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Air University

Department of Mechatronics Engineering

Path Planning for Robots: HW4 Genetic Algorithms/Recursive Algorithms in Dynamic Programming

Instructions: Submit your homework by the date announced in the lecture. Homework should be in PDF
format not more than 2 pages. File should be named as follows: yournamePPMTS. Any two similar
assignments will both be given zero marks in the total assignment marks for this course.

1. Using a Genetic algorithm, minimize the function 𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑥 2 𝑦 where 𝑥, 𝑦 > 0, 𝑦 =

− 𝑥. Carry out 3 iterations with as many samples as you wish. Describe the process of

Genetic optimization and the sensitivity of the results to the simulation parameters.
2. A robot at point P(1,3) has three possible link points A(2,6), B(1,5) and C(3,-2). Write a
program to determine how it would select a point out of these three.
3. How many chromosomes and generations would you use to find the optimal path of a
mobile robot in a static environment with 20 obstacles?
4. Write a recursive algorithm to compute the factorial of 35. How much CPU time have
you used for your computation? Describe how recursive algorithms can be used in
Dynamic Programming to get the optimal path.

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