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I am a third year student of Shri Ram College of Commerce pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Commerce.

Commerce, as I find it, is the most practical field of study. It gives you the opportunity of analyzing and
understanding the current business trends, mastering the quintessence of the financial world and being proficient in
the art of money-making. Bottom-line, Commerce is all about mastering the ‘Bottom-line’.

Consultancy is a field which involves giving expert advice in all possible technical fields and thus empowering
people seeking this advice. With a base as diverse as commerce and a vast pool of knowledge, I believe that the
future of consultancy is exciting and something that I would want to thoroughly explore as it not only quenches my
thirst of learning and understanding, but is also a field which immensely interests me. Being responsible towards
clients while acknowledging and adapting to the case expectations with perfection- and thus, helping them obtain a
solution to their most critical predicaments would definitely be a rewarding experience for an aspiring consultancy
enthusiast like me.

Bain & Company is one of the world’s leading management consulting firms- the forerunner in advising the
business leaders across all industries. Bain Capability Center is an integral and invaluable part of this organization
providing esteemed services in its worldwide operations. It would be the perfect launch pad for a fresh graduate, like
me, to work and be a part of this prestigious corporation whose work projects are so wide-ranging and multinational.
Working with the best minds across the globe would provide me with a stimulating environment to grow and
flourish. There exists a dearth of such training grounds for a goal-oriented person, such as me, and I would be truly
honored to work with this company which helps me develop as a skilled individual. Beyond the learning, the
supporting culture and the commitment to build strong relationships with colleagues and fellow workers inspire me.

Throughout my school and college I have tried to maintain a good balance between my academics and extra-
curricular activities. I have always been disciplined, hardworking and consistent in my classroom learning and my
results bear testimony to this fact. Extra-curricular activities and competitions have always keenly interested me as it
challenged me to outdo myself, thereby encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone and to continuously strive
for excellence. Participating and winning the National level ‘Business Conclave Case Study Competition’ and
corporate strategy based event organized by IIM-Bangalore, inculcated in me under-pressure performance, excellent
communication skills and self-confidence. Being actively involved in a large number of diverse societies in college
has given me an overview of how things take place in a diverse gamut of fields.

Organizing, leading and managing has ever since been my forte, as is well justified by the array of positions of
responsibility entrusted upon me. My hands-on experience in managing national level fests and building it from
scratch analyzing the needs of the sponsors, targeting them effectively and hence raising funds to organize
competitions that enables students to participate in exciting competitions and events has instilled a range of valuable
skills like multi-tasking, team work, leadership, data base building and making professional presentations. My
informal assistance in launching a new clothing brand online and a mobile application has made me realize that
assimilation of knowledge and the ability to disseminate it is something I enjoy. And what could be better, than
doing what you love? My motivation, perseverance and passion along with the skills and knowledge I have acquired
till date gives me the confidence and strong belief that if given the opportunity, I could fully do justice to the valued
position of a Bain analyst.

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