Quickest Flow

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Ong, Tian Ruy

Plana, Eloisa Marie
Ruta, Nikki Jane
Morales, Jonh Kenneth
Acebu, Reynaldo Jr.
Lozada, Alyssa Marie

October, 2017




A Research Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the Basic Education Department
of the Holy Cross College of Calinan


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

in Practical Research II


Ong, Tian Ruy

Plana, Eloisa Marie
Ruta, Nikki Jane
Morales, Jonh Kenneth
Acebu, Reynaldo Jr.
Lozada, Alyssa Marie

October, 2017


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Practical Research II, this study



prepared and submitted by Tian Ruy Ong, Eloisa Marie Plana, Nikki Jane Ruta, Jonh

Kenneth Morales, Reynaldo Acebu Jr., and Alyssa Marie Lozada is hereby

recommended for oral examination, approval and acceptance.




Approved by the panel of examiners, after the presentation of the study with the

grade of PASSED.


Panel Member Panel Member



Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Senior High School.

Date of Oral Examination: October 5, 2017


B.Ed. Principal


This research study would not be possible without the presence of the many

significant individuals who helped in its completion. Because of this, the researchers

would like to acknowledge and express their deepest and heart-felt gratitude to the


To their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ong, Mrs. Plana, Mr. and Mrs. Morales, Mr. and

Mrs. Lozada, Mr. and Mrs. Acebu and Mr. and Mrs. Ruta, for providing them financial

assistance and moral support during the conduct of this research study;

To the School President, Sister Lorna B. Murillo, P.M., the Basic Education

Principal, Miss Ma. Corazon C. Sunga, and the Dean of College, Dr. Mary C. Deocariza

for allowing the researchers to conduct the study;

To Mr. Van Anthony Quiamco, Miss Shogar Echavez, Mrs. Jessica Rabang, Mrs.

Luz Palarca, Mrs. Catherine Divinagracia and Miss Denise Claire Parone for their

support and for sharing their time and expertise during the data gathering procedures and

implementation of the study;

To the Disaster Action Team (DAT) especially the Security Team for helping the

researchers facilitate the flow of the students during evacuation;

To Mr. Raffy C. Centeno, for the support and encouragement which helped the

researchers address different setbacks and problems encountered in the study;

To Miss Melina Gonzales, their research adviser, who provided them the basic

knowledge on doing research and for continually supporting and guiding them

throughout their study;


To the panel of examiners, Miss Ma. Corazon C. Sunga and Mr. Marlou C.

Bibanco, for their suggestions and constructive comments that helped the researchers

improve their study;

To the Basic Education students and teachers, for their cooperation and

participation during the speed tests, meetings and drills conducted by the researchers;

Above all, to God Almighty Father for giving the researchers the courage,

strength, wisdom, and enlightenment to finish the study. Thank You.



In this research study, an earthquake evacuation strategy was developed through

mathematical and strategic approaches using a network model: the Quickest Flow Model.

Its purpose is to find the most time-efficient evacuation routing system for the PM

building in Holy Cross College of Calinan. This is to lessen the overall evacuation time,

as well as the possible number of casualties whenever an earthquake disaster occurs.

All nodes, arcs and sinks in the school were identified and translated into a

network model. Through Djkistra’s algorithm, the shortest path each source may take to

evacuate among the given set of paths were identified, considering the arc costs, arc and

sink capacities, traffic congestion and availability of arcs at each time interval. To test the

model, two sets of drills were conducted using the non-model-based evacuation plan and

the model-based evacuation plan. The statistical tool – independent t-test, was then used

to test if there is a significant difference between the time of evacuation with and without

the model. Compared to the non-model-based evacuation plan, the total evacuation time

spent by the evacuees is significantly lower by up to 45 seconds when the model-based

evacuation plan was used. Therefore, it was concluded that the proposed model-based

evacuation plan improved the time spent during evacuation. Thus, it is recommended that

the proposed strategy be employed as the school’s new evacuation plan.

Keywords: time-efficient evacuation, Quickest Flow Model, routing strategy, shortest

path algorithm, non-model-based evacuation plan



Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Tables ix
List of Figures x

Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 5
Hypotheses 6
Review of Related Literature and Studies 6
Theoretical Framework 18
Conceptual Framework 20
Significance of the Study 20
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 21
Definition of Terms 23

Chapter 2 METHODS
Research Design 25
Research Respondents 26
Research Locale 27
Data Gathering Procedure 28
Data Analysis 29


Presentation, Discussion and Interpretation of Data 31


Conclusion 59
Recommendations 60

References 61
Appendix 1a: Time spent using the non-model evacuation plan 66

with observations

Appendix 1b: Time spent using the model evacuation plan with 67


Appendix 2: The Applicability of the mathematical model 68

based on the demands of the school’s present

egress system

Appendix 3a: Distances from Sources to Sinks 69

Appendix 3b: Area Measurements of the Arcs 70

Appendix 4: Cost of Different Arcs in Time Units 71

Appendix 5: Capacity of different arcs relative to flow size 72

Appendix 6: Capacity of different sinks based on the average 73


Appendix 7: Distribution of Flows at each Time Interval 74

Appendix 8: Shortest Path Algorithm 75

Appendix 9: Arrangement of Sources in the Evacuation Areas 76

Appendix 10: Arc Costs and Capacities 77

Appendix 11: Calculation of Sink Capacities 78

Appendix 12: Distribution of Flow Units at Each Time Interval 79


Appendix 13a: Route Assignment Based on QFP 80

Appendix 13b: Route Assignment without the Model 81

Appendix 14: Statistical Analysis in R 82

Appendix 15: Boxplot Function 83

Appendix 16a: Formulated Evacuation Plan Using the Model in 84

PM Building Classrooms

Appendix 16b: Formulated Evacuation Plan Using the Model in 87

Different Offices

Appendix 17: Earthquake Drills Using the Non-Model-Based 88

Evacuation Plan

Appendix 18: Earthquake Drills Using the Model-Based 90

Evacuation Plan

Appendix 19: Measuring of School Dimensions 91

Appendix 20: Implementation of the Model 92

Appendix 21a: Letter of Permission to the School President 93

Appendix 21b: Letters of Permission to the School Principal 94

Appendix 21c: Letter of Permission to the Dean of College 95

Appendix 21d: Excuse Letter 96

Curriculum Vitae 97


Table 1 Time spent using the non-model evacuation plan with observations 33

Table 2 The applicability of the mathematical model based on the demands 35

of the school’s present egress system

Table 3 Costs of different arcs in time units 43

Table 4 Capacity of different arcs relative to flow size 45

Table 5 Capacity of different sinks based on the average occupancy 46

Table 6 Distribution of flows at each time interval 48

Table 7 Time spent using the model-based evacuation plan with 55


Table 8 Determining the difference using t-test 57



Figure 1 The conceptual framework of the study showing the relationship 20

between the components of evacuation planning and the Quickest

Flow Model

Figure 2 Present Non-model Based Evacuation Plan of HCCC 31

Figure 3.1 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 1 and 2 38

Figure 3.2 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 3, 4 and 5 39

Figure 3.3 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 39

Figure 3.4 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 11 and 12 40

Figure 3.5 Shortest Path Algorithm of Source 13 40

Figure 3.6 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 14, 15 and16 41

Figure 3.7 Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 17 and 18 41

Figure 4 Model-based Evacuation Plan 50

Figure 5.1 Assignment of Evacuees in Football Sink 51

Figure 5.2 Assignment of Evacuees in Front of Guidance offices 52

Figure 5.3 Assignment of Evacuees in Pieta Sink 53

Figure 5.4 Assignment of Evacuees in Grade School Ground Sink 53



This chapter presents the purpose of conducting the study, its significance, the

parameters to be considered and the hypotheses to be tested in the study. It also evaluates

existing related literatures and specifies the variables that will have to be explored.

Background of the Study

In the past decades, disasters have perceptibly increased in number. In the years

1994-2003, Asia was greatly affected by natural disasters in which approximately 70 out

of the 650 natural catastrophes recorded in 2004 were damaging earthquakes, 10 were

volcanic eruptions, and the rest were strong weather conditions. The 1990s and beyond

proved to be much calamitous, as global natural disaster trends rose with increasing

rapidity (Sena & Woldemichael, 2006). Hence, strategic evacuation response is necessary

to reduce the immediate and potential life-threatening dangers posed by such disasters

(Peeta, Sharma, & Hsu, 2011). Although many evacuation models have been proposed,

accepted, and simulated in the past years, Ronchi and Nilsson (2013) noticed that in most

cases, buildings targeting a safe evacuation often never go beyond the simplified

approach. This, however, should not be the case as preparedness is a key component of a

major incident management, which actually plays a significant role in the emergency

response (Castle, 2006). In designing an evacuation plan, the travel time movement

becomes the greatest factor. Thus, a good routing strategy will evacuate as many

evacuees as possible within a limited time (Ng & Chow, 2006; Qui & Jin, 2008).

There are many reasons that cause emergency people movement in a building

such as fire, earthquake, typhoons and civil disobedience. Traditionally, dealing with

emergency evacuation is by code compliance. Codes consider availability of egress

routes but do not consider the effects of potential blockage of ways out on time

evacuation. Even though various egress designs can be code compliance, they will still

perform differently in emergency evacuations. Some lead to a shorter evacuation time

while others prevent occupants to escape efficiently. Therefore, different kinds of layouts

can be compared in their evacuation performance. But regardless of the layout, an

appropriate configuration of plan design can provide a better evacuation result.

According to Gwynne and Galea (1998) as cited by Castle (2006), to perfectly assess the

potential evacuation efficiency of a building or an enclosure, it is necessary to consider

four aspects, which are configuration, environment, behavior and procedures.

When it comes to emergency preparedness, Japan has greatly progressed. The

country’s disaster management system has undergone tremendous advancement

throughout the past 5-6 decades (Nazarov, 2011). According to Yamada (1996) as cited

by Xie, Lin and Waller (2010), under the Natural Disaster Prevention and Relief Law,

every Japanese city has its own emergency evacuation plan in preparation for such major

disasters as earthquakes, tidal waves, etc. The plan includes places of refuge and the

allocation of all the residents to the refuge areas. In spite of this, the magnitude 9.0

earthquake incident at the coast of North-eastern Japan on March 11, 2011 showed the

devastating effect of the disaster destroying majority of high-rise buildings killing about

15, 891 people with 2,500 missing cases. The ground displacement during the earthquake

almost instantly moved the lower levels of the high-rise buildings in Japan, but it takes a

moment for the shaking to reach the upper floors. This created a dangerous seismic echo

in the structures, wherein the upper stories rushed to catch up with the motion of the

floors below. In just moments of severe shaking, it resulted to structural failure and

complete collapse of the high-rise buildings.

Being in the Pacific Ring of Fire just like Japan, the Philippine islands have

experienced up to twenty earthquakes a day (Group, 2012), although most are too deep or

too small to be felt. In 2008, the area around Ta’al volcano alone recorded ten volcanic

earthquakes in just one day. According to Sieh (2007), Asia has a geological record that

goes back 1,000 years. It shows the region (South-East Asia) being hit by major

earthquakes every 200 - 300 years. The last cluster of powerful quakes happened about

200 years ago which statistically means that South-East Asia is entering a new cluster or

new set of powerful earthquakes. In connection, in the year 1990, a 7.8 magnitude

earthquake shook Northern and Central Luzon with its epicenter recorded in Nueva Ecija

which lasted for about a minute as recorded by Rappler Philippines. Among the hardest

hit areas was Baguio City in which several structures collapsed, burying people alive.

Some establishments were completely destroyed including hotels like the 12-storey Hyatt

Terraces Plaza, 5-storey Nevada Hotel, 6-storey Baguio Hilltop Hotel, 4-storey Baguio

Park Hotel and FRB hotel which mainly suggests the susceptibility of high-rise buildings

to severe ground shaking. Because of this, building evacuation becomes a critical factor

in emergency preparedness (Lu, 2011). Since then, public and private sector planners

take very different approaches to planning for catastrophic events, so it will be instructive

to examine earthquake risk as an emergency manager would through the four phases of

emergency management - mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.


Experts suggest that many schools fail to formulate policies and guidelines

regarding preparedness in terms of evacuation plans, designated evacuation area, and

safety awareness. According to UNESCO (2012), school safety is highly necessary as

children are among the most vulnerable group. In fact, educational places such as schools

are among the most important buildings exposed to serious damage and loss of life from

earthquakes (Hosseini & Izadkhah, 2006). When the 7.2 earthquake hit Sulu on January

10, 2017, the tremors were felt even in Davao City. Students and employees from

different establishments evacuated to open grounds (Revita, 2017). Because of the

earthquake disaster risk management planning, a “safety culture” was developed in which

people became aware of the hazards that may confront them and the knowledge with

which they can protect themselves (Hosseini & Izadkhah, 2006). The recent earthquake

in Davao has shown that the knowledge from regular drills helped people in reacting

during a disaster.

At present, the Holy Cross College of Calinan (HCCC) has 3 high-rise buildings

which include a 5-storey college building, 4-storey PM building and 2-storey OLSW

building that require an efficient evacuation plan considering their susceptibility to severe

ground shakings. Although the institution periodically conducts evacuation drills, the

egress system used was not based upon a model. To address such problem, this study

aims to provide a mathematical model-based evacuation plan to decrease the overall

evacuation time by lessening the congestion occurring along the arcs and by proper route

assignment. By using a model-based plan, it will give better insights and orientations for

solving real-life complex systems such as the maximization of flows and minimization of

time for evacuation (Amirgaliyeva, 2012) which would in turn lessen the possibility of

having casualties whenever an earthquake may occur.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to develop a new strategic evacuation plan in Holy

Cross College of Calinan using a mathematical model, the Quickest Flow. Specifically, it

aims to answer the following questions:

Phase 1: Before the Implementation of the Quickest Flow Model

1. What is the present egress system of Holy Cross College of Calinan?

2. What is the average time spent during evacuation using the non-model-based

evacuation plan?

3. Is the Quickest Flow Model applicable for planning an evacuation strategy in

Holy Cross College of Calinan?

4. What procedures should be employed to improve egress efficiency?

Phase 2: After the Implementation of the Quickest Flow Model

1. What is the average time spent during evacuation using the model-based

evacuation plan?

2. Is there a significant difference in the time spent between the non-model and

model-based evacuation plan?



Ha: There is a significant difference in the time spent of evacuation between the non-

model and model-based evacuation plan.

Ho: There is no significant difference in the time spent of evacuation between the

non-model and model-based evacuation plan.

Review of the Related Literature

Evacuation is defined as the removal of lives and/or property from the disaster

zone to the safety zone as quickly as possible (Khadka, 2016). It is an intuitive and

practically effective emergency rescue measure that has long been used and is expected

to be enhanced to protect human population against hazardous situations caused by

natural and man-made disasters.

The viewpoint of modelling and improving an evacuation process as a special

transportation system has been recognized since late 1990’s, and apparently stimulated

after two major hurricanes, Hurricanes Georges in 1998 and Floyd in 1999. The lessons

learned from the two mass evacuation instances indicated that many transportation and

traffic related efficiency and safety issues would be frequently encountered yet not

satisfactorily addressed at the current state of evacuation practice (Xie, 2008). Further,

when Hurricane Andrew was approaching Florida and Louisiana in 1992, the affected

population was just simply asked to leave the area as soon as possible. This caused

tremendous traffic congestion on highways and led to great confusion and chaos (Lu,

Huang & Shekhar, 2008). More recently, Hurricane Katrina, the third worst hurricane in

U.S. history, struck the Golf Coast in August 2005, resulting more than 1,800 deaths and

an estimated $81.2 billion loss of property. The evacuation prior to and just after this

hurricane is widely regarded as a failure of emergency response and management.

Several post-disaster investigations have cited evacuation failures as a major contributor

to the death toll in the city of New Orleans. In order to manage such emergencies more

effectively, decision makers may benefit from having in-place evacuation plans for

scenarios which are most likely to happen, even though real-time design and re-

evaluation of evacuation plans may be required after the disaster strikes (Alexander,

2002, as cited by Stepanov & Smith, 2008).

In recent years, catastrophic disasters by massive earthquakes are increasing in the

world making disaster management more required than ever. An example of this is the

Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake incident that happened in Japan on March 11, 2011

which caused a tsunami that brought serious damage to certain areas. Although disaster

prevention in civil and architectural engineering fields of Japan had been considered

mainly from physical aspects, previously, it becomes clear that it is difficult to prevent

large tsunami physically. Therefore, the disaster prevention from non-physical aspect,

such as city planning and evacuation planning, is considered to become more important

from now on (Katoh, Takizawa, & Inoue, 2012).

Evacuation Plan

Emergency evacuation plans assign evacuees to fixed routes or destinations even

before disasters. An evacuation plan defines optimal evacuation policies for the

population from areas under risk and uncertainty (Stepanov & Smith, 2008). According

to Xie (2008), a well-defined and manageable plan based on network models is one of the

prerequisites for successful implementation of a large-scale evacuation. The purpose of


an evacuation plan is to maximize the utilization of an existing transportation system for

evacuation of a threatened population and hence to minimize the exposure and potential

fatalities of the population from the impending or occurring disaster. However,

preventive measures are to be taken into account during the construction of the

evacuation plan (Khadka, 2016). These preventive measures can take many forms

including the construction of evacuation shelters, implementation of emergency

communication system and installation of warning devices.

Evacuation Planning

Evacuation planning, on the other hand, refers to the formulation of a plan to be

used for evacuation purposes. It includes the estimation of the evacuation time,

propagation of the disaster, the potential risk and location of the safety zone and the

reorganization of the traffic routes from the disaster zone to the safety zone. According to

Xie (2008), it is an important component of emergency preparedness in urban and rural

areas in which the number and location of rescue facilities or areas is an important aspect

of this planning, as is the identification of primary and secondary evacuation routes for

the residents to take.

As one of the aspects of disaster mitigation and evacuation planning, the planners

must find or provide an effective tactic and operation strategy managing the traffic and

transportation needs during an evacuation. The development of such strategies is a

difficult task that may be greatly aided through involving mathematical traffic modeling

with optimization insights (Zheng, Chiu, Mirchandani, & Hickman, 2010). An evacuation

problem planning was formalized by using the idea of network flow, and has proposed

the evacuation model to find the fastest completion time of evacuees. Minimizing the

evacuation time by which all evacuees completed the evacuation is the criterion for the

evacuation planning (Takizawa, Inoue, & Katoh, 2011).

The Quickest Flow Model

The overall evacuation performance could be better assessed by evaluating the

number of evacuees having left the disaster area over time. Such an evacuation process

requires a simulation model, or in other words, in these cases, an integrated optimization-

simulation approach is highly desirable (Xie, 2008).

In the context of evacuation modeling, dynamic network flow theory can be used

to provide lower bounds on evacuation times and optimal evacuation routes. It aims to

send a maximum amount of flow from a source to a sink within a given time bound

(Pyakurel & Dhamala, 2014). An optimal dynamic network flow can be computed

efficiently and yields a best achievable evacuation plan, provided all evacuees follow the

routes corresponding to this flow (Hamacher, Leiner, & Ruzika, 2011). According to

Hooks and Patterson (2004) as cited by Baumann and Skutella (2009), the importance

and wide applicability of network flow problems has long been recognized. Dynamic

network flow problems, in particular, have been used to model numerous real world

phenomena arising in applications within almost all industries. Such applications include

production-distribution systems, fleet management, evacuation and communications.

One of the well-studied dynamic network flow problem in the context of

evacuation modeling is the quickest flow problem (QFP): given a dynamic network and a

number b of flow units, find the minimal time T needed to route all flow units from the

source s to the target t. It aims to send a given flow amount from the source to the sink in

the shortest possible time. The resulting minimal time T therefore gives a lower bound on

the minimal evacuation time (Hamacher, Leiner & Ruzika, 2011). In addition, evacuation

for pedestrians from buildings based on dynamic network flow has also been extensively

studied. The problem maximizes a number of evacuees and evacuation time. The disaster

zone may have multiple nodes. Another variant with time dependent flow uses tree

structure network to evacuate from common buildings. Moreover, time dependent case

updates the evacuation routes in time period which minimizes the overall evacuation time

(Khadka, 2016).

According to Xie (2008) and Khadka (2016), many factors should be considered

when formulating an evacuation plan. Thus in this study, the following factors are


a. Traffic Congestion

During disasters it is expected that mass evacuation is performed immediately in

order to ensure safety and avoid life-threatening dangers resulting in many loss of lives

and properties. One of the major setbacks of evacuation often starts from a surge of

traffic demand which might exceed the capacity of an existing roadway system that

results in congestion or even gridlock of the network (Kalafatas & Peeta, 2009). This is in

consonance to the study of Xie (2008) which stated that evacuation by nature is a

transportation activity and with transportation, there is always traffic involved. One of the

inherited properties of the problem is that the traffic load is where the evacuation network

performance depends on. The over-utilization of a particular road link can block traffic

through the link completely. This blocking will affect all upstream links which causes the

significant congestion through the evacuation network. Thus according to Cruz, Talebi

and Smith (2005) as cited by Stepanov and Smith (2008), the improvement of the

network performance depends on the efficient management of the demand-supply

problem of the evacuation network

According to Zimmerman (2010), the efficient and expeditions flow of evacuation

traffic is the most critical element in a successful evacuation and the most challenging

mission, especially in a no-notice environment. The variability of the traffic management

plan employed during an evacuation will directly influence the safety and comfort of the

evacuees. Compared with the already complicated traffic operations problem under

normal traffic conditions, operations during emergency evacuation can be much more

difficult. Significantly, heavier flows throughout the network result in a rapid rise in

demand. Excessive queues and delays are expected under such scenarios, as the demand

volume far exceeds the capacity of the network. Improper evacuation plans will cause

some areas to be more congested than others, reducing the opportunity for escape from

these areas.

b. Traffic Route Assignment

In recent years, devising an optimal evacuation plan has been advanced from

seeking the optimal routing and scheduling scheme in a given network and spreading

evacuees to follow the corresponding system-optimal evacuation order, to promoting the

optimal flow pattern by physically manipulating the network configuration. In these

network planning models, the decision variables not only reside in demand routing and

scheduling, but also include network supply properties, such as contraflow configuration

and intersection control which need an appropriate route assignment (Xie, 2008).

Traffic route assignment methods have been one of the most widely used

approaches to model traffic flow over road networks since the first mathematical

formulation of static traffic assignment problem was proposed by Beckmann (1956) as

cited by Chang, Elnashai, Spencer, Song and Ouyang (2010). The basic idea is to

recognize the traffic routing from the disaster zone to the safety zone. The disaster zone

and/or safety zone may have multiple nodes. The disaster zone may be buildings,

vehicles, stadiums, cities or a region. The main objective of traffic planning is prior

selection of scalable traffic routes for evacuees within a desired time (Khadka, 2016).

When planning an evacuation traffic route assignment, the areas, destinations and

evacuation transportation networks must be properly defined (Kerbache & Smith, 2000 as

cited by Stepanov, et. al., 2008).

c. Human Behavior Under Emergency Conditions

Evacuee behavior is a complex phenomenon that needs to be understood

(Stepanov & Smith, 2008) since it causes most of the clogs during evacuations. Valid

assumptions on human behavior during emergencies such as panic, herding, congestion,

and ignorance of guidance help design a fixed system for safe and efficient evacuation.

Although, it is also a challenge as behavior may vary to each person and it is plagued

with uncertainties especially in times of panic (Caunhye, Nie, & Pokharel, 2011). The

social and familiarity factors of evacuees have also been noticed by Shen (2005) as cited

by Chizari, et. al. (2013), where mostly the effect of proposed model is on the walking

speed and the route selection is still based on shortest path to exit. On the way to exit,

evacuees, who are in panic mode, may push each other and this will reduce the

evacuation process. More often than not, the behavioral pattern is consistent across

different emergency conditions (Pel, Bliemer, & Hoogendoorn, 2011).

In addition, since evacuation is a one-time transportation activity, evacuees may

not have sufficient experience and adequate information to make proper routing and other

travel choices. Their travel decisions and other evacuation related judgments are highly

dependent on their own perceptions of the risk, as well as the information transferred

from their social networks and the authority. According to Xie (2008), due to the

unpredictability and suddenness of disasters, their perceived information is often

inaccurate and incomplete. As a result, travel behavior of evacuees is uncertain and

disordered compared to their ordinary travel activities. Nevertheless, most studies

suggested that human behavior is still a necessary component when building an

evacuation plan (Castle, 2006; Pel et. al., 2011; Pelechano & Badler, 2006; Sagun,

Anumba, & Bouchlaghem, 2013).

In the study, the evacuee behavior will be divided into two categories: behavior

under emergency conditions and the behavior during evacuation drills. However, since

the Quickest Flow Model cannot take drill behavior such as the laughing, shouting, and

bystanding into account, assumptions have been formulated instead.

d. Identification of Refuge Centers

Emergency shelter is the temporary living place for people to avoid the danger of

natural disasters such as earthquake, fire, flood and so on. Based on scientific planning

and standard management, the emergency shelter could be used to supply the basic

substinence requirements for people in dangers (Yang, Han, Zhang & Song, n.d.).

In addition, an evacuation area should be away from the lots that are prone to

earthquake fault zone or where there are dangerous and adverse hazards. It should be flat,

open and should not be flooded by river or other secondary disasters. Effective refuge

area should exclude water area, low shrubs, areas covered by trees, non-refuge buildings

and area that slope is greater than 15 degrees (Wang, Wang, Liu, & Chu, 2013) and most

especially it should have sufficient reserve space to accommodate more people during

evacuation. For evacuation purpose, the design must designate space of 1m2 per person

(Bappenas, 2005).

The evacuation area should be established and evacuees should be notified of

their locations in advance to reduce the risks and costs (Karnema, Nohadeseh, Samira &

Asghari, 2014). The concept of relaxing the constraint of assigning evacuees to

prespecified destinations will most likely improve evacuation efficiency (Yuan, Han,

Chin & Hwang, 2006). According to Saadatseresht, Mansourian, and Taleai (2009), a

central challenge in developing an evacuation plan is determining the distribution of

evacuees. At this step of evacuation planning process, the destinations should be

identified (Lindell & Prater, 2007).

e. Building Evaluation

In recent years, super high-rise buildings which are greater than 500 meters are

developing very quickly and became an important frontier of civil engineering. However,

the consequent occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquakes raises awareness


regarding the safety of building designs (Sagun, et. al., 2013). Because of this, the

collapse resistance of super high-rise buildings subjected to extremely strong earthquake

is a critical problem that must be intensively studied (Lu, 2011). This was supported by

the study of Burtles and Noakes-Fry (2016) stating that the building structure can also be

a challenge during emergency evacuation especially for multi-storey buildings. The

higher the building, the more complex evacuation becomes. The sense of awareness on

this issue was raised by the World Trade Center terrorist attack of 9/11 (Ronchi &

Nilsson, 2013). When the terrorists attacked WTC, it took as long as six to eight hours for

the occupants to exit the building. Furthermore, it showed the importance of providing

robust means of egress (Hall, 2011) by enabling efficient evacuation (Sagun et. al., 2013).

The evacuation process in high-rise building is substantially affected by the

characteristics of vertical egress components. Modern egress design should take into

account several variables, including the change of occupant demographics (Spearpoint &

Maclennan, 2012), occupant behaviors (Nilsson & Jonsson, 2011), the advance in the

technologies that lead to the design of extremely complex buildings and the subsequent

increase in the building height. Because of this, evacuation procedures in buildings have

long been studied in many aspects from architecture, engineering, computer modeling,

etc (Chizari, et. al., 2013). Despite the numerous efforts, evacuating a building keeps

getting complicated as time goes and at present, mathematical models and simulations

help create a fast and safe evacuation process.


Limitation of the Optimization Model

Despite the ease of implementation and less computational research required, the

main weaknesses of this optimization-based evacuation planning models are quite

difficult to address. According to Xie (2008), there are two factors that are hard to cope in

the evacuation models. First is that the central emergency management authority is

implicitly assumed to regulate the whole evacuation process while the individual

behaviors may not be appropriately taken into account and second, in many cases, a

proper relationship between traffic and travel time is not incorporated into the estimation

of the spatial distribution of evacuating flow over the network.

Hooks and Patterson (2004) as cited by Baumann and Skutella (2009) also stated

that dynamic network flow problems have been traditionally considered in a purely static

environment, i.e. the attributes of the network, including arc traversal times (or costs), arc

and node capacities, and the availability of supply, are time-invariant. For many of the

aforementioned applications, such a static representation may be inadequate. Thus, to

more realistically model such problems, the methodology must recognize the inherent

time-varying nature not only of flow, but also of the network attributes. While standard

network flows are useful to model a variety of optimization problems, they fail to capture

a crucial element of many routing problems: routing occurs over time.

In the study of Xie (2008), evacuation planning may deal with both short-term

and long-term issues. Defining the short-term evacuation plan, it needs to be enacted

quickly responding to an emergency in a predicted hazardous event. The long-term

evacuation plan, on the other hand, is generally proposed for a potential emergency area

in which some natural disaster may have frequently occurred in history and is expected to

occur again in a foreseeable future.

Statistical Analysis for Comparison of Data

There are many different standard tests available for comparing two distributions.

A common way to test that the difference between two means is non-random is the

independent t-test (Hammer, Harper & Ryan, 2008). However, the test should only be

used if populations are close to normally distributed. Also the t test compares the means

of two data sets, the F test compares their variances (Hammer et. al., 2008; J.S. Yuan,

Reed, Chen & Stuart, 2006).

Moreover, the data sets must not contain any strong outlier (Moore, 2004). To

identify such extreme data, representations such as the boxplot is frequently used

(Dawson, 2011). It essentially condenses the entire sample to a five-number summary,

plus locations of outliers as defined by extreme distance outside the range of the middle

half of the data (Larget, 2014). For small sample sizes, fewer number of extreme data is

expected. Nevertheless, with the small sample, results may unusually have narrow fences.

When this happens, it is more probable that data will be flagged as outliers.

The review above further elaborated this research by reviewing previous studies.

As a whole, the development of a strategic evacuation plan considers more than just the

distance and time of egress. Factors such as traffic, building structure, and behavior must

also be considered. Nakanishi, Kim, Ulusoy, and Bata (2003) as cited by Castle (2006)

stated that robust incident preparedness plans should incorporate the results of available

models. These are useful in estimating the response strategies and evacuation times.

Nevertheless, there will always be uncertainties when it comes to emergency evacuations.


These uncertainties should also be understood as it affects the efficiency of the


However, while reviewing previous studies, it was found that there was no

previous research regarding an application of an evacuation model conducted in the

school under study.

Theoretical Framework

Networks can be found anywhere in very different scientific disciplines such as

economics, organizational studies, social sciences, biology, logistics and others. In any

type of disciplines, networks are always the same in meaning: to represent graphs for

real-world objects in which nodes represent entities of the system and edges represent the

relationships among them (Steen, 2010).

Steen (2010) said that the concept of the network theory is essentially used in

describing phenomena from various fields including communication infrastructures,

drawing maps, scheduling tasks, social structures, and many other sciences. This theory

provides a set of techniques for analyzing graphs, and with complex systems, it also

analyzes structure in a system of interacting agents represented as network. In order to

describe the network structures representing real-world system, it is a need to find an

awful amount of information involving number of nodes and links, diameter, clustering,

presence of communities, and other properties (Estrada, 2013).

Constructing a strategic evacuation plan involves the use of nodes and links thus

making the network theory a critical concept in the study. Furthermore, the mathematical

model, quickest flow, is an example of a linear-programming model under the network


flow. This actually deals with optimization problems including shortest path, maximum

flow, and minimum cost flow problems (Ahuja, Magnanti, & Orlin, 1993).

In addition, a prime tool for modeling and designing automated decision-making

processes in interactive environments has been developed into a theory. The game theory

is a mathematical method for analyzing calculated circumstances, such as in games,

where a person's success is based upon the choices of others (Lo, Huang, Wang, & Yuen,

2006). According to Li, Zhu, Li, Wu, and Zhang (2015), an improved game theory now

finds the global minimization for the evacuation time. It helps obtain an optimum agent

distribution with estimation of the degree of risk of a route to manage the routing

selection problem and the congestion conflict. During the past decade, game theory has

been developed in the areas of competitive behaviors and the rationality problem of

evacuees. However, the degree of congestion of the emergency exit, the average

congestion degree of the evacuation route, and the maximum flow rate of exit are still

crucial factors that affect evacuation clearance time (Li, et. al., 2015).

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: The conceptual framework of the study showing the relationship between

the components of evacuation planning and the Quickest Flow Model.

The Quickest Flow Model’s aim is to find the most time-efficient routing system

for evacuation. There are two main factors affecting the time of evacuation: distance from

the source to the sink (evacuation area) which is affected by the layout or design of the

building under study and also traffic congestion. The congestion is affected by the

availability of exit routes and the crowd behavior during emergency evacuation such as

panic, herding, congestion and ignorance. However, the behavior of evacuees during

emergency conditions is not considered in the study since it is not included as a variable

in the Quickest Flow Model.

Significance of the Study

A time efficient evacuation plan will be a significant endeavor for Holy Cross

College of Calinan since it promotes safety in the school. Due to the increased number of

students, the previous practiced evacuation plan can now be considered obsolete as it was

designed for a lesser number of evacuees. The strategic model-based evacuation plan will

help lessen the overall evacuation time by considering the necessary factors like traffic

generation and management and choice of path towards the evacuation areas. The

possible decrease in the number of casualties during earthquake calamities is one benefit

that students, teachers and administrators experience. Also, the institution can be helped

by the results of the study considering that the present evacuation plan does not follow a

network-based strategy which is a must in ensuring safety in the school. Moreover, this

study will be beneficial beyond the school’s range through inspiring and recommending

other institutions as well as the bigger community to formulate or improve their

evacuation strategy. The results of the study can also be used by the future researchers as

a guide in conducting their own studies regarding efficient evacuation planning.

Scope and Delimitation

The study focuses on formulating an efficient evacuation plan using the Quickest

Flow Model in Holy Cross College of Calinan. However, it will only be applicable to

earthquake disasters needing an evacuation. Likewise, it will not consider other factors

such as the demographic profile, the attitudes, and the level of maturity of the students

that may affect the evacuation time during emergency conditions. It will not consider the

drill behavior exhibited by the students while evacuating. Lastly, the results of this study

test only the efficiency of the model as applied to the current building floor plan of Holy

Cross College of Calinan and should not be used to measure the overall efficiency of the

network model.

The network model itself has its limitations which is why different assumptions

are made and considered. In this model, it is assumed through the use of arithmetic mean

that a uniform population of 45 students will occupy every classroom in the PM building.

It is also assumed that there are no debris/blockages along the exit routes that could

prevent the evacuation. The schedule is assumed to be regular which means students are

in their classrooms and that the computer laboratories are occupied. The evacuees are

assumed to proceed directly to the sink without delays or counter flows and that the

designated refuge centers are intact during evacuation.

However, during the evacuation simulation, evacuees may not perform the drill as

correctly as expected. In attempt to imitate a no-notice environment during evacuation,

the drills conducted were unannounced. Due to this, the occupancy of the laboratories

and classrooms was not certain. Also, in any given dataset, outliers may occur. These

may be caused by out-of-scope and unsuspected circumstances such as the location of the

classes during drills.

The study will only be conducted in the PM building since the number and the

dimension of the exits, the location of the sinks, and the population expected to pass a

route are not equally distributed. The school's other buildings like the Rivier, Our Lady

Seat of Wisdom, and the elementary school buildings only have one or two exits and a

single possible sink thus do not need any further optimization.


Definition of Terms

This section involves definitions of the unfamiliar terms present and mentioned in

the research paper that are relevant to the study.

Egress System- It is the act of going out from the classrooms and from the buildings

through exit routes in Holy Cross College of Calinan.

Evacuation- This is a temporary but rapid transferring of students and staff from a

disaster area to the safety area as a precautionary measure.

Traffic Generation- This happens when students are divided to generate traffic during

evacuations. It avoids congestion on nodes and arcs.

Algorithm- These are steps that are followed to solve a mathematical problem or

complete a process.

Quickest Flow Model- It is the model used in the study to improve the evacuation

strategy. It is composed of nodes, arcs, and sinks which are used

to map out the evacuation activity.

Network- It is a set of sources, arc, nodes and sinks.

Network nodes- These are the sources, sink, and other areas wherein traffic may occur.

These are utilized in the model and are crucial factors in formulating an

evacuation plan.

Sources- These are the classrooms in the PM Building of Holy Cross College of Calinan

where people or students originate.


Sinks- These are the identified destinations of evacuees during an evacuation also

known as evacuation area.

Arcs- These are the identified pathways that connect the nodes in an evacuation plan.

Flow- It is the movement of students traversing an arc or node coming from a source.

Cost- It is the time it takes to evacuate or traverse an arc measured in time units.

Time unit- It is a unit of measurement for time used in the study in which one time unit

is equal to 10 seconds.

Model-based evacuation plan- It is the proposed evacuation plan in the study following

the Quickest Flow Model.

Non-model-based evacuation plan- It is the previous evacuation plan of the school not

following a model.


This chapter presents the design, respondents, locale, and the methods of the

study. It considers the nature of the study and discusses the procedures the researchers

were conducting. Lastly, it explains how the data collected were analyzed.

Research Design

The study utilizes the operational method of research or systemic operational

design (SOD) which is an application of system theory to operational art. It attempts to

rationalize complexity through systemic logic and translates strategic direction and policy

into operational level designs. Moreover, it focuses upon the relationships between

entities within a system to develop a rationale for systemic behaviors that accounts for the

logic of the system thus, facilitates a cycle of design and planning (Schmitt, n.d.).

Relatively, the design is appropriate in the study because it allows the conception

and construction of a framework that can underpin a major operation such as evacuation

operation and its subsequent execution to the institution under study. The operational

design deals with the method by which the procedure is specified in the sample thus

observational and statistical designs can be conducted. Since the study focused on linear

programming, network flow programming and formulation of optimization model, then

the operational design is the most suitable to use.

The purpose of employing the operational method in the study is to come up with

a time-efficient evacuation strategy for earthquake emergencies that can be applied in the

current building floor plan of Holy Cross College of Calinan. Finding a solution for time

minimization involves operational design since the method attempts to apply

mathematical, logical and analytical techniques to the solution of cost minimization or of

profit maximization problems (Kothari, 2004).

The study also utilizes Quasi- Experimental research design in comparing the

time of the evacuation with and without the model. Like any other experimental designs,

it tests causal hypothesis but does not randomly assigns respondents into groups. It is

designed around an intervention which estimates the size of intervention effect on some

outcome and to test whether it differs significantly from no effect (Wiley & Sons, 2005).

The subjects are exposed to the intervention of interest then measures the outcomes from

the subjects observed. Moreover, it ascertains the effects of the independent variable

through observed changes in the dependent variable. Thus, the design is appropriate in

the study since it aims to measure whether there is a significant difference before and

after the implementation of the model-based plan. Also, it does not randomly assign the

respondents into groups.

Research Respondents

The study focused on the population occupying the college, high school and grade

school building of Holy Cross College of Calinan. Further, it utilized multistage sampling

technique to determine the average speed of the respondents during evacuation.

Multistage sampling refers to the method in which the population is divided into stages

using smaller and smaller sampling units at each stage. In a two-stage sampling design, a

sample of primary units is selected and then a sample of secondary units is selected

within each primary unit (Sedgwick, 2015). This technique is applicable in the study

considering that the students belong to different sex and year levels, who are also within

the same age group that could affect the accuracy of the data collected. According to

Kothari (2004), multistage sampling is easier to administer and can sample a large

number of units through clustering whereas this is not possible in most simple designs.

Also, the majority of the large probability samples selected from school-based to national

surveys use multistage sampling technique that includes stratification at each stage of

selection (Gilbert, 2001).

Consequently, the sample in this study was clustered by department – grade

school, junior high school, senior high school and college. Through stratified sampling,

the sample was then divided according to their grade level and sex to address the fact that

there is a wide variance in the age and ability of the respondents. A total of 125

respondents was needed in the study consisting of 45 respondents from the high school,

40 from the grade school, and another 40 from the college. This is to simulate the

students’ evacuation activity as a class. The qualified respondents were the grade 3 to 4th

year college students occupying the PM building including the 2 computer laboratories.

All respondents were physically capable and did not have any health problems.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Holy Cross College of Calinan, a level II PAASCU

accredited Catholic school. It is located at the Davao-Bukidnon Road, Calinan, Davao

City which is the home of the Philippine Eagle and the king of the fruits, durian. The

school was founded by the PME Fathers in 1948. This is the only private sectarian school

in Calinan which has been administered by the Presentation of Mary Sisters. It envisions

its students to be Christ-centered, intellectually proficient, and responsive. It has four

educational buildings and it offers primary, secondary, and college education. Among the

many services, it also provides a safety plan which includes evacuation drills and safety


Data Gathering Procedures

Letters of permission were sent to Holy Cross College of Calinan administration

before conducting the study. The study needed the current floor plan of the school which

was inquired from the Community Engagement and Services Office (CESO). The

distance from each source to sink, in this case, from each classroom to the evacuation

area was determined using a measuring equipment. The nodes, sources, sinks and arcs

were then identified from the floor plan by considering necessary criteria as they are

important variables in the model. It also needed data on both movement time for each arc

and the capacity of each node, arc, and sink through estimation methods. A speed test

was conducted to determine the movement time for each arc which included simulation

of the evacuation activity then measuring the time it would take for the class to exit the

building. The capacities of the sinks were assumed by finding the area of the location and

the estimated area of occupancy of each individual, in which according to Bappenas

(2005) is 1m2/person. In order to validate the result of the study, simulation of both the

present/non-model and proposed/model-based evacuation plan was conducted and


Data Analysis

The gathered data such as the size and measurement of building and corridors

using the floor plan, capacities of arc, nodes and sinks, and the previous evacuation time

spent using the non-model method were analyzed to get the necessary variables required

in the model. The identified arcs, nodes, sources and sinks from the floor plan of the

school were translated into a network in which the costs and the capacities of each arc,

node and sink were identified. As a prerequisite in getting the costs, the average speed

was first identified using a standard formula of speed = mean of total distance/elapsed

time. To get the cost or the movement time for each route, the standard formula: time =

distance/average speed was used. The cost was used to identify the shortest path a flow

may take to reach its sink. On the other hand, the capacities were used to assign the

sources into routes avoiding congestion which were identified through the use of the

formula: capacity = area/space occupied. The data (movement time and capacities) were

then incorporated in the Quickest Flow Model and were simulated. For validation of

results, the statistical computing program, R, was used specifically the t-test function. It

was used to compare before-and-after observations on the same subjects (Shier, 2004).

The time spent on evacuation both before and after the implementation of the model was

tested using the boxplot function to identify significant outliers in the data. Then, the total

egress time using the non-model-based evacuation plan was compared to the proposed

model-based plan to see if there is a significant difference between the two data

considering the normality and homoscedasticity of both data sets.



This chapter contains the results of the data analysis and the discussion of the

problem statements presented in the study. This presents also the interpretation of the

results and its analysis together with the references that support the response to each

research question.

Research Question #1: What is the present egress system of Holy Cross College of


Figure 2. Present Non-model Based Evacuation Plan of HCCC

Figure 2 shows the present egress system of Holy Cross College of Calinan not based

upon a model. This evacuation plan utilizes only one sink which is the Football Field as

destination of the evacuees and was long formulated even before the present

administration. Based on Figure 2, most of the sources were assigned to sink t1 while only

a few were assigned to the other sinks making the Football field sink congested whenever

occupants of the other buildings like OLSW and Rivier are present. Also, it is shown that

arc (E,G) which is the OLSW arc was not used congesting most of the flows to the stairs

of the PM building. Lastly, some of the flows were assigned incorrectly, making them more

prone to hazards and could contribute to a longer evacuation time. An example is the route

of source 10 in which it is the longest and is very dangerous because it passes below the

building itself.

Several post-disaster investigations have cited evacuation failures as a major

contributor or to the death toll during disasters (Alexander, 2002 as cited by Stepanov &

Smith, 2008). One factor is the over-utilization of a particular road link which can block

traffic through the link completely, which is in this case, the crowding of evacuees in the

stairs. This blocking will affect all upstream links which causes the significant congestion

through the evacuation network. Based on the data, the current egress system of the school

does not follow any mathematical model for optimization purposes. Also, it is only suitable

for a certain number of evacuees making it obsolete with the increased population in the

school. According to Xie (2008), many transportation and traffic related efficiency and

safety issues would be frequently encountered yet not satisfactorily addressed at the current

state of evacuation practice not following a model. In order to manage such emergencies

more effectively, decision makers may benefit from having in-place evacuation plans with

mathematical approaches for scenarios which are most likely to happen, even though real-

time design and re-evaluation of evacuation plans may be required after the disaster strikes

(Alexander, 2002 as cited by Stepanov & Smith, 2008).


Research Question #2: What is the average time spent during evacuation using the non-

model-based evacuation plan?

Table 1. Time spent using the non-model evacuation plan with observations

Drill no. Date Observations Elapsed Time

No. 1 February 27, The guidance sink was not used. 4 minutes and 1
2017 There was a heavy congestion in both second
(replace (Afternoon stairs A and B. The OLSW arc was
ment of Break) not used. Most students were just
the walking.

No. 2 July 6, 2017 The guidance sink was already used. 4 minutes and 5
(Morning The students in the football sink were seconds
Break) blocking the entry place of
emergency vehicle. The OLSW arc
was not used resulting in a heavy
clogging in both stairs A and B.

No. 3 July 11, 2017 The students in both sinks were not 4 minutes
(Morning arranged properly. Students from
Break) source 10 followed a dangerous route
which is across the building. Still the
OLSW arc was not used resulting in
a heavy clogging in both stairs A and

No. 4 July 14, 2017 Students did not walk faster than 4 minutes and 6
(Afternoon normal, instead some just walked seconds
Break) towards the evacuation areas.

No. 5 July 20, 2017 The students in both sinks were not 3 minutes and 54
(Morning arranged properly. Students from seconds
Break) source 10 followed a dangerous route
which is across the building. Still the
OLSW arc was not used resulting in
a heavy clogging in both stairs A and
B. Some students were not in their
rooms. Others were running instead
of walking faster than normal.

Table 1 provides the observations and the time spent to evacuate the building using

the non-model based evacuation plan with an average of 4 minutes and 1 second. During

the analysis of the data set, it was identified that the fourth drill conducted on July 18, 2017

is a significant outlier using the boxplot function which could affect the result of the study.

To address such problem, the researchers used the evacuation time conducted last school

year on February 27, 2017 since conducting another drill with the non-model based plan is

not anymore possible. It is shown that the fourth drill conducted on July 15, 2017 had the

longest time which took the evacuees 4 minutes and 6 seconds to evacuate while the fifth

drill conducted on July 20, 2017 took the shortest time with only 3 minutes and 54 seconds.

Different factors such as the location of the evacuees, congestion along the stairs and the

drill behavior affected the overall evacuation time. The problems observed are repetitive;

however, they are still not addressed in the non-model based evacuation plan.

Evacuation by nature is a transportation activity involving traffic. The congestion

generated along the stairs may be a result of a surge of traffic demand exceeding the

capacity of the arc (Kalafatas & Peeta, 2009). The problem involving the exit path of

source 10 and the congestion of evacuees needs to be dealt with properly as an evacuation

plan must be enacted with the aim of reducing the life-threatening risk of the susceptible

population to minimum level (Xie, 2008). Also, the evacuee behavior which is a complex

phenomenon should be understood since it causes most of the clogs during evacuations

(Stepanov & Smith, 2008). The undesirable behavior of the evacuees like not walking

faster than normal, shouting and laughing may contribute to the long evacuation time. That

is why by using an evacuation model, though it does not cover the behavior of evacuees

under emergency conditions, it will update the evacuation routes in time periods which will

minimize the overall evacuation time (Khadka, 2016) despite the different behaviors that

the evacuees are exhibiting.

Research Question #3: Is the QFM applicable for planning an evacuation strategy in

Holy Cross College of Calinan?

Table 2. The applicability of the mathematical model based on the demands of the

school’s present egress system

Problems in the present egress system of Quickest flow problem approaches

Holy Cross College of Calinan

Does not follow a model-based plan Network modelling with mathematical


Arrangement and distribution of students to Sink Capacity and Sink Assignment

different evacuation areas.

Longer path taken by some students Shortest Path Algorithm

Long time completion of evacuation activity Objective function: T

min ∑∑txid (t)
t=0 iϵD

Congestion of students in the stairs Arc Capacity

Misutilization of available arcs and Source Distribution and Arc Congestion


Table 2 shows the different problems present in the current evacuation plan of the

school under study along with the different approaches that the mathematical model -

Quickest Flow Problem, offers. Based on Table 1, it was identified that there were existing

problems observed during the simulation of evacuation drills. These problems include no

proper arrangement and distribution of students in the evacuation areas and flawed route

assignment in which some flows take longer paths which lead to a longer evacuation time.

Also, the total time exceeds the ideal time set by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) which

is only 3 minutes caused by the congestion of students in certain areas specifically the stairs

and the improper use of pathways leaving some arcs empty during the evacuation activity.

In this connection, the QFM offers different approaches to address those problems at the

same time that provides a basis for the formulation of evacuation plan using mathematical

processes. The following approaches were offered: first, it considers the optimal

arrangement and distribution of students in the evacuation areas considering their

capacities to promote an organized evacuation activity. Second, it uses Shortest Path

Algorithm specifically Djkistra’s which aims to route students to paths with shorter

distances. Through the model’s objective function:

min ∑∑txid (t)
t=0 iϵD

It aims to lessen the time horizon of an evacuation activity. The model also considers the

capacities of arcs and sinks and the distribution of students at each time interval. This is to

avoid traffic congestions during the evacuation activity. Lastly, the QFM routes the

evacuees to paths with shorter traversal times and utilizes available arcs to lessen the total

evacuation time.

Basically, evacuation is defined as the removal of lives and/or property from the

disaster zone to the safety zone as quickly as possible (Khadka, 2016) and minimizing the

evacuation time by which all evacuees completed the evacuation is the criterion for the

evacuation planning (Katoh, et al., 2011). In order to minimize the time of evacuation,

different strategies should be employed like the identification of the shortest path,

minimizing traffic congestion, identifying path cost and capacities and the formulation of

proper route distribution. Though the development of such strategies is a difficult task, it

may be greatly aided through involving mathematical modeling with optimization insights

(Zheng, et al., 2010) like the Quickest Flow Problem (QFP). According to Xie (2008), a

well-defined and manageable plan based on network models is one of the prerequisites for

successful implementation of a large-scale evacuation. The QFP aims to send a given flow

amount from the source to the sink in the shortest possible time. The resulting minimal

time T therefore gives a lower bound on the minimal evacuation time (Hamacher, et al.,

2011). Since HCCC does not use a network model in its current evacuation plan, providing

one would definitely improve the egress system and give confidence to the evacuees to

follow a plan knowing that it is based on comprehensive research.


Research Question #4: What procedures should be employed to improve egress


Figure 3.1. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 1 and 2

Figure 3.1 shows the set of paths sources 1 and 2 that may take towards the different

evacuation areas. Through Shortest Path Algorithm, it determines the shortest distance a

source may travel among the identified set of paths to reach the nearest evacuation area.

The costs or the time it takes to reach a node through an arc are shown in time units in

which one time unit is equal to 10 seconds. Based on Figure 3.1, the shortest path sources

1 and 2 may take is from S to arc (S,A), to arc (A,B), to arc (B,C), then all the way to arc

(C,t2) to reach the evacuation area at the shortest possible time of 12 time units or

approximately 2 minutes compared to other paths which may lead to longer evacuation


Figure 3.2. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 3, 4 and 5

Figure 3.2 shows the set of paths sources 3, 4 and 5 that may take towards the

different evacuation areas. Based on the figure, the shortest path they may take is from S

to arc (S,B), to arc (B,C) then all the way to arc (C,t2) to reach the evacuation area at the

shortest possible time of 10 time units or approximately 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Figure 3.3. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

Shown in Figure 3.3 is the set of paths sources 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 that may take

towards the different evacuation areas. Based on the figure, the shortest path they may take

is from S to arc (S,E) to arc (E,G) then all the way to arc (G,t1) to reach the evacuation

area at the shortest possible time of 14 time units or approximately 2 minutes and 10


Figure 3.4. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 11 and 12

In Figure 3.4, it can be noted the set of path sources 11 and 12 that may take towards

the different evacuation areas. In additional, the shortest path they may take is from S to

arc (S,C) then all the way to arc (C,t2) to reach the evacuation area at the shortest possible

time of 6 time units or approximately 1 minute.

Figure 3.5. Shortest Path Algorithm of Source 13

Additionally, Figure 3.5 shows the set of paths source 13 that may take towards the

different evacuation areas. The figure clearly outlines the shortest path source 13 may take

is from S to arc (S,C) then all the way to arc (C,t2) to reach the evacuation area at the

shortest possible time of 7 time units or approximately 1 minute and 10 seconds.


Figure 3.6. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 14, 15 and 16

The set of paths sources 14, 15 and 16 may take towards the different evacuation

areas as shown in Figure 3.6. Clearly, the shortest path they may take is either from S to

arc (S,C) then all the way to arc (C,t2) or from S to arc (S,G) then all the way to arc (G,t1)

to reach the evacuation area at the shortest possible time both of 10 time units or

approximately 1 minute and 40 seconds.

Figure 3.7. Shortest Path Algorithm of Sources 17 and 18

Figure 3.7 shows the set of paths sources 17 and 18 that may take towards the

different evacuation areas. Here, the shortest path they may take is from S to arc (S,G) then

all the way to arc (G,t1) to reach the evacuation area at the shortest possible time of 8 time

units or approximately 1 minute and 20 seconds compared to other paths which may lead

to longer evacuation times.


Before formulating a new strategic evacuation that improves egress efficiency,

observations of the current evacuation system happened first. One problem that was

identified within those observations included the lack of proper route assignment affecting

the total time of evacuation. Evacuees were not properly assigned to routes where they can

safely pass during an evacuation. This affects the flow of the students while going out from

the building. The problem contributes to the time of evacuation because congestions

usually happen during the evacuation process (Khadka, 2016). In order to answer the given

problem, finding the shortest path that the maximum flow could attain is an advantage

(Stepanov & Smith, 2008). Using the Shortest Path Algorithm that was shown in the figures

above, the shortest paths that cover the shortest time to evacuate were identified (Kerbache

& Smith, 2000 as cited by Stepanov et al., 2008). From different sets of sources, each

source was shown to proceed to assigned sinks where it covers the shortest time to

evacuate. The given time units serve as the time of evacuation following the path going to

different sink in which one-time unit is equal to ten seconds. Therefore, the bigger the time

unit, the more time it will take to travel from a source to a sink.

Table 3. Costs of different arcs in time units

Arc Cost

(A, B) 3 time units

(B, C) 3 time units

(C, t2) 4 time units

(C, I) 7 time units

(I, t1) 5 time units

(E, F) 3 time units

(D, E) 3 time units

(E, G) 4 time units

(F, t3) 6 time units

(F, H) 6 time units

(H, t1) 6 time units

(G, t1) 5 time units

(C, t3) 7 time units

Table 3 shows the costs of the different arcs represented in time units with one unit

equal to ten seconds. The arcs with the least amount of cost are arcs (A, B), (B, C), (E, F),

and (D, E). Each of these four arcs requires three (3) time units or approximately 30 seconds

for a single flow to pass through. On the other hand, the arcs with the greatest amount of

cost are arcs (C, t3) and (C, I) with each requiring 7 time units or approximately 70 seconds

for a flow to traverse. Therefore, travelling from node C to t3 and C to I doubles the time

units than travelling from node A to B. These are transit times or the time it takes for a

single flow to travel from the starting point to the end point of an arc. It is determined by

the arc’s length and the average speed taken from the speed test conducted in the research.

Through these data, the researchers were able to route sources effectively to lessen the

overall time.

According to Katoh, et al. (2011), minimizing the evacuation time by which all

evacuees completed the evacuation is the criterion for the evacuation planning. This can

be achieved by identifying the cost of different arcs to be used during evacuation.

Therefore, an efficient evacuation strategy will present routes with the least amount of time

it takes to travel (Pyakurel & Dhamala, 2014). With that, the smaller the arc cost, the faster

it allows a flow to traverse.


Table 4. Capacity of different arcs relative to flow size

Arc Capacity

(A, B) 2 flows

(B, C) 2 flows

(C, t2) 3 flows

(C, I) 5 flows

(I, t1) 4 flows

(E, F) 2 flows

(D, E) 2 flows

(E, G) 3 flows

(F, t3) 5 flows

(F, H) 5 flows

(H, t1) 5 flows

(G, t1) 3 flows

(C, t3) 5 flows

Table 4 shows the capacities of the different arcs relative to the flow size of each

source. It was shown in flows to capture the crucial element that routing occurs over time

(Fleisher & Skutella, 2007). For example, two (2) flows can travel from node A to B, and

from node B to C, at the same time. However, arcs will have different capacities depending

on its area size. Some arcs may have greater capacity than the others. Meaning, in

considering the route assignment of the sources, it is important to consider the arc

capacities to avoid congestion.

An arc having greater capacity is as valuable as having lesser travel time. During

an earthquake disaster, it is expected that mass evacuation is performed immediately in


order to avoid dangers resulting in the disaster. According to Cruz, Talebi and Smith (2005)

as cited by Stepanov and Smith (2008), the improvement of the performance depends on

the efficient management of the demand-supply problem of the evacuation network. In this

case, arc capacity is very much important to consider. In fact, Zimmerman (2010) said that

the efficient and expeditious flow of evacuation traffic is the most crucial element in a

successful evacuation. However, it is also the most challenging mission as the over-

utilization of a particular road link or arc can block traffic through the link completely if

exceeding the arc capacity. This blocking will affect all upstream links which causes the

significant congestion throughout the evacuation network (Xie, 2008).

Table 5. Capacity of different sinks based on the average occupancy

Sink Area Safe Zone Capacity

Football Field (t1) 1,158.4485 m2 891 m2 891 persons

Front of Guidance (t2) 524.8615 m2 364 m2 364 persons

Pieta (t3) 317.4233 m2 143 m2 143 persons

Table 5 shows the capacities of the different sinks based on the average occupancy

of every individual. In the study, three (3) possible areas that can be used as evacuation

sinks for the PM building occupants were identified, namely: the Football field, the front

of Guidance Offices and Pieta. By measuring the dimensions and partitioning, the different

areas were identified as shown in the table 5. With the hazards present around these areas

like trees, pathways, and walls, an amount of space was allotted away from these hazards

thus lessening the area which is called the safe zone. From these safe zones, each capacity

was identified using the formula Capacity = area/ average occupancy. Based on the results,

a total of 2,218 evacuees could fit in the identified evacuation areas.

According to Saadatseresht, et al. (2009), a central challenge in developing an

evacuation plan is determining the distribution of evacuees to where they should go, that

is, the evacuation area or sinks. All sinks must be away from dangerous and adverse

hazards like water, low shrubs, areas covered by trees, non-refuge buildings and slopes

greater than 15 degrees (Wang, et al., 2013). That is why in considering a safe zone,

allotting a space from each hazard is highly required. By considering those hazards, the

safety of the evacuees will be ensured which is the main purpose of having an evacuation

plan: to promote safety and to save lives. Also, he added that the evacuation areas should

have sufficient reserved space to accommodate more people during evacuation, which is

according to Bappenas (2005), it is needed to have a designated space of 1m2 per person to

avoid congestion in the sinks. That is why, in identifying the capacity of each sink, each

safe zone is divided by 1m2 which serves as the average occupancy of each individual.

Table 6. Distribution of flows at each time interval


A-B 0-29.09s 29.09 – 58.18 s 58.18 – 87.2 s


B-C 0 – 29.09 s 29.09 – 58.18 s 58.18 – 87.2 s

2 3


E-F 0 – 28 s 28 – 56 s 56 – 84 s


E-G 0 – 45.74 s 45.74 – 91.48 s 91.48 s – 137.22 s

2 1


G-T1 0 – 49.6 s 49.6 – 99.2 s 99.2 – 148.8 s

3 3


C-T2 0 – 42.48 s 42.48 – 84.96 s 84.96 – 127.44 s

2 4


C-I 0 – 69 s 69 – 138 s 138 – 207 s


F-H 0 – 66.52 s 66.52 – 133.04 s 133.04 – 199.56 s


I-T1 0 - 52.32 s 52.32 – 104.64 s 104.64 – 156.96 s


H-T1 0 - 66.52 s 66.52 – 133.04 s 133.04 – 199.56 s


Table 6 shows the distribution of flows in arcs at different time intervals. Some arcs

exceeded the capacity at certain time intervals like the arc (B,C) at 58.18 seconds to 87.2

seconds which contains 3 flows exceeding the capacity of the arc which is 2. It is the same

with the arc (C,t2) at 1.25 minutes to 2.07 minutes which contains 4 flows exceeding the

arc capacity which is only 3 flows. These are due to the surge of traffic demand in the right

wing of the building with only one possible exit.

Kalafatas and Peeta (2009) also noticed the same major setback of evacuation

problem which might exceed the capacity of an existing system and results in congestion.

Moreover, Zimmerman (2010) also mentioned that these heavy flows can be results from

a rapid rise of demand. Queues and delays are expected under such scenarios, as the

demand volume or the flow exceeds the capacity of the arc. The capacity of the arc limits

the rate of flow at each point in time. Though this problem cannot be addressed, it is

considered the better approach than re-routing the sources which may lead to a more

congested evacuation plan.


Figure 4. Model-based Evacuation Plan

Figure 4 shows the formulated evacuation plan based on QFM. It considers

different factors like the distance, capacities of arcs and sinks, arc costs and the distribution

of flows at each time interval. Moreover, it lessens the possibility of congestions, routes

sources to paths with less distances, lessens the overall evacuation time, utilizes all

available paths to avoid grid-lock of the model, and organizes the flow of students from

the sources up to their specific arrangements in the evacuation areas. Compared to the non-

model based evacuation plan, the different sources are routed and distributed properly

utilizing all available paths.

Evacuation procedures in buildings have long been studied in many aspects from

architecture, engineering, computer modeling, etc (Chizari, et al. 2013). Despite the

numerous efforts, evacuating a building keeps getting complicated as time goes by.

Without proper egress system, evacuation may lead to problems that will result in more

casualties than expected when a calamity such as an earthquake occurs. Furthermore, in


order to manage such emergencies effectively, an efficient evacuation plan must be

addressed (Alexander, 2002 as cited by Stepanov & Smith, 2008) using a simulation model,

or in other words, in these cases, an integrated optimization-simulation approach is highly

desirable (Xie, 2008). According to Xie (2008) and Khadka (2016), many factors should

be considered when formulating an evacuation plan. These factors should be addressed

properly since they affect the overall efficiency of the evacuation plan which could be

assessed by evaluating the number of evacuees having left the disaster area over time.

Figure 5.1. Assignment of Evacuees in the Football field Sink

Figure 5.1 shows the assignment of the different sources in the Football field sink

or sink t1. A total of 12 sources which are approximately 540 students coming from the

PM building were assigned to their respective areas in the field in which the sources that

reach the sink first are assigned to the far side or corner with a space allotment of 45 m2

each. Though the study is only concerned with the occupants of the PM building, still the

occupants of the other buildings are also considered since they could affect and contribute

to the congestion in the different sinks during real-time evacuation activity. The occupants

of the College and OLSW buildings are assigned to the right side of the field with an

approximate number of 280 evacuees. Considering the capacity of the sink, the assigned

evacuee population which is approximately 820 does not exceed the capacity which is 891

persons, thus lessening the possibility of congestion.

Figure 5.2. Assignment of Evacuees in Front of Guidance offices

In sink t2 fronting the guidance offices, a total of 6 sources which are about 270

evacuees from the PM building were assigned. Similar with sink t1, the sources that arrive

the sink first are assigned to the far side of the area. Considering the capacity of the sink,

the assigned evacuee population which is approximately 270 does not exceed the capacity

of 364 persons.

Figure 5.3. Assignment of Evacuees in Pieta Sink

In sink t3 at the Pieta area, only the occupants of the different offices and HE

located at the ground floor of the PM building were assigned. This is because the path itself

towards the sink is a major hazard for those flows coming from the upper floors.

Considering the capacity of the sink, the assigned evacuee population which is only

approximately 20 does not exceed the capacity which is 143 persons.

To promote an organized evacuation, the evacuation process must be specified and

fixed up to the end, that is, the assignment of sources in the different sinks. According to

Karnema, et al. (2014), for safety purposes, evacuation zones should be established before

a disaster happens. This includes the identification of boundaries for the safe zones and the

elimination of the possible hazards in the areas.. On the other hand, evacuees should also

be notified of their location in advance to reduce evacuation related risks and costs. By

providing a specific place for the evacuees to stay during disasters, it may result in a more

organized evacuation activity and has the potential to improve evacuation efficiency

greatly (Yuan, et al., 2006).


Research Question #5: What is the average time spent during evacuation using the

model-based evacuation plan?

Table 7. Time spent using the model-based evacuation plan with observations

Drill no. Date Observations Elapsed Time

No. 1 September 6, 2017 The students were able to follow 3 minutes and
(Afternoon Break) the new evacuation plan but many 22 seconds
were just walking towards the
sink. There was less congestion in
the football sink.

No. 2 September 7, 2017 Stair B became less congested and 3 minutes and
(Afternoon Break) occupants in the left wing arrived 25 seconds
at the sink with less time. Most
students passing the OLSW path
were just walking. Many Grade 7
students were playing and
laughing. There was a congestion
in OLSW path due to the DAT.

No. 3 September 9, 2017 Congestion due to the DAT was 3 minutes and
(Morning Break) addressed. Many students were 20 seconds
still walking and playing. Students
in the sinks were arranged and

No. 4 September 19, 2017 Still, a smooth flow can be 3 minutes and
(Morning Break) observed in Stair B. Occupants of 28 seconds
the AVR criss-crossed with other
evacuees causing congestion.
Many students were walking.

No. 5 September 20, 2017 Only a few students can be 3 minutes and
(Morning Break) observed walking. The presence of 15 seconds
DAT hastened the evacuation
activity. There was less congestion
in both stairs A and B.

Table 7 provides the observations and the time spent to evacuate the building using

the model-based evacuation plan with an average of 3 minutes and 22 seconds. The third

drill conducted on September 19, 2017 took the longest time with 3 minutes and 28 seconds

to evacuate while the fourth drill conducted on September 20, 2017 took the shortest with

only 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Different factors such as proper route assignment, evacuee

arrangement in sinks, lessened possibility of congestion and presence of the administrators

improved the overall evacuation time. Despite the negative behavior of the students during

the drills, employing an evacuation plan based on mathematical model deemed to have

evident positive results which reduced the overall previous evacuation time of up to 45


According to Xie (2008), evacuation planning may deal with both short-term and

long-term issues like increase in evacuee population and availability of path and sinks. For

a long-term evacuation plan, it is generally proposed for a potential emergency area in

which some natural disasters may have frequently occurred in history and are expected to

occur again in a foreseeable future. By addressing both the short-term and long-term issues

in the previous evacuation plan through the mathematical model, the over-all time may be

reduced. Also, evacuee behavior plays a big role in the evacuation activity. With the new

evacuation model, still undesirable behaviors like not walking faster than normal, laughing

and shouting were present. But according to Shen (2005) as cited by Chizari, et al. (2013),

the social and familiarity factors of evacuees can help address these behaviors in a real-

time evacuation activity in which the assurance due to having an efficient evacuation plan

will make the evacuees follow their assigned routes to proceed safely to the evacuation


Research Question #6: Is there a significant difference in the time spent between the

non-model and model-based evacuation plan?

Table 8. Determining the difference using t-test

Test Variable 1: Non-model- Variable 2: Model-based

based evacuation plan evacuation plan

mean 241.2 202

t stat (computed values) 12.7585

t critical 2.3060

p-value 1.34208e-06

It is shown in table 8 the statistical results of the two data sets which are the

evacuation time before and after the implementation of the Quickest Flow Model. It can be

noted that the t-stat (computed) of 12. 7585 is greater than the t-critical having a value of

2.3060. This implies that there is a significant difference in the evacuation time when a

model was used as compared with the one without the model. This is supported with the p-

value of 1.34208 -06 which is lower than the alpha value of 0.05. This means that using

the new evacuation plan, the overall time spent of evacuation was reduced.

According to Hooks and Patterson (2004) as cited by Baumann and Skutella (2009),

the importance and wide applicability of network flow problems has long been recognized.

Dynamic network flow problems, in particular, have been used to model numerous real

world phenomena arising in applications within almost all industries such as production-

distribution systems, fleet management, evacuation and communications. The QFM in

particular, aims to send a maximum amount of flow from a source to a sink within a given

time bound. This routes the evacuees to safety with the least possible time (Pyakurel &

Dhamala, 2014). This was supported by Hamacher, Leiner, and Ruzika, (2011) when they

mentioned that an optimal dynamic network flow can be computed efficiently and yields a

best achievable evacuation plan, provided all evacuees follow the routes corresponding to

this flow.


This chapter contains the conclusions and recommendations drawn from the data

analyzed in the previous chapter.


In this paper, different approaches both mathematical and strategic were

considered and employed to provide an evacuation plan that would lessen the overall

evacuation time of the school. Through Djkistra’s Algorithm, the shortest paths were

determined by comparing the distances of all the possible routes from each source to the

nearest evacuation area. The capacities of arcs and sinks were also identified by

computations through the use of standard formulas and estimation methods. This would

help route flows efficiently using available and uncongested pathways which would

lessen the possibility of congestions both in the arcs and in the sinks during real-time

evacuation activity. Another factor considered is the supply and demand factors,

evacuees were assigned and arranged in specific locations in the evacuation areas which

helped in organizing the crowd of evacuees. Lastly, the most important variable which is

time expressed in time units was also captured in the model by foreseeing the distribution

of evacuees in the different arcs at each time interval and computing the evacuation time

through the model’s objective formula given the different costs and the speed of the



Based on the scope and delimitations of the study, several recommendations were

made and should be considered by future researchers.

First, since the newly imposed routing strategy significantly decreased the total

time of evacuation, it is recommended that the proposed strategy should be followed as

the new school’s evacuation plan. Second, given the constant changes in the population

in the school, it would be better to incorporate both previous and forecasted enrollment

data as the assume number of evacuees. Third, it is recommended to consider different

behaviors of the evacuees under emergency conditions like panic, herding, congestion,

counter flows and ignorance of guidance which could greatly affect the evacuation

activity despite the presence of an evacuation plan. Fourth, since the study only provides

evacuation routing strategy for the PM building, it is advantageous as well for the future

related studies to provide evacuation routes for the Rivier, Our Lady Seat of Wisdom and

Elementary buildings. Fifth, it is also recommended to increase the number of

simulations or evacuation drills to address the possible variance in the data when

determining whether the time of evacuation decreased significantly after providing the

model-based routing strategy. Sixth, future researchers may also consider the presence of

the secondary disasters that may occur like fire which could affect the flow of evacuees if

certain arcs and nodes will be affected. This is the same with unavailability of certain

routes in the building due to various factors and the possibility of blockage in the exits.

Lastly, other researchers may also venture on developing the disaster response strategy as

it is also part of the emergency preparedness plan of the school.



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Appendix 1a. Time spent using the non-model evacuation plan with observations

Drill no. Date Observations Elapsed Time

No. 1 February 27, The guidance sink was not used. 4 minutes and 1
2017 (Recess There was heavy congestion in both second
(replacem Afternoon) stairs A and B. The OLSW arc was
ent of the not used. Most students are walking.
No. 2 July 6, 2017 The guidance sink was already used. 4 minutes and 5
(Recess The students in the football sink were seconds
morning) blocking the entryplace of emergency
vehicle. The OLSW arc was not used
resulting in a heavy clogging in both
stairs A and B.
No. 3 July 11, 2017 The students in both sinks were not 4 minutes
(Recess arranged properly. Students from
Morning) source 10 followed a dangerous route
which is across the building. Still the
OLSW arc is not used resulting to
heavy clogging in both stairs A and B.
No. 4 July 14, 2017 Students did not walk faster than 4 minutes and 6
(Recess normal, instead some just walked seconds
Afternoon) towards the evacuation areas.
No. 5 July 20, 2017 The students in both sinks are not 3 minutes and 54
(Recess arranged properly. Students from seconds
Morning) source 10 follow a dangerous route
which is across the building. Still the
OLSW arc is not used resulting to
heavy clogging in both stairs A and B.
Some students were not in their
rooms. Others were running instead
of walking faster than normal.

Appendix 1b. Time spent using the model evacuation plan with observations

Drill no. Date Observations Elapsed Time

No. 1 September 6, The students followed the new 3 minutes and

2017 (Recess evacuation plan but many were just 22 seconds
PM) walking towards the sink. There was less
congestion in the football sink.

No. 2 September 7, Stair B became less congested and 3 minutes and

2017 (Recess occupants in the left wing arrived at the 25 seconds
PM) sinks with less time. Most students
passing the OLSW path were just
walking. Many Grade 7 students were
playing and laughing. There was
congestion in OLSW path due to the

No. 3 September 9, Congestion due to the DAT was 3 minutes and

2017 (Recess addressed. Many students are still 20 seconds
AM) walking and playing. Students in the
sinks were arranged and organized.

No. 4 September 19, Still, a smooth flow can be observed in 3 minutes and
2017 (Recess Stair B. Occupants of the AVR criss- 28 seconds
AM) crossed with other evacuees causing
congestion. Many students were

No. 5 September 20, Only a few students can be observed 3 minutes and
2017 (Recess walking. The presence of DAT hasten 15 seconds
AM) the evacuation activity. There was less
congestion in both stairs A and B.

Appendix 2. The Applicability of the mathematical model based on the demands of

the school’s present egress system

Problems in the present egress system Quickest flow problem approaches

of Holy Cross College of Calinan

Does not follow a model-based plan Network modelling with mathematical


Arrangement and distribution of students Sink Capacity and Sink Assignment

to different evacuation areas.

Longer path taken by some students Shortest Path Algorithm

Long time completion of evacuation Objective function: T

activity min ∑∑txid (t)
t=0 iϵD

Congestion of students in the stairs Node Capacity

Misutilization of available arcs and Source Distribution and Node Congestion


Appendix 3a. Distances from Sources to Sinks

2nd floor rooms to Stair A Exit meters Stair A to T1 (m) 3rd floor rooms to Stair A
201 13.71 79.025 301
202 20.67 Stair B to T1 (m) 302
203 27.73 58.835 303
204 34.71 OLSW exit to T1 (m) 304
205 41.74 27.5 305
206 43.28 Stair B to T2 (m) 306
207 53.37 21.895 307
208 63.65 Stair A to T3 (m) 308
2nd floor rooms to Stair B Exit meters 44 3rd floor rooms to Stair B
201 61.51 Stair B to T3 (m) 301
202 45.125 43.7 302
203 47.59 303
204 43.06 304
205 36.05 305
206 29.08 306
207 20.98 307
208 13.22 308
meters Stair A to T1 (m) 3rd floor rooms to Stair A meters 4th floor rooms to stair A meters
1 13.71 79.025 301 26.125 401 82.64
2 20.67 Stair B to T1 (m) 302 33.105 402 89.53
3 27.73 58.835 303 40.165 4th floor rooms to stair B meters
4 34.71 OLSW exit to T1 (m) 304 47.145 401 84.885
5 41.74 27.5 305 54.175 401 91.775
6 43.28 Stair B to T2 (m) 306 55.715
7 53.37 21.895 307 65.805
8 63.65 Stair A to T3 (m) 308 76.085
meters 44 3rd floor rooms to Stair B meters
1 61.51 Stair B to T3 (m) 301 74.91
2 45.125 43.7 302 84.845
3 47.59 303 77.805
4 43.06 304 72.785
5 36.05 305 66.225
6 29.08 306 61.245
7 20.98 307 52.365
8 13.22 308 44.365

Appendix 3b. Area Measurements of the Arcs

STAIR B AREA length width

stair 1 3.48 1.7
flat 1 3.73 1.67
stair 2 2.23 1.71
flat 2 3.46 2.41
stair 3 3.17 1.73
flat 3 3.78 1.66
stair 4 1.91 1.76
flat 4 3.78 2.65
stair 5 2.21 1.72
flat 5 3.86 1.66
stair 6 3.05 1.84
flat 6 3.69 2.49
ground floor flat 2.29 4.11

STAIR A AREA length width

stair 1 3.46 1.52
flat 1 3.27 1.44
stair 2 2.21 1.54
flat 2 3.16 2.44
stair 3 3.14 1.52
flat 3 3.28 1.41
stair 4 1.91 1.54
flat 4 3.3 2.47
stair 5 3.15 1.51
flat 5 3.28 1.41
stair 6 1.93 1.52
flat 6 3.28 3.39
ground floor flat 1.95

Appendix 4. Costs of Different Arcs in Time Units

Arc Cost

(A, B) 3 time units

(B, C) 3 time units

(C, t2) 4 time units

(C, I) 7 time units

(I, t1) 5 time units

(E, F) 3 time units

(D, E) 3 time units

(E, G) 4 time units

(F, t3) 6 time units

(F, H) 6 time units

(H, t1) 6 time units

(G, t1) 5 time units

(C, t3) 7 time units


Appendix 5. Capacity of different arcs relative to flow size

Arc Capacity

(A, B) 2 flows

(B, C) 2 flows

(C, t2) 3 flows

(C, I) 5 flows

(I, t1) 4 flows

(E, F) 2 flows

(D, E) 2 flows

(E, G) 3 flows

(F, t3) 5 flows

(F, H) 5 flows

(H, t1) 5 flows

(G, t1) 3 flows

(C, t3) 5 flows


Appendix 6. Capacity of different sinks based on the average occupancy

Sink Area Safe Zone Capacity

Football Field (t1) 1,158.4485 m2 891 m2 891 persons

Front of Guidance (t2) 524.8615 m2 364 m2 364 persons

Pieta (t3) 317.4233 m2 143 m2 143 persons

Grade school grounds (t4) 1,152.299 m2 820 m2 820 persons


Appendix 7. Distribution of Flows at each Time Interval


A-B 0-29.09s 29.09 – 58.18 s 58.18 – 87.2 s


B-C 0 – 29.09 s 29.09 – 58.18 s 58.18 – 87.2 s

2 3


E-F 0 – 28 s 28 – 56 s 56 – 84 s


E-G 0 – 45.74 s 45.74 – 91.48 s 91.48 s – 137.22 s

2 1


G-T1 0 – 49.6 s 49.6 – 99.2 s 99.2 – 148.8 s

3 3


C-T2 0 – 42.48 s 42.48 – 84.96 s 84.96 – 127.44 s

2 4


C-I 0 – 69 s 69 – 138 s 138 – 207 s


F-H 0 – 66.52 s 66.52 – 133.04 s 133.04 – 199.56 s


I-T1 0 - 52.32 s 52.32 – 104.64 s 104.64 – 156.96 s


H-T1 0 - 66.52 s 66.52 – 133.04 s 133.04 – 199.56 s


Appendix 8. Shortest Path Algorithm


Appendix 9. Arrangement of Sources in the Evacuation Areas


Appendix 10. Arc costs and Capacities


Appendix 11. Calculation of Sink Capacities

33.34 m
98 o 91o
130.5062 m2 7.38 m
6.75 m

174.5667 m2 89o 9.42 m

45.2616 m2 80o
20.7802 m2
14.68 m 74.2890 m2 4.48 m
170o 29.1259 m 125

79.4578 m2
13.32 m
17.83 m 138o

Appendix 12. Distribution of Flow Units at Each Time Interval

Appendix 13a. Route Assignment based on QFP

Appendix 13b. Route Assignment without the Model


Appendix 14. Statistical Analysis in R


Appendix 15. Boxplot Function


Appendix 16a. Formulated Evacuation Plan Using the Model in PM Building


Appendix 16b. Formulated Evacuation Plan Using the Model in the Different


Appendix 17. Earthquake drills using the non-model-based evacuation plan


Appendix 18. Earthquake drills using the model-based evacuation plan


Appendix 19. Measuring of School Dimensions


Appendix 20. Implementation of the Model


Appendix 21a. Letter of Permission to the School President


Appendix 21b. Letters of Permission to the School Principal


Appendix 21c. Letter of Permission to the Dean of College


Appendix 21d. Excuse Letter

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