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Simon, Jullienne Rae S.

CE 501 – CE51FA1

Reaction Essay

Rebar (reinforcement bar) are steel wires used as a tension tool in reinforced concrete structures to
nourish the concrete under tension and refers to the steel rods that are placed inside the concrete and brick
to help them keep their shape. This material is necessary for safety that will be reliable for years. Without
them, the immediate enlargement of the concrete will cause fragile areas to appear, that results utmost
collapse of the structure. Rebar consists of carbon steel which allows a stronger bond and tensile strength.
Even though concrete is a strong material that can withstand a huge amount of force, it allows load-bearing
capacity that lacks in tensile strength. This characteristic has the opposite use of compression.The most
usual kind of rebar is carbon steel, which is made up of hot-rolled round bars with patterns. Other types
include stainless steel, and composite bars made of glass fiber, carbon fiber, or basalt fiber. Steel Rebars
could also be an epoxy resin made to oppose the results of decomposition. Steel and concrete have the
same coefficients of thermal expansion, therefore a concrete member reinforced with steel will encounter
minimal pressure as the temperature changes.

The purpose of rebar is to correct imbalance. Manufacturers usally sets the steel rods to keep
concrete and mortar in check. There are companies that are contracted in rebar manufacturing , because of
its high demand. Wherever there is need for reinforced steel rebar will be used. Carbon is melted down to
liquid form, that involves a huge amount of heat. Once melted, the liquid carbonis pulled through small round
molds to give the rebar its shape.Uncompleted carbon is the most economical form of rebar on sale, others
require epoxy-coated or stainless steel. The cause of why rust can occur is when the rebar has the longest
exposure to salt water, which also lead to an increase of internal pressure which causes the concrete form
to crack. This is not adviceable in the long-term use, most manufacturers will choose to secure higher-grade

Once the steel has been shaped, the builders will make the twists and grooves on the metal to ensure it
will stay firmly in place inside the structure. Although these reinforced metal bars are dangerous when it
comes to installation, the tails are often sealed with plastic covers to stop accidental injury to construction
workers. Rebar is distributed directly from the manufacturer to the site, since contractors can arrange for
pickup if they need to. If the rebars are on site, it will need to be bent according to the contractors design.
This is accomplished with specialty hydraulic benders and cutters. Minimal types of rebar can be welded,
which why many of construction firms utilize wire and coupling splices to join the ends together.

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