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One of the god kin was curious, he ranged farther than the others, he spent his

time studying the things around him, and conversing with any creatuer that would.
The gods at that moment were in ignorance of what is that they were, and how they
came to be, and this weighed heaviest on his mind, so he took upon himself the task
of learning these things. He made for himself a great spear with a blade to match,
and a great store of provision he took then set off on his journey.

For a great time he wondered though it cannot be counted how long for the world was
in perpetual twilight and covered in great shadows, the great light of the sun nor
the gentle glow of the moon had not yet been set so there was no time to reckon. He
ranged across all the lands that were at that time, slew many great beasts, and
learned all manner of secrets but he had not yet learned what he sought.

He went forth to the great mountains, the bones of the earth wreathed in smoke and
flame, and he slew a great drake and took its hide. He sat close in to the flame
for a time, in the heart of the mountain and he rested. Coming up from deep within
he heard a faint voice, and he went still and listened. Sacred words he heard, and
profane ones, he came to know the wisdom of the flame.

Again he went forth, this time in a dark forest. He sought out the greatest of
trees, and there he found it gaurded by a great bear and again he slew, taking it's
hide. Again he rested beneath the shade of the great trees canopy. Up from the
roots he heard a voice and he learned words sacred and profane. He came to know the
wisdom of the earth.

Now he built a ship and he went forth to the sea. There he founded it guarded by a
great kraken, and they did battle and he laid it low taking it's hide. Then he
rested upon the deck of his ship and listened to the gentle waves and he heard up
from the depths a whisper and he learned words sacred and profane and he came to
know the wisdom of the waters.

Now at this time he went ashore and he sought out a great storm. Therein was a Roc,
and he did battle with it, killing it for it's own and taking it's feathers. He sat
in tempest in silence and contemplated the roaring winds and there within he heard
a gentle whisper and from it he leanred words both sacred and profane and he knew
the wisdom of the winds.

Then at last he strode forth into the twilight as there was no difference between
the world below nor that above at that time. He wandered out among the stars and
here he found no great beast but many of them, like unto nothing known elsewhere.
He slew them and in among their ruin he found a key and when he took it he heard
not a whisper but a great chorus and he learned words both sacred and profane from
it and he knew the wisdom of the ether. The key is a mystery for it's purpose
cannot be revealed untill all things end.

He learned the voice of the one, great words of wisdom that could change shape of
the world around him. He came to know the one, and see him inside himself and in
all things, he came to understand the formless things. He grew to understand that
from a single breath came life, and he came to know himself. He had discovered
magic, the thread that ran through all things, he came to know it's limits and it's

Finally he took the hide and feathers of the great beasts and made a cloak for
himself and he fastened the key round his neck and using the words gained he
fashioned a barrier between the Ather and the world that was now below it and he
set out great magics so that it was impossible to pass between the two save with
great art or great calamity.
He returned to the hall of his kin after his discovery, wisened by the hardships of
his journey and the profundity of his new found knowledge and he shared the secrets
of magic with the gods and taught them of what substance they and the world were
made. From his journey his youth had passed, and the secrets he had learned rested
heavily upon his shoulders, and his hair had turned from a deep black to a whispery
grey, and his kin marveled at the change, they called him ever after "Insight" and
the "The burdened one" for though he had taught them many secrets some he reserved
for him self.

It is his wisdom that tempers all things, and can curb the power of any force, but
it cannot exist alone and feeds only in all other things.

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