantees came to the have been sent abroad for further
says: Philippines during the period 1948 study and training. A minority in
With American [education! Filipinos through 1973.16 this group have gone to study in the
started learning not only a new United States on their own finances.
Other purveyors of American
language but also a new way of life, Despite the different means by
education in the Philippines are the
alien to their traditions and yet a which they have been able to go
caricature of their model. This was the Peace Corps volunteers. These are
abroad for further academic studies
beginning of their education. At the young Americans, mostly college
and practical training, these returned
same time, it was the beginning of seniors and fresh graduates who
Filipino students and scholars, like
their miseducation, for they learned no volunteer to perform specific jobs in
their American counterparts, have
longer as Filipinos but as colonials.u developing countries like the
become agents of American
Philippines, as part of the United
From the foregoing discussion, one education in their home country.
States' technical assistance. Usually
can readily see the impact of Since tney have actually come home
they serve as teacher-aides in the
American education in the for good, so to speak, their role as
teaching of certain subject, such as
Philippines during the colonial purveyors of American education in
English, mathematics, and the
period. In many respects, it can be the Philippines is more enduring and,
sciences in schools located outside
interpreted as a positive force, for it the urban areas. In addition to that therefore. more significant in the
brought about fundamental changes task, those volunteers with special long run than the American agents.
for the improvement of the material This is not to say, however, that all
abilities and training are assigned to
and social life of the colonial Filipino. of them will stay permanently in the
technical types of assistance,
On the other hand, it can be viewed home country, for a few trek back to
appropriate to their maturity, in
as a negative force for it created the United States for personal, and
special activities in the Bureau of
certain problems from which the other, reasons.
Public Schools, the state universities,
Filipino is still suffering. and elsewhere.
There are also the American
technicians wh o have come to the

Owing to the presence of these offerings and the unit system of technical and humanistic traditions
elements, it is not hard to explain earning academic credits for a degree of the world, and in this way has
the continuing impact of American are still the same as they used to be contributed to their capacity for
education in postwar Philippines. during the occupation period, an material and social development.
This impact is found quite naturally overwhelming preponderance of Moreover, it has made possible the
in those areas of Philippine life textbooks written by Americans and development of a Filipino literature
where these people work and exert other western authors remains to be in English. Many talented Filipinos,
their daily influence. Since most of used for instruction, and English is who have gone through the English
them are connected, in one way or still very much the medium of language schools, have turned from
another, with the educational instruction in the classrooms. their native languages to English as a
system, it is not unnatural to expect The status of the English language medium of creative expression. Up to
that the impact would be most has remained the same as it used to the present day, it is still the
potent in the field of education. be during the occupation days. The dominant language of the press and
In the present Philippine rate of literacy in English has most of the literature, including
educational system, one finds various decreased a little because of the poetry. As part of the linguistic
techniques and methods to improve increasing use of the national process in the Philippines, many
instruction which are traceable to language. But it is still one of the American words and phrases have
American influence. Language official languages in the country, been adopted in the national
laboratories, educational television, aside from its being the language of language.
and all kinds of visual aids are no the schools. Section 3, Article XV of While the use of English as the
longer regarded as novelties in the new Philippine Constitution medium of instruction in the schools
Philippine schools, especially in the provides: "Until otherwise provided has, indeed, given the Filipino certain
higher levels of learning. They are by law, English and Pilipino shall be advantages, it is equally true that it
considered necessities for better and the official languages."11 It also has created some serious problems
effective teaching and are very much continues to be the language of affecting Philippine society today.
an integral part of the modern business, the professions, and of For instance, the present language
educational system of the country. diplomacy among the Filipino. problem of the country is directly
Guidance and counseling offices are The adoption of English as the traceable to it. Its widespread use in
found in most schools in order to language of the schools during the the schools, in the professions, in
understand students better colonial period and up to the present business, and in government has
psychologically and to help them day has brought about salutary precluded the rapid development and
solve their academic and effects other than being a common growth of Pilipino, the national
psychological problems. In-service language of the people. It has given language.
training, conferences, seminars, and to a sufficiently large number an The existence of a language
workshops to upgrade teaching instrument to understand and problem in the Philippines was well
competencies of teachers are appreciate the American way of life. demonstrated in 1971, when the
undertaken; usually American As aptly stated by the first American Constitutional Convention met in
educators and American-trained civil governor of the Philippines, order to.draft and approve a new
Filipino education specialists are William Howard Taft: constitution of the Philippines. Soon
invited to serve as resource persons. A knowledge of English, a consequent after the body convened, the
Hence, it is inevitable that American familiarity with American literature delegates found themselves divided
educational ideas and practices are and American newspapers, will furnish on the issue of the language that
the ones emphasized and, to the people a means of understanding was to be used in the promulgation
consequently, influence the results of American civilization and American of the new constitution. Some of
these training activities. institutions, and will greatly assist in
them advocated the use of English
teaching them self-government on
It is in the universities and colleges on practical ground; others, however,
Anglo-Saxon lines.II
that the impact of American wanted to adopt the national
education in the Philippines is most It has also afforded the Filipinos an language for nationalistic reasons.
apparent. Take, for example, the access to the resources of a vast and The issue generated so much
University of the Philippines; in adequate literature embodying the controversy that it took practically
many respects the institution has not two months to resolve it.
yet emancipated itself from its Oftentimes, the sessions had to be
colonial herit<1ge-the curricular recessed in order to "cool off"

delegates engaged in heated and Aside from his argument of ethnic in Tagalog and in other Philippine
acrimonious debates. Finally, a equality and national solidarity, this languages has grown appreciably;
compromise was arrived at which consistent and persistent advocate of however, there is still in the
provided that the new fundamental English points out that English is a Philippines today a very large and
law was to be promulgated in more efficient instrument of dominant group of writers in
English, in the national language, in government than any other English. As of the present, English
Arabic, and other Philippine language- native or foreign-now in has remained the dominant language
languages which have more than use in the Philippines. Again, to of both the press and literature in
S0,000 native speakers.t9 quote him: the Philippines.
It is interesting to note the The business of government on the Through the influence of
arguments advanced in favor of higher level is a highly complex and American Fulbright professors and
English as one of the languages to be intricate affair requiring the use of research scholars, some of the
used in the promulgation of the new precise language for its own efficient academic disciplines in the higher
constitution: (1) the deliberations on functioning. The national legislative institutions of learning, such as
the floor were in English, (2) English bodies, the superior courts, and the
anthropology, geography, and the
was the one language which all the higher bureaucratic offices all use
specialized language in their own
scienc,es, have been raised to the
delegates could understand and status of respectable disciplines.
particular areas of business and in their
speak, (3) it was fairer and more just Research, too, has been emphasized
own common undertaking called
to use English than any other government. The specialized language to the extent that the American
language, which would tend to favor of law and 1urisprudence, of academic syndrome of publish-or-
a certain segment of the population, bureaucracy, of science and technology perish is very much a part of the
(4) it would save the Convention a which government deals with, has had practices of Philippine colleges and
lot of time, money, and effort, (5) an established tradition and this universities.
English had a wealth of tradition is found - of all the languages The impact of American education
jurisprudence and had an abundance now spoken ln the Philippines-only in
in the Philippines today is also felt in
of legal. scientific, and technological English. 12
other aspects of Philippine life.
terminologies.20 From the He further argues that it is in the Where those purveyors of American
arguments, it was implicitly accepted interest of Philippine scholarship. education are found, that impact
that English had an effective The production of first-rate scholars must necessarily be there. American-
unifying influence in the Convention in the country is possible only if the trained and American-educated
and among the people during the last gifted Filipino children are afforded Filipinos who have returned to their
seventy years. For this important direct access to original sources of home country are found in various
reason, a prominent Filipino information and instruction, whether occupations and professions-in arts
academician has advocated the in the sciences, social sciences, or and culture, journalism and mass
continued use of English as the humanities, in the professions or in media, in government service, in
common language to solve the technology. And this can be done labor, etc. Since their American
language problem in the Philippines. only in the English language. education has nurtured and enriched
In part, he says: Another disadvantage of the their professions, it is not hard to
It has been charged that the teaching of widespread use of English in the explain why their ideas and style of
English has developed a new educated Philippines is that it has impeded the doing things are greatly conditioned,
elite class; but at least that class cuts emergence of a truly national shaped, or modified by what they
through the various ethno-linguistic literature. Some jingo Filipino have learned on American campuses.
groups. The school system conducted in nationalists are of the firm Thus, in a sense, the total impact of
English produced educated people conviction that no compatriot of American education today can be
without distinction as to whether they theirs writing in English or in any interpreted as one of the non-
were Cebuano, Tagalog, llocano, other foreign tongue can express or material factors in the Filipino
Bicolano, Pampangan, or lgorot. English
interpret the true essence of attempt at nation- building.
has a unifying role among the various
Philippine life and culture. Since the The impact of American education
language groups, but the elite class
being formed by the present national 1960s, the number of Filipino writers in the Philippines is still very visible
language movement belongs to only today. But whether it will persist and
one language group-the Tagalog.21 remain as it is in the years to come is
hard to say. The likelihood is that its
qualitative and quantitative influence

will diminish because of certain educational system and partly due to r.Coleman, James 5., ed. Educa/1011 and
trends and developments in present- the presence of American educators. Polilic11I Drotlopmtnl, New Jersey .
day Philippine society. American coming to the Philippines and Princeton University Press, 1965,
te~hnological assistance to the Filipinos educated in the United pp. 36-37.
country is decreasing; the number of States.who act as purveyors of uconstantino, Renato. Tht F1l1pinos in ll1t
Philippints, Quezon City ; Malaya Books.
opportunities opened to the Filipino American education in the
Inc., 1971, p. 46.
for study in the United States is Philippines. Through them,
l•Philippine-American Educational
becoming scarce; but, perhaps, a American education has been, to a Foundation. PAEF E.rchangt Spm11l lssut
more significant trend is the growing certain extent, a factor in nation- Commtmar11/rng /ht 25/lr Annivtrs11ry of lht
nationalism among the people which building. However, because of the Fulbrighl Progr11m. Manila, Second
demands the restructuring of the growing nationalism of the people Quarter, 1973, p. 14.
non-material and the material bases and other trends in Philippine society 17Tht Dtvtlopmtnt of /Irr Ph1/ipprnt Conslilulian
of Filipino life and culture. today, it is expected that this National Media Production Center,
Today, there is an increasing American educational impact will 1974, p. 221.
pressure from Filipino students and diminish in the years to come. uf]ores, Dominador Jr Colonial Edurnlron
intellectuals that English as a anJ lht Polilicnl Accullurallon of F11ip1nos .
Michigan: University of Michigan
medium of instruction in the schools
Microfilm, Inc, 1969, p. 189.
should be abandoned and replaced by Footnotes
1•Yabes, Leopoldo. "Let's Study the New
Pilipino, the national language. They Constitution," in Phrliprint Soci11I Scrmm
'AgonciUo, Teodoro A. and Milagros
are demanding that the academic Guerrero. I\ Shor/ History of /ht Filipino anJ HumaniliN Rt11itw, vol. 38, nos. 1-2.
courses offered in the various Ptoplt, Quezon City · Mali!ya Books, Quezon City, 1973, p. 10.
curricula should be restructured in 1970, p. 424. 10/bid.

order to make them relevant to the 1Alzona, Encarnacion. Tht History of 11/bid.. p. 85.
present needs of the country. This, Education in !ht Philippintt, Manila, 1932, 12/biJ.. p. 49.
in effect, will mean the de- p. 167.
emphasizing of western subjects. like 3/biJ.. p. 189. Naro/ton / . Casambrt is Pro/war of History in
American history and politics, and •/biJ.. p. 228. lht Collrgt of Aris 11nd Scitnm, Univmily of Int
replacing them with those courses 5U.S. Operations Mission to the Philippints.
Philippines, Education Division. Tht
which emphasize Philippine and
Ttnlh Miltslont. A Dteadt of Philippint-
Asian studies. In response to these Amtrican Cooptralion in /ht Dtvtlopmtnl of
demands. the Department of P~blic EJucalion in tht PhilippinN, I 95.Z-
Education has adopted the policy of 196}., Manila, 1962, p. 3.
bilingualism in the schools. Too, it oAJzona, op. di .. p. 237.
has directed school authorities to 7Bureau of Education. Thirty-Sizlh Annual
give priority to textbooks written by Rtporl of !ht Dirttlor of EJ1w1tiM, 1935,
Filipino authors. Manila: Bureau of Printing. 1936,
p. 12.
•Hayden, Joseph R. Tht Philippinrs, A Study
Conclusion in National Dtvtlopmtnl, New York: The
From the foregoing discussion, it has Macmillan Co., 1945, p. 467.
been noted that the impact of 9/biJ.. p. 494.
American education has been greatly 10Philippint Commission Rtpor/s, 1900-1903.
p . 123.
felt in the Philippines during the 11 Manhit, Basilia J. A Hislory of lht Ttaching
colonial period and after the Second of tht English l.anguagt in tht Philippint
World War. Its existence in the Public Schools, master's thesis, University
former period was inevitable and of the Philippines, 1950, p. 36.
quite natural, for the Philippines was nPhilippine Commission Reports, op. cil..
under American rule. During that p. 263.
period it brought about quantitative uTaylor, George. Tht Philippints and lht
and qualitative changes in the life of UniltJ Sia/ts: Probltm~ of Parlntrship,
the Filipino. In the postwar period. it Quezon City : Phoenix Press, Inc.,
continued to be felt partly due to the p. 73.
persistence of the colonial

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