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Blk 39 Lot 12 Ruth St., Francisco Homes III,

Muzon, City of San Jose del Monte. Bulacan
Midterm Examination
English for Academic and Professional Purposes – 11

Name:________________________________________ Score:_____________
Year & Section: __________________ Teacher: Campos, Mary Grace M. Date: _____________


Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. This is an evaluation of a service, of a company, and of publication.

A. Book Review B. Review C. Film Review D. Video game Review
2. It refers to a writing wherein you need to review a book.
A. Book Review B. Review C. Film Review D. Video game Review
3. It refers to a writing wherein you need to review a film.
A. Book Review B. Review C. Film Review D. Video game Review
4. A brief summary of important details such as observations, conclusions, and findings in the
A. Brief Summary B. Results C. Contribution D. Foundation
5. Includes the discussion of theories and framework of other people which served as the
foundation of your current work.
A. Brief Summary B. Results C. Contribution D. Foundation
6. In summarizing, it should be 2-3 paragraphs.
A. Brief Summary B. Results C. Contribution D. Foundation
7. It’s the contribution of the article in the field of researches, not the contribution
mentioned in the article.
A. Brief Summary B. Results C. Contribution D. Foundation
8. It includes the authors, title, journal name, volume, issue, year, and page numbers.
A. Bibliographic Reference B. Introduction C. Questions D. General Critique
9. If you state and justify both your positive and negative comments, it should be in 4-5
sentences about the article you reviewed.
A. Bibliographic Reference B. Introduction C. Questions D. General Critique
10. Based on the article, ask three or more questions on your own that would make the
readers think.
A. Bibliographic Reference B. Introduction C. Questions D. General Critique
11. This is where objectives, goals, purpose of an article are being stated.
A. Bibliographic Reference B. Introduction C. Questions D. General Critique
12. Each issue should be explained in separate paragraph of 5-10 sentences.
A. Issues(by the author) C. Annotated Bibliography
B. Issues(your opinion) D. Bibliographic Reference
13. A questions on issues that you need to list down if you think it remain unsolved.
A. Issues(by the author) C. Annotated Bibliography
B. Issues(your opinion) D. Bibliographic Reference
14. It should be written fully including the authors, title, journal name, volume, issue, year,
page numbers.
A. Issues(by the author) C. Annotated Bibliography
B. Issues(your opinion) D. Bibliographic Reference
15. It refers to a writing wherein you need to review a video game.
A. Book Review B. Review C. Film Review D. Video game Review
16. Includes the writer’s personal judgements and impression of what the film is about.
A. Analysis B. Introduction C. Description D. Conclusion/Evaluation
17. Formal techniques and thematic contents used to create the film.
A. Analysis B. Introduction C. Description D. Conclusion/Evaluation
18. Closing statements of your review and reminds readers of the thoughts and impressions
you have viewed film.
A. Analysis B. Introduction C. Description D. Conclusion/Evaluation
19. The basic information of the film (film’s name, director, screenwriter, year and major
A. Analysis B. Introduction C. Plot Summary D. Conclusion/Evaluation
20. It contains the summary of the film.
A. Analysis B. Introduction C. Plot Summary D. Conclusion/Evaluation
21. The determining factor for the improvement of your reading speed and comprehension.
A. Context Clues B. Vocabulary Bank C. Vocabulary D. Context
22. A strategy to guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word and to improve one’s reading skill.
A. Context Clues B. Vocabulary Bank C. Vocabulary D. Context
23. These are the words or sentences surrounding the unfamiliar word that give hints on its
A. Context Clues B. Vocabulary Bank C. Vocabulary D. Context
24. What are the ways by which your vocabulary can be improved?
A. Utilizing modern tools C. Games and gadgets
B. Dictionaries and Thesaurus D. All of the above
25. What will the readers do if they encounter unfamiliar words?
A. Pause ‘till it affects the reader’s reading.
B. Do not continue the reading.
C. Consciously continue to improve your vocabulary.
D. None of the above.

FOR NUMBERS 26-32. (Context Clues)

Directions: Using Context Clues, find the meaning of the unfamiliar word in each item. Encircle the
letter of the correct answer.

26. Our baseball team’s pitcher has a few eccentric habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen
warm-up pitches and never wearing socks.
A. normal B. strange C. messy D. cloudy
27. After the heavy rains, the stream became murky; in fact, the water was so cloudy, you
couldn’t see the bottom.
A. cloudy B. bottomless C. clear D. products
28. The debris on the stadium floor included numerous paper cups, ticket stubs, and
cigarette butts.
A. products B. papers C. trash D. Styro
29. The coach takes every opportunity to censure his players, yet he ignore every opportunity
to praise them.
A. approve of B. criticize C. choose D. decide
30. The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save
enough money to buy a house.
A. economical B. wasteful C. interested D. showy
31. Although Alex usually looks unkempt, he had a very neat appearance at his job interview.
A. orderly B. handsome C. messy D. scattered
32. I’m looking for a unique gift for my boyfriend; he appreciates unusual things.
A. example B. synonym C. antonym D. contrast
FOR NUMBERS 33-40. (Different types of Context Clues and Examples)
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

33. Words or phrases indicating that example clues are like, for example, for instance and as an
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
34. Caught in an epiphany, that is, a sudden, a strong and clear realization, I suddenly knew how to
solve my dilemma. What type of context clues example is this?
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
35. The signal words for this clues are but, however, on the other hand, nevertheless, yet and in
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
36. Paul knew he just made a cultural faux pas when he kissed the Muslim woman on the check and
he was met with a dead, stunned stare! What type of context clues example is this?
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
37. The signal words for this clues are or, in other words, that is, by this we mean, that is to say, and
also known as.
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
38. Carbohydates such as pasta, bread, and rice may contribute to weight gain. What type of context
clues example is this?
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
39. A type of Context clues that makes sense of a word’s meaning by largely depending on your
commpn sense requires you to use your knowledge and experience.
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues
40. Jogging long distance exacerbates the pain in my feet. However, soaking my feet in warm water
after jogging feels relaxing and smoothing.
A. Example Clues C. Antonym or Contrast Clues
B. Synonym or Definition Clues D. General Clues


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