Anuling National High School: "Capital Letters Only, No Erasures!"

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b. The president occupies the highest position in the government.

ANULING NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL c. The president leads both the executive and legislative branch of the
Senior High School Department government.
Mid-Term Examination in d. None of the options
PHILIPPINE POLITICS AND GOVERNANCE ____ 7. The branch of the government which applies and interprets laws.
a. Executive Branch c. Judicial Branch
Name: _____________________________ Section: _____________________ b. b. Legislative Branch d. None of the options
Score: ______/60 = Date: ____________________ ____ 8. The characteristic/s of the 1987 Constitution
A. It is considered as a “Freedom Constitution”
B. Formulated a unicameral legislation
Multiple Choice Tests C. It is composed of 18 articles
Directions: Read and analyze each of the following statements carefully. Each D. It has a democratic and republican government
question will have four options as for A, B, C and D options. Write your chosen E. Its establishment marks the 4th Republic of the Philippines
answer on space provided before the number. “CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY, NO a. A, B, C and D b. A and C only c. A, C, D and E d. None of the options
ERASURES!” ____9. What historical event happened on February 25, 1986?
a. Corazon Aquino took oath as president c. Both A and B
____ 1. The characteristics of a State. b. The end of Marco’s government d. Establishment of the 1987
A. It possess a community of persons more or less numerous. Constitution
B. It occupies a permanently and definite portion of a territory. ____ 10. A way of changing the constitution wherein it only changes a specific
C. It is independent of external foreign control. part or provisions of the constitution.
D. It possesses an organized government. a. Revision b. Amendment c. Rigid d. Elastic
a. A, B, and D b. B, C and D c. b. A and B only d. None of the options ____ 11. What is a Constitution?
____ 2.The branch of the government that establish, enforce and execute law. A. The supreme law of a country
a. Legislative branch c. Judiciary branch B. It defines the power and rights of citizens
b. Executive branch d. All of the options C. It defines the power of the government
____ 3. The following are the privileges/power of the President, EXCEPT; D. It has 3 forms or kinds
a. Appoint the heads of the different executive departments a. A and B only b. B, C and D c. A, B and C only d. None of the options
b. Appoint ambassadors, consuls and public ministers ____ 12. Its purpose is to state the reason and purpose of a constitution.
c. Declare Martial Law a. Preamble b. Article c. Both A and B d. Constitution
d. Appoint the Senate President and Speaker of the House ____ 13. In the preamble, supply the missing words; We, the ______ Filipino
____ 4. The qualification/s of a president. people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and _____
A. Natural born citizen C. At least 35 years old society.
B. Resident of the Philippines for at least 8 years D. Able to read and write a. Sovereign; human b. Free; humane c. free; equal d. None of the options
E. Must engaged in the practice of law in the Philippines ____ 14. The tenure of office of a Senator.
a. A and D b. A, B and D c. A, B, C and D d. None of the options a. 6 years; 2 terms b. 3 years; 3 terms c. 4 years; 2 terms
____ 5. The tenure of office of the president as prescribed in 1987 constitution. d. None of the options
a. 6 years, 1 term c. 3 years, 3 terms ____ 15. The tenure of office of a member of the House of Representative.
b. 4 years, 1 term d. None of the options a. 6 years; 2 terms b. 3 years; 3 terms c. 4 years; 2 terms
____ 6. The following are TRUE concerning the President of the Philippines, d. None of the options
EXCEPT; ____ 16. When is the term of office of the president begun?
a. The president is the head of State and Head of the Government of the a. June 30 b. June 31 c. July 30 d. July 31
____ 17. A senator is elected every 6 years with 3 terms. To be a congressman, a. It is a systematic body of knowledge which for the most part is theoretical, that
you must be at least 25 years old on Election Day. deals with the government and regulation, maintenance and development, and
a. Both statements are true c. Only the first statement is true defense and augmentation of the state.
b. both statements are false d. Only the first statement is b. It is the way in which we understand and order our social affairs, and acquire
false. greater control over the situation.
____ 18. Politics refers to the study of state and government. In the other hand, c. It is the science of power and manipulation.
political science describes the processes by which people and institutions d. It deals with the protection of the rights of its citizens; safeguarding and
exercise and resist power. enhancement their immorality; and, harmony and peace in their relations.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE _____ 27. What is Governance?
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE a. It is the manner of stirring a group of people or a state.
____ 19. The word Political Science came from the Latin words “Polis” and b. governance is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield
“Scire”. It means “city” and “to know” respectively. power, and enact and promulgate public policies which directly affect human and
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE institutional interactions, and economic and social development.
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE c. It came from the Greek word gubernare which means to stir.
____ 20. The science of politics deals with basic knowledge and understanding d. All of the above
of the state and the principles and ideals which underlie its organization and ____ 28. What is meant by ideology in its contemporary usage?
activities. It also deals with those relations among men and groups which are a. It refers to the very ideas themselves which are meant to give structure and
subject to control by the state. meaning to the human world.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE b. It refers to the study of ideas, from the Greek words logos (study or science) and
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE idea (knowledge or idea).
____ 21. Niccolo Machiavelli was considered the father of Political Science. He c. Coined by Destutt de Tracy, ideology means “science of ideas.”
also wrote the infamous “The Prince” d. All of the above
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE _____ 29. What is a Constitution?
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE a. Literally it means the putting in position of things, or simply composition.
____22. State is a legal concept and considered tangible. Nation is an ethnic b. If understood then with respect to law, it means the fundamental, organic laws that
concept and is intangible. govern the operation of a group of men or a state.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE c. It is that body of rules and principles in accordance with which the powers of
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE sovereignty are regularly exercised.
____ 23. A nation can composed many states. A state can composed many d. All of the above
nations. _____ 30. It is a belief where all citizens have equal rights and privileges.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE a. Egalitarianism b. Conservatism c. Liberalism d. Naturalism
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE _____ 31. Why did Aristotle say that man is a political animal?
____ 24. A government can exist even it is not a state. A state can exist even a. Because men naturally live in cities.
without a government. b. Because men, like other animals, live in herds.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE c. Because it is part of men’s instinct to live together.
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE d. Because it is in cities that men actualize their animality.
____ 25. The Philippines practiced a federal form of government. The country _____ 32. Which of the following expresses the conservative ideology?
also has a presidential form of government. a. The reliance on the human ability to adapt and change
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE b. The reliance on the wisdom of experience
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE c. The egalitarian principle of human equality
_____ 26. What is Politics? d. The belief on the inevitability of a classless society
____ 33. What is possessed by the government if it can successfully assert its
claim to rule? A. Government B. Governance
a. Legitimacy b. Order c. Sovereignty d. Authority ____46. a group of people who rule or run the administration of a country.
_____ 34. It is a distinct group of people who share a common background ____47. the set of rules and laws
including any or all of the following: geographic location, history, racial or ____48. the act of governing or ruling
ethnic characteristics, religion, language, culture, and belief in common ____49. the body of representatives
political ideas. ____50. the medium through which the power of the state is employed
a. State b. Citizens c. Nation d. Population
_____ 35. It is the complex process whereby some sectors of the society wield III. Label the following diagram. Write your answer on the space provided.
power, and enact and promulgate public policies which directly affect human
and institutional interactions, and economic and social development. O. Anarchist L. Socialist I. Democrat P. Moderate
a. Government b. Governance c. Good Governance d. All of the C.Republican I. Libertarian T. Fascist

II. Identification. Choose your answers from the given choices. Write the answers
on the blank provided in “CAPITAL LETTERS”.
A. Harold D. Laswell B. Aristotle C. Aneurin Bevan
D. Cesar Ameringer E. Harry Truman 54. 53. 52. 51. 55. 56.
____36. “Man is a political animal” 57.
____37. “Politics is a fascinating game, because politics is government. It is the art of
____38. “Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds
from the rich by promising to protect each from the other.”
____39. “Politics is the study of who gets what when and how.” IV. 58-60 From the answer in items 51-57, what is the word formed?
____40. “I have never regarded politics as the arena of morals. It is the arena of __ __ __ __ __ __ __
V.61-85Sentence Completion. Complete the Pre-amble.
A. Institutional Power B. Productive Power
C.Structural Power D. Power __, the sovereign Filipino ______, imploring the aid of ________ God, in order to
E. Cumpolsary Power build a ____ and _____ society, and establish a Government that ____ embody our
____41. It is the capacity of an individual to influence the conduct (behaviour) _____ and _______, promote the ________ _____, ________ and develop our
of others. _________, and secure to ourselves and our _______, the ________ of
____42. Looks at the position and the roles of various actors in relation to independence and democracy under the _____ __ ____ and a regime of _____,
each other. _______, ______, _____, _______, and ________, do ______ and promulgate this
____43. The indirect ways in which an actor affects one another. ___________..
____44. The direct control of one actor actor of the conditions and action of
Bonus +5: Answer the following; write your answer inside the box.
What 3 things do you love about the What 3 things do you hate about the
____45. Focuses on the direct structure provided and accepted by each
subject? subject?
actor. 1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

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