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April Model Answer

Reading (A)
1-at home
3-professional home care
4-very old elders
10-focus groups sessions
12-interior design
13-systematic field research
16-less able
17-insulating layer
19- high-lipped plate
20- microwave
23-occupational therapists

Listening (B)
2-its microphone
-a cable
-externally on the scalp
-a magnet
-bodily (on the body)
-Their clothes
-Round window
-Contour of the cochlear

-1.5 terms (surgical procedures)

of their cochlear

3-the sound
-Hair cell death
Auditory brainstem
The brain


5-A-1-significant guidance of speech perception

2-gain awareness of environmental sounds (safety issues)
3-better access to employment (social occasions)

B- surgical risks(risk of infection)

-Small risks of meningitis
-risk of anesthetic
-Some develop tinnitus
Minority not get benefit of perception

-For teens/ adolescents
-The benefits
-Getting younger
-A mild

7-older children with significant hearing loss

-kids with genetic causes (mutation of connexin 26)
-premature babies
-kids nausty syndrome

8-TYPE 1:
-pre audio- logy
-increasing loudness
-placing a ball, an egg, a puzzle

Steady state
By electric activity
The forehead
The ears

91--of deafness
-good outcomes
-before going deaf
-the earlier, the better
-children under four
Two implants
Coming from

10-1-being auditory verbal

-Duration and device use
-cognitive delay
-home and school environment
/ normal schools
2- homeland, normal schools rather than signing schools

Listening (A)
2-He's 31 turning 32
-teacher/ now being a father staying at home
-Has twins
They are over two years old
-from England
In Australia for 8 to 9 years/ back to England for a year
-majority of family in England (parents and brothers)
-uncle in Australia
-this uncle has haemochromatosis.

3- no known medical history

-not been in hospital before
-no operations
-no regular medications
-no OTC on regular basis
-no vitamins/ no Chinese herbs/ no herbal medicine
-no allergies
-not see a doctor often
-never been a smoker
-drinking a little alcohol
-feel quite well/ do organized physical exercises/ running around.

4-a-uncle is 62 now (2 years younger than his mother)

-he was quite advanced/ not found out by regular check-up
-not think he only has symptoms/ not talk to him directly
-firstly he had blood platelet once a week / found very high iron/ now
it's under control
-suffers from arthritis
-Active/ play tennis regularly
But feel a little discomfort

b-everyone else is clear (this uncle is mother-side

also one aunt from mother-side

5-it's an inherited condition

Passed by genes through families
From a gene that doesn't work properly
It causes an excess of iron to be absorbed from the gut
You get an excess of iron in the body
Iron can accumulate in certain soft tissues causing damage
Accumulated tissues are mainly ( liver, lung and some of the
endocrinal organs

6-a- test family members early / first degree relatives (brothers,

Even check uncles as they might get the disease
Prevent organ damage
Prevent iron from building up
The best time to diagnose is between 18 and 30

b-blood tests for family members

test iron levels, few different iron tests
test stores of iron to know how much of iron is there
then genes test to see if you get defective gene around the body
people who get symptoms inherited two of the abnormal genes
some people have only one gene who have no symptoms only carriers,
but can pass it to children
collect these blood tests to know if you have the disease or only a
-carrier or not have it at all.

-donating blood if catch early/ blood out
-taken once a week
-monitor iron levels on regular basis till iron stores are under control
-one unit of blood 30 m.
-because of excessive iron he won't feel any difference
-can get problems from blood accumulation
-heart and liver problems
-can cause diabetes
-joint pain , arthritis like his uncle
-get tired/ lethargic
-thyroid glands
-can cause skin pigment change/ darker
-affect life expectancy
-not expected to cause complete organ damage for someone his age

8-if have the gene check his partner

-check children/ hypothetical only if he has the disease

9-unlikely to have symptoms now/ only if have too much iron

-organs affected only if untreated for long time
Feel tired/ lethargic
-joint pain
-may be knee problems/ however it can be caused by other things
other than haemochromatosis

10-if he get both genes and iron studies are abnormal then he has the
-other complications like heart or liver can be prevented by taking
out blood
-keeping blood testing

11-first get these blood tests today

-booking appointment in three weeks
-bring his partner to explain her the condition.

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