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ar Unitt 1
Moddals of ob
bligation and prohib
bition: hav
ve 3 It isn’t a good idea tto swim afterr a big meal.
to and
a must You __ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
1 Complete
C the
e email with
h have to, do
on’t have to ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____.
or mustn’t an
nd the verbs
s in brackets
s. 4 It’s unnecessary forr Mum to go to work today
because it’s a publicc holiday.
Mum ___________
_ ___________ ___________ ____
D Aidan, ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
because it’s a publicc holiday.
T very m
much for youur email! Yes s, I’ve made a
5 It’s rudee to talk louddly on a mobiile phone in a
N Year’s re
esolution too
o – to get fit!
restaura ant.
Y know myy brother is a sports teach
You her? Well, he
e’s I think that people ___________ ___________ ____
w out a training prog gramme for me
m and a new w ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ .
diet! There’s ssuch a lot I have
h to remember!
F of all, I (1 _______ (jog) for twenty
1) ________ Modals
M of ability
a andd permission: can,
m everyy day before school around the park. could and allow
a to/b
be allowed
d to
T I (2) ___ ___________
___ (swim) tw
wenty lengthss
of my local sw wimming poool on Thursdaay evenings. 3 Choose th
he correct op
A finally, I (3) _______
________ (go o) to a yoga
I came to live in Francee with my parents about two
class on Satu urday mornings.
years ago. I (1) can’t / couldn’t understand mu uch
Luckily he’s nnot too strict and
a I (4) ___
___________ __ French at first
f and I (2)) could / cou
uldn’t only sa
ay a
do) anything on Sundayss, which is great! I few words. This was a big problem because I
5) _________ _______ (cha ange) my diet because I started going to a bilinggual French school.
s I hadd
eat quite well but he says I (6) _______________ French lessons at schoool, but I founnd learning
eat) any choccolate or cakkes. He sayss I need to French reaally difficult.
earn to try thiis new progrramme for three months.
Things are much betterr now. I (3) can c / can’t
Y see a nnew me! ;-)
understand d most of whhat my teache ers say but I still
Love, an’t always eexpress my ideas very well
(4) can / ca w in
K class. Thatt’s really frusstrating! My teacher says I’m
(5) allowedd to / not alllowed to sto op trying to
express my yself!
Mod dals of ob
bligation, prohibition
p n,
I hope thatt one day I (66) will be able to / won’tt be
neccessity andd advice: have to, must,
m need
d able to speeak French ttotally fluently. I know tha
at I
to, should
s an
nd ought too probably (7
7) will be ab ble to / won’tt be able to
sound exactly like a Freench person, but I’m goin ng to
2 Complete
C the
e second se entence so that
t it means
work hard on my accennt.
he same as the first. Us
se mustn’t, don’t/doesn
d n’t
have to, don’t/doesn’t ne
eed to or sh
houldn’t /
ought not to..
Cars are n not allowed too go into the town centre e.
Cars musttn’t go into thhe town centrre.
1 It isn’t necessary to use the stairs. There’s a liftt.
You _____ __________ ___________ ___________ __
________ __________ __________ .There’s a l ift.
2 It’s essential that Tanyya doesn’t ea at nuts. If she
does, she’ll have a bad d allergic rea
Tanya ___ __________ ___________ ___________ _.
If she doess, she’ll have
e a bad allerggic reaction.

ar Unitt 1
dals - review

4 Put
P the word
ds in B in the
e correct order.
A: I don’t uunderstand th his question..
B: ask / Mrrs / should / help / you / forf / York
B: You sho ould ask Mrss York for hellp.
1 A: Why is David still wo orking?
B: his / to / he / tonightt / homework k / has / finishh
B: ______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
2 A: You spe eak Italian ve
ery well.
B: at / speak / last / couldn’t / I / yea ar / all / it
B: ______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
3 A: Why do o you look so o unhappy?
B: go / won n’t / America
a / able / I / to
o / be / year /
to / nextt
B: ______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
4 A: Is it neccessary to drraw pictures for f our
project? ?
B: don’t / nno, / you / ha
ave / to
B: ______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
5 A: How do o I get a schoolarship to the e university? ?
B: form / yyou / ask / mu ust / for / appplication / an
B: ______ ___________ ___________ __________ __
______ ___________ ___________ __________ __

ocabulary Unit 1
sonal qua
alities Personal
P qualities
1 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
4 Complete the text wit h the words
career confident creative
c deg
gree direct
artistic curiouss direct ha
indirect pro
otection stattus
mathemaatical organized
1 Her _____ ___________ _ in the comppany gives h
a special importance. I met my frriend Naomi at primary sc chool. I liked her
2 You’re tooo __________ ______ . You say what because sh he was so (11) _________ _____ – she was
you think, even if it hurrts someone. always askking questionns. She’s also very
3 _________ _____ preve ents harm or damage. (2) ______________ . S She’s never afraid
a to say what
4 He’s so __ ___________ ____ and alwways has lotss she thinks!! I’m much m
more (3) ____ __________ than
of new ideeas. Naomi. I keeep my thinggs tidy so I kn
now where th hey
5 A _______ _________ iss a job or proofession thatt are, but she can never find anything!
you do for a long time, often all youur working liffe.
We change ed to a new sschool this year.
y All the
6 He doesn’t say what he e means in an
a obvious
teachers are happy witth us becaus se we’re both h
way. He’s always so __ __________ _____ .
(4) ______ ________ , bbut we’re goo od at differennt
7 What ____ _________ didd you do att university?
things. I’ve
e got quite a ((5) ______________ mind d and
8 If you’re __
__________ _____ , you know
k that you u
I find solvin
ng problems quite easy. Naomi is mu uch
will do well.
more (6) __ _____________ than me. She does
amazing paintings and her maps an nd diagrams are
sonal qua
alities, beh
haviour, growing up
p better thann mine, too!
emonies, noun sufffixes 1
5 Are the se
entences tru
ue or false?
2 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with the wo
ords in
brackets. 1 The giaant panda is a very rare animal.
a __
2 PETA is s an animal pprotection orrganization. __ _
1 Scientists are worried about
a the __
_________ o of
3 You nee ed to study A Art if you wan
nt a career in n
some rainfforest _____ _____ becaus se the areass
medicinne. __
where theyy _________ _ are getting smaller.
4 A sociable person liikes to spend d a lot of timee on
(tribes / hu
unt / survival))
their ow
wn. __
2 My brotherr is really ___ _______ the ese days. He e’s
5 Writing letters to frieends is comm mon now. __ _
studying fo or a _______ ___ in Busine ess. It’s rare
6 You mu ustn’t smoke on a plane. __
for him to ggo out and be b ________ __!
(sociable / hard-workin ng / degree)
3 Our _____ _____ time was w 4 p.m. bu ut our room
R to
o news
isn’t readyy. This is ___ _______ . This hotel shou uld
6 Complete the words i n the dialog
be more __ _________ .
(organized d / unaccepta able / arrival)) A: I had to o change schhool in Janua
4 When our family move ed to London it was strang ge B: (1) R__ _____________y? Why?
and _____ _____ at firstt. The _____ _____ is mucch A: My dad got a new joob so we had d to move ho ouse.
bigger than our small village!
v On __ ________ att B: How did d you (2) f_____________
the airport, there were so many people! A: I was (3 3) a______________s at first.
f I was
(population n / arrival / unfamiliar) worried about havinng to make new friends.
B: That’s (4)( u______________e . So,
S what wass
3 Write
W the opp
posites. your ne ew school (5)) l_________
_____ e?
1 rare _______
______ A: Actually y, it was (6) f_
____ c! I reallly
2 honest _______
______ like it. I couldn’t be hhappier!
3 familiar _______
4 strict _______
5 compulsorry _______
6 fair _______


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