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Environmental Science – Semester II – Session & Evaluation Plan

Session Topic to be covered Learning Objective(s) Hours

1 Multidisciplinary nature of Basic understanding of the 4
environmental studies: foundations of
Definition, scope and importance, need Environmental Science
for public awareness.

2 Natural Resources : Renewable and This course will reinforce 10

non-renewable resources: and expand on student
Natural resources and associated knowledge of both
problems, Forest resources, Water physical and life science
resources, Mineral resources, Food by applying them to
resources, Energy resources, Land environmental concepts.
resources. Role of an individual in
conservation of natural resources.
Equitable use of resources for
sustainable lifestyles.

3 Ecosystems : Concept of an Objective of this module is to 7

ecosystem, Structure and function of introduce the basic concepts
an ecosystem, Producers- consumers of an ecosystem and various
and decomposers, Energy flow in the types of Ecosystem.
ecosystem, Ecological succession. ,
Food chains, food webs and ecological
pyramids, Introduction, types,
characteristic features, structure and
function of the following ecosystems: -
a. Forest ecosystem b. Grassland
ecosystem c. Desert ecosystem d.
Aquatic ecosystems

4 Biodiversity and its conservation Objective of this module is to 7

Introducition: genetic, species and introduce the basic concepts
ecosystem diversity, Biographical of Biodiversity and its
classification of India, Value of conservation.
biodiversity: consumptive use,
productive use, social, ethical,
aesthetic and option values,
Biodiversity at global, National and
local levels, India as a mega-diversity
nation, Hot-spots of biodiversity. ,
Threats to biodiversity: Habitat loss,
poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife
conflicts. , Endangered and endemic
species of India, Conservation of
biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ
conservation of biodiversity.
5 Environmental Pollution Objective of this module is to 5
Definition-: introduce the basic concepts
Cause, effects and control measures of Pollution, Cause, effects and
of:- Air pollution, Water pollution , Soil control measures of
pollution , Marine pollution , Noise pollution.
pollution , Thermal pollution , Nuclear
hazards ,Solid waste Management :
Causes, effects and control measures of
urban and industrial wastes, Role of an
individual in prevention of pollution,
Pollution case studies, Disaster
management : floods, earthquake,
cyclone and landslides.

6 Social Issues and the Environment 10

From Unsustainable to Sustainable Objective of this module is to
development, urban problems related make student understand
to energy, Water conservation, rain the various Social Issues
water harvesting, watershed related to the Environment
management, Resettlement and and various Act related to
rehabilitation of people; its problems Environment.
and concerns, Environmental ethics:
Issues and possible solutions. Climate It also helps to create
change, global warming, acid rain, environmental awareness
ozone layer depletion, nuclear among the students by
accidents and holocaust. Waste land protecting and conserving
reclamation, Consumerism and waste the environment.
products, Environment Protection Act
Air (Prevention and Control of
Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention and
control of Pollution) Act , Wildlife
Protection Act , Forest Conservation
Act , Issues involved in enforcement of
environmental legislation, Public

7 Human Population and the 5

Environment Objective of this module is to
Population growth, variation among make student understand
nations, Population explosion – Family the impact of Human
Welfare Program, Environment and Population on the
human health , Human Rights, Value Environment.
Education, HIV/AIDS Women and
Child Welfare, Role of Information
Technology in Environment and human
8 Field Work This can make a student 5
Visit to a local area to document a globally responsible
environmental assets- citizen.
Visit to a local polluted site –
Study of common plants, insects, birds
Study of simple eco-systems – ponds,
river, hill slopes, etc.
9 Activities related to evaluation for 7
different components

Total Hours 60

Core course: Credits: 4. Number of Hours: 60.

Total Number of Marks: 100 -: (External Examination): 60 marks

( Internal Evaluation): 40 marks

Internal Evaluation Pattern

S. N. Type Proposed Period Marks

1 Assignment / Project December 2nd week 10
2 Presentation January 1st week 10
3 Written Test February 3rd week 10
4 Viva March 2nd week 10

Name of Faculty: Prof. Sharmila Atri


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