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note (-er, -ing, -ed), s. nouti notei Notiz, Anmerhung. 6. The Englisbmqn's loyo (care,. contro[) o/ animals
(the boy's grip of ttre facts) is surpriti+g.
(s) Music sign i note; N ote. j.
irs of ieligion were common iTr the past.
(e) Short letter: unit of sound : bit of paper money ! 6. In the'futur"e, we may be consoious of events at
billet: ton: billat; lhurzerJ Brtef : Ton: fBanir-fNote. a distance.
-cd, (e) With a public namei connw; bcriihmt. g. Basic is the best system becdusc o/its simple rules.
Make a n. of it; noting down ideas. A n. of music. 10. That was very kinil of you; and your last point
Send him a n. Hearing the nn. Changing a n. A very is a good example of advertisement.
noted man. (Ifake much-o. it; make sport o. it; in front o.; in
*Take n. of.
rnemory o.; put in mind o.; take note o.; poigt o-. view;
notepaptsft S. Basic words. Writing-paper. in suppbrt o.; in view o. this; in the- name o.; in the way
nothing, s. Basic uords. o. th6faw; byword o. mouth; get the bettero.; gettired
novut, adv. nau i maintenant; nun, jetzt.
I wiltr go n.; n. is the time; we are n. going to see; up o.; get out o. doing; out o. touch with).
**A touch o. the hat. (Made up o. ; on account o.;
to n.; from n. on. get (keep) clear o.; be o. no effect; in the event o.; on the
**N., my point is.
face'o. itj frame o. mind; a man o. mark; wide o. the
nowhere,adv. Bas'i,c words. fn (to, at) no place. mark ; o. some size ; have need o.; on the part o.; make
nurnber (-er, -iog, -ed), s. 'nAmbe*; nombre, chffiei Zahl, a point o.; in receipt o.; be glort o.; send word o. some-
Ziffer, Nwmrney.
ttiing; what has become o. it? ; stopping short o.; going
(e) Amount of units: group of units: one printing of a out o. business).
paper; nombre; nombre: nulndro; Anzahl: Anzahl: ofi prep., adv. ci; dc: auloini aon . . . ryeg: ab,.wcg.
Nurnmer. Take e cover o. a plate; o. the point; a street o. the
Writing down a n.; numbering the doors. That was square; let someone o.' payment ; put a person o. doing.
the n. present. A n. of books. A new n. of the paper. Take the skin o.i a bit cut o.; broken o.
**Come in nn. *It was clear from their strange behaviour that they
ttut, s. nnt;
noix; Nass. were almost o. their heads; his experience in the war
(e) Nut
for screwi Ccvoui Sclwaubenrnutter.
Get a n. off the tree. Put the n. on tightly.
did not put him o. his balance. (Get a letter o.; the gln
nutcrachers, s. Basic woyds. Instrument for cracklng nuts.
went o.; tre kept the danger o.; she let o. the gun; he
put o. the meeting).
* **Badly
observation, s.' cbze(r)'veiJa n ; obs era ation ; B eob aahtwng . o.; tinie o. (See a person o.; get o. one's
(u) Statement : power of observation ; cornrnentaiye: offer (-er, -ing, -ed), s. 'cfe* i
obseya at'ion ; B emerhung; B eob achtung sgabe. (s) Price offer made in competition 1 A_ngebo!. -
The o. of events; keep a man under o. Make an in- -iirg, (e) Something given i offrande, cadeaui.Opfer,Gabe.
teresting o. about. He has no o. Ma[e'an o. to do the work; ofiering a cigarette (an.
of, prep. cv; dc; uon. opinion). What oo. ? He gave an offering.
A bit o. the cake; a day o. the month; a representative office, s. 'cfis; bureau; Bureau.
o. the government; a group o. friends; a copy o. a in an o.
picture; a noise o. voices; a waste o. time i an example o. offsbring, s. words. Sons and daughters.
art; the power o. doing; any o. these; a girl o. ro; o. ciitl-er,--ing, -ed), s. cil; huilei 01.
good family; o. great value; words o. love; a cake o.
soap ; a house o. wood; shoes o. the same size.
Put o. in the machine; oiling a gun.
* 1. Do not go out of th.e room so quickly. oilrnan, s. Bas'i,c words. Man who has an oil-store.
z. You were talking of witing a book of general oilshin, s., adj . Basic words. Cloth put through oil
process to keep out water.
old, adj. ould; uieufri alt.
3. I am full o/ good ideas. An o. man; that's an o. story: in the o. days.
4. These facts may be of use to you. *I am zo tears o.
5. Clothin g madc of wool is best in a cold country.

ol'iue*, 'cliv, fnternat,ional word. ' ,:"

O. a boy; he came o. yesterday; I was o. playing; it
omelette*, 'cm1it. International word,. ,l"l was not o. dark but; if o. you were here. The o. sorr.'
on, p^re4l' adv. cn i sur ; euJ, ,iibctr, an. ;

onto, prep. B asic words.

o. the top; o. a-certain d?y; tiving o. an income; o. ,

open -ing, un-), adi., 'oupan;ouaert;offen.

_one's. feet; o-. the list; o._a Una; ptaltng o. th;-;i"ir;;
i - (e)(-er,
Npt shut in; keeping nothing secret: about which
*cr'r6''b \r. r,rr'e wctrrr $tJtt(Iu u. r{le marleEi put snogs o. ;,:,i no decision has been made i pl'ein: franc : franc ; fre'i:
feet; hair o. end; 9. 6ne's side; o. land; ?irari d; r. l'j oJfen: offen.
trouble o. the pind; words o. one's lips; based o."facts;
"-ing, i"1 Hot*, start(ing) ; ouaertt*e: d,dbut; Offnun!:
pul a value- q. jgwels" Put a record o.i pot a hat o, i B eginn.
'tr. The light is now oz. An o. door ; get the tin o. ; opening a letter. O. country.
e. The pictures are on aiew.

Be o. with. An o. question. Go through an opening.


3. f came on pwrpose to see them. ;\.

Opening a discussion ;. the play has a good opening.
4. This design is-on a great scale. i * (Question o. to argurnent) .

5. I_hqte a friend on the committea, ,,,

**Opening up a country.
6. He is an erpert on oLd prints. :
open-worh, s. Basic uord,s. Design with openings as in net.
.2. jouritey to get some more.
n" h1s goqg on aiiterest')'on '',1:
opera, 'ctrrera. f mternat'donal word
through ?!Y!_(/oss, iefly i;i,'l{
frir U"*i"** lr-"t ---r dpu""tldn, r. ; opii"iion, act'i,on, fonctionnewent;
'1 'f dti,gheit, V ";;;t*i1rn
9. Look
,1 T
I '1tL^ L^---^ :-
! The house is on ^--
fire I
,c-,- )
(s) Medical operation on the body ; opdration; Operatien.
Bank oo.i the o. of the machine; the o. of milking.
-tft"};iili x*;{"i! JT n't money o. a horse; have *o Do an o. on a per$on.
errecE o.; looking
rooKlng Ctown
down o.
o.;-acid actiis o. material;
; acrd acting rooa. 'fr''l
material: goods (The lift is o.)..
o. approval; o. condition that; good's o. credit; ie"signs
i* .
s. a'pinjan; opinioni Mein%ng.
o. tfti *oo"r'; ;;iilt;. t*p;l-:;;
ol'rl"il,j; ,;i, ;;tffi

- Give an o.; have an o. about; in my o.

onesid.e; woikins
v^^ve4uv1 t"*pi,rr-*y*
vv\i*r\r^rF Lt. c! LtvtJ5., lltrsp
9.i_uooti o.; go
a[ eyg r:.i iJoii
Bo o. IOOE|
,r ,t
op'iurn*,'oupjem. fnternational tuord,.
9. tle one-(other) hand; get o. dne,s nerves; o. ". watch; n,,', opposite, ad,*j., adv., s. 'cpezit; oppos6, contraire: uis-d-aisi
be. dependdnt o.i be hirt o.-a;;;;; and so o.;"; e s etzt: g egenilb er : Geg entcil, Geg gns atz .
entg eg eng
attack o., a man). O.-points of vie'w; go td the o. side of the street; in o.
*ro. coming here ; have it_ o. good authority make ..,,,

war o. . (Go g. a system ; take o. a servant ; goods o. i

; direc{ions. O. the house. Green is the o. of red.
account ; o. no account ; o. account of ; come o. u"si""ss : :'
;l:l or, conj. cr* i oui oder.
You o. I will be first ; going o. coming ; two o. three ;
come o. the chalce that ; a cheque
_o. the bank ; nothing i was he there o. not ? ; at the foot, o. base, of a mountain ;
o. earth ; o. t+q face ofjt ; wort'o. hand ; o. high ; o. UrE o., it may be said
look-out ; looking o. ; keep one's mind o. woti ;'o. tu.e ill orange, s., adj. 'crindgi orange; Apfelsine.
part of ; play o. *ords ; o. ihe radio ; a run o. the bank : ,i
(e) Orange colour; OrangclFarbef .
gmtng o. ; ?. the teleptrone ; o. second thoughts i ij Take an b. off the p1ate. Painted a light o. An o. cover.
trading o. one's nary-e ; make a statement o. one,s iord- - i' ,i orchestra,'ctkistre. International utord,.
o. receipt_gf i get a line o.). order (-er, -ing, -ed), s. 'crde* i ordrei Ordnung, Bcsteilung.
ancorning, adj . Bas,ic words.
.6 f w*.; . uwevtr' wlta |,O. i :.
(e) Word of authority: highest division but one of
ene,4j.,.s., pron. Basicnumber-word. t. un, u,ne; ein,edne. plants, animals : organization of persons living together
(e) Any person ; on ; tn&n. :'.,
in the name of religion: public rewatd; ordre, Golt*tn;e,nde:
Have only o. sock. o. is the lowest number. The

classe, ordre: ordre: ddcoration; Bcfehl: Klasse; Orden:

blup o. is cheap. Butter makes o. fat. ;
1(O. another; on the o. hand) . 'it
Put in a certain o. Give an o. ; send an o. for goocis;
oneself , pron. Basic words. Anybne himself or herself. ,r ordering him to go; ordering a coat. Ants and worms are
onlookele s. Basic word,s. Person looking on. : in difieient oo. joiningan o. Hewasrewardedwitban o.
only,"o".,adj.,,ooo1i;,,,,l'*;;i;;::6'F;-ii,,eyst:einzig, *Accounts keft in ol No smoking, by o.).
**Goods made to o.; n o. to get it righti books
56 (machines) or*t o{ n"
ot $anlzadol: . n a7, ?\,i or g a,ni s ati o n ; O r g ani s ati on . it
1 _1
lei! Sa oyen, s. 'rrvn i four; (Brat-, Back-) Ofen.
l,:ll^:*Ilt-Bto-opud tgseiri;r"u1_".; act of o. 'i' Put meat'in the o.
The school h-is n6 o. A"t";;; ; Th;o ot ,rr-ur*v is a ,,:i
very complex business. over, prep., adv. 'ouve* i fru dcssus: restanti iibcr: ilbrig.
_ :l A cover o. the meat; authority o. a person; window q.
""tg :::h"*;ilt;"_dLl.,cInement ; v"'v,r IiV7 er
ornetncnt erilerung,,
/ce,.r w'tog't ; a door; airplane o. a house; get o. a wall; jumping o.
Schmuchr- Nipps\'che r'zierde. i,
Put an o. bn tne srreu (dress);_ornamenting the tabte. the water; o. zri a change came o. him; get o. a disease.
6the[,-?di , pron. ,a6i*; aitre ; oiaoii (_r, _ri.-" '-' l'iI Go o. to the other side; an apple for everyone and two o.
*The page is turned o. ; say the words o. ; the war is o.
__l:::__r1qs*:tigl is ; o. thlsF beins equat ; some o. i *'r(Straight o. there; turning it o. in one's mind).
time; ?ly onb o. than you.
one or the o. of us.
r o;hei'-#a;i;iri"J*"
- ; ,, oueractimg, s., adj. Basic woyd,s. Acting more than is
*Talking to one another. (r, necessary.
* on the o. hand., went to ouerall, s. Basic words. Work dress put on over other
Paris). clothing.
**Everv o. day; the o. day.
r oueybalanc'i,ng, s., adj . Basic words. Loss of balance.
ou/, See f.
oaeycoctt, s. Basic word.s. Coat which goes over other clothing.
ourselaes, s. Basic word,s. we (not any
other persons). oaercoma, y. .Basio words. Get the better of.
out (-er), ad_v. aut; hors, dehors'; onr,-it*aus.
Go o.; flowers come o.; brea;h#g o.; have a tooth ouerdo, v. Basic words. Do more than is wise or necessarlr.
an outer cover (J o.; oucrdressed, adj. Basic words. Loud in one's dress.
oaerfwll, adj . Basic words. More than full.
l?.f$1aight, o.; g9j wqtked o. (Get o.
-tI?, a book; the ouerhangi*g, adj. Bas'ic word,s. Coming out over.
jl::::,T; touch withia::r;
;o. of ?']:lt',L'* il;Ji go o,
p;t;. Jth"';;;,:"sI; ouevhead, adj., adv. Basic uords. Ifp, in the sky (air).
:t of doing).
o. oaerhearing, adi. Basic word,s. Secretly hearing talk.
*xStambilg, oueyland,, adv. Bas'ic words. By land.
business; b- o-f doorsi . o.; men come o. (Go o. of ouerleaf , adv. Bas'i,c words. On the other side of the page.
put to grass;
look-o.; o. oj order; ,;., of-o.pocfiq- o. of line; on the
-qlestion3 oa erloohing , adj . B asic wardn . Looking over ; not seeing,

walking o. oJ
not taking into account.
". "r-in-
lrqp;.tired o.;-o.-oii"*; turnind;. well; oaerpowering , adj . B asic W ords. Over-great in degree.
washing o. clothiis). ' 'ii i.

outburst, s. Basic woids. A sudden burst of feeling.

ouersea,s, adj., adv. Basic uords. Across the sea.
oaevseer, s. Basic word,s. Person in authority over workers"

outcorne, s. Basic words. what ao*.rlrom

events. ouershoe, s. Basic woyds. Rubber shoe put on over others.

. Basic
o%rgotng, adj words.
oaerstaternent, s. Basic uords, Statement in which more is
said than is true.
outhous,, s. Basic words. .Building in connection with a oacrtahe, v. Basic words. Come up with (and go farther
house but
sep arate from it. than)
outlaw, s. Bas{c words- person who is put ouertax'ed,, adj. Basia word,s, Taxed more than is right.
of the law. outside the care s., adv. after normal
oaert'i,rne, Bas'i,c uord,s. (Working)
autle.t,s- Basic a*ds. wqy out for folce or substance. ,, hours.
o"rli!_!,r.r. Basic word,s. rihqio""a;f;;; ; i
oaerturned, adj. Bas'i,c words. Turned over.
"i,;*;ute_ ouer-u,se, s. Basic words. More use than is right (neces-
: E::J: flz;fl: Yffill":f'*g#,iln
Amount of *6rt d;;";i
word,s. ?: r":i
S"u" t
oaerailued,, ad!. Basic word,s. Given more than right value.
outside, s ', adj ., adv., prep. B asic
" ouerweight, s., adj . B asic words . More than the right
part. words . The outer weight.
outshirts, s- Bas'ic words. The outer edge oaeruor&, s. More work than is wise.
outstretched, adj . B asic uords. ' -- - -- -*l
(of town). owner, s. 'oune* | propri*taire, possesseur ; Eigentfrrmer .
The o. of a newspaper (a dog).
58 59
pagg (-"J, -in,g, -ed), s. peidS; f ege; Scite. (s) Sticky paste i colle; Kleister.
(e)_ Bit of-_paper (wilh rfrifin!\ ; Btatt
The p. G ieady to go in the oven. Put the paper on
with p.l pasting-International'
two pages together.
A'book rf
Til p!.;;"S;ilii; Ioor. writing on one

s-uv of the
\-rI l,Iltv p. only
1r. Vf1Iy.
i patent, lei'Egnt . word'-
pain (-9r, -iog, -ed), s. pein; douleur; Schmerz. ;
- --" -(;i sl'peiment; paiement ; Z ahl,ung
ri"*t?a: giviid of a payment; rEcompe%se.: ante de
:99, (e) tro.ubledl Peln|i schmerzlich, uerletzt.
lro.ubted i peindi ue,rletzt. ' '
payer ; Entgelt : B esahl'wng.
His tooth qyus him p.; h: is in p.; my J hand is paining ' b*iate #ittr the p. Hil p. was a-kind word. Attempt-
-her --
me. A pained look on face.

ing the p..of his debts; in P..-;. he made p. of the full amount.
.- vv'
Face-riiintt'i;;di,-stinitnnt.' -
(g)' 'peace, s. pils ; pai,r; Friede(n).
(e) Ci,ndition of rest i'tran-quillitd ; Ruhe'
jop,_{"} Painted gicture- ; pointurc, tableau; Gemdtrde. Vf"t"p.witha country.. Tlie p. of night; p. of mind.
v.ul p-
, P.ot p..- on tbu
the walt;
wall; a bo'x
box of pp. parntin*- *a-Ul*
pp.;; parnting box *1The nations are at p.)
(a picture); an interesting painter; *
she puts q. on. A painting of ships. ir*i"?er andb"ilJ;;: :
pcacemaher, s. Bas'ic word,ls.' One who mlkes p?c9'
plu.rne; Feder'
pape,r. (--gt,-ing,-ed)., s. ,pgip1*i poiler;
. papwr. b"11 (-ner, -ning, -ned), s. Pe11; (porte-\
(r) Nl*spaper; jourializritir"'g. ' -
--r--" l
, Writing wittr a p.; pentng a long letter'
rv/ r'e \^ wrrLl't ii,Lr_()uu some q-uestion; pem-nam,a, sl Basic'itoiis. Name used by ly.tilgl'
flP:, :l yrlting.abgur
Put p,Jl,yljj
questron; traotd;
traitd; Aufsgtz.
put down oo-p.r a p. parcel; paperlng,.,!; ,':,,i!i
- -1ing, -led), s. 'pens1; crayon; Bleistift'
a room. wrrting for a p. Reading.a p. on nasi"^ nhsrGf; ,,i
Take up a P-.; pencilling over-a picture'
pengu'i,n*,'feggwin. International' word.
I:#__*T,*;,r: BS:i: KnG'f?J;""tif"p"g"*. person, s.'perin; personna; Person.
O.{':n.y::f:';,:"J asic_*-o:dr'
words. e weight }o'-r.L""iiffi;or" ;

Every p. io the room; an important P. ; young pp.

paradi,-se*,.'petedais, fnternational **Come in P.
paraffjn,.'pbrefin. fnternational ;o;i. '1,,
phonograph,'foinegre!. . - International word'.
parallel(q:lt 1oo-), adjl'frz;kel; phltsique-t. Qhysihalisch'

'pqretet; parahDtc; parahel: parailet. (s) Td do with the body ; hdrQerl'ich.

sortr ^of uqojt
?di.,s, li

(e) Of like ;il;; iernbtabk,

-v"'v'wvrv' ;;;;;; i Oirr knowledge of p. things. F{ave great p. force.
gle'ichart'ig. ,,,,,
bhysics, 'fi.zlks. Intarnational' narnc of sc'i,ence.
Tt; tifurare p. That is not a p. position
'v'v'v^' (question).
pliysiology, fi.zl'cled3i. Intcynotianal na*ne of scienca. &
An interesting p.
parqe],-s. 'porstl iolis, paquet; pohct.

piano,'pjenou. Iitcrnat'ional word,-

bi;tddi-*t, -iog, -ed), s. 'piktJe* i lableau; Bild,
ivrire #_:i'plff:11,{ffi:iL,:Tiso by p,
parh, palk. fnternational word,. ' post :
(s) Motion picture;

part.(:"t, -"d),, s. pa:t i p-ortion, partie; Teil.

,: film; Fil,m.
(e) Pa |39, ie) ricturein the niind; image; Bild.
i'iinting a p. of the girl; take a P. Go .tp the pp.
. .,t*,'',_1,[;'.qiqlyt";*#H?l
sdparatiom; schciter: Trennung.
--o k:/m :
w"wr r'\,r* t; r(*,G. r ada
i I{ave (give) a p. of ; picturing things to oneself.
plg, s. pig; porci Schwein.
Thu *tv; of the bodv;
zo p,?l ;;d s q?3-.9f
or acid. *tdi B;#;t*ffiftiili ?-p.?,,t ;;,,H",,:"9; ;
He keeps pp.
po{#L:i i words Tail of twisted hair hanging from
actin'B:'*:l.l_ ilrtj?g. + ,rapri.tit. f#
S* T!,llighi
lr; larJp:il; pi;;:* ]'qrLr..s' :
IIt for my p,; l"
't,*I, e:3T1":u forry?,
the.mor{ p.;;;-ih"'p:Li. I (-ner, -ning, -ned), s. pin; 6pingle, Stechnadel'
passporf, 'pcuspcrt. rntarnational ;;;re: v-v vr' r' (e) somethiig p.-like in form.oipuipolej che.aille.;.Bolzen.
bi,t a p. in The cloth; pinning two bits together. A

- - - -b;adj.' s. tr).'lsti p_asfii ucrgongdn,
. frilher : versants' nh t. strong metal p. in the rnachine.
. srx'
sft . Events t{:' p'
C.,,6 of !T' pincashTotu, s. Basic words. Small cushion for plns.
i :_,1? 1r:p
n. ;iri:i[P'
rn the #:"
bipu (-er, -ing, -ed), s. paip; tuyaw, conduiti Rohr.
paete (-et, -iog, -.ia), s.-peist; pdtc, collei Tcig.
(d) nfusis-pipe ; f'Atu; Pfeife.

60 61
fe) S_moker's pip* ; !i!e; pfeife pl,ough (-er, -ing, -ed.), s. plau i charuue; Pflug.
house. praying,i -
i:lj;w:*' ?[:*^*]:liei
notes on a p. He hjs no tdoa;.5 itihu.the
r r'Jrn"5',r; Ttre p. is pulled by a horsel ploughing a field; ptoughing
through the waves.
place {-er, -itg,;"d), s. pleis ; place, l,i,eu, endroit; ploughrn,an, s. Basio words. Man who does ploughing"
ort, steilo. !,
(tl pffii{d"T;;'il?itr;t,
!p"gg; ptace; ptatz. pocket (-er, -ing, -ed), s. 'pckit1, poche; Tascho. '
Position (as worker) ptace;
Here is the p.l sg from one p. t9 another;
i blacet Stelluno, ,
(e) Hollow, bag i Bewtel, Behrilter.
Take money out of one's p.; a, drain on one'g p.i
take one,s
gdt' 11't-i;rC_ii g ; pi" rii* -ii ,,i
pocketing the profits. A p. of poison gas.
f ;; "*1:
near a p.'r&-y"";;;.""S?'hffilil[
fire. There is_*o1ry.
the^p;;Ih"{: \rtrv *q'r .n i
i **IIe is out of p. over this business.
p. dressmaker's busiiess. pocket-booh, s. BasiT words. Small leather folder for notes
*The ,,,,
**rn the firsttook p. and papers.
-git'* pockct-iitfrn, s. Basic word,s. Linen for blowing nose on.
q.; p. to; in p. of. (A p.
plane.(-g,-ing,.ed),J.p1e.iniy.abatino,be;.-" in the sun). ;j pochet-rnoney, s. Basic aoyds. Money for small needs.
i:frisr-ri point (-er, -ing, -ed), s. pcint; point; Pwnht.
existencei lpyt'{gr"iilry
^..,,(3^3"." bttan: ir;"j
airptane : tevel
eiiiti,Tr;sff;W, oi .i
(s) Sharp end; pointc; Spdtze.
it lbvel
Ivlake ^L
witl pfq"iruA;;"od.
;;;;;."^ .i, ..r,i
(e) Chief thing: position without size; essentietr: pointi
pp. of the^vvvr
a p. i; planrng tne wood. The
stone. The p.'of tnJ machin* iu
rhe different
" t .,:
Ilauptsache, Po'inte : Pwnht.
p. of thought. b;#;. a ,i Put a stick in at this p.; four p. (4.5); boiling-p.f
-different r,,,ti
pointing to the man ; the pointer of , the instrument.
ntanlj-tf; lls, ;*d)., i. pl.ggnt; ptante; pfl,anze.
("i wg;t3b;;'i,";i;#;;;;iifrTJia{m;::
, ,1
The p. of the pencil; a pointed end. My p. in comi*g;
A garden p. ; pranting t?ees. w"tr.i"g';th a bad

the p. of the argument ; make & good p. A p. in

plate (-g1, iT$: -*q), s. pleit; assiettei Teller. p. space.
nA p. of view. (Your answeri s not to the p. i pointing

\"/ Flat
f) - bTi;
r.,! LrrL, pliiqiti'pi.i#.euvesQ
'yt,&qwe; _rLq,r[b. ' ? ,l
at the men).
steet pp. ; a p'p. tor
for a camera *#Make a p. of.
-ttg #g?"ri,rit"lJii;J.""'pp'
plati,nwrn*, 'plaetinam. rnternational "iir
i,i poison (-*t, -itrg, -ed), s. 'pcizn; podsoni Gfft.
word,. ,',i Give the rats p.; poisoned by taking bad meat.
ptty,!i"L:tl^g,_;?9_): s. plei ; r6cr6ati,?ry, pol'i,ce, po'lirs. Internq,t'i,onal woyd,.
ptgii ind'i
(9) stagu btgi'
(g| pteZ';;-'ss';;;;;;;;;'
ieu; Spiet. ii:1
policerna,rc, s. Bas'i,c words.
-1n9, (u) Plavin
(e) Plavino Atr instfument;
polish (-er, -ing, -ed),
inefJ,'*,.. action da s. 'pcltf; uernis, c'i,rage; Politwr.
,in'i|; iower; ',..1

(e) Bright, smooth quality: smooth in behaviour

The bolr' p. was ptaying with a ba[; playing
-pT"tir; (quality); poli: 6l,6gancei Glanz : Schli,ff .
football. put- a p. l?ygh;,
trr"*,t;;;l ; ;;;". Rubbing with p. Get a good p. on the shoes; polish-
T(9"t uq q n.; at""p.,;.
**come-irto ing with a duster. A person with p.i polished writing.
p ; aoiir r p. ?n word.s; playing atrick.
political (un-), adi. pe'litikel; poldtique ; poli,ttsch.
playthivrg, s. Bastc iuiiat,. q*i
Ttitfr He does p. work.
ior pr*ying with.
please (-er, -i*g, -ed), int. prilzl s'ir, aoris poor, adj., s. pua* i pawarai 6&rrn.
p. gi'e me some btatt: bitte. (e) Of low quality: unhappyi Pauara, vn6d;'i,ocra; pa,uare,
pleased uy pllf ; beT?"?; ryuy i;.fi;;i, y*r, p.; rnalhewveufi ; gering, schlecht : arm,.
': g(Fleased," I -----o to;
wittry. "-,'a E-.ri#;;;-. The family is very p.; p. in salts. The ink is p. The p.
pleas{{!: plaisir; Vcrgniigcn, Ftretrd.e. rnan has been sent to prison. Food for the p.
?: 1p19gl*;
giving iteasure. porter, s. 'pcrte* i portewr, factaar; Gepdchtrtiger.
There is no p. irr ge!,t1ng wet; take p. i{r (e) Door porter; portieri Partier.
doing good woik. Writdf ir';-p.1o hi;: .a ; the p. of The p. took the bags" The p.'s place is hy the door.
town; simple pp.. til_,pp. of rhe positioh, s. pa'zifan: sitwati,on; Lage, Stellung.
**Come (s) Place as worker ; ernploi; Stelle, Amt.
$o at p. (e) Position of body ; positdon; Stell%ng.


This is the p. of my house; the coal-owners are in an (e) Mark made by a thing: camera qi-cture; etnprcimte,
,*,rIn p.
p. My p. at the bank. Seated in a strange p. -imbiassion: 6preuai; Abdrwih, Spur"areAbzug
ih; p. ir .r'"ry small; his versbs i1-p, ; printtng a
poselble, adj. 'pcsebl; possibla; mdglioh. bdil; 6ack troir the p:inter. An old-P: o{Lgnpon' There
It i* p. that I may go tomorro*; do everything which
. p.; is a p. in the sand. t p.. of t\alpicture'
rs a p. answer. prisod(-"r, ing, :ed), s. 'prizn; prison; Gefd"glT'
**Come if p. s - --
ne iepi in i darii p. ; send d man tg p. i in-p. ; -the p.
post, poust. fntcrnational word. *rttr; tde prisoners dre happy; prisoning her hand.
postoa,rd, s. Basic words. Card for sencling by post. **Take |risoner.
postrnafl, s. Basia words. Man who takes the lelters to and 'praivit i pe.rsony'cl, seeret, pria6; pyivet'
- from the post-office. ' S"ndiO;l
a p. letter; one's p. viewsi-a p' house' . ,i
postmarh, s. Basic words. Mark stamped on letters giving
naqg of post-office and time of posting.
- The p."i-answer; ), adj .'' prcbadl ; pr ob able ;- w aht chcinli ch
s .

it seems P.
post-ofi,ce,s. Basic words. IptO"""S,!. 'prousesi cours, frocess4Js?, Vctfahren, Vcrlauf .

pot (-ter, -ting, -ted), s. pct i pot; Toff . (s) Law ^process i ProcEsl Pf?rc:1. -
Put the p. on the fir-e i potting meat; potting a plant. (e) Way bt matiig; Y crfahren.
potasfu*,'pcta,t. International aord,. -P!.ocdd61
potato, s. pa'teitou i pomme de tenc; Kartoffcl.
Wa.rinf hair is iabticate P.',-in p. .ol- cuttiog;- go
through in" p. of being washed._tUere will be a long law
Get pp. up with a spade. / p. if tf.e agrdement is broken. The discovery of a ngw P.
powder (-er, -ing, -ed), s. 'paude*; pouilrei Puder prbd.rce (-ei -ing, -ed), s. 'prcdiu:s; produit; Erzeugwi's(se).
(s) Medical powder; Pil,acr. ' -er, (;) Thealre produier; incltcir tn-sc7nci_Regisscur.
Put pt on the face; powdering one's hair; powdered Th; f . trom the farm ! produclgg goods for the market;
.sugar. He took a p. the pofition of the prodricer. He is the producer of the
play. ... A
- (-er, -iog, -ed), s. 'pfcfrt;_profit, bdndfice; Gew'inn.
(e)'Value ;-aaanta,ge; VoYtcitr.
tn" business rqadi a small p. What p. was it to him? ;
profiting by his knowledge.
' *1The"p.-oo the businels was high).
*,r(At a p.)
brosramme.'it'ougram. fnternation'al uord.
is made. proTpogonda,'pt"p""'gande. fnternational utord.
present, adj., s. 'preznt ; actual, pr6,sent i gcganwdrtig, s. tprSpeli; propri4tli Eigantum.
!- *(s) -iana-
irrdpdrty, -irnmeublcs,
zugegen : Gegenuta,rt. i p?operty i bicns fropri,Lt{ ;
T!* p. position; all were p. Living in the p. Besitzlturnl.
*Happy at p. (e) Quafity; ProPnCtC ; Elgerysohaft.
present-doy, adj. Bas'i,c Woyd,s. Of the present time. thai booi< is my p. He has a P. in the country'
prcsid,ent,'prezident. f nternational na,me. It
has not the PP. of an acid'.
prlce (-er, -ing, -ed), s. prais; prix; Preis. prose, s. prouz; prosci Prosa.
writing ve59.

Writing good p. is as hard as

.pptap.on;giveahighp.for;letitgoatacertainp.; protest (-ei ling, --ed), s. 'proutest ; protestation (contre) ;
pricing goods.
prince, prins. International, nafixe. Protest.
princess, prin'ses. International ttceyne. -ing,, (") Making a statement with force i en Pro-
print -irg, -ed), s. print i (careactire d'imprimerie; Druah.

testant (de) ; Beteuernd.

He niade a p. against the noise.; protesting about what
(l) A printgd pictprei gr&uulei lKupfer-, Stahl-l Stich, had been donb. IIe went to prison protesting that he
H olz s chnitt, Gr ap hi h'. had not done the crime.
**IIe did it under P.
64 65

psyaholog!, psai'kclad3i. International n&yne of' sciencc, i **P. one's foot down about something; P. in- (words
public, adj., s. 'pAblik; pwblic; offentlich: Publikum. in talk)l p. i" tor; p.wgrd-s into person'i mouth; P. to
th; [g;{ tt" flighti i p. it down to. (P. into effect ; p.

. I{e
gave a p: talE In a p.
books; puttllg
-place. He has a small p. for {
!is,book9; puttrng ideas betore t!t"
rd.eas before the p. ,i; out to grass)
pull (-et, -iog, -ed), s. pul ; action dc tire,r; Zug. ,' by arnat*,-pe'd
So:trrrs z. I ntern ati on al ut or d'
plrami4*', iptreitid. International
(e) Better chance-than others have; aaantagei Bes'ic- |, utord'.
hungen. ,

Give the cord a p. ; have a p. at the boot; pulling the i s. onomatoDoeio. sound of water-fowl.
cat's tail. He had a p. with the authorities. -
A;iiit, r. t*"ii tt:, qualitd ; Eigcnschaft, Beschaffenheit,
pur,np (-er, -ing, -ed), s. pAmpt fornfe; Pwmpe. ^ii ' (ri Quatrt5r o! a-persol; Eigcnschaft.
Get water from the town p. ; pumping air into the .i (ei Degre6 of y{ue; QualitaL -
cushion. ttt" hird q. of the sidne. He has a'number of good qq.
punishrnent, s. 'plniJment; puniti,on; Strafe "t The cloth is ol the best q. ; a good q. shoe.
(e) Giving punishment: anything looked on as punish. i,r
aueen. kwiln. International na,rne.
ment; ah&timent: ohd,timent; Bestrafung: Strafe.
-crying. i: ii.r""itott (-"r, -ing, -ed), s. 'kltrestJan; quastion, interroge-
I{e was sent to bed as a p. for The p. of the ,i ' tion;'Frage
prisoners took place at night. His p..was the loss of his - -Soffetning
i"i for decision or discussion; question,
friends. :
brobosition, suiet.
purpo$e (-er, -ing, -ed), s. 'parpas; but, intentioni Zwech, {) '' p;i-i-q.' i"'; questioning -a perso|.i.questioprng ylit
Absicht \ ., was said. tne q. bf what to do now; it is a q. of orgailza-
He had a p. in comirg; he was purposing to do it. 1
,, tion ; the peace q.
*(He came on p. to see,you) *The accounts in q.
**IIe did it to no (som0) p. ,
, **Out of the q.
cat. p.. Basdn word,s. Mark put at end ol a qu€'
/4 - t , ar- ,-,a ,l
pwry, s..
- -'-
Onomatopoe'ic. Sound of a,1 h"ppy
- t
ll questioi-n.oarh,
push (-er, -ing, -ed), s. puJ i poussia; ,Sfoss, Schub. ,,1 - tion in writing.
(e) Driving-pow er ; 6nergie; Stosshraft. r :i
- (e)adj. kwik i1if i ra-sch, schnell'.
Give the table a p. ; pushing a hand-cart. Good business ,i Ri:ady i aif , 'i,ntellig-ent; finh.
men have p. .,lil
A'q. traiii u""u a q.loori,ey; a q' move' He has & q'
put (putJ, p.ittittg), v. put; *nettyc; setzen, logcn, stcllen. 'l tongue (mind)
P. water in a Uotttb i p. a story into yolgs i p. an idea ,i *(Q. at languages).
forward; p. aman in prison; p. money into a business i p. a j ,
quichs'itaer, s. Easii words- Hg.

tax on vgoods; p. thoughts !,,

(, out of' one's head;, p-.r- a: , ;i :r--- (un-1, adi., s. 'kwa-iet; tr-anquille; ruhig,,aisdble
tjuiet It'!!l ruhig.
pers_on out of doubt ; p. a man to death ; p. away behaviour i restqg i
doubts; p. things togefher; p. an error righl; p. A ,,i iu)-Ot' ["#t' ; .calme,:p

qJrestion; p. the clock back an hour; p. work before itj

i'q. pti"u; the nightit q.; T*qgthem !qS' 4 g'"uorse-
Havda q. diy; a q:colou?. In the-q. of the night.
playi p. others against him; p. him off doing. ,l
-i1uit", kirri'niin. Intery'qt'ional ryord'
1. nA uLl.lrttl(Ju
common -widy of puLrurB
way ur putting it,u idea (liu8gcliItou,
an rueei (suggestion) .r:,,
-r- *hrr. kwait ; tout d fa2t, a's'e' i .,ont., ziem-l'ich'
&cross is by advertisement. ,r,,1
f am q. ready i he ir {. kind; nofq. the right colour;
z. He put up an argument (fight) when the.trainer q. a good book.
said the hirse hld beeripoisoned.. -

3. Ife put the undertaking (business) through before ,;,t

ire wenl away iiJ radio,'reidiou . Inteynat'ional' utord,
**On the r..
4 .They pot the discussion (talk, meeting) off ttll tble :l
morning. ,i
radium't','reidiam. Intevnational uord.
5. Tle chances, are generally against you if you pgt rail Ge/, -ing, -ed), s. reil; barrc, barrcaui Gdlolndcr-
,f (s) Traii rail rail, chemin de
jthE, (e) Walli of rails; grilloi fcri
nroney on horse (event) Schianc.
(P. .rp with troubles; p. in mind of ; p. a stop to). ,, Gittcr, Einzriunung.

6S s7
There is a r. round the tree ; railing off the flowers. ,{
(e) Power of thought; raisamnerwrwt; Vcrnunft.
*-:1tll1 ofi the rr.; go by r. fhere is a railing
- i I have a r. for going. Do animals have r. ? ; reasoning
round the :l**
field. l '',
il ,,
about a question ; reasoning witJr a boy.
railway. Basic words. Rails for train, Train s;rstem. *1He went away for this r.).
raln (-er, -ing, -ed), s. rein; pluie; Regen ,
*iAnythi"tili.-d;tt. to. (There is every r. why).
' onThe r. came down ; it is raining; blows were rained receipt (-er, -ing, -for-ed), s. risilt; regw, quittance; Quittung-
Givej a r. the goods (payment); receipting an

his head.
radnfall, s. Basic woyds. Amount of rain in a given time. ,) account.
range (-er, -iirg, -ed), s. rein(a)g i chatne; fBerg-fKette. 't * * I am in r. of your letter ; I will do it on r. of your cheque.
(") Selection : field of operation ; sdlection: portda i , :,;

recond (-er, -ing, -ed), s., adj. 'rqkc:d ', proc_is-aerbal,

Auswahl : Ausmass, Reichweite. ar ahia e s, enr e gi sir ement ; P r o t o h ol !, A uf z e'i ehnuflg, Leumund,
Across a r. of mountains. A r. of goods; ranging from , i (s) Phonograph record ; d'isque ; Schallplatte.
black to white. A narrow r. of thought ; the r. of a gun. i (e) Sports record; record; Rekord".
rat,s. rat i rati Ratte. nn'ate a r. of the agreernent; his past r. is good; 19-
Put down poison for the rr. cording one's experiences. Make a r, of hls playing. Se
l* rate (-er, -ing, -ed), s. reit ; vitesso ; Geschwind,igheit. j made a r. for tfe high jump; the r. is broken again. Do
(e) Measure (value) of one thing in relation to another; it in r. time.
*The facts are on r.
taux ; V erhilltmis, Preis.
At'\rbat r. was the automobile going ? The r. of red, adj., s. red i rougei rot.
exchange is low ; rating her qualities high. Wd,ving a r. flag; getting r. in the face. R, is tho
{'At any r. wrong colour for this.
ray (-er, -iog, -ed), s. rei i rayoni Stvahl. refe'rendem. I nternational u.tor d,.
r eferenitlurn*,
(e) Form like a r. regret (-ter, -ting, -ted), s. ri'gret,; regret; Bedauern, Rewe-
light ; rr.from the fire ; raying its
Sending out a r. of Feeiing r. that one wd,s unkind; have no rr. about the
heat in all directions i a r. of hope. The rr. of a flor,rter. past; regletting the loss of his watch.
reactior, s. ri(r)'akJan; rtactiom; Reahtion. ' *1ile f,ar oo"r. for hrs acts; to my r. it is still there).
(s) Sudden change of ; Gcgcnwirhung, lGefiihls-l regular (un-), adi. 'regjul"*_; rdgulier; regelm&ssig.
Umsch,lag. (e) Taking place regularlY.
(") Tendency, specially political, to go back to old the tines aie r. Get some r. work. ; it's a r' event'
ideas: chernical effect ; Reahtion: Reaktion. relation, s. rileiJan i relation, rapport;Verhdltnis, Beziehwng.
The natural r. to a loud noise is to glve a sudden jump. (e) Family relation; parent; Vevwandte-
He had a r. against his old way of living. A time of tft" t. between being good and being happy; this is
political r. The r. of the acid with the metal is violent, small in n to that; all rr. withi the country were broken
reading (reader), s., adj. 'rirdin; ; lecture; Lcsen. off. She is one of his rr.
(s) A public reading; lecturc, cotnrnurn,ication; Vortrag. **I{ave sex rr. with.
(e) Seilse given to words; intcrprhtation; Auffassung.
reader (e) Book for teaching r. ; liure de lecture; Lesebuch. religiolt, s. ri'lid3an ; religioni !.eligdon.
She is 'getting on well with her r. ; a note to the reader.. le) Thing ta[en as seriously as a religion; culte-
He gave a1. of his verses. My r. of that line is different. Be Take uda new r.; they are not interested in r. They
r. an interesting book. Readers with coloured pictures. make a r. of sport.
ready (un-), adj. 'redi; prLt; fertig, berait. '!(Wars of r.).
(e) Quick; prornpt; prornpt. representative, s., adi.'repri'zentetiv ; reprdsentant;
Get r. to go out; the meal is r. ; have r. money. Give V ertretel, Abgeordneter : uertretend', reprd,sentatia
& r. answer. A substance which is readily burned. {e) Person?cting for others; reprCsentant, Qepdt.
*'r (The book is r. to hand) . This may be taken as a r. of the group. Send a r. to
roeson (-er, -ing, -ed) , s.'tiiza; raison; Grund. the meetin-g. A r. selection; r. of all shades of opinion.

68 69
requ€-st (-er, -igg, -ed), s. rirkwest; demandci
Make a r. foi some m-or.e; t"qo"ilG ni* to come.
Bitte. :
Put rr. on the curtain; ringing the animals round.
*His books much in r.
She has rr. on her fingers; a ringed hand. A r. formed by
**T|" song were
, r. the ship-owners.

respecL(-et, -ilg, -edl, s. ris'iekt; rcsp.eot, esttae; Achtung. i rlver, i riuilre, JXeuuei Fluss.
s. 'rive*
Talking wlth {.i respecting the,ofinions of oiHerr. - 'i of moving liquid i ru'isscaui Strosn.
(e) Mass
respor_rsible (on-), adt ris'pbnsebll Have a swim in the r. A r. of blood.
' ' iirant- road, s. roud; rautc; (Fahr-lStrassc, Weg.
wortlich ri
Walking in the r. ; go by r.
(e) LooE"9 on asresponfible : who may safely be made j
rod, s. rcd; baguette, tringlci Stange .
- responsible: needing suc!
3.person; reipongaile : ilgio ,i
dc confianc-e; de responsabilit| Put a r. up for the curtain.

aer&ntdoril,ich arrint- : 'l
roll(-er, -ing, -ed), s. roul i action da rouler; Rolle.
rf the meat p the heat is r. The law makus
Act of rolling: roll of breadi roulement: petit pain1,
the owner r. Put{rplggq,
it in the hands of a r. person. Walzen: Sernmcl.

ntrrtearf ?. Dn* i* i-
eiI^^-J^ ^2
,l -€f, (s) Turning rod i cylindre, roulaaui Walzc.
(He was r. for her death).
* l
-ing, (e) Going from side to side i youtrisi Rollen,
rest (-er, -ing, -ed), s. rest; repos; Ruhe. Schlingern.
things (parfs, persons) ; reste; Rest. Take down a r. of eloth; rolling a ball; rolling the
(") T4". paper ; rolling the grass. Give it a r. Have coffee and
:rlrE, (e)"jFgt
Being supported; s'-appwydnt; ruhend,.
Have a r. on the bed; take a r. fiorie work; resting onens i rr. Go over the earttr with a roller. The ship is rolling.
eyqg. The r. of the books witl come later. FIis irm-G,' roof (-"r, -ing, -ed), s. rurf ; toit"; Dach.
resting on the table. ' (e) Top o-f roorir; roof of mduth ; plafond: patrais; Dechc:

* (His mind was at r.)

rcstaurant,'restar5r,g. Internati,onatr word. Put a ri orl the building; all under one r.; roofrng the
reward (-er: -iog, -ed), r^, d'y"rd; rdcomp.ense; Belohnttng.'tj
house. The room has a low r. Put your tongue against
(s) Special reward offered; prix; priis. - i the r. of your mouth.
room, s. rum ; chombre, pilce d'unc tnaison ; Zitntncr.
.He r. for the trouble he took; rewarding him ,t (e) Space ; place ; Platz, Raum.
with a smile. . . + r. is given to the person who doep" u"rt,i
in the competition. -'i A house with rr. There is r. for another box.
rlgeumatism*,'rutmatizm. fntnrnational, uord. root (-er, -ing, -ed), s, rurt; racinc; Wurzel.
rhythrn, s. 'ri6m; rythrne; Rhythmus. (e) Cause, base: number root I fondetnent: racine ,
The tree has deep rr. ; rooted in the earth. The r. of

Dancing to the r. of the music; the r. of the heart. I

the trouble. z is the square r. of 4.
rice, s. rais; riz; Reis.

. i,
* The tree took r. in the earth.
Put r. in the pot lr


ri6lht, adj., s. rait; droiti recht. rou$h, adj. r,rf ; f%gueufri rauh.
o{. wrolg: (angle) at 9on; correot, just;e
(e) Incomplete, not polished: rough in behaviour;
- (9) Opposite
droit; richtig recht: recht.
6bauch6, grossier : brutal, rudei roh : grob.
Go on the r. side of the road. That answer was r. ,,;
ij A coat made of r. bloth. Do a r. copy. A r. man; be r-
A r. angle. A knowledge of r, and wrong; the, r. to do l with.
something. - I round, adj., adv.,- prep. raundi rond: aatour d,e; rund :
ringsa:m i u?n . . . herum.
seems all r. (The prisoner was in the ,.), ,,li A r. button ; a r. ball. The wheels of the cart go r.
! I will come; cut r. through. ,,i
ri'ght-han-ded-, Basic words. Using the right hand moro Go r. the tree.
1dj. **All the year r.; r.the other side; come r. after an
than the left.

ring. (. -iog, :ed), g. tig ; anneccu, cercle; Ring. operation.

Finger ring; bague. ,',
)' roundabout, adj. Bosic words. Not going straight to tho
(e) Business ring i cartel. place (point).
royal,'rciel. fntcrnational' nerne -
nrb (-ber, -bing, -bed), s. rAb ifrottemenl; Reibcn, Abraii sardine+, satdiln. Intcrnational utord,.
-ber, (e) (Bit of) substance of that name i caoutc sau), See sta.
gofirme; Gwrnmi.
-bgd, (l) Damaged by rubbing ; Ccoreh6; abgcricben, iay- (says, said, saying), v. sei i dirci sogen.
:idg, (e) Statement; dicton ; Ausspruch-,
S. words; s. things; s. something through the nqsq; s. to

Give the table a r. ; give his back a r. ; rubbing the silveri

A bit of rubber; take the marks out witJr a rubber; a rutr* oneself ; s. no to;1t says in the-book; s. that it is so-
ber sponge. The horse got badly rubbed by the leather. " Six," he said ; the book says. A common saying.
:lt*(Rubbing (stamping) out). ,i n(S. the words over; that is to s.).

nrle (-er, -iog, -ed), s. ru:l; rlgle; Regel, Vorsahrift. 1

acale (-er, -ing, -ed), s. skeil; ilchelle; Masstab,,Shaha.
(e) Measuring rule; control of a ruler; rCgle : r)gncl (s) Music scale i gcnmmei Tonleiter.
Lineal, Z ollstoch : Herrschaft. i
Ss.,: Apparatusfor measurirtg weight; bolancc ; W ag-e-
-€r, (s) Ruler of a country; souaeraini Herrscheri, The firsf degree on the s.; the s. is an inch for a mile.
Make new rr. for the society. Make your lines with a r. She is playing her ss. on the piano. Put another weight
ling lines. Under the r. of john.
nrling John. The ruler of the coult,
coun on the ss.
h try; ruling acountrywell. *The little ships were made to s. (The design is on a
**As a r.'f ',
great s.).
rArrr; nternationat word,.
I rum* , '

school (-er, -ing, -ed), s. sku;l; 6cole; Schule.

I run, s. rln i course; Lauf . (e) Group united by an idea.
Flave a r. ; go for a r. { The s. 6y the chuich; go to s.; schooling oneself to
i **A r. on theJrank; in the long r. (At a r.). undergo pain. A new s. of thought (painting).
, ti
*The boys were at s.
runa,uay, s., adj . Basic word,s. Perion rirnning away froi
authority; (horse) out of control. gclence, s. 'saiens; science i Wissdnschaft.
(e) System of a branch of knowledge.
oad, a*i. 'sad; tristc; traurig. :i
Our of s. is increasing. The ne\r s. of
Have a s. face; a s. story; a; that's s.
T:f - .a, -, ,t --- lt, - tt. -
psychology; there is no s. gf_government.
safs (un-), adj., s. seif 1 sauf ,- en sdcurii|: coffre-fort; sichcrt, gclgsor8, s. 'sizez; ciscouri Schere.
Geldschranh. )

Cutting with s.
Put them'in a s. place; keep the jewels s.; it is not s. toj Bcrew (-er,- -ing, -ed), s. skrul; ais; Schraube.
go. The
I ne s. nas Deen broken
has been DroEen open. The board is fixed to the, wall with ss, ; screwing a
sail (-or, -iog, -ed), s. seil'; aoil,e; Segel. top on a bottle.
(e) noaigation; Segelfafut.
vE-s--o, r?wv w.J, r. _

**He was screwing up the box.
-of, (s) Seamani marin, matelot; Seemann, Matrose. '
screwdriuer, s. Bosic words. Apparatus for putting in screws.
Put up the s.; sailing a ship in the North Sea. Go for, Meer,
gea, s. si: i ,mer; I

a s. The sailors are cleaning the ship. :1

A ship on the s.; go to s. in a boat.
salad*,'saled. International word,. * *The boats are at s.
salt (-9r. -ing: -e_d), s. sclt i sel; SaJz. ',i searnon, s. Basic words. Sailor.
(e) Chemical salt. sdasidc, s., adj, Basic uords. By th,e sea.
Pirt s. in the food ; salting the meat. When you have ''l
seat (-er, -ing, -ed), s. silt; siAgei Sitz.
stomach trouble, take ss.; the ss. of copper are blue. i (e) Wheie something has its place; Plage,. .
same, adj., pron. seim; mdme; gleich: derselbe i A'hard s.; take a s. by the fire; the s. of his trousers g
The two-triend.s went to thi s. place; they have the s. ; seating oneseU on the floor. The s. of the trouble.
walk; tbese pictures are the s. He says the s. gecond, adj., adv., s. 'sekand; sccond, deuxilmei zweite (-r,-s).
**All the s. (At the s. time). I The s. man in the line ; give it a s. thought. Put him s.
sand, s. send; sable; Sand. '.

He was the s. to get there; I was a s. late.'

Ss. : sand by the sea. , * (Facts at s. hand)
Put s. on the floor. Playing on the ss. ,l secondhand, adj. Basic words. Not rlew, used.

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