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Fortune Angel Chinese Astrology - Yearly and Monthly Cycles

This Male's Birthday is September 19, 1993

The Birth Chart

Hour Day [ You ] Month Year

Male Wood Female Water Female Metal Female Water

Green Rat Black Rabbit White Chicken Black Chicken

You are Black Rabbit, born in the year of Black Chicken. The upper character in DAY column represents the
person. So you are equivalent to Female Water. The symbols in the upper row of birth chart are called
Heavenly Stems. The animals in the lower row in are called Earthly Branches. Wood is your Fame star. Fire
is your Money star. Earth is your Career star. Metal is your Parent star. Water is your Companion star.

Your Lucky Elements are Male Wood, Female Wood, Female Fire, Male Earth. Your Lucky Animals are Tiger,
Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Dog. Basically, when the Lucky Element and Lucky Animal appear in the yearly cycle,
you will have good fortune during that year.

10-Year Major Cycle (2017-2026) Male Earth Brown Horse

Male Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period has career and reputation mixed together. The career
opportunity is there. If you can handle it, then you can gain better reputation and earn more money. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you get nervous, worry, tired and feel weak. The events in this period are
related to position, fame, development, credit, competition, society and law. If you can manage your cycle well,
you can perform your job smoothly while people focus on you. You have the opportunity for promotion or new
job. The job responsibility will increase. You will do well for the school test or job examination. People will
recognize your skill and personality. You can get a loan, since people trust your credit. You will handle well the
business partnership and the issue from lawsuit. Man can be a winner through competition and win good
reputation from society. Your love and marriage luck is pretty well in this period. If you cannot handle your
cycle, you will have lots of metal pressure from people's expectation. You don't have any advantages if you
have a promotion. The extra responsibilities gives you less time for rest. Sometimes you get sick because of
too much tension and hard work. It's easy to get sued in this period, so you should be very cautious on any
deal with any business partner, cosigner, guarantor, warrantor or introducer. Money luck is not good either.
Your fame or credit might be damaged in the public, so you shouldn't make promises to people who ask all the

Horse is your Money star. This is a period of money. You might get unexpected wealth and tend to spend more
money in order to enjoy a more material life. The events in this period are related to money, trade, business,
contribution, social appointment, food, risky business and erotic. If you can manage your cycle well, it's easier
to earn more money in this period. You might receive extra income you didn't expect. When you have extra
money, you will like to make risky investments to try on your luck. You become more generous than before.
You enjoy the life style of social appointments. People like you in your working environment. You might have a
surprise promotion, so you have more responsibility and income from your job. There will be more business in
your company. You may reinvest what you earn in this period. You will have more chances to meet females in
this period no matter if you are married or single. If you are single, you will be proactive on your marriage when
you find the right female. If you cannot handle your cycle, you travel and spend too much money on social
appointments. You might spend too much money on traveling or social investments, which is over the
company's budget. The expense that you made might give you nothing in return, which will cause you to lose
your patience. Although you work pretty hard, you earn little interest. You like to help people in their business,
but you forget or neglect your own. With insufficient economic common sense, you might lose lots of money.
You might get robbed, since you are too tired and forget to watch on your property. You should not do any
risky business, investment or money loans. Men will spend lots of money in love or marriage events. You need
to be careful for any love affairs right now, otherwise it can bring you trouble. Also, you need to take care of
your father's safety and your mother's health.

Earth comes very strong in the period. It represents career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure to you. This
is a good sign for your money luck. It looks like you found a way to manage your money. So you can save lots
of it at the end of this period. you may get a promotion at your job, which will help you bring more income. If
you spend too much money before, then someone will tell you how to manage your money. Your business will
be taking off soon. So don’t despair if your earnings weren’t that good at the beginning of this period. If you
think about protecting your money, then you may invest more during this cycle. At the end of this period, then,
you’ll have the opportunity to get all your money and dividend back. Generally, the luck in this period to you
is good. The concise prediction for this 10-year cycle is "Both career and money come."

Brown Horse from this 10-year cycle has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your
fortune might be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different

Male Earth is your Career star and Female Water is your Companion star. When they are together,
they have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is connected with your career and money. A job
opportunity is coming in this period. Your friend will come, help and work on this opportunity. So you will come
out with a plan to turn this career opportunity into a financial opportunity. Since you have good money luck
during this time you will be richer in this period. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Career
and money come." That's a goodfortune to you.

Yearly Cycle 2018 Male Earth Brown Dog Year

Male Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period has career and reputation mixed together. The career
opportunity is there. If you can handle it, then you can gain better reputation and earn more money. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you get nervous, worry, tired and feel weak. The events in this year are
related to position, fame, development, credit, competition, society and law. You can perform your job smoothly
while people focus on you. You have the opportunity for promotion or new job. The job responsibility will
increase. You will do well for the school test or job examination. People will recognize your skill and
personality. You can get a loan, since people trust your credit. You will handle well the business partnership
and the issue from lawsuit. Man can be a winner through competition and win good reputation from society.
Your love and marriage luck is pretty well in this period.

Dog is your Career star. Dog is in the Earth group, too. Therefore Earth shows very strong in the cycle.
Something related to career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure will happen to you. Any events happen in the
beginning of this year will continue to the end of this year.

Earth comes very strong in the period. It represents career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure to you. This
is a good sign for your career luck. There are many job opportunities waiting for you. Now is a good time to go
for a more powerful position. Your support at the beginning may be of negative quality, however, do not
despair as your position opportunity is there for you to take. That means your job responsibilities will increase
in the second half of this year. You should have the ability and strength necessary to accept the challenge. On
the other hand, it’s possible that some people might not fully support you in the end of this year. You might be
losing respect from some of your colleagues. There is no strong money sign during this cycle. Since you have
to focus on your career, you won’t have time to take a break or spend any money. Generally, the luck in this
year to you is fair. The concise prediction for this year is "Career and challenge come."

Brown Dog from this year has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might be
mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Male Earth is your Career star and Female Water is your Companion star. When they are together,
they have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is connected with your career and money. A job
opportunity is coming in this year. Your friend will come, help and work on this opportunity. So you will come
out with a plan to turn this career opportunity into a financial opportunity. Since you have good money luck
during this time you will be richer in this year. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Career and
money come." That's a good fortune to you.

Dog and Rabbit have an attraction relationship and appear in your birth chart and cycle. When they
are together, the hint of your fortune is "Career, fame and money come." This relationship is connected to your
reputation and money luck. You might have a good idea or business plan to announce in this year. And you will
take the advantage of your position or power to promote your suggestion to people. When more people know
about your idea or suggestion, then you can earn money from your good reputation during this period. Or, you
might have a good proposal to your boss or company, then you get the bonus in this year.

Yearly Cycle 2019 Female Earth Brown Pig Year

Female Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period is about power and challenge. Lots of pressure will
come to you. If you can handle the challenge, then you might gain power and earn respect from people. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you will be very busy, nervous, and worried over your position and get sick
easily. The events in this year are related to position, power, changing, reform, risk, competition, accidence
and law. You may like to make a change to the current rules or reform the working procedures. Your boss will
appreciate your talent, give you a promotion, and perhaps even more responsibility and power. You will do well
for the school test or job examination. Because your skill can make new creative products or open a new
marketing area, you might go for a new job or a new business. Money luck is fine; a new job or new career
might cost more money, but you won't have financial trouble. If you have any lawsuits, you will handle them

Pig is your Companion star. A money event will come with your friends in this period. If you and your friends
can help each other well, then you have a chance to earn some extra money. If the friendship is not strong
enough, then you have the chance to lose your time and investment. The events in this year are related to
independence, expansion, lost, plot, complex, challenge, simplicity, competition, egotism, friendship,
separation and decision. You will feel full of energy and spirit. You will have a very outstanding performance
while on your job and win the respect from your coworkers. While on business, you won't be afraid of any
difficulties and will like to accept the challenge and create new opportunities. You will be busy in a business
partnership and possibly inherit some form of risky business via the partnership. You might end a relationship
with a good friend or lover. Although the tension produced from the separation, you should be able to
overcome the bad mood and face the new life quite easily during this cycle. You don't have to worry about your
expenses increasing, which is normal. Sometimes, you like to make some investment with the assistance from
your friend. You might quarrel with your father. Your father might have poor health during this period. If you are
married, you will have argument with your spouse. If there is no harmony in your family, then it will impact the
safety of your children. If you are single, you need to keep your focus on your girl.

The sign for this cycle is related to career and money. It looks like you might have trouble from burglary,
lawsuit, libel or a career pressure, which will require you to spend money to get rid of the problem. If the
problem is related to your career, then you will have to pay for your mistakes in order to show your moral duty
to your job. On the other hand, if your really lucky you’ll conquer the problem all by yourself, and only have to
spend money to celebrate your victory. Generally, the luck in this year to you is bad. The concise prediction
for this year is "Career and trouble come. Money goes."

Brown Pig from this year has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might be
mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Female Earth is your Career star and Male Wood is your Fame star. When they are together, they
have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is to do with your career. You might have a good idea or
plan for a business venture coming in the cycle. You might work with your boss or you can use your power or
position to implement your idea. But someone will block your idea and stop this career opportunity during this
time. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Trouble comes and career goes." That's
a fair fortune to you.

Yearly Cycle 2020 Male Metal White Rat Year

Male Metal is your Parent star. Basically, you will increase your mental and physical power from people,
food, or medicine. People around you like to help you, but too many opinions might make your judgment poor,
which impact your reputation. The events in this year are related to knowledge, study, research, religion,
education, support, protection, wisdom, preparation, stable, hardworking, introspection, and charity. You will be
completely focused, with full energy, do the things that you have to do and get the results you expect. You can
especially gain more knowledge in learning, studying or research, because you have a clear mind at this time.
You can even accept the thoughts of religious, philosophical, metaphysical or any profound knowledge. You
always have a chance to get additional education. You won't be busy in daily work and won't think about
earning more money. Because of your attitude, people will like you. You can get the answers from seniors
when you need the help. Your love luck is fair during this period. Man should try to live a plain, simple, honest
and frugal life style.

Rat is your Companion star. Basically, money will be involved in this period. You will have a money
opportunity. Your friends or relatives might sincerely come and help you to make a better money investment
during this cycle. If they just want you for your money, then you might spend money on them and never see it
return. The events in this year are related to independence, expansion, challenge, simplicity, competition,
friendship, separation and decision. You will expand and contemplate on your life goals, pondering over a new
job, and seriously thinking about your position in life. You will also be considerate and expect independence
and freedom from your career choices. If you have a business, you will plan and develop new projects, create
new business opportunities, ask for opinions, receive help from friends and relatives and expand business
opportunities with ambition. So you will be busy in your social life, travel often and spend some money. Also,
you might end the relationship with friends you don't like during this cycle. You will become more egotistic. If

you are married, you might have quarrels with your spouse often. Your spouse might have poor health during
this period. If you are single, you will need to keep your focus on your girl.

This period is about your money. You might have to deal with some business related to your parents, elders
or people around you in this year. You might have to spend money for learning new material, exchange
experience or save face. Therefore, you need to manage your money carefully. Don’t do any risky investments
during this period, that way, you can avoid losing money and face all together. The pressure from parents or
elders will decrease during the second part of this year. It’s possible, that, you might have to spend money on
friends or siblings and even help them to get rid of their money trouble. So you need to remember that any
money or investment opportunity suggested from friends or relatives should be avoided. The money pressure
will still be there in the end of in this period. You need to control your temper and pay attention to your health.
Otherwise, you will spend money on extra medicine expense. Any career competition in this period is
unfavorable for you, even if you have many supporters. Also, you have to pay attention to your relationship
with your girl. The trouble from your relationship might come from your friends or relatives. Generally, the
luck in this year to you is bad. The concise prediction for this year is "Both fame and money are gone."

Yearly Cycle 2021 Female Metal White Cow Year

Female Metal is your Parent star. This is a period for knowledge. You will spend time with your mentors or
elders to learn something from them. Your wealth might decrease because of the expense in the learning
cycle. You will care more about your health. The events in this year are related to moving, unstable, lonely,
hardworking, religion, creativity, pause, unleash, mystery and strength. You have special creativity in research,
planning and knowledge. You are apt to stay away from social life. You might have the experience of mystery
or religion and can inspire your thoughts from there. Career is stable, because some people will help or cover
you, but not always. Love luck is fair during this cycle. Man can spend more time on the business he wants to
do. You might talk about extra investment with relatives.

Cow is your Career star. Basically, this period is about power and challenge. Lots of pressure will come to you.
If you can handle the challenge, then you might gain power and earn respect from people. If the pressure is too
much for you, then you will be very busy, nervous, and worried over your position and get sick easily. The
events in this year are related to position, power, changing, reform, risk, competition, accidence and law. You
may like to make a change to the current rules or reform the working procedures. Your boss will appreciate
your talent, give you a promotion, and perhaps even more responsibility and power. You will do well for the
school test or job examination. Because your skill can make new creative products or open a new marketing
area, you might go for a new job or a new business. Money luck is fine; a new job or new career might cost
more money, but you won't have financial trouble. If you have any lawsuits, you will handle them well.

The sign for this period is related to career and reputation -- not money. First, your reputation will suffer,
because people around you are not always on your side. Later on, however, you will have the ability to get a
position of your choosing and continue to manage your power among people relationships. This is a good
career opportunity but you’ll need to fight for it. However, it’s possible that those people not on your side might
do something unfavorable to affect your career. As a result, that might affect your authority adversely. Your
health might suffer later. Money is not strong during this cycle. Any money investment now will take time to
grow and make a good return. Generally, the luck in this year to you is bad. The concise prediction for this
year is "Fame goes, but career comes."

White Cow from this year has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might be
mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Cow and Rat have an attraction relationship and appear in your birth chart and cycle. When they
are together, the hint of your fortune is "Career is gone." This relationship is connected to your career. A job
opportunity is coming in this year. Your friend might want to work with you for this opportunity, which might just
increase your pressure. Because your career luck is not that good yet, there is a chance for you to lose some
job responsibility or positional power. Therefore, you need to pay attention to anyone who wants to block your
career opportunity.

Monthly Cycle July 2018 Female Earth Brown Sheep Month

Female Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period is about power and challenge. Lots of pressure will
come to you. If you can handle the challenge, then you might gain power and earn respect from people. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you will be very busy, nervous, and worried over your position and get sick
easily. The events in this month are related to position, power, changing, reform, risk, competition, accidence
and law. Sheep is your Career star. Sheep is in the Earth group, too. Therefore Earth shows very strong in the
cycle. Something related to career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure will happen to you. Any events happen
in the beginning of this month will continue to the end of this month.

Basically, the first half of this period will continue the unfinished business from the previous cycle. Earth is
strong in the period. It represents career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure to you. This is a good sign for your
career luck. There are many job opportunities waiting for you. Now is a good time to go for a more powerful
position. Your support at the beginning may be of negative quality, however, do not despair as your position
opportunity is there for you to take. That means your job responsibilities will increase in the second half of this
month. You should have the ability and strength necessary to accept the challenge. On the other hand, it’s
possible that some people might not fully support you in the end of this month. You might be losing respect
from some of your colleagues. There is no strong money sign during this cycle. Since you have to focus on
your career, you won’t have time to take a break or spend any money. Generally, the luck in this month to
you is fair. The concise prediction for this month is "Career and challenge come."

Brown Sheep from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune
might be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Female Earth is your Career star and Male Wood is your Fame star. When they are together, they
have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is to do with your career. You might have a good idea or
plan for a business venture coming in the cycle. You might work with your boss or you can use your power or
position to implement your idea. But someone will block your idea and stop this career opportunity during this
time. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Trouble comes and career goes." That's
a fair fortune to you.

Monthly Cycle August 2018 Male Metal White Monkey Month

Male Metal is your Parent star. Basically, you will increase your mental and physical power from people,
food, or medicine. People around you like to help you, but too many opinions might make your judgment poor,
which impact your reputation. The events in this month are related to knowledge, study, research, religion,
education, support, protection, wisdom, preparation, stable, hardworking, introspection, and charity. Monkey is
your Parent star. Monkey is in the Metal group, too. Therefore Metal shows very strong in the cycle. Something
related to parents, medicine or reputation will happen to you. Any events happen in the beginning of this month
will continue to the end of this month.

Metal shows very strong in the period. It represents parents, medicine or reputation to you. This period is
related to your reputation. This is a period for you to learn new knowledge or a job skill by yourself. But people
around you keep giving you negative opinions -- to bother your learning spirit. As a result, your reputation
suffers, if you don’t follow their advices. Too many opinions around you might confuse you and let you lose
your good judgment. It’s possible that you will make wrong decisions during this period. Then you might have
to spend money to fix the mistake and save face. So the money luck during this cycle is no good. Also, you
have to pay attention to your health, because you have a chance of getting sick suddenly. If it happens, you
need to spend money on medical bills. Any career competition in this period is unfavorable for you, even if you
have many supporters on your side. Not all the supporters in your company or group are on your side. There is
a chance that some of your authority within your position might be removed. Generally, the luck in this
month to you is bad. The concise prediction for this month is "Fame goes and career goes."

Monthly Cycle September 2018 Female Metal White Chicken Month

Female Metal is your Parent star. This is a period for knowledge. You will spend time with your mentors or
elders to learn something from them. Your wealth might decrease because of the expense in the learning
cycle. You will care more about your health. The events in this month are related to moving, unstable, lonely,
hardworking, religion, creativity, pause, unleash, mystery and strength. Chicken is your Parent star. Chicken is
in the Metal group, too. Therefore Metal shows very strong in the cycle. Something related to parents,
medicine or reputation will happen to you. Any events happen in the beginning of this month will continue to
the end of this month.

Basically, this period will repeat the same luck as the previous cycle. Metal shows very strong in the period.
It represents parents, medicine or reputation to you. This period is related to your reputation. This is a period
for you to learn new knowledge or a job skill by yourself. But people around you keep giving you negative
opinions -- to bother your learning spirit. As a result, your reputation suffers, if you don’t follow their advices.
Too many opinions around you might confuse you and let you lose your good judgment. It’s possible that you
will make wrong decisions during this period. Then you might have to spend money to fix the mistake and save
face. So the money luck during this cycle is no good. Also, you have to pay attention to your health, because
you have a chance of getting sick suddenly. If it happens, you need to spend money on medical bills. Any
career competition in this period is unfavorable for you, even if you have many supporters on your side. Not all
the supporters in your company or group are on your side. There is a chance that some of your authority within
your position might be removed. Generally, the luck in this month to you is bad. The concise prediction for
this month is "Fame goes and career goes."

Chicken from the cycle will get into the fighting relationship with animals in the birth chart and makes those
bad relationship more complicate. Therefore, you won't get along well with people in this month, you need to
pay attention on the relationship with your family or relatives. In general, you have to watch your temper,
health, safety and behavior to avoid any accident happens. Chicken coming in this month has multiple
fighting or hurting relationships with the Chicken. That means many troubles will come to bother you in the
same time. It's hard for you to focus on the critical subject. Since the bad mood, your people and relative
relationships are very poor in this month. You must watch for your daily behavior, cut down the outdoor
activities and pay attention on you and your family safety to avoid any accident happening.

Monthly Cycle October 2018 Male Water Black Dog Month

Male Water is your Companion star. A money event will come with your friends in this period. If you and
your friends can help each other well, then you have a chance to earn some extra money. If the friendship is
not strong enough, then you have the chance to lose your time and investment. The events in this month are
related to independence, expansion, lost, plot, complex, challenge, simplicity, competition, egotism, friendship,
separation and decision. Dog is your Career star. Basically, this period has career and reputation mixed
together. The career opportunity is there. If you can handle it, then you can gain better reputation and earn
more money. If the pressure is too much for you, then you get nervous, worry, tired and feel weak. The events
in this month are related to position, fame, development, credit, competition, society and law.

The sign for this period is related to career and money. It looks like you might have a career opportunity.
But someone is blocking your way. You need to work on the problem to get your career opportunity. You might
have to spend money on people around you to get the position. It’s possible that a friend or relative could ask
for money to help you in your career opportunity. Unless you find the right person to remove the block you will
just be wasting your money. So you should try to do anything you can to handle the problem by yourself. You
should certainly take responsibility for your own success or failure. Generally, the luck in this month to you
is fair. The concise prediction for this month is "Friends come, money goes and career comes."

Black Dog from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might
be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Dog and Rabbit have an attraction relationship and appear in your birth chart and cycle. When they
are together, the hint of your fortune is "Career, fame and money come." This relationship is connected to your
reputation and money luck. You might have a good idea or business plan to announce in this month. And you
will take the advantage of your position or power to promote your suggestion to people. When more people
know about your idea or suggestion, then you can earn money from your good reputation during this period.
Or, you might have a good proposal to your boss or company, then you get the bonus in this month.

Monthly Cycle November 2018 Female Water Black Pig Month

Female Water is your Companion star. Basically, money will be involved in this period. You will have a
money opportunity. Your friends or relatives might sincerely come and help you to make a better money
investment during this cycle. If they just want you for your money, then you might spend money on them and
never see it return. The events in this month are related to independence, expansion, challenge, simplicity,
competition, friendship, separation and decision. Pig is your Companion star. A money event will come with
your friends in this period. If you and your friends can help each other well, then you have a chance to earn
some extra money. If the friendship is not strong enough, then you have the chance to lose your time and
investment. The events in this month are related to independence, expansion, lost, plot, complex, challenge,
simplicity, competition, egotism, friendship, separation and decision.

Water shows very strong in the period. It represents friends, relatives or money to you. The sign for money
is not strong during this cycle. Money might decrease from your pocket. Or you have to borrow money from
people. You might have trouble from friends, siblings or relatives and have to spend money to get rid of the
problem. Your friends or relatives might come to discuss investment or lending money. But this is not a good
time for risky investment. You need to control your temper well and handle arguments about money carefully.
Don’t put yourself in a dangerous corner. If you have your business, then you will have more customers, but
your profit will be limited. Certainly you have to double check the credit of your customers from different cities
before delivering the products. You have to pay attention to your health, if you don’t want extra medicine
expense -- especially while the pressure of money is there. Also, you have to pay attention to your marriage or
the relationship with your girlfriend. Trouble might come from your friends. Generally, the luck in this month
to you is bad. The concise prediction for this month is "Friendship and money go, but debt comes."

Monthly Cycle December 2018 Male Wood Green Rat Month

Male Wood is your Fame star. This is a period about your reputation, since you will be busy working and
exploring your ideas with people around you. If a Money Star is found in your Birth Chart, you will bring fortune
by taking advantage of your reputation. The events in this month are related to development, expression, art,
skill, design, plan, misunderstanding, irritation, quitting and creativity. Rat is your Companion star. Basically,
money will be involved in this period. You will have a money opportunity. Your friends or relatives might
sincerely come and help you to make a better money investment during this cycle. If they just want you for your
money, then you might spend money on them and never see it return. The events in this month are related to
independence, expansion, challenge, simplicity, competition, friendship, separation and decision.

Wood is strong in the period. It represents reputation, freedom or disease to you. This is a good sign for
your reputation. That means this is a good time for you to show off your knowledge, talent, publish a book or
some sort of specialty that caters to people. People are willing to listen; and know much more about you than
what you think. You might have to work extra hours for several projects. You will increase your reputation
during this time. You might have to spend money on friends or siblings and help them get rid of their money
problems. When you get famous and people are talking about you, some friends will come and ask for your
charity. Some people think you are rich, but your financial status is the same as before. In short, you just get
famous. But your money luck hasn’t come yet. Generally, the luck in this month to you is fair. The concise
prediction for this month is "Fame comes and friends come."

Monthly Cycle January 2019 Female Wood Green Cow Month

Female Wood is your Fame star. This is a period about your fame. Since you tend to explore much more
than usual, you will be more judgmental toward people than before. Only good fame will bring you fortune. The
events in this month are related to creativity, expression, art, skill, literature, hobbies, talking, food and
entertainment. Cow is your Career star. Basically, this period is about power and challenge. Lots of pressure
will come to you. If you can handle the challenge, then you might gain power and earn respect from people. If
the pressure is too much for you, then you will be very busy, nervous, and worried over your position and get
sick easily. The events in this month are related to position, power, changing, reform, risk, competition,
accidence and law.

The sign in this period is related to career and reputation, and not money. Your reputation will first be good
within your group. Because of your status, you have the opportunity to get a good position within your job. This
brings you good luck which allows you to inherit more power within your career. However, you might have to
watch for the supporters that surround you. Some of which might not be on your side. They will most likely
bring you bad news. There is no strong money sign found in this period. So, any money you have recently
invested will not bring you any good short-term return. Generally, the luck in this month to you is fair. The
concise prediction for this month is "Both fame and career come."

Green Cow from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might
be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Cow and Rat have an attraction relationship and appear in your birth chart and cycle. When they
are together, the hint of your fortune is "Career is gone." This relationship is connected to your career. A job
opportunity is coming in this month. Your friend might want to work with you for this opportunity, which might
just increase your pressure. Because your career luck is not that good yet, there is a chance for you to lose
some job responsibility or positional power. Therefore, you need to pay attention to anyone who wants to block
your career opportunity.

Monthly Cycle February 2019 Male Fire Red Tiger Month

Male Fire is your Money star. This is a period mainly about your money. You will work hard for money and
money will come into your pocket -- either by earning cash or borrowing it. The events in this month are related
to money, trade, business, property, real estate, housing, capital, furniture, jewelry, investment, economy,
finance and diligence. Tiger is your Fame star. This is a period about your reputation, since you will be busy
working and exploring your ideas with people around you. If a Money Star is found in your Birth Chart, you will
bring fortune by taking advantage of your reputation. The events in this month are related to development,
expression, art, skill, design, plan, misunderstanding, irritation, quitting and creativity.

Fire comes very strong in the period. It represents money, investment, loan or friends to you. This is a good
sign for your money luck. It’s not only the money that keeps coming into your packet, but you win a good
reputation at the same time. When you get famous, you can generate more income. This period is a good
opportunity to get closer to females. Girls like you just the way you are, especially since you are getting
richer. Generally, the luck in this month to you is good. The concise prediction for this month is "Both money
and fame come. "

Red Tiger from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune might
be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Male Fire is your Money star and Female Metal is your Parent star. When they are together, they
have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is about your money. You have a money opportunity
coming in this month. People around you are interested in the money opportunity too. You might spend money
on them to look for a better opportunity. But you don’t have good money luck at this time. You won’t get any
return from them. That means you might put money into wrong investments in this month. So you need to
watch your money carefully, don’t do any risky business. Otherwise, you will lose the money and friendship.
Also, if you are married, this time is unfavorable for your spouse. So you need to spend more time with her in
this month. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Money goes. Friendship goes." That's
a fair fortune to you.

Monthly Cycle March 2019 Female Fire Red Rabbit Month

Female Fire is your Money star. This is a period of money. You might get unexpected wealth and tend to
spend more money in order to enjoy a more material life. The events in this month are related to money, trade,
business, contribution, social appointment, food, risky business and erotic. Rabbit is your Fame star. This is a
period about your fame. Since you tend to explore much more than usual, you will be more judgmental toward
people than before. Only good fame will bring you fortune. The events in this month are related to creativity,
expression, art, skill, literature, hobbies, talking, food and entertainment.

Basically, this period will repeat the same luck as the previous cycle. Fire comes very strong in the period. It
represents money, investment, loan or friends to you. This is a good sign for your money luck. It’s not only the
money that keeps coming into your packet, but you win a good reputation at the same time. When you get
famous, you can generate more income. This period is a good opportunity to get closer to females. Girls like
you just the way you are, especially since you are getting richer. Generally, the luck in this month to you
is good. The concise prediction for this month is "Both money and fame come. "

Rabbit from the cycle will get into the fighting relationship with animals in the birth chart and makes those
bad relationship more complicate. Therefore, you won't get along well with people in this month, you need to
pay attention on the relationship with your family or relatives. In general, you have to watch your temper,
health, safety and behavior to avoid any accident happens.

Monthly Cycle April 2019 Male Earth Brown Dragon Month

Male Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period has career and reputation mixed together. The career
opportunity is there. If you can handle it, then you can gain better reputation and earn more money. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you get nervous, worry, tired and feel weak. The events in this month are
related to position, fame, development, credit, competition, society and law. Dragon is your Career star.
Dragon is in the Earth group, too. Therefore Earth shows very strong in the cycle. Something related to career,
boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure will happen to you. Any events happen in the beginning of this month will
continue to the end of this month.

Earth is strong in the period. It represents career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure to you. This is a good
sign for your career luck. There are many job opportunities waiting for you. Now is a good time to go for a more
powerful position. Your support at the beginning may be of negative quality, however, do not despair as your
position opportunity is there for you to take. That means your job responsibilities will increase in the second
half of this month. You should have the ability and strength necessary to accept the challenge. On the other
hand, it’s possible that some people might not fully support you in the end of this month. You might be losing
respect from some of your colleagues. There is no strong money sign during this cycle. Since you have to
focus on your career, you won’t have time to take a break or spend any money. Generally, the luck in this
month to you is fair. The concise prediction for this month is "Career and challenge come."

Brown Dragon from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune
might be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Male Earth is your Career star and Female Water is your Companion star. When they are together,
they have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is connected with your career and money. A job
opportunity is coming in this month. Your friend will come, help and work on this opportunity. So you will come
out with a plan to turn this career opportunity into a financial opportunity. Since you have good money luck
during this time you will be richer in this month. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Career
and money come." That's a goodfortune to you.

Dragon and Chicken have an attraction relationship and appear in your birth chart and cycle. When
they are together, the hint of your fortune is "Career goes and fame goes." This relationship is related to your
reputation. There is a career opportunity coming in this month. But someone around you might block your
career opportunity. Your reputation might suffer during this period.

Monthly Cycle May 2019 Female Earth Brown Snake Month

Female Earth is your Career star. Basically, this period is about power and challenge. Lots of pressure will
come to you. If you can handle the challenge, then you might gain power and earn respect from people. If the
pressure is too much for you, then you will be very busy, nervous, and worried over your position and get sick
easily. The events in this month are related to position, power, changing, reform, risk, competition, accidence
and law. Snake is your Money star. This is a period mainly about your money. You will work hard for money
and money will come into your pocket -- either by earning cash or borrowing it. The events in this month are
related to money, trade, business, property, real estate, housing, capital, furniture, jewelry, investment,
economy, finance and diligence.

Basically, the first half of this period will continue the unfinished business from the previous cycle. Earth is
strong in the period. It represents career, boss, teacher, lawsuit or pressure to you. This is a good sign for your

money luck. It looks like you found a way to manage your money. So you can save lots of it at the end of this
month. you may get a promotion at your job, which will help you bring more income. If you spend too much
money before, then someone will tell you how to manage your money. Your business will be taking off soon.
So don’t despair if your earnings weren’t that good at the beginning of this month. If you think about protecting
your money, then you may invest more during this cycle. At the end of this period, then, you’ll have the
opportunity to get all your money and dividend back. Generally, the luck in this month to you is good. The
concise prediction for this month is "Both career and money come."

Brown Snake from this month has a special relationship with your birth chart. The result of your fortune
might be mixing with the following prediction. Also, there is a chance that the result turns out in different way.

Female Earth is your Career star and Male Wood is your Fame star. When they are together, they
have a special attraction relationship. This relationship is to do with your career. You might have a good idea or
plan for a business venture coming in the cycle. You might work with your boss or you can use your power or
position to implement your idea. But someone will block your idea and stop this career opportunity during this
time. In short, this relationship to your birth chart indicates "Trouble comes and career goes." That's
a fair fortune to you.

Monthly Cycle June 2019 Male Metal White Horse Month

Male Metal is your Parent star. Basically, you will increase your mental and physical power from people,
food, or medicine. People around you like to help you, but too many opinions might make your judgment poor,
which impact your reputation. The events in this month are related to knowledge, study, research, religion,
education, support, protection, wisdom, preparation, stable, hardworking, introspection, and charity. Horse is
your Money star. This is a period of money. You might get unexpected wealth and tend to spend more money
in order to enjoy a more material life. The events in this month are related to money, trade, business,
contribution, social appointment, food, risky business and erotic.

This is a period related to your reputation and money. Your money luck is not good enough in this month. If
you can earn money in the end of this period, your reputation will suffer at the beginning. If you want to keep a
good reputation, then you might have to spend money to pay for your mistakes and save face. If you get sick in
the beginning of this month, then money that you earn later is for your medical bills. Your supporters might
bring some ideas for you. Their opinions confuse your decision. If you earn some money from their ideas, you
need to spend money on them later. Generally, the luck in this month to you is bad. The concise prediction
for this month is "Fame goes. Money comes, then goes."

Horse from the cycle will get into the fighting relationship with animals in the birth chart and makes those
bad relationship more complicate. Therefore, you won't get along well with people in this month, you need to
pay attention on the relationship with your family or relatives. In general, you have to watch your temper,
health, safety and behavior to avoid any accident happens.


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