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Spring 2016

Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen

School of Engineering and Science
Jacobs University

Due: Friday, February 26, 2016, at 7pm

(in the mailbox labeled “Linsen” in the entrance hall of Research I).

Problem 6: Gaussian Elimination with Scaled Partial Pivoting. (2+10=12 points)

Given matrix    
1 0 4 1 1
 2 1 10 1   2 
A=  −1 5 4 3  and vector b = 
   .
3 
5 2 2 2 4
(a) Check whether Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting can be applied to solve Ax = b.
(b) Solve Ax = b for x using Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting.

Problem 7: Gaussian Elimination and Floating Point Representation (Part II). (12+6=18 points)
Given the linear equation system of Problem 4, i.e., an n × n-matrix A with entries aij = (10 · i)j−1
for i, j = 1, . . . , n and vector b such that x = (1, 1, . . . , 1) is the solution to the linear equation system
Ax = b.
(a) Solve the linear equation system for n = 4 using Gaussian elimination with scaled partial pivoting
when assuming normalized floating-point representations with a mantissa of k = 3 digits precision
and base b = 10.
(b) Compute the residual and relative errors for the solution computed in (a) and compare it to the
results you had obtained in Problem 4.

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