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Physical Fitness

 Capacity of each individual to accomplish daily tasks with alertness and vigor.
Physical Fit Individual
 Fit people are considered physically fit if they can perform their daily work efficiently and
effectively with alertness and vigor.

Components of Physical Fitness:

A. Health Related Fitness
1. Cardio-respiratory Endurance – being able to do and continue physical activities involving the
whole body for a long period of time.
– ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver oxygen to
working muscles and tissues, as well as the ability of those
muscles and tissues to utilize the oxygen.
Examples: running, biking, jogging, swimming

2. Body Composition – amount of muscles, fat, bone, cartilage etc. that makes up ours bodies.
A healthy amount of fat for a man is between 15&18% and for women is
higher at 20-25%.
Instruments Use: caliper, hand-held electrical bioimpedance
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Weight – the heaviness or lightness of the person.
Height – distance between the feet on the floor to the top of the head in standing position.
Waist Circumference – to measure visceral fat which contributes to more risk of cardiovascular
disease and diabetes.

3. Muscular Strength – ability of the muscles to generate force against physical objects.
Examples: weightlifting, book lifting

4. Muscular Endurance – is the ability of a muscle to make repeated contractions over a period of
Examples: push-ups, weightlifting

5. Flexibility – ability of the joints to move through a full range of motion.

Example: lifting

B. Skills Related Fitness

1. Speed – ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time.

2. Power – ability to transfer energy into force at.

3. Coordination – ability to use the senses with the body parts perform motor tasks smoothly and
Example: table tennis

4. Balance – maintenance of the equilibrium while stationary or while moving.

5. Agility - ability to move and change direction quickly.

Examples: soccer, badminton, taekwando

6. Reaction Time – the time elapsed between stimulation and the beginning of reaction to that
Examples: boxing, sprint, volleyball

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