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Basic Electrical Engineering


Unit Objective

List of Lectures:

1. Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

2. EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

3. Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

4. Problems

5. Problems

Self Test

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Basic Electrical Engineering

Unit Objective:

The objective of this unit is to understand the stepping up or stepping down the voltage, types of
transformers, construction, emf induced in a transformer, losses, efficiency and voltage regulation.
Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture: Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Lecture Objective

List of Topics:

Principle of Operation

Types of Transformer

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Lecture Objective:
In this lecture we are going to discuss about principle of operation, different types of transformers,
construction, materials used.


1. Transformer is a static device, used to transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another
without change in frequency and power.

2. This transformation of electrical energy usually involves with the change in voltage level from
higher to lower or vice versa.
Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Principle of Operation:

1. The working principle of transformer is based on mutual electromagnetic induction.

2. The two inductive coils of a transformer are electrically separated but magnetically linked
through a path of low reluctance.
3. When one coil is connected to the ac supply (primary) the current flows through primary winding
and an alternating flux will setup in the core.
4. Most of this flux is linked with the second coil due to which an emf will be induced in the
secondary coil.
5. The secondary voltage depends upon the ratio of secondary turns.
6. Neglecting drops V1 = E1.

Animation cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Principle of Operation:

Input = V1 I1 = E1 I1
Output = E2 I2
But E2 I2 = E1 I1 (as the losses are neglected)
Therefore E2 / E1 = I1 / I2 = K
Where ‘K’ is called as voltage transformation ratio.

Case 1: When K1 the output voltage will be more than input voltage i.e., E2  E1 and transformer is
called as step up transformer.

Case 2: When K1 the output voltage will be less than input voltage i.e., E1  E2 and transformer is
called as step down transformer. Example: all distribution transformers.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Types of Transformers:
Core Type Transformer:

In this type, the coil (conductor) surrounds a considerable part of the magnetic circuit. The core is
made of thin laminations of silicon steel (Magnetic material), which are cut in different shapes like
I, L, E etc.

cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

Types of Transformers:

Shell Type Transformer:

In this type of transformer the core surrounds a considerable portion of the windings and the two
windings are wound on the central limb of the core. The thickness of laminations is usually 0.6 mm
for 50 Hz frequency. Laminations are used to reduce the eddy currents.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Principle of Operation and Types of Transformers

End of Lecture
Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture: EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

Lecture Objective

List of Topics:

• EMF Equation

• Transformer on No-Load

• Losses

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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

Lecture Objective:

In this lecture we are going to derive emf equation, also study different types of losses and
minimization of losses of transformer.
Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

EMF Equation of a Transformer:

Let N1 = Number of turns on the primary side.

N 2 = Number of turns on the secondary side.
m = Maximum flux in the core in Webers.
f = Frequency of the supply in Hertz.

The flux increases from zero to maximum in 1/4th of the cycle shown in figure.

cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

EMF Equation of a Transformer:

So the Average rate of change of flux.

dm/dt = m / (1/4f) = 4f m webers.

But dm/dt = Average EMF induced / turn ( Q e  N )
RMS value
Form factor 
Average value

 RMS value = 1.11 x Average value.

 RMS value of EMF induced/ turn = 4 fm x 1.11 = 4.44 f m
 EMF in primary winding,
E1 = 4.44 f m x number of primary turns.
= 4.44 f m N1 volts.

Similarly, E2 = 4.44 f m N2

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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

Transformer on No-Load:

1. A transformer is said to be on no-load when its secondary is open circuited.

2. Under such conditions, the primary input current has to supply

i. Iron losses in the core and
ii. A very small copper loss (Io is very small) in the primary winding.

3. The primary current (I0) can be split up into two components.

i. Iron loss or core loss component I w = I0 cos  0
ii. Magnetizing component I  = I0 sin  0

Hence, noload current I0 =  I w2 + I 2

4. Due to working component, iron loss will take place and due to magnetizing component,
alternating flux will set up in the core.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

There are two types of power losses in a transformer


Iron loss or core loss Copper losses

Eddy current loss Hysteresis loss

Click on different types of losses

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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

1. Iron Loss: The power loss that occurs in the iron core is due to the alternating frequency of
the emf. The Iron loss is called as the Constant loss as the supply voltage and frequency are


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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

a) Eddy Current Loss:

1. This power loss is due to the alternating flux linking the core.

2. It will induce an emf in the core called the eddy emf, due to which a current called the eddy
current is being circulated in the core.

3. Eddy current loss is proportional to the square of the supply frequency, thickness of the
lamination of the core.


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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

b) Hysteresis Loss:

1. This is the loss in the iron core, due to the magnetic reversal of the flux in the core.

2. This loss is directly proportional to the supply frequency.


1. Using the core of thin sheets of silicon steel we can minimize Eddy current loss, and each
lamination is coated with varnish insulation to suppress the path of the eddy currents.

2. Using the core material having high permeability can minimize Hysteresis loss.


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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

2. Copper Loss:

1. The power loss that occurs in the primary and secondary coils when the transformer is on

1. This loss is proportional to the square of the load and hence is called the Variable loss.


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Basic Electrical Engineering
EMF Equation, Types of Losses and Minimization of Losses

End of Lecture
Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture: Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

Lecture Objective

List of Topics:


Condition for Maximum Efficiency

Output kVA

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

Lecture Objective:

In this lecture we are going to study efficiency, maximum efficiency and regulation of a
Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

It is the ratio of the output power to the input power of a transformer
Input = Output + Total losses
= Output + Iron loss + Copper loss
Efficiency = output/input
output power
Output power  ironlosses  copper losses
V2I2 cos 

V2I2 cos   Wcu  w i

Efficiency 
kVA  10  cos 

kVA  10  cos   W  W

i cu

Since the copper loss varies as the square of the load, the efficiency of the transformer at any
desired load X is given by

X.  kVA  10 3  cos 

Efficiency 
X  kVA  10 3  cos   Wi   X  Wcu

where, Wcu is the copper loss at full load = I2R watts.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

Condition for Maximum Efficiency:

Output power = V2I2 cos
If R02 = total resistance referred to secondary of the transformer, then
Total copper loss at any load = X2I22R02
Iron loss = Wi (constant loss)
Total losses = Wi + X2I22R02

V2I2 cos 
V2I2 cos   X 2 WCU  Wi

In the above equation, the load current I2 is the variable quantity. Hence, efficiency is
differentiated w.r.t. I2 and equated to zero.


d   V2I2 cos  
 
dI2 dI2  V2I2 cos   Wi  X 2I22R 02 

Wi = X2I22R02 or Iron loss = copper loss

Hence efficiency of transformer is maximum when Iron loss = copper loss.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

Output kVA Corresponding to Maximum Efficiency:

At maximum efficiency
Wi = (X) 2 Wcu

X = (Iron loss/full load copper loss)

 Output kVA at maximum efficiency = full load kVA(Wi/Wcu)

Regulation: Voltage regulation of a transformer is the change in secondary voltage from no load to
full load and it is expressed in terms of % of full load voltage.
%R = ((E2  V2) /V2)*100

Note: A good transformer has least value of the regulation of the order of ±5%.

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Basic Electrical Engineering
Efficiency and Regulation of a Transformer

End of Lecture
Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture: Problems

Basic Electrical Engineering

List of Topics:


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Basic Electrical Engineering

1. A 40 kVA transformer has a core loss of 450 watt, and full load copper loss of 850 watt. If the
power factor of the load is 0.8, calculate (i) the full load efficiency (ii) maximum efficiency.

Solution:  = efficiency at 0.8 power factor and at full load.

output = 40 x 0.8 x 103 W
input = 40 x 0.8 x 103 + (0.45 +0.85 ) x 103 W
 = Output/input
= 96.1 %
(ii) Let x be the x times full load
Total losses = (0.45 + 0.85 x2) kW
Iron loss = Full load copper loss (at maximum efficiency)
0.45 = 0.85 x2
 x = 0.7276
Output at maximum efficiency =  = 0.7276 x 40 x 0.8 = 23.28 kW
Input = 24.18 kW
Maximum efficiency   100  96.3%

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Basic Electrical Engineering

2. Full load efficiency of a 4,000/400 V, 40 kVA, single-phase transformer is 94%. Maximum
efficiency occurs at 90% full load. Find iron loss and full load copper loss of the transformer,
the load power factor being 0.8 lag.

Solution: 40x0.8
0.94 =
40x0.8  (Wi  WCU)
Therefore, Wi + Wcu = 2.043 kW ------(1)
 at 90% full load at 0.8 power factor


40x0.9x0.8  Wi   0.9  WCU

At maximum efficiency Wi = Wcu

Wi = 0.81Wcu
Wcu + 0.81Wcu = 2.043
 Wcu =1.129 kW
Wi = 0.81(Wcu)
= 0.914 kW

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Basic Electrical Engineering

3. A 25 kVA, single-phase transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 40 turns on the secondary
winding. The primary is connected to 3000 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (i) Primary and Secondary
currents on full-load (ii) The secondary emf (iii) The maximum flux in the core.

Given rating = 25 kVA
Primary applied voltage V1 = 3000 Volts
Number of primary turns, N1 = 500
Number of secondary turns, N2 = 40

i) Full load primary current I1 = kVA rating x 1000 / Rated primary voltage, V1
I1 = 25 x 1000 / 3000 = 8.33 A
Turns ratio, K = N2 / N1 = 40 / 500 = 0.08
We have, I1 / I2 = N2 / N1
I2 = I1 / {N2 / N1 } = I1.  
K 
Full load secondary current, I2 = 8.33 {1/0.08} = 104.125 A cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

3. A 25 kVA, single-phase transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 40 turns on the secondary
winding. The primary is connected to 3000 V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate (i) Primary and Secondary
currents on full-load (ii) The secondary emf (iii) The maximum flux in the core.

Solution [cont’d…]:

ii) Now, E2 / E1 = N2 / N1
or E2 = 3000 x 0.08 = 240 Volts

iii) The e.m.f equation of a transformer is E1 = 4.44 f N1 m

3000 = 4.44 x 50 x 500 x m

Flux in the core

m = 3000 / 4.44 x 50 x 500 = 0.027 Wb

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Basic Electrical Engineering

4. A 40 kVA single phase transformer has 500 turns on the primary and 100 turns on the secondary
windings. The primary is connected to 3000 V, 50 Hz a.c. supply.
Determine i) secondary voltage on open circuit
ii) Current flowing through the two windings on full load.
iii) Maximum value of flux.

Solution: i) We know that

(V2 / V1) = (N2 / N1)
(V2/3000) = (100/500)
V2 = 600 V

ii) V2I2 = 40,000 V

 I2 = 66.7 A

iii) E1 = V1 = 4.44 f N1 m
3000 = 4.44 x 50 x 500 x m
m = 0.027 Wb

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Basic Electrical Engineering

End of Lecture
Basic Electrical Engineering

Lecture: Problems

Basic Electrical Engineering

List of Topics:


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Basic Electrical Engineering

5. Find the efficiency of a 150 kVA transformer at 25%, 100% full load (a) at unity power factor,
(b) at 0.8 p.f lagging, if the copper loss is 1600 W at full load and the iron loss is 1400 W.

Solution : Output = 150 kVA

full load copper loss = 1600 W
iron loss = 1400 W
input = output + losses

(a) (i) Efficiency at 25% and u.p.f

output = 0.25 x 150 x 1000 x 1 = 37.5 kW
copper loss = 0.252 x 1600 = 100 W

Total losses = 100 + 1400 = 1500 W

 = output /input

37.5  1000
 = 0.9615 or 96.15%
37.5  1000  1500
cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

5. Find the efficiency of a 150 kVA transformer at 25%, 100% full load (a) at unity power factor,
(b) at 0.8 p.f lagging, if the copper loss is 1600 W at full load and the iron loss is 1400 W.

Solution [cont’d…]:
(a) (ii) Efficiency at full load and u.p.f

output = 150 x 1000 x 1 = 150 kW

copper loss = 1600 W

total losses = 1600 + 1400 = 3000 W

 = output /input

150  1000
 = 0.9804 or 98.04%
150  1000  3000

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Basic Electrical Engineering

5. Find the efficiency of a 150 kVA transformer at 25%, 100% full load (a) at unity power factor,
(b) at 0.8 p.f lagging, if the copper loss is 1600 W at full load and the iron loss is 1400 W.

Solution [cont’d…]:
(b) (i) Efficiency at 25% and 0.8 lag
output = 0.25 x 150 x 1000 x 0.8 = 30 kW
copper loss = (0.25)2 x 1600= 100 W

total losses = 100 + 1400 = 1500 W

 = output /input

30  1000
= 0.95.24 or 95.24%
30  1000  1500

cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

5. Find the efficiency of a 150 kVA transformer at 25%, 100% full load (a) at unity power factor,
(b) at 0.8 p.f lagging, if the copper loss is 1600 W at full load and the iron loss is 1400 W.

Solution [cont’d…]:
(b) (ii) Efficiency at full load and 0.8 lag

output = 150 x 1000 x 0.8 = 120 kW

copper loss = 1600 W

total losses = 1600 + 1400 = 3000 W

 = output /input

120  1000
 = 0.9756 or 97.56%
120  1000  3000

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Basic Electrical Engineering

6. In a 25 kVA, 2000/200 V transformer the iron and copper losses are 350 and 400 W respectively.
Calculate the efficiency on unity power factor (a) full load and (b) half load (c) Determine the
load for maximum efficiency and the iron and the copper loss in this case.

(a) Efficiency at full load and u.p.f

output = 25 x 1000 x 1 = 25 kW

copper loss = 400 = 400 W

total losses = 400 + 350 = 750 W

 = output /input

25  1000
 = 0.971 or 97.1%
25  1000  750
cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

6. In a 25 kVA, 2000/200 V transformer the iron and copper losses are 350 and 400 W respectively.
Calculate the efficiency on unity power factor (a) full load and (b) half load (c) Determine the
load for maximum efficiency and the iron and the copper loss in this case.
Solution [cont’d…]: :
(b) Efficiency at 50% and u.p.f
output = 0.5 x 25 x 1000 x 1 = 12.5 kW
copper loss = (0.5)2 x 400 = 100 W
total losses = 100 + 350 = 450 W
 = output /input
12.5  1000
  0.965 or 96.5%
12.5  1000  450
(c) Let the maximum efficiency occur at load x.
Condition for maximum efficiency:
iron loss = copper loss.
i.e., x2 Wcu = Wi
Therefore x = (Wi/Wcu) = 0.935 or 93.5%
thus, iron loss = copper loss = 350 W.

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Basic Electrical Engineering

7. The design requirements of a 11000/415 V, 50 Hz, single phase core-type transformer are:
approximate emf/turn = 15 V; maximum flux density = 1.5 Wb/m2. Find suitable number of
primary and secondary turns and the net cross-sectional area of the core.

Given: emf/turn = 15 V
Primary voltage = E1 = 11000 V
Secondary voltage = E2 = 415 V
 Primary no of turns   733.33  734
Secondary no of turns  415  27.67  28
EMF induced in primary;
E1 = 4.44 f N1 m
 11000 = 4.44 x 50 x 734 x m  m = 0.0675 Wb
Since Bmax = 1.5 Wb/m2
Area  m  0.0675 = 0.0450 m2 = 45000 mm2
Bmax 1.5

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Basic Electrical Engineering

8. The following data applied to a single phase transformer; peak flux density in the
core = 1.41 Wb/m2
net core area = 0.01 m2
Current density in conductors = 2.55 MA/m2
Conductor diameter = 2.0 mm
Primary supply (assume sinusoidal) = 240 V, 50 Hz
Calculate the rating (in kVA) of the transformer and the number of turns on the primary winding.

Given : Bmax= 1.41 Wb/m2
A = 0.01 m2
 max = Bmax.A = 1.41 x 0.01
= 0.0141 Wb
2.55  106 A
Also, current density = 2.55 MA/m2   2.55 A / mm2
6 2
10 mm
cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

8. The following data applied to a single phase transformer; peak flux density in the
core = 1.41 Wb/m2
net core area = 0.01 m2
Current density in conductors = 2.55 MA/m2
Conductor diameter = 2.0 mm
Primary supply (assume sinusoidal) = 240 V, 50 Hz
Calculate the rating (in kVA) of the transformer and the number of turns on the primary winding.

Solution [cont’d…]:

Conductor diameter = 2 mm
 Conductor area =
 2
  
d   4  =  mm2
 Current = (current density) (conductor area)
= 2.55 x 
= 8.01 A cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

8. The following data applied to a single phase transformer; peak flux density in the
core = 1.41 Wb/m2
net core area = 0.01 m2
Current density in conductors = 2.55 MA/m2
Conductor diameter = 2.0 mm
Primary supply (assume sinusoidal) = 240 V, 50 Hz
Calculate the rating (in kVA) of the transformer and the number of turns on the primary winding.

Solution [cont’d…]:
Primary voltage = 240 V
 kVA rating = 240 x 8 x10-3
= 1.92 (kVA)
EMF in the primary winding;
E1 = 4.44 f N1 m  240 = 4.44 x 50 x N1 x 0.0141
 N1 = 77

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Basic Electrical Engineering

9. The no – load current of a transformer is 5 A at 0.3 power factor when supported at 240 V, 50
Hz. The number of turns on the primary winding is 200. Calculate (i) the maximum value of the
flux in the core, (ii) the core loss, (iii) the magnetising current.
EMF induced in the primary winding;
E1 = 4.44 f N1 max
 240 = 4.44 x 50 x 200 x max
 max = 5.4 x 10-3 Wb
= 5.4 mWb ------ (1)
Core loss = V1 I0 cos 0 ---- (I0 = no load current; cos 0 = pf on no load)
= 240 x 5 x 0.3
= 360 Watts ------ (2)
Magnetising current
Iu = I0 sin 0 = 5 x 0.954
= 4.77 A ------ (3)

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Basic Electrical Engineering

10. The primary and secondary windings of a 500 kVA transformer have resistances of 0.42  and
0.0019  respectively. The primary and secondary voltages are 11000 V and 415 V respectively
and the core loss is 2.9 kW, assuming the power factor of the load to be 0.8. Calculate the
efficiency on (a) full load (b) half load.
500  1000
(a) Full load secondary current  = 1205 A

500  1000
Full load primary current  = 45.5 A

 Secondary I2R loss on full-load = (1205)2 x 0.0019

= 2760 W
Primary I2R loss on full-load = (45.5)2 x 0.42
= 870 W

cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

10. The primary and secondary windings of a 500 kVA transformer have resistances of 0.42  and
0.0019  respectively. The primary and secondary voltages are 11000 V and 415 V respectively
and the core loss is 2.9 kW, assuming the power factor of the load to be 0.8. Calculate the
efficiency on (a) full load (b) half load.
Solution [cont’d…]:
 Total I2R lose on full-load = 3630 W = 3.63 kW
Total loss on full-load = 3.63 + 2.9 = 6.53 kW
Output power on full load = 500 x 0.8 = 400 kW
Input power on full-load = 406.53 kW
   100 = 98.39 %

(b) Output power on half-load = 200 kW 
500  0.8 
Core loss = 2.9 kW
 1 1
I R loss on half  load     3.63   3.63 = 0.91 kW
2 4
cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

10. The primary and secondary windings of a 500 kVA transformer have resistances of 0.42  and
0.0019  respectively. The primary and secondary voltages are 11000 V and 415 V respectively
and the core loss is 2.9 kW, assuming the power factor of the load to be 0.8. Calculate the
efficiency on (a) full load (b) half load.

Solution [cont’d…]:

 Total loss on half-load = 2.9 + 0.91 = 3.81 kW

 Input power on half-load = 200 + 3.81 = 203.81 kW

   100
= 98.13 %

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Basic Electrical Engineering

11. Assuming the power factor of the load to be 0.8, find the output at which the efficiency of the
transformer of (Problem 10) is maximum and calculate its value.

Total I2R loss on full-load = 3.63 kW (refer to Problem 10)
Let k = fraction of full-load apparent power (in kVA) at which the efficiency is maximum
Corresponding total I2R loss = k2 x 3.63 kW
Core loss = 2.9 kW (given)
k2(3.63) = 2.9 ------ (condition for max. efficiency)
 k = 0.894
Output at maximum efficiency = 0.894 x500
= 447 kVA
Since the I2R and core losses are equal when the efficiency is maximum,
Total loss = 447 x 0.8 = 357.6 kW

cont'd ...

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Basic Electrical Engineering

11. Assuming the power factor of the load to be 0.8, find the output at which the efficiency of the
transformer of (Problem 10) is maximum and calculate its value.

Solution [cont’d…]:
 input  losses 
Maximum efficiency     100
 input 

 5.8 
 1    100 = 98.4 %
 357.6  5.8 

Maximum efficiency   output   100

 input 

 357.6 
   100 = 98.4 %
 357.6  5.8 

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End of Lecture

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