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Chronological Table

of Leading Events in the Philippines: 19th Century

1810 Philippine deputies were first admitted to the Spanish Parliament.
1811 The last State galleon left Manila for Mexico.
1815 The last State galleon left Acapulco (Mexico) for Manila.
1819 Secession of Mexico from the Spanish Crown.
1820 Massacre of foreigners in Manila and Cavite (Oct. 9).
1822 First Manila news-sheet (El Filántropo) was published.
1823 Rebellion of Andrés Novales (June.)
1830 The first Philippine bank was opened about this year.
1831 Zamboanga port was opened to foreign trade.
1834 Manila port was unrestictedly opened to foreign trade.
1835 Rebellion in Cavite led by Feliciano Páran.
1837 Philippine deputies were excluded from the Spanish Parliament.
1837 Philippine deputies were excluded from the Spanish Parliament.
1841 Apolinario de la Cruz declared himself "King of the Tagélogs."
1843 Chinese shops were first allowed to trade on equal terms.
Claveria's expedition against the Moros.

1844 Foreigners were excluded from the interior of the Islands.

The office of Trading-Governor was abolished.

1851 Urbiztondo's expedition against the Moros.
Manila City thenceforth remained open day and night.
The Banco Español-Filipino wa instituted.
1854 Rebellion of Cuesta.
1855 Yolilo port was opened to foreign trade.
1857 The Manila mint was established.
1859 Return of the Jesuits to the Philippines.
1861 Dr. José Rizal, teh Philippin patriot, was born (June 19).
Manila City and Cathedral damaged by earthquake; 2,000 victims.
Cebú port was opened to foreign trade.
The Assembly of Reformists in Manila.
1869 General Emilio Aguinaldo was Born (March 22).
1870 Rebellion in Cavite led by Camerino.
1872 The Cavite Comspiracy (Jan.).
1875 Failure of Russel & Sturgis.
1876 Malcampo's expedition against the Moros. Joló anneced.
1877 England and Germany recognized Spain's rights in Sulu.
1880 The last destructive earthquake affecting Manila.
The Hong-Kong-Manila submarine cable was laid (via Bolinao).
Tobacco for free planting was thenceforth permitted (Jan. 1).
Tobacco free export was thenceforth permitted (July 1).
The "Carriedo" endowment water-supply for Manila was established.
Tribute and Poll Tay were abolished and Cédula personal introduced.
Petition to the Crown asking for the expulsion of the Chinese.

The office of Judge-Governor was abolished.

Investiture in Manila of Sultan Harun Narrasid (Sept. 24).

Capuchin friars' first arrival.

Terrero's expedition against the Moro Datto Utto.

1887 Colonel Juna Arolas' victory in Sulu Island. Capture of Maybun (April 16).

Philippine Exhibition was held in Madrid.

1890 Muncipalities in the christian provinces were created.
1891 The first Philippine railway was opened to the traffic.
The Marahui campaign against the Moros of Mindanao Island.
Benedictine friar's first arrival.
The Tagálog Rebellion opened (August 20).

First battle of the Rebellion (San Juan del Monte, Aug. 30).

1896 Gov.-General Ramon Blanco was recalled to Spain (Dec.).

Gov.-General Polavieja arrived in Manila (Dec.).

Dr. José Rizal, the Philippine patriot, was executed (Dec. 30).
Gov.-General Polavieja left Manila for Spain (April 15).

Gov.-General Primo de Rivera returned to Manila (April).

First issue of the first Philippine Loan (July 15).

Treaty of Biac-na-bató is alleged to have been signed (Dec. 14).

General Emilio Aguinaldo went into exile under treaty (Dec. 27).

Tremendous tidal wave on Leyte Island. Life and property destroyed.

1898 Tragedy of the Calle de Camba, Manila (March 25).

Rebel rising in Cebú Island (April 3).

Gov.-General Primo de Rivera left Manila for Spain (April).

Gov.-General Basilio Augusti arrived in Manila (April).

The Spanish-American War began (April 23).

Battle of Cavite. The Spanish fleet destroyed (May 1).

General Emilio Aguinaldo returned from exile to Cavite (May 19).

General Emilio Aguinaldo assumed the Dictature (May 24).

Constitution of the Revolutionary Government promulgated (June 23).

Revolutionists' appeal to the Powers for recognition (Aug. 6).

Spanish-American Protocol of Peace signed in Washington (Aug. 12).

American Occupation of Manila (Aug. 13).

Capitulation of Manila to the Americans (Aug. 14).

Malolos (Bulacan) became the Revolutionary capital (Sept. 15),

American and Spanish peace commissioners met in Paris (Oct. 1).

Capitulation of the Spaniards in Negros Island to the rebels (Nov. 6).

Treaty of Peace between America and Spain (Paris, Dec. 10).

Evacuation of Panay Island by the Spaniards (Dec. 24).

Evacuation of Cebú Island by the Spaniards (Dec. 26).

1899 Evacuation of Cotabato by the Spaniards (Jan.)

Constitution of the Philippine Republic was promulgated (Jan. 22).

The War of Independence began (Feb. 4).

Bombardment of Yloilo (Feb. 11).

American occupation of Cebú City (Feb. 22).

Americna occupation of Bohol Island (March).

Malolos, the revolutionary capital, was captured (March 31).

The Schurmann Commission appointed (Jan. 20); in Manila (May 2).

Evacuation of Zamboanga by the Spaniards (May 23).

Violent death of General Antonio Luna (June 3).

The Ladrone, Caroline, and Pelew Is. (minus Guam) sold to Germany (June).

The Aglipayan schism began.

The Bates agreement with the Sultan of Sulu (Aug.).

American occupation of Zamboanga (NOv. 16).

Death of General Lawton (Dec.).

19th Century Timeline of Philippine History

Nueva Vizcaya Revolt (1805)
Ambaristo Revolt (1807)
The Philippines becomes a province of Spain.
Manila is made an open port.
Florante at Laura is published.
The Jesuits return to the Philippines. They are asked to take over the EscuelaMunicipal in
Intramuros, which is now the Ateneo de Manila University.
Jose Rizal, Philippines' National Hero is born.
200 Filipino soldiers stage a mutiny in Cavite. Priests Mariano Gomez, JoséApolonio
Burgos, and Jacinto Zamora (together known as Gomburza) are implicated inthe Cavite
Mutiny and executed.
In Madrid, Jose Rizal begins writing Noli Me Tangere(novel), a political novel setin the
Noli Me Tangere published. 1891 El Filibusterismo published.
Jose Rizal establishes La Liga Filipina and is exiled to Dapitan.Andres Bonifacio
establishes the Katipunan.
Andres Bonifacio and warriors shouts for freedom in the Cry of Balintawak.Philippine
Revolution begins.Andres Bonifacio establishes the Tagalog Republic.José Rizal is
executed.Emilio Aguinaldo is elected president of a revolutionary government meant to
replace theKatipunan/Tagalog Republic at the Tejeros Convention.
Andres Bonifacio is executed.Aguinaldo establishes the Republic of Biak-na-Bato. Pact
of Biak-na-Bato ends theRepublic of Biak-na-Bato.

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