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Workday Payroll

Chapter 1-Introduction to Workday Payroll.

Chapter 2-Configure Tenant Setup – Payroll

Chapter 3-Setup the Payroll Processing Framework

I. Period Schedule structure

II. Runcategories
III. Defining payment election rules
IV. Pay Groups

Chapter 4-Defining Earnings and Deductions

I. Earnings
II. Deductions
III. Info required to define Earnings and Deductions
IV. Explore Bonus Earning
V. Paycomp Groups
VI. Criteria
VII. Calculation details
VIII. Compensation Elements
IX. Time earnings
X. Benefit plans
XI. Paycomp security group
XII. Costing
XIII. Limits
XIV. ROE(Canada)

Chapter 5-up Federal,State and Local Tax Reporting

I. Overview of Tax setup

II. Setup payroll taxes
III. Set up Company
IV. Setup Company,Federal,State and Local Tax setup
V. Define Tax authority exception
VI. Setup worker Tax elections
VII. Multiple worktax jurisdictions
VIII. w/2 Setup – Map wage Tax components to customer configured W2 Boxes

Workday Payroll
Chapter 6-Set up Witholding Orders

I. Overview of Withholding orders

II. Identify disposable income for a witholding order
III. Create deduction recipient
IV. Record the details of the Withholding Order
V. Editing support order
VI. Amend or Terminate a support order
VII. Processing priority of a witholding order
VIII. View Withholding Orders for a Worker

Chapter 7-Set up Payroll Accounting

I. Overview of Payroll Accounting

II. Suspence Accounts
III. Generate Accounting Results
IV. Run Payroll Accounting and Review Accounting Results

Chapter 8-Set up Banking and Settlement

I. Over view of Banking and Settlement Configuration

II. Preriquisites to Banking and Settlement Configuration
III. Define payment election rules
IV. Configure payroll payslip
V. Configure check print layout
VI. Define bank accounts
VII. Define Routing Rules
VIII. Pre note runs
IX. Configure Settlement

Chapter 9-Configure Roles and Security

I. Overview of Roles and Security Groups

II. Pay component Based Security

Chapter 10-Define Business Process

I. Overview of Business Processes

II. Payroll Specific Business Processe

Workday Payroll
Chapter 11-Payroll Input and Processing

I. Overview of payroll input process

II. Enter an override
III. Make a special Entry
IV. Loan configuration and Re payment

Chapter 12-Payroll process On cycle and Off cycle

I. Run and Complete a Payroll

II. Process an off cycle Manual Payment
III. Process an off cycle Reversal
IV. Process an off cyle on Demand Payment

Chapter 13-Check configuration Steps

I. Pre printed check vs Blank check Stock

II. Formatted MICR field vs Default MICR line
III. Fraction and last check number used
IV. Addresses
V. Countries
VI. Signatures and Logos
VII. PDF scaling

Testing Approach

Workday Payroll

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