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James D.

16199 Green Valley Ranch Blvd, Apt. 4412
Denver, Colorado 80239

September 20, 2016


INRE: Discrimination; Retaliation and Fraud Complaint

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I AM, James D. Hardin, I AM of legal age, of sound mind and absent any mental
or legal disability and I AM capable of making this sworn complaint; complaining as

1) I work 40+ hours per week (most Saturdays) and am only being paid for
approximately 32 hrs, each week. Allegedly, due to a computer error - generated
notice, with no signature and no state court order on a post status case showing no
continuing orders or obligations upon the parties by the court and zero activities
for over five (5) years.; and

2) Now E&K of Denver by and through their retained Council (LAMSON, DUGAN
& MURRAY, LLP) want to claim a good faith defense via compliance with and
E&K Attorneys alleging, “BONAFIDE” a "Bonafide” Order/Notice to Withhold
Income for Child Support (Administrative Writ of Withholding)” notice; and

3) The law requires all alleged debts be, verified, validated, under the fair debt
collection act; and

4) Child Support also requires, on the local state, federal and interstate levels are
required to validate alleged withholding debts, pursuant to The Uniform Interstate
Family Support Act (UIFSA), which all refer you back to the state court of
continuing and exclusive jurisdiction; and

5) The local State and Federal Constitutions, along with their Amendments, guaranty
the RIGHT OF DUE PROCESS, TRIAL BY JURY, etc., before anybody can take
my property and my labor and my money is my property and the RIGHT not to be
Discriminated and/or Retaliated against, not excluding the whole plethora of other
Constitutional violations, depravations, et al; and

6) I have been forced into a financial hardships and forced Bankruptcy over this
wrong being perpetrated upon me by those acting for E&K in collective Concert
with Rogue Agents within the Attorney Generals Office of Texas (Texas A.G.)
Child Support Division whom are committing “FRAUD UPON THE COURT and

WIRE FRAUD, BANK FRAUD, violations falling under the RICO Statutes and
BIVENS for Agency/Agent(s) acting without lawfully delegated authority and for
criminal mis-use of an official seal or stamp, etc., etc., all being committed under
false and fraudulent pretenses so as to crown the fraudulent theft with success;

7) I tried in good faith to remedy this matter with payroll, etc., at no avail and so I
issued “NOTICE OF INTENT TO SUE” and had E&K of Denver’s Registered
Agent and Heads served via Registered and Certified Mail;

8) E&K of Denver, inc.’s Registered agent received their notice on September 7,

2016 and Mr. Jim Sanford received his notice on September 6, 2016 via hand
delivery and via Certified Mail on September 8, 2016; and

9) I have also complained to my Carpenters Union - Local 55, who have done
nothing for me either, contrary to what their stated purpose is supposed to be for
the “Workers”;

10) I looked into my Carpenters Union – Local 55 and according to the Secretary of
State, they no longer exist, as such according to the Registry Records of the State
of Colorado and whose name may be reserved by me or any body else who
wishes to pay the fee and reserve them, as their status has been forfeited
according to the State of Colorado from 2012 to the present and I believe that the
Texas Attorney General is using this fact as a Strong Arm Tactic, in lieu of a valid
state court order to enforce compliance with unlawful, non-bonafide taking!; and

11) The Discrimination and Retaliation began immediately after Service mailing of
Notice was received by E&K of Denver, Inc., et al; and

12) The Registered Agent was served with notice (See copy below) and the agents
received via Registered and certified mail on the 7th and 8th and then on the 9th
of September my highest supervisor over the E&K Ceiling Team [Scott – (312)
617-8425] comes at very end of day on Friday September 9, 2016 in full witness
of ceiling team member [Tim (786) 873-3663] and tells me… that he just got out
of a foreman meeting and that they decided not to work the following day
(Saturday – September 10, 2016) and tells me that the other foreman are not
working either due to lack of sheetrock deliveries and that our ceiling team would
also not be working on (Saturday – September 10, 2016) and even deviously went
so far as to tell me that he asked the other foremen if they had notified James
Hardin yet and they said no, so Scott said he would tell me… and further stated
that I didn’t need to confirm with my other foreman [Sean – (720) 541-4968]
because he already has and they (other foremen and workforce) would not be
working and that is what he was there to let me know not to come in to work
Saturday – September 10, 2016; and

13) I felt something was not right, so when I was signing out for the day of Friday –
September 9, 2016, I saw my weekend Foreman Sean, so I asked the foreman
who I already told I would work for him on Saturday September 10, 2016 to
confirm we were no longer working and Sean told me: “fuck no, you be here like
we talked about… who told you we were not working?” I told Sean that Scott told
me not to come in and that drywall deliveries didn’t come in so nobody was
working and Sean said again: “No we are working… with, or with out those
sheetrock deliveries, so be here like we talked about”; and

14) This is a clear discrimination, retaliation, etc., by my highest supervisor over the
E&K Ceiling Team [Scott – (312) 617-8425], which I reported to my next in-line
foreman [Mario Degallio (303) 667-1593] and I did so twice, and no action has
even been mentioned to me... which I believe is because they know that I know
that the same Ceiling Foreman who lied to me, attempting to manipulate me in a
PSYOPS attempt to get me to unknowingly do something, such as not show up to
work to the detriment of me, my finances, Sean’s Saturday schedule and the over
all project completion dates, times and schedules, which again, I believe to be in
direct monetary Retaliation and Discrimination against me and my family,
resulting from E&K of Denver, Inc., and its Agent (Scott) who was aiding from
the field after the Offices of E&K of Denver, Inc., received my Notice of Intent
To Sue; and

15) Further evidence of this “DISCRIMINATION and RETALIATION” which can

be evidenced easily by the man force records, which was quite shocking for me
upon my arrival on Saturday – September 10, 2016 to find that nearly the whole
workforce was there on that day, including Scott, who lied to me the day before…
yet the medcore records, I believe, will evidence and clearly show an E&K ceiling
worker was seen for debris in his eye at the end of the work day, causing the need
for medical attention and Scott could not be found to deal with his ceiling man
and his injured eye, but instead Sean had to accompany the worker to get
treatment and Scott hid from me for his last four (4) days; and

16) I believe Scott was hiding from me the last four days before returning to his
hometown of Chicago, was because he knew he was involved in a scheme to burn
me and to financially harm me in Retaliation and Discrimination and he knew he
was caught sabotaging me and my reputation with other foremen and he is also
knew that I was aware of the “REWORK” aluminum ceiling bin onsite and that
he was knowingly and known by others (by others on Ceiling team), to be
taking aluminum grid/alleged damaged panels/pieces off site and selling as
salvage, and knowing well that before working on V.A. Hospital job site,
everyone must first go through a mandatory orientation, where it is made
perfectly clear that this is a Federal Government Job, specifically telling you that
we can't even take the trash out of a trash buggy or dumpster off the jobsite
because doing so will get you criminally prosecuted for stealing from the Federal
Government; and

17) I believe it would be most interesting to know who all was actually there, at the
meeting Scott referred to just getting out of, whereby it was decided that nobody
was working that Saturday anymore, but failed to notify at least 2/3rds (66%) of
the remaining work force that no foreman(s), nor their workforce would be
working on that Saturday – September 10, 2016, who showed up and who I
worked with that Saturday; and

18) I believe this is clear evidence of the heretofore complained of matters, all of
which I believe to be in violation of Federal Funding Allocations and other laws,
rights, etc., and I respectfully request that U.S.A.C.E. protect me from any further
Retaliation(s), Discrimination(s), and other Organized RICO/BIVENS Crimes
being perpetrated upon such said V.A. Hospital workers, including, but not
limited to myself.

I have made this Complaint as detailed as possible and have provided other supporting
documents herewith, names and numbers, to support what is being complained of herein,
in hopes that U.S.A.C.E. may help me as a victim and a witness and I pray U.S.A.C.E.
will provide aid and protection from those complained of herein.

Submitted With Kind Regards,

I AM and Remain,

James D. Hardin
(A Carpenter)
Cell: (303) 359-9679

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