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Final Written Report

1.D-Describe objectively what you learned

With the development of national economy and the continuous
improvement of people’s living standards, cars have become an
indispensable means of transportation in people’s daily life. However, as the
number of the private cars increases, the problems on driving have an upward
tendency. In this project, what I want to express is how to assist drivers in
getting rid of their confusion in daily life, making them had a better driving
experience. More specifically, I am going to find a key point to bring
convenience for them during their driving. According to my long-time
observation and a series of researches, I find that I could turn my focus on the
car service system. Thus, I attempt to make an application to provide
convenience for people to drive. In the process, what I have learned is that I
can figure out my mind and design the pattern, and finally put my idea into
practice. Those factors are usually taken into consideration like what, who,
when, where, why and how. Combined with these key points, I have utilized
the flow scheme adeptly to demonstrate my thought. Anyway, what I need do
is to take my mind into the reality.

2. I-Interpret the insight

2.1 Target object

From point of my view, I think that any designs should be helpful to people
and the starting point is also rooted in the audience. In the perception of
interaction design, when referring to a new product, usually, the designers
firstly focus on their target object. Thinking how to attract people to use their
products and how to make use of effective ways to collect the information
from crowd and then improve the product based on the feedback. (Cheng
gen, 2006)In the final analysis, the primal intention is help target object to
surmount their difficulties. The interaction design is always people-oriented.
2.2 The methods of collecting information

Besides, there are six methods using in collecting the information of the
target group. These are questionnaire, interview, field visit, the focused group,
self-reporting and quantitative evaluation (Bill,2007) Before starting my
project, I adopt to these ways such as questionnaire, interview, field visit and
the focused group. The object is new energy car driver and their age is
between 18 and 45 years old. I make a framework based on age, nationality,
degree, job and their opinion on car parking and so on by interview or

What is more, after many filed visits, I get to know that there are many
reasons which lead to the car parking in chaos. For example, many drivers
can’t find the terrain of parking easily and often, there are some serious
situations of traffic jam. Consequently, many results are following such as
spending too much on road and being posted a fine. Anyway, the bad status
quo I know promote me to find a channel to solve the problem of parking.

2.3 The process of its designing

In designing process, some works have been done, like making the content
chart and introduction, designing the outline, describing the project, drawing
the mind map, conducting the plan and testing its feasibility. Because, a
successful event is linked with closely its design pattern and only in this way
can avoid some loopholes and highlight the objectivity and reliability.
Moreover, the main thread of the report is the order of the story development
which can get my ideas into shape. That is, what, when, why, who, where and
how. (5W1H). and at usual, arrows and flow charts are widely used to state
the mind.

2.4 Mind map to explain the application

Later, make a mind map to explain the reasons and how to do next. The
content of the mind map is that before you are going to place your car on the
parking lot, there might be a few areas and also difficult to be find so that lead
to haphazardly parking. However, illegal parking will result in obstructing other
cars as well as being fined, which not only waste of time but also money. Also,
when you want to search for a free place, there might make you confused due
to the bad visual design or bad indicator system. Meanwhile, when someone
disturb you, it is not easy to contact him. Thus, an application with
multifunction system is very convenient for drivers to meet their need.
Here, I am going to briefly introduce the functions. Then, the functions of the
application are as followed:

1. Find a parking place. If you want to place your car, it is very convenient to
find a free spot through the position of global positioning system.
2. Parking or charging reservation. You can top up some money on your
3. Navigation function. The application will lead you to the destination you
4. Car search function. You can find the situation of the traffic order.
5. Payment function. When you find a parking spot, you can pay for the
charge through the use of your phone.
6. Shared car location. You can easily find your car after using the application.

2.5 Information framework

When you are entering the interface, firstly, you should sign up the
application. After that, you can browse its functions. The software can lead
you to get the shortcut on the basis of your position, naturally, and it will assist
you to keep away from the far road for the sake of saving your time.
Moreover, you can look at the traffic flow in your location through map location
and navigation. Also, when you have some questions to consult, you can
contact the designer by scanning the QR.

2.6 User’s experience

User experience is a purely subjective psychological feeling established by
users in the process of using a product and it mainly comes from the
interactive process of user and human interface.(Winograd, 1996) Hence,
there is a model before it comes into service. The model is designing, then
testing and finally amending over again and again until it will be suited to
users. at the moment, whenever, audience has any problem, there is an exit
to give feedback. As for the application, it also have a channel for giving any
feedback so as to the designers make their best to improve the compatibility
and fluency.

3. E-Evaluate what you have learned

With regards to the evaluation, what is worth to be mentioned that every

product should be people-oriented and serve for users. Also, it is necessary to
collect information, for your innovation may come from some information in
your life and it will inspire your brain. However, when knowing these, it is
essential to take action and finally put the idea into the reality.

In the user perspective, interaction design is a kind of how to make the

products easy to use, effective and enjoyable, it aim to understand the target
users and their expectations and to know each other’s behavior when users
interact with the product. From the above, the application was designed into a
simple, effective and useful, which indicts the software was easily used by

A comprehensive reference to the views of many experts and scholars which

concludes important principles and those are effectiveness, enjoyment and
ease.(Saffer, 2006) In interface respect, the operation of the application is
actually brief which is better for serve you. To emphasis on its simple, the
choices are no more than seven in every interface. Thereupon, everyone can
download the software, easy to operate it, which indeed is its advantage.
In short, through this process, I get to know that the most meaningful thing for
me is to write my ideas into a flow chat, and then take action about it.

4. P-Plan how this learning will be applied in practice

From the above, I have learned that some ideas through the consideration
should be applied it to real life. In the process, I will design the application to
bring convenient for people. The interaction design is linked with people’s
daily life closely and the former serve for the latter. However, to make it more
specific and focused, target object should be fixed. As an interaction designer,
what I can do is to find the requirement of the crowd and do my work in my
field to make my contribution. Hold the main line, 5W1H, and design the
pattern by means of flow charts. And last, make our thought carried out. To be
concluded, the practice of interaction design is knowledge-intensive and
useful at heart Interaction design technology is constantly evolving, so
interaction designers need to constantly develop various skills to create new
experiential works and meet new experiential challenges. Actually, The focus
of interaction design is to continually emphasize the user experience of
participating in a project and to build connections between users and content
designers. We are committed to promoting user engagement and ensuring a
good user experience in automobile service system. This is our task to make
our efforts to provide better service to users and bring them a pleasant
experience in driving.

5. Reference
Cheng gen (2006).Interaction Design and Case Review. Chemical Industry
Moggridge, Bill (2007): Designing interaction. The MTI press
Saffer, Dan (2006): Designing for Interaction: Creating Smart Application and
Clever Device. New Riders Press
Winograd, Terry (1996): Bring Design to Software. ACM Press

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