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Sujono, J.

Survey Report:

Hydrological Analysis of the Situ Gintung Dam Failure

Joko Sujono
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Jalan Grafika No.2, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia
[Received July 11, 2012; accepted September 20, 2012]

Early on the morning of March 27, 2009, the Situ Gin- 1. Introduction
tung dam, located near Jakarta, Indonesia, and with
an catchment area of 3.1 km2 , failed and flooded the Many dams have been built in Indonesia ranging from
area below it. This disaster has awakened most of massive hydroelectric complexes, to small earthen or ce-
the Indonesian people, especially those who are con- ment structures largely used for flood control and irriga-
cerned about hydraulic structures, natural disasters tion purposes. Although most dams are useful and safe
and sustainable water resources management. Dur- structures, the principles of dam construction – especially
ing the disaster, about 100 people died and a number on a medium to large scales are difficult and precise. In
of people went missing. There are hundreds of dams addition, routine maintenance especially for old dams,
like the Situ Gintung dam and other big dams have may be ignored.
been built in Indonesia. Most of these dams pose a One of the earthen dams in Indonesia built in 1933
high potential hazard to life and property if a fail- during the Dutch colonial era was the Situ Gintung dam
ure or levee breach occurs. Dam failures may occur located at Cirendue, Banten Province, just southwest of
at different locations such as spillway, embankments Jakarta. The dam, with 1.1 million m3 of water with
and foundations. The failure may occur as a result around 21 ha of inundated area, was originally built for
of a number of problems such as overtopping, sur- irrigation purposes. Later on, however, due to rapid de-
face erosion, and piping. Dam failures due to spillway velopment in the area, it was changed to a residential area.
problems may occur, for instance, as a result of inade- Since then, the dam has been mainly used for water con-
quate spillway capacity (overtopping) or spillway loss servation and as a recreational area.
by erosion (surface erosion). In this study, the Situ Early on the morning of March 27, 2009, a Situ Gin-
Gintung dam failure has been analyzed based on hy- tung dam failure occurred, awakened most of the Indone-
drology analysis. Results show that heavy monsoon sian people, especially those who have concerns about hy-
rainfall was not the main cause of the situ Gintung draulic structures, natural disasters and sustainable water
dam failure. The daily rainfall on March 26, 2009, resources management. About 100 people died during the
was 113 mm that equal to a 10 year return period. disaster. The dam failure has destroyed the downstream
Reservoir routing shows that there was no overtop- area of the dam including houses and infrastructures.
ping during March 27, 2009, flood, the maximum wa- According to some witnesses, the overflow through the
ter depth on the spillway is 0.63 m. Assuming that spillway started in the evening, continuing until night.
maintenance was done well, the spillway was still safe Just at the end of the chute way emerged a pond that may
under a 100 year return period with the maximum have occurred due to scouring process. Early in the morn-
water level is +98.95 m. It means that the embank- ing, the spillway collapsed, followed by levee breaching
ment was still safe with 1.05 m freeboard. Due to high at the left and right sides of the spillway with a total length
water flow velocity, however, surface erosion may oc- of around 30 m as shown in Fig. 1 [1].
cur at the end of a chute spillway that consists of silt, There are hundreds of dams like the situ Gintung dam
clay and sand. Continuous scoring/erosion happened and other big dams in Indonesia. Most of these dams pose
throughout the spill over the spillway, which started at high or potential hazard to life and property if a failure
around 06:00 pm and lasted until 03.00 am, resulting or levee breach occurs. Dam failure can occur with lit-
in a big pond at the chute spillways and surrounding tle warning. Based on the Situ Gintung dam failure and
areas. This phenomenon adversely affected the insta- realizing that there are many such dams in Indonesia, the
bility of the spillway structure. As a result, the spill- study on the possible causes of dam failure is essential as
way failure occurring resulted high flow discharge that a lesson disaster in risk reduction for other dams.
reached more than 425 m3 /s.
2. Dam Failure
Keywords: dam failure, flood routing, spillway 2.1. History
A dam failure is a catastrophic type of failure that gen-
erally occurs with little warning and the severity of flood-

590 Journal of Disaster Research Vol.7 No.5, 2012

Hydrological Analysis of the Situ Gintung Dam Failure

Fig. 1. Situ Gintung dam breach.

ing depends upon the size of the reservoir behind the dam
and the extent of the failure [2]. Catastrophic dam fail-
ures have occurred frequently throughout the last century. Fig. 2. Location of Situ Gintung dam.
Between 1918 and 1958, for example, 33 major U.S. dam
failures caused 1,680 deaths. From 1959 to 1965, nine
major dams failed worldwide. Some of the largest disas- to 2003. They mentioned that climate is the main factor
ters in the U.S. resulted from dam failures. In 1889, 2,209 affecting the rate of dam failure.
lives were lost when the South Fork Dam failed above Anderson et al., [6] stated that dam failure could be
Johnstown, Pennsylvania. The 1928 St. Francis Dam fail- classified into different types of failure including overtop-
ure killed more than 500. During the 1970s the Buffalo ping, surface erosion, piping and mass movement. Dam
Creek, Teton, and Toccoa Creek dam failures collectively failure may occur at different location, such as spillways,
cost 175 lives and more than $1 billion in losses. embankments and foundations as a result of a number of
The most catastrophic dam failure occurred in China problems, including overtopping, surface erosion, piping
in August 1975 when the Banqiao Dam located in Zhu- and mass movement. Dam failure due to spillway prob-
madian Prefecture in China’s Henan Province collapsed. lems may, for instance, occur as a result of inadequate
The dam was designed to withstand a 1,000-year flood spillway capacity (overtopping) or spillway loss by ero-
(306 mm/d). In August of 1975, however, a 2,000-year sion (surface erosion).
flood occurred, and poured more than a year’s rainfall in FEMA [7] reported some expert considerations con-
24 hours (189.5 mm/h and 1,060 mm/d), exceeding aver- cerning seepage through embankment dams i.e. (1) poten-
age annual precipitation of about 800 mm, which weather tial seepage problems and solutions associated with pene-
forecasts failed to predict, produced by the collision of tration through embankment dams, e.g., outlet works con-
Super Typhoon Nina and a cold front. According to duits; (2) filter design criteria and observed performance;
the Hydrology Department of Henan Province, approxi- (3) inspection of dams for detection of seepage problems,
mately 26,000 people died in the province from flooding, failure modes associated with seepage and internal ero-
and another 145,000 died during subsequent epidemics sion, and analysis of risks associated with seepage and
and famine. In addition, about 5,960,000 buildings col- internal erosion; (4) investigation of seepage problems
lapsed, affecting 11 million residents [3]. and concerns at dams, including the use of geophysical
Zhang, et al., [4] compiled more than 1600 dam failure techniques, and instrumentation and measurement for the
cases throughout the world excluding China. A list of dam evaluation of seepage performance; (5) remediation of
failures and their possible causes worldwide from 1864 to seepage problems through cut-off, reduction of flow, and
2009 and possible causes of dam failure can be found in collection and control of seepage, including the use of
Wikipedia [3]. geosynthetics; and (6) the impact of the aging of seep-
age control and collection system components on seepage
2.2. Possible Causes of Dam Failure performance.
Dam failures are usually a secondary effect of mas-
sive rainfall and flooding, and occur when too much wa-
ter enters the spillway system. This occurs with little or 3. Situ Gintung Dam
no warning. Severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall are
3.1. Location
also contributory factors. Additionally, poor engineering
or poor maintenance may also cause dam failures. Both The Situ Gintung dam is an old earth dam located at
human and natural factors thus may lead to dam failures Cirendue Village, Ciputat District, South Tangerang City,
with catastrophic consequences. He et al. [5] analyzed the Banten Province, just southwest of Jakarta. Fig. 2 shows
data on dam failure events occurring in China from 1954 the location [8].

Journal of Disaster Research Vol.7 No.5, 2012 591

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