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An Extract from "The Eschatological Ramblings of Vrost, twice Fool and once Sage"

- The fragment presented here is from the Royal Library of Ari-Desh, no complete
copy of the text is known to exist though rumors circulate from time to time of a
more complete copy than this no such thing has by been coroborated. Vrost is an
interesting character, accounts of his origin vary. Some have him as the scion of a
minor noble house from a land far north of the Gorean wastes while others claim
that he was an orphan beggar from the pleasure district here in Ari-Desh. He was a
court sage to Darius the Young, founder of the Darian dynasty that lasted from 381
to 502. It is believed Vrost served for some roughly a decade before being
dismissed under peculiar circumstance. What became of him from there is unknown,
though works survive that certain learned men believe were penned by him after his
dismissal from Royal service. Tales circulate that a certain one eyed sage took to
making oracles in a desolate temple within the Gorean wastes around the correct
time period and many speculate that this is where he spent the last years of his
life. This fragment is the last work he was known to have produced during his royal
service and some theorize that something in the contents of the complete document
was played a role in his dismisal.

"Then did I cast the Rune into the flame for a second time! Behold! There was the
second vision, after the unspeakable had been done and the last covenant been
broken a great sundering occured. The girdle that holds together the makings of the
world came undone, and with it the void spilled into the world and the gods, the
spirits, and the outsiders came flooding back to the world, no longer forbidden
from walking under the light of the sun on warm earth. The sky turned ever after
red, the earth wore great cracks, and seas spilled their borders.

The Gods took sides against one another and with them each a portion of men went.
Others among men rallied to a great king who called out "The order is broken, no
more shall we worship in hope of a boon, we shall make the Gods bow down to us".
Thus great war broke out, Gods laid one another low, and men butchered men. The
great king called to him Wizards and beasts, and those who shape flesh, and he
opened a scroll long lost that lead him to the final resting place of the first men
on this world, those men who came from outside. The great king took the armaments
of the first men from their tomb, not the crude mockeries that have persisted to
this age but mighty weapons of war, great rifles that gout flame and light, men of
iron who can fell a score of doughty warriors with a single stroke, and ships that
sail through sky.

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