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MAPEH Grade 9 1st Quarter

50 Questions | By Toledo8888 | Last updated: Aug 14, 2017

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Questions and Answers 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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1. Which of the following belongs to Renaissance Period?

A. Concerto Grosso

B. Pope Marcellus Mass

C. Gregorian Chant

D. Troubardour

2. Gregorian Chant is derived from the name of Pope Gregory the First, True or False

A. False

B. True

C. It is Troubadour

D. It is Medieval

3. Which of the following is true about Gregorian Chant except?

A. Monophonic

B. Free Meter

C. Uses Neumes

D. Originate in France

4. Which of the following is a composer of the Medival Period?

A. Johan Friedrich Bach

B. Adam Le Bossu

C. Giovanni Pierlugi da Palestrina

D. Thomas Morley 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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5. Which of the following is NOT a Characteristic of Troubadour Music?

A. Usually monophonic

B. Usually with improvised accompaniment

C. Usually tells chivalry and courtly

D. Written in Latin

6. What period when Christian Church highly in[uenced culture and political affairs
in Europe?

A. Medieval

B. Renaissance

C. Baroque

D. Classical

7. What period were great composer of these time were George Friedrich Handel,
Johann Sebastian Bach and Antonio Vivaldi?

A. Baroque

B. Renaissance

C. Medieval

D. Classical

8. How are we going to identify the music of Baroque Period?

A. Melodies sound elaborate with Dynamic Contrast

B. Melodies are very easy to sing

C. Lyrics are easy to remember

D. Consist of Nuematic Notes 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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9. Which of the following are composition of Johann Sebastian Bach?

A. Four Seasons

B. Fugue in G Minor

C. Canon in D Major

D. Pope Macellus Mass

10. It is known as the golden Era of Choral Music, What period is this?

A. Baroque

B. Renaissance

C. Medieval

D. Romaticism

11. What is the meaning of the term PMHR is used before having a Warm Up

A. True

B. False

12. Christian is a soccer player, it so happen that his team mate accidentally struck
his knee with a soccer ball, What possible injury he is now suffering?

A. Strain

B. Sprain

C. Fructure

D. Dislocation 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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13. What is the meaning of ACL?

A. Anterior Cruciate Ligament

B. Anterior Cross Ligament

C. Added Cruciate Ligament

D. Antier Crucite Legaments

14. What muscle is responsible in extending the forearm and elbow?

A. Latisimus Dorsi

B. Pectoralis Major

C. Triceps Brachii

D. Exernal oblique

15. Where can we bnd the Posterior Cruciate Ligament?

A. At the back area of the Knee bone

B. At the front of the knee bone

C. At the side of the knee

D. At the inner back of the back bone

16. An improper landing after a jump may cause an injury, What injury might occur?

A. Dislocation

B. Knee Injuries

C. Ankle Injurie

D. Option 4 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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17. An injury that occurs from either a quick, one-time injury to the bone, What injury
is this?

A. Dislocation

B. Fractures

C. Knee Injury

D. Sprain

18. When are you going to apply R.I.C.E. Method?

A. Before the injury happen you will do R.I.C.E. method

B. After the injury happen you will do the method on the unaffected area

C. After an injury happen you will do the method

D. Before you clean the swelling muscle

19. Why do we need to give First Aid?

A. To alleviate suffering from an injured person

B. To be famous in the school and in the community

C. To gain more friends, and even admirers

D. To prevent added sickness and dizziness

20. A muscle that is responsible in drawing the arm forward and in toward the body.
What muscle is this?

A. Triceps brachii

B. Pectoralis major

C. Serratus anterior

D. Rectus abdominis 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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21. What muscle is responsible in the [exion of your forearm to your elbow?

A. Trapezius

B. Bicep brachii

C. Latissimus dorsi

D. Gluteus maximus


What is the name of this tissue on the square labelled A?


B. Tendon

C. Ligaments

D. Patella


What is the name of the tissue labelled B?


B. Tendon

C. Ligament

D. PCL 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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24. What is the BMI of Stargrace Montadas if she had a weight of 35 and a height of

A. 12.85

B. 13.67

C. 15.68

D. 20.35

25. From the previous Question about BMI, What is now the Nutritional Status of
Stargrace Montadas?

A. Overweight

B. Normal

C. Underweight

D. Obese

26. What will be your First Aid if a person suffers Heat Exhaustion?
Discuss (

A. Keep the victim cool by wiping them with ICE

B. Keep the victim cool by placing them in a cool place

C. Give him/ her and electrolyte beverages or milk

D. Monitor the victim for signs of shock.

27. A kind of injury that two bones are become separated, What injury is this?

A. Fracture

B. Dislocation

C. Knee Injury

D. Sprain 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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28. What kind of cloth you are going to use to protect the wounds, fracture of a

A. Gauze

B. Band Aid

C. Splint

D. Bandage

29. First Aid is debne as?

A. Final and immediate care given to a person who is ill or injured

B. Immediate and temporary care given to a person.

C. It includes self-help and delayed care to a person

D. A doctor medical assistance.

30. Which does not describe a healthy community?

A. A clean and safe environment

B. An environment that meets everyone's basic needs

C. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone

D. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities

31. Which of the following problems is a leading cause of environmental destruction?

A. Deforestration

B. Oil Spill

C. Illegal Mining

D. Soil Erosion 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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32. Which of these are not an effect of Climate Change?

A. Dead trees from oil spillage

B. Increase risk of drought, fire and floods

C. More health related illness and disease

D. Economic losses

33. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community


A. To help us attain luxury of life

B. To keep the safety of the community

C. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home

D. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle

34. How do we debne Health?

A. Absence of disease and illness

B. Productive Healthy environment

C. A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being

D. Sociological group in a large place

35. It is debne as an art and science of maintaining pro-environment and improving

health of all members, What is this?

A. Health

B. Community

C. Community Health

D. Environment Health 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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36. Pair the following Primary Health Care Programs in the Community
A. Nutritional Program
A. Select a Match
B. Child Care
B. Select a Match
C. Control of Communicable disease
C. Select a Match
D. Blood Pressure screening
D. Select a Match

37. Toe Touch and Shoulder Curls are example of Dynamic Stretching Exercise

A. True

B. False

38. What are the two types of Exercises?

A. Locomotor and Non-Locomotor

B. Locomotor only

C. Static and Dynamic Stretching

D. Non-Locomotor

39. What is the best method in applying brst aid for fracture?

A. Apply Rice

B. Apply gauze and bandage Splint

C. Apply Arnica Oil

D. Call a physician 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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40. What the name of a [exible but inelastic cord of strong bbrous collagen tissue
attaching a muscle to a bone?

A. Ligament

B. Cartillage

C. Tendon

D. Muscle

41. What is the name of a short band of tough, [exible, bbrous connective tissue that
connects two bones or cartilages or holds together a joint?

A. Tendon

B. Ligament

C. Cartilage

D. Bone

42. What are the common features of Pre-historic Paintings?

A. Colors Harmony

B. Margins

C. Humans and Animals

D. Lines and Curves

43. What are the two method of Greek paintings?

A. Pelike and Lekanis

B. Lebes and Gamikos

C. Fresco and Encaustic

D. None of these 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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44. What is an egyptian totems that believe to be the guardians of the underworld?

A. Horse

B. Eagle

C. Cat

D. Dog

45. What is the famous pre-historic paintings during Stone Age?

A. Sarcophagus of Tutankhamen

B. Cave of Lascaux

C. The chamber of Engravings

D. The Shaft of the Dead man

46. What is the name of a Baroque music genre that music is compose of concertino
and tutti?

A. Tutti

B. Fugue

C. Concerto Grosso

D. Concerto

47. Which of this is not belong to the NEW FORMS of baroque music

A. Binary -AB

B. Ternary - ABC

C. Chorale

D. Ground Bass 11/08/2019, 6B02 PM

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48. Which of the following is a good example of Fugue?

A. Fire, Fire, My heart

B. Cantanta

C. Bach's Toccata

D. Messiah

49. What is the meaning of R. I. C. E.?

A. Rest, Incline, Compression and Elevation

B. Rest, Incision, Compression and Execution

C. Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation

D. Rest, Injured, Compression and Exhaustion

50. What medicine is given to the victim to reduce the pain without increasing

A. Viagra

B. Ibuprofen

C. Aspirin

D. Bioflu

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