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Rev. 0 06/04/2019

Grade Level : Grade Eleven Semester : First Semester (June – July)

Subject Title : General Mathematics

Lesson 1: Function and Relation
Date: Week 1
1. To determine whether a relation is a function
2. Differentiate between a relation and a function
2. Identify if a given sets represent a function.
3. Identify if a given graph represent a function using vertical line test.
4. Graph relations and identify functions

Day (4 days)
I. Introduction
Have students come up to the front of the class. Choose males and females to pair up. Have one male choose to be with two females and watch the reaction of the class.
 On the worksheet below, write down at least ten relationships that exist in the real world. Look for connections. What effect has one on the other? How does one depend on the other? Example, getting rid
of a headache depends on taking aspirin. In other words, getting rid of a headache is a function of taking aspirin. It could also be viewed in terms of cause and effect. Rain depends on low barometric
pressure. In other words, rain is a function of low barometric pressure. When the barometric pressure drops (cause) it rains (effect)

Desired Result (Effect) Depends On (Cause)

1. getting rid of headache 1. aspirin
2. rain 2. low barometric pressure
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

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7. 7.
8. 8.
9. 9.
10. 10.

II. Development of the Lesson

 By using students, you are modeling ordered pairs. To find out if the ordered pairs are a function, you must link a male to a female. If the male is "cheating" on his woman...this
situation is not functioning properly in this relationship. Hence the pair cannot function. Not a function

 Guided Practice: Using an example 1: Determine whether each relation is a function. Explain. This mapping diagram represents a function since, for each element of the domain;
there is only one corresponding element in the range. It does not matter if two elements of the domain are paired with same element in the range. Next this table represents a
relation that is not a function. The element 2 in the domain is paired with both 5 and 4 in the range. If you are given that x is 2, you cannot determine the value of y. Using Example
2: You can use the vertical line test to see if a graph represents a function. If no vertical line can be drawn so that it intersects the graph more than once, then the graph is a
function. If a vertical line can be drawn so that it intersects the graph at two or more points, the relation is not a function.
III. Closure
 Review several questions from the independent practice assignment

Lesson 3: Evaluating and operation on Function

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Date: Week 3
1. represent real-life situations using functions
2. evaluate a function
3. perform operation on function
Day (4)

I. Introduction
 Present a scenario where functional relationships exist. Solicit additional real-life situations from the students.
 Students are divided in groups where they will be given different topics to brainstorm and come up with a creative presentation. Here are the topics to be given:
a. Difference of function and relation
b. Function as a machine
c. Function and relations as a table of values
d. Function as a graph in Cartesian plane
e. Function as representations of real-life situations
f. Evaluation of Functions

II. Development of the Lesson

 Start discussing evaluating functions.

 We have seen linear functions written in the slope-intercept form of y = mx + b. If we name a function f, we can write it using function notation: f(x) = mx + b.

 The symbol f(x) is another name for “y” and is read as “f of x”, or “the value of f at x”. It does not mean “f times x”. We can also use other letters such as d or g to name a
function. Functions can be represented by equations, tables, and graphs.

 Evaluate a function represented by an equation:

 Consider the function g(x) = 8x +2. Evaluate the function when x = 0 and x = -5.
 The values of g are the input values. To evaluate the function, we substitute x with the input values and calculate, resulting in the output values.

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Given: g(x) = 8x + 2. Find g(0) and g(-5).

g(x) = 8x + 2 Write original function.
g(0) = 8(0) + 2 Substitute 0 for x
g(0) = 0 + 2 Multiply
g(0) = 2 Simplify
g(x) = 8x + 2 Write original function
g(-5) = 8(-5) + 2 Substitute -5 for x
g(-5) = -40 + 2 Multiply
g(-5) = -38 Simplify

We can also use expressions as our input values.

Given: g(x) = 8x + 2. Find g(2x + 3)

g(x) = 8x + 2 Write original function
g(2x + 3) = 8(2x + 3) + 2Substitute “2x + 3” for x
g(2x + 3) = 16x + 24 + 2Distributive Property
g(2x + 3) = 16x + 26 Simplify

You try: Given the function d(x) = 3x – 14. Find d(0), d(-2), and d(4x + 3).

Evaluate a function represented by a table:

Given f(x) = 5x – 4. Find f(2) from the table.

Solution: Analyze the table. Find the output value that corresponds with the input value.

x f(x) = 5x – 4 f(x) (x, f(x))

-2 5(-2) – 4 -14 (-2, -14)

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-1 5(-1) – 4 -9 (-1, -9)

0 5(0) – 4 -4 (0, -4)
1 5(1) – 4 1 (1, 1)
2 5(2) – 4 6 (2, 6)

Therefore, f(2) = 6.

You Try: The linear relationship shown in the table below uses the rule f(x) = 3(x – 2).

x f(x)
2 0
3 3
4 6
10 24


Warm up example or activity:

Start with a few simple examples of functions, such as f(x) = x + 2 and g(x) = x 2, and ask the students to try to add these two functions. What is f(x) + g(x) ? What about f(x) – g(x),
or f(x)g(x), or f(x)/g(x)? After the students have tried each operation walk them through the solutions. This is meant to give them an intuitive idea of what is going on.

Formal Concept
State the definition of sum, difference, product and quotient of two functions f(x) and g(x). Stress that the domain of the new functions may be different from the domains of f(x)
and g(x).

1. Given f(x) = x2 +3x-2 and g(x) = x3-3x+5

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State the domains of f(x) and g(x)

Find (f+g)(x) and (f-g)(x)
State the domains of (f+g)(x) and (f-g)(x)
Evaluate (f+g)(0) and (f-g)(-1)
2. Given f(x) = 1  x and g(x) = x2
State the domains of f(x) and g(x)
Find (fg)(x) and (f/g)(x)
State the domains of (fg)(x) and (f/g)(x)
Evaluate (fg)(0) and (f/g)(0)

Composition of functions:
Warm up example or activity:
Give a real life situation. For example, when going shopping at a store in the mall, you saw an item that worth $100. However, that item is sale for 20% off, and also every item in
that store will have another $20 off. If you want to buy that item, would you like the cashier to take off $20 first , then 20% or take off 20% first , and then $20 ? Or you don’t
care ?
Prompt the students in such a situation and have them calculate the amount of money they have to pay and determine which way will cost less money.
Connect the situation with the following functions:
f(x) = x- 20%x = 0 .80x
g(x) = x-20

Formal Concept
State the definition of the composition of two functions, together with the notation and its domain. Stress the importance of the order of composition.
1. Find ( f  g )( x ) and ( g  f )( x ) where f(x) and g(x) are given above
Evaluate ( f  g )(100) and ( g  f )(100)
2. Find ( f  g )( x ) and ( g  f )( x ) and state the domains
a) f(x) = x +1 and g(x) = x3
b) f(x) = x  4 and g(x) = x2
c) f(x) = (1/3)x – 3 and g(x) = 3x+9

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Identify a composite function:

Warm up example or activity:
Again, start with the examples that were used earlier, f(x) = x + 2 and g(x) = x 2. Walk the students through finding f(g(x)) and g(f(x)). Tell them that what you are doing is taking
the composition of these functions.

Find two functions f and g such that ( f  g )( x ) = h(x)
h(x) = (x+3)2
h(x) =
x 5
h(x) = 9 x

III. Closure:
The teacher will ask the students to find a partner and perform the indicated operation and determine the domain of the resulting function.
Answer the following given:
1. and find

2. and . Find .

3. and . Find

Lesson 4: Problem Solving Involving Function

Date: Week 4
1. Model function using illustration.

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2. Solve problems that involves function.

Day (4)

I. Introduction
 Have the students some board drills or review on how to evaluate and perform operation on function.
1 2
I. If f ( x)  3 x  2 and g ( x)  x , evaluate the following:.
a) f (0) b) f (1)
c) g ( 4) d) g (1)

II. Given f(x) = 3x + 2 and g(x) = x2 – 5. Find each of the following functions.

1. (f + g)(x) 2. (f – g)(x) 3. (fg)(x)

4. (f ◦ g)(x) 5. (g ◦ f)(x) 6. (f/g)(x)

II. Development of the Lesson

 Have the students analyze the following scenario.
1. Let J(x) be Laura’s distance above the ground as she skydives and falls to the ground, where x is time in seconds and J(x) is distance in feet. Interpret (i.e. use words to
describe) the following:
J(0) = 13,500
J(10) = 10,570
Extra: Sketch a possible graph of J(x).

2. Let g(x) be the number of gallons of gas used by a car during a drive, where x is the number of miles. Interpret the following:
g(20) = 0.8
g(130) = 5.6
Extra: Sketch a possible graph of g(x).
Extra: What is this car’s approximate miles per gallon rate?

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 Let the students realize that the scenario presented is actually solvable using function.
 Start giving sample problems to students.
1. Let d(t) be the number of dogs in the US in year t, and let c(t) be the number of cats in the US in the year t, where t=0 corresponds to 2000
a. Find the function p(t) that represents the total number of dogs and cats in the US.
b. Interpret the value of p(5).
p (t )
c. Let n(t) represent the population of the US in year t, where t=0 corresponds to 2000. Find and interpret h(t ) 
n(t )
2. The total numbers of Army personnel (in thousands) A and Navy personnel (in thousands) N from 1990 to 2002 can be approximated by the models
A(t )  3.36t 2  59.8t  735 and N (t )  1.95t 2  42.2t  603 where t represents the year, with t=0 corresponding to 1990.
d. Find and interpret (A + N)(t). Evaluate this function for t = 4, 8, and 12
e. Find and interpret (A-N)(t). Evaluate this function for t = 4, 8, and 12.
3. An object is launched at 19.6 meters per second (m/s) from a 58.8-meter tall platform. The equation for the object's height s at time t seconds after launch is s(t) = –4.9t2 +
19.6t + 58.8, wheres is in meters. When does the object strike the ground?

III. Closure
 Students will be given a cooperative learning task immediately followed by individual learning the next day.

Lesson 5: Rational Equation and Inequalities

Date: Week 5
1. define and provide examples of rational equations
2. describe the steps to solve a rational equation

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3. solve rational equations

Day (4 days)
I. Introduction
Have the students review concept on simplifying and performing operations on fraction.

II. Development of the Lesson

 Post the following expression on the board.
 Ask them to simplify.

18 x 6 3x 2 10a 3b
1. 2. 3.
27 x 4 12 x  15ab 3

36k 3 m 12 x 2 42 x 2
4. 5. 6.
24k 4 mn 5 9x 2 y  36 x 3

16a 2b 3c 4 120 x 3 y 16 x 2 y 7

7. 8.. 9.
20a 7b 2 c 2 25xy 5 12 x 5 y 3 z 4
 Then start discussing on how to solve rational equation .


9 4 8 2
1.  2. 
3x x  2 3x  2 x  1
x3 x 4( x  4) 4
3.  4. 2 
x5 x2 x  2 x  8 x  4

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2 1 4 1 3 1
5.   6.  
3x 6 3 x 2x x  7 x
5 x3 2 1 x 1
7. 2  2 8.  
x  x6 x2 x 3 x x3

 Discuss Rational Inequalities


1 2
1. �0 2.  3 �3
x 42
x 1

2 5 3
3. 1 < 0 4.  �1
( x  1)
x 2 2x

x 1
5. �1 6. >0
( x  2 ) ( x  3)
x 6

2 2 x  2 x 1
7. 1  � 8. <
x 1 x x3 x2

 Give examples and let the students solve by pair. Solution should be discussed in front of the class.

III. Closure:
 Students will tackle a real world situation regarding starting a business that requires a rational equation to evaluate the plan. Students will determine a method and set of
steps for solving rational equations and then revisit the original scenario and solve using the new method they have synthesized. Students will also explore, through
collaborative learning structures, the concept of extraneous solutions.

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Lesson 6: Rational Function

Date: Week 6
1. Represents real-life situations using rational functions.
2. Represent a rational function through its:
a. Table of values
b. Graph

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c. Equation
3. Find the domain and range of rational function.
Day (4)

II. Introduction
Teacher Note: This activity will be mostly teacher directed with opportunities for student discussion as the teacher poses questions. The questions should take students through
the steps of the modeling cycle. It is suggested that as you pose each question you use the “Think Pair Share “strategy to allow for more student involvement in the discussion.
Also, ask students how the answer to each question is determined by looking at the table of values, the algebraic representation or the graph.

 The first step in a modeling problem is to identify the variables in a situation. Ask “What are the variables in the movie rental situation?”
 The second step in the modeling cycle is formulating a model by creating a representation for the situation. When completing the Warm Up students create a numeric
representation of the situation. Ask “ What is an algebraic representation for this situation?”
 The third step of the modeling cycle is to analyze the representations to draw conclusions. Ask “Considering what the variables in this situation represent, what values for
these variables make sense in this situation?”
Possible Answers
o The number of people who purchase a ticket must be represented by positive integers.
o The number of people cannot equal zero. Zero does not make sense in this situation and mathematically $500 divided zero is undefined.
o The number of people who purchase a ticket must not exceed the number of people in the class or the maximum occupancy of the theater.
o The cost per person will range from $500 to whatever the value is for
Maximum Number of People
 The fourth step in the modeling cycle is to interpret results in terms of the original situation, the fifth step is validating conclusions, and the sixth step is reporting
conclusions and the reasoning behind them. By answering the following questions students will engage in these steps of the modeling cycle.
 Ask “What is the cost of a ticket if:
o 100 people purchase a ticket? $5.00
o 250 people purchase a ticket? $2.50
o 500 people purchase a ticket? $1.00

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o 1000 people purchase a ticket? $.0.50

 Ask “ As more and more people purchase a ticket what is happening to the cost per ticket? The cost decreases.
 Ask “ Will the cost per person ever reach zero dollars? Explain” No, The ticket sales must always raise $500 so if the cost went to $0/person no money would be raised.
 Ask “What is the lowest cost per ticket? Explain” There is no lowest possible price if you think about this as a mathematics problem only. In reality, a theater is going to
have occupancy limits for safety reasons. Say this theater has a maximum occupancy of 500 people, then the lowest cost per ticket would be $500/500= $1.00
 Ask “We have an algebraic and numeric representation of the situation, what does a graph of this situation look like?” The graph of this situation would be a series of
dots in the first quadrant because the x-coordinates and the y-coordinates of the points would both be positive. The x-coordinates would all be positive integers while
the y-coordinates would be numbers rounded up to the nearest hundredth.
Ask “How does the graph of the situation differ from the graph of f ( x)  produced by your calculator?” The calculator produces a graph that has a section in the first
and third quadrants. The points in each quadrant are connected and the graph has a vertical break at x=0 and a horizontal break at y=0.

 Ask “What are some similarities and differences between the graph of f ( x)  and the graph of a linear function; a quadratic function; an exponential function?”
Linear, quadratic and exponential functions all have continuous graphs. Linear and exponential functions have graphs that are strictly increasing or strictly decreasing.
 Introduce the definition of a rational function.
o A rational function is a function whose rule is the ratio of two polynomials.
o The parent rational function is
o The domain of this function is all real numbers except for zero.
o The graph of this function (if we include all real numbers in our domain) is a hyperbola.

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y f(x)=1/x
-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

 Ask “How does the warm-up problem relate to definition of a rational function?”
 Wrap up this part of the lesson with a Write Pair Share.
How do rational functions compare to linear, exponential, and quadratic functions? Which is it most like? Which is it most different from? Explain your reasoning.

II. Development of the Lesson

 Arrange students into groups of 3 or 4 students.
 Distribute a sheet of poster paper and a marker to each group.
 Distribute one of the three different problem scenarios to each group of students. (included).
Teacher Note: The scenarios differ in level of difficulty you can differentiate by giving more able groups the most challenging problem scenarios. Ideally you would have 2 groups
working on the same problem.
 Instruct students use the information in their scenario to create a:
o numeric representation
o algebraic representation
o graphic representation .
 Instruct student groups to record the three representations for their scenario their group’s sheet of poster paper.

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 Instruct student groups to tape their poster to the wall along with a copy of their scenario. Posters that display the work for the same scenarios should be placed next to
one another.
 Instruct students to complete a Galley Walk to review the work shown on each poster.
 One students return to their seats have a whole class discussion similar to the discussion in the Motivation Activity. For each scenario ask students to Think Pair Share
answers to the following questions.
o How does having chaperones not paying affect the price? Increased the price per person How did this change the original graph from the motivation activity?
Shifted the graph 5 units to the right What is the domain of this function? X > 5 What is the range of the function? 0 < y < 500
o How does offering unlimited soda and popcorn affect the price for each person? Increased the price per person by $4 How does this change the original graph
from the motivation activity? Shifted the graph 4 units up What is the domain of this function? X > 5 What is the range of the function? 0 < y < 504
o How does having chaperones not pay for anything (admission, popcorn, and soda} affect the price for each person? Increased the price per person How does this
change the graph? Shifted the graph 5 units to the right and 4 units up What is the domain of this function? X > 5 What is the range of the function? 0 < y < 524
o How much will you pay if no people attend? Why? What does this answer look like algebraically? Graphically? If no people attend you would not rent the theater
because you would have no one to pay. Algebraically you cannot divide by 0 so the answer is undefined. The graph never crosses the y-axis.
Note to teacher: Save the posters for to use as concrete examples when going more into depth in later lessons. They can be referred back to when teaching about restrictions on
the domain, zeros, and simplifying rational expressions.

III. Closure:
After Activity 1 would be a good time to introduce students to the term asymptote. Students could explore the asymptotes of a variety of given graphs in a real world context.

Scenario #1
The senior class of Park High School decides to rent the Senate Theater for their Senior Movie Night. The cost of renting the theater is $500. School policy
requires that the event have five chaperones. The total cost of the tickets for the chaperones must be divided among the students who attend the Senior Movie
Night. Create a numeric, algebraic and graphic representation for this scenario.

Algebraic Representation

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Numeric Representation

Number of People Cost Per

540 y
Who Attend Student 520
Senior Movie 500
Night 460
(this number should include
the 5 chaperones)
-2 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Graphic Representation

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Prepared by:

Name and Signature : Ms. Jonah Micah M. Mangaco___________

Designation : Mathematics Teacher
Date : June 25, 2019

Overall Assessment:
 Needs Significant Improvement
 Satisfactory Learning Module
 Exemplary Learning Module

Academic Supervisor/Subject Coordinator Principal

Date: June 25, 2019 Date:

Noted by:


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