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Spring 2016

Prof. Dr. Lars Linsen

Jacobs University

Due: Friday, April 22, 2016, at 7pm

(in the mailbox labeled “Linsen” in the entrance hall of Research I).

Problem 21: Hermite Interpolation. (7+5+4=16 points)

(a) Given an interval [a, b], derive a polynomial p(u) = i=0 bi Bin ( u−a
b−a ) of minimal degree n in Bézier
form that interpolates function values, first derivatives, and second derivatives at a and b following
the idea of Hermite interpolation. Hence, assuming that function values, first derivatives, and
second derivatives at a and b are given, derive the Bézier points bi for i = 0, . . . , n in general

(b) Use the scheme derived in (a) to compute a piecewise polynomial function q(u) for the knot
sequence (0, 1, 3) where the interpolation conditions are given by: q(0) = 1, q 0 (0) = 1, q 00 (0) = 0,
q(1) = 2, q 0 (1) = 0, q 00 (1) = 1, q(3) = 1, q 0 (3) = −1, and q 00 (3) = 0. Hence, compute the Bézier
points bi for i = 0, . . . , 2n + 1 for the given problem.

(c) Given the solution to (b), compute q(2), draw the resulting overall Bézier polygon, and sketch the
piecewise polynomial function q(u).

Problem 22: Splines.P (7+3+4=14 points)

Given a spline b(u) = i=0 bi Ni2 (u) in B-spline representation over knots sequence (0, 1, 3, 4, 7)

(a) Derive the B-splines Ni2 (u) for i = 0, 1 in piecewise monomial form for the given knot sequence.
(b) Consider bi = i + 1 for i = 0, 1, derive the spline b(u) in piecewise monomial form.
(c) Evaluate b(u) at all the knots and sketch the spline.

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