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A widespread magical curse threatens to devour the bodies and souls of the living,

destroing the natural order of the world. The Emerald Enclave have learned that its
source lies somewhere in Chult. You were reccomended for this expedition and were
promised at least one guaranteed increase in rank( you are currently rank 1-
Springwalker, specific faction item is a Leaf Clasp) and other benefits should you
suceed.A contact of the factions will be Qawasha ( an agent working as a guide), a
Chultan based in Fort Belurian.The chief concern of the Emerald’s Enclave in Chult is to
protect the inhabitans from the undeads there and eliminate the undead menance. It has
long been the goal if the Emerald Enclave to establish a more permanent foothold in
Chult (such as a settlement, fort,etc) to exploit it’s riches (exotic plants,animals,gem
mines) and be better suited to eliminate the undead menance from the island, but
impossible till now because of the lack of sufficient operatives in Chult.The establishing of
any kind of permanent foothold near a point of interest (such as a gems mine) will bring
great money, honor and favor rewards from the faction(plus money,fame and power for
the owner).There are, however, multiple small observation outposts in the jungle (they
are not meant to be forward battle outposts) and some teams of agents that survey the

As usual, try and mentain your or other member’s identity as agents a secret if
possible.When trying to make contact remember that all members of the enclave have
the symbol and know druidic.

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