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The one was a man who fought against oppression with patience, self sacrifice, and good will

for his
enemies. The other was a man who fought against oppression with, violence, propaganda, and enmity
cloaked in love towards his enemies. Both achieved there desired ends. The one went to his grave
holding to his proclaimed ideals the other has tried to hide his true ideals as far as possible but time
has revealed his true goals.

Nelson Mandela is a great person who has never thought about India's freedom and never spent a
single penny for Indians.
Mahatma Gandhi spent several yeas in Durban (South Africa) for the welfare of the Africans.
Mahatma Gandhi was very much dislike for clothes,
Nelson Mandela has never been brave to walk naked.
Mandela married thrice, and Mahatma Gandhi married only once.
Mandela was oldest elected President of South Africa and Gandhi has never been elected nor
participated in any election - was not interested to be famous.,
Mandela died twice or more, ( once in January 2001 - CNN announced and published obituary,) but
still alive in his Sweet 93.
But Gandhi died only once 30th January 1948, before India become Republic.
Mandela is 29 years younger to Gandhi and Gandhi is 29 years elder to Mandela .

Knocking out history of great leaders gives a description of equivalence and union. Revealing the crux,
Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi are on the top tread of 21st century. They inspired youth with their
love for country and mankind. This post will be further explaining the differences between Nelson Mandela
and Mahatma Gandhi.
Who was Nelson Mandela
He was born in 1918 and gained inspiration from their ancestors regarding oppression. After doing
Bachelor of Arts from University of South Africa, he became a voice against the suppression of people by
introducing “Civil Disobedience”.

History Project -- Script

After the Teacher's Part :-

Narrator 1 -- Good Morning to all of you. We are going to present a small conversation, based on a hypothetical
situation, between Gandhi and Hitler.

Narrator 2 -- Before we proceed, here is a small introduction of Gandhi and Hitler!

Narrator 1 -- Gandhi was the personification of kindness and humanity. Hitler was a living monster. Gandhi
achieved the exemplary feat of freeing this sub-continent from the mighty British Empire through peaceful
means while Hitler became the cause of killing more than fifty lacks innocent men, women and children.

Narrator 2 -- Gandhi loved humanity. He encouraged women and girls to fully realize their potential. He fought
relentlessly for the cause of dalits and all forsaken people. His name evokes deep respect, love and devotion in
countless hearts all over the world. Hitler's name universally evokes repulsion and fear.

Narrator 1 -- Alright, lets now start off with the skit.

Hitler -- (Looking through his pince-nez at his watch) It has always been be a waste of time talking to you, Mr

Gandhi -- Not for me.

Hitler -- They got us nowhere.

Gandhi -- (Looking up from his charkha) I know.

Hitler -- It is rude that you should be spinning as we talk.

Gandhi -- I will stop.

Hitler -- Thanks, that was a big "disturbance".

Gandhi -- My dear friend, that is exactly what you are causing to the whole of the world right now!

Hitler -- What?.................... Disturbance? Look Gandhi, why don't you just understand that if you want to control
the whole world, Destruction is the only choice. Destroy everyone in your way, no matter what, no matter who.

Gandhi -- But what will happen to all those innocent men, women and children who have been sacrificing their
lives just for the power that you want.

Hitler -- You mean .........the Jews? All the evil comes from those beasts! According to me, even their blood is
impure. They...
READ FULL By reading autobiographies of Mahatma Gandhi and Adolf Hitler one only
highlights the glaring contrast between the two books as well as the two personalities.
Gandhi was the personification of kindness and humanity. Hitler was a living monster.
Gandhi achieved the exemplary feat of freeing this sub-continent from the mighty British
Empire through peaceful means while Hitler became the cause of killing more than fifty lacks
innocent men, women and children. The famous idiom says that the sun never sat down in
the British Empire. The 'naked fakir' shook the mightiest empire of his day by fasting and
praying. Gandhi loved humanity. He encouraged women and girls to fully realize their
potential. He fought relentlessly for the cause of dalits and all forsaken people. His name
evokes deep respect, love and devotion in countless hearts all over the world. Hitler's name
universally evokes repulsion and fear. The dictionary does not have such cruel words as may
describe Hitler correctly. He was a psychopath. He was a maniac. He was perverse. He was a
murderer. Yet all these words are insufficient to describe the devilishness of Adolf Hitler.

The model is open for humanity. If humanity and human race have to survive, Gandhi's path
becomes inevitable. There is no alternative to kindness, co-operation and co-existence.
Hitler’s model will only lead to destruction and further destruction. Gandhi even triumphed
in his death. Robert Payne says, "For Gandhi this death was a triumph. He died as the kings
do, felled at the height of their powers." Socrates, Jesus Christ, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma
Gandhi -many great people have martyred. But their ideas and their spirit never die.
When we try to answer the question as to how one human being can be a Mahatma like
Gandhi and the other a monster like Hitler. Both Gandhi and Hitler were products of their
separate cultures. Only India and her pious spirit could have produced a Mahatma like
Gandhi. The role of Gandhi's mother in giving human values to him was paramount. Gandhi
did not witness anything like domestic violence as a child. His mind rested on a firm footage.
Like all Indians, he did not have to bother about domestic shelter and security. A strong
family makes a strong person. The Indian atmosphere is soaked in religious spirit. It was
more so in Gandhi's times. Religion was another building block of the Mahatma's
personality; India is the other name of absorbing inputs from all sides. Elasticity and
flexibility are the prominent features of the Indian spirit. Gandhi completely embodied this
spirit. Gandhiji's greatness as an individual lies in his persistence of his views. His greatness
lies in the fact that he never abandoned his ideas. He once said that if evil is so firm in its evil
ways, why should we leave our goodness; we have the better thing with us.

Hitler was a direct product of a civilization based on aggression. His parents bitterly fought
with each other. He had no mental rest and security as a child. Both in artistic and academic
fields, he failed bitterly. He belonged to a culture that accepted violence as a valid tool to
bring social change. We may also point out that Hilter had schizophrenic genes.

History played a key role in the lives of these two individuals. One tends to believe in fate as
one goes through the lives of these two individuals. Situations provided a rich opportunity to
Gandhi to experiment with his ideas. Situations also provided an open path to Adolf Hitler to
grasp military and political power in Germany. Things happened because they had to
happen. DOCUMENT

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