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Chapter 3


Research Design

In order to identify the relationship between self-esteem and the academic

performance in mathematics of the grade-11 stem sudents of Malayan Colleges

Mindanao, The researchers will us the Correlation Method.

The correlational Method is used to identify if two or more variables are associated

with each other. By using this method the researchers will identify if the relationship

between the two variables are strong or weak.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Malayan Colleges Mindanao since the respondents

of the study are from the Senior High School of the University.
Research Respondent

The researchers has chosen the grade-11 stem students of Malayan Colleges

Mindanao to be the respondents from the research. They were chosen as respondents

because only grade-11 has the mathematics curriculum which are the General

Mathematics and the Pre-Calculus. Also, they have the capability of answering the

questions that are being given to them.

Research Instruments

A survey questionnaire will be used in gathering the data needed for the research.

The questionnaire will focus on the respondents individual perceptions and how the

mathematics subjects affect them. As it is stated in the Rosenburg Scale in order to

identify the level of self-esteem a student has.

Data Procedure

The researchers will distribute the administered survey questionnaires to the

respondents. They are being notified on the importance of the study and will distribute the

survey questionnaires effectively.

The respondents are given 20 minutes to answer and finish the questionnaire so

they won’t give answers that are hasty and not accurate. The researchers will be going

to distribute questionnaires from one section to another till they reach the required

respondents which is 150 respondents.

After the survey questionnaires are finished and has answers on it, the researchers

will tallied and tabulate the results. These data will be the basis on finding the relationship

between the two variables.

Data Analysis

In identifying the relationship between the two variables, the researchers will first

use the Rosenburg Self-esteem Scale as it is a validated tool in identifying the level of

self-esteem of students. The Rosenburg Scale is a 10-item scale that measures global

self-worth by measuring both positive and negative feelings about the self.All items are

answered by using a 4-point Likert scale format ranging from strongly agree to strongly


Points Verbal Interpretation

4 Strongly Agree

3 Agree

2 Disagree

1 Strongly Disagree

By summing up all the scores that are being presented by the respondents it will

identify their level of self-esteem on the mathematics subject. After identifying their level

of self-esteem or how much point they gain the researchers will then use the pearson’s

model in identifying the relationship between the two.

Pearson’s Correlational Formula:

Where: N= is the number of Respondents

xy = sum of self-esteem and grades

x = level of self-esteem

y = first quarter general mathematics grades

x2 = sum of x

y2 = sum of y

After finding the r by using the Pearson’s formula, the researchers will base the result to
the strength of Correlation.
The strength of a correlation
Value of coefficient Rs (positive or
0.00 to 0.19 A very weak correlation
0.20 to 0.39 A weak correlation
0.40 to 0.69 A moderate correlation
0.70 to 0.89 A strong correlation
0.90 to 1.00 A very strong correlation

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