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Several environmental procedure revisions will very shortly be issued in the Global HESS that
address improvement needs and opportunities identified through recent audits and feedback
from the fleet. The following procedures will be updated to better incorporate Environmental
Compliance Plan and other environmental-related requirements and best practices.

ECN #20 JULY 2018 ENV 1008 – Environmental Officer Roles and Responsibilities

ENV 1203 – Use of Portable Pumps

ENV 1204 – Environmental Control System

TEC 1002 – A1 Template Format of Chief Engineer Handover Form

The purpose of this Environmental Compliance Notice is to advise ship management of the most significant changes being made to these procedures.

ENV 1008 – Environmental Officer Roles & Responsibilities

• Environmental Officer’s Weekly Report
In order to ensure ECP compliance and effective lines of communication, the Environmental Officer Monthly Self-Assessment and Weekly Envi-
ronmental Compliance Report are being replaced by a new Environmental Officer Weekly Report (ENV-1008-A1).

The new Weekly Report template requires some descriptive input regarding environmental matters onboard. The report format allows the
Environmental Officer to document information required by the ECP, such as OWS/OCM observations during unannounced machinery space
visits and observations of sludge/bilge tank soundings, as well as other pertinent compliance activities in one document.

The Environmental Officer must complete the Weekly Report and review it with the Captain and Chief Engineer. After reviewing the report,
the Captain and Chief Engineer must sign it and the Environmental Officer is to scan and email a copy of the report to the Captain and Chief
Engineer unless the Neptune Checklist platform is used (currently only available on Costa and AIDA ships).

Note: For ships operating in Alaska, the Alaskan Operations Environmental Officer Monthly Self-Assessment form (revised as ENV-1008-A3)
must still be completed.

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COMPLIANCE REPORTING HOTLINE See the posters on your ship for additional toll free reporting options.
You can anonymously report any allegations of non-compliance. Visit:
REPORT BY PHONE 1-888-290-5105 (North America)
+1-305-406-5863 (International Calls).
ECN #20 JULY 2018
• Bilge Water Discharge Variance Checks
Weekly bilge water discharge variance checks continue to be required, but we have decided to eliminate the current simple weekly variance template (currently ENV-1008-A5 – Processed Bilge
Water Overboard Discharge Variance Check). Because of the variety of bilge system configurations across the fleet, a single standard template is not very useful. We recognize that most Environ-
mental Officers track soundings and volumes for more than just overboard discharge operations, so the weekly variance check can be included within the Environmental Officer’s overall tracking
calculations. Guidance for conducting weekly variance checks and an example of how to calculate the weekly volume variance has been added to ENV-1008 Section 2.4.4.

Note: The weekly discharge volumes (in the ORB and recorded by the BCDB flow meter) are to be included in the Environmental Officer Weekly Report. If the weekly discharge volume determined
from soundings / ORB and the BCDB flowmeter differs by more than 10% for any individual week, the Environmental Officer shall inquire as to the potential cause of the variance and document
his/her findings in the report. If there is not a clear explanation, each operation should be reviewed for unusual results. If there is no obvious explanation for the variance, the Environmental Officer
should inform the Captain and Chief Engineer immediately. Potential causes of higher than expected variance include unusual ship list/trim conditions, changes in equipment or source tanks used,
maintenance-related changes, a change in sounding method, log entry errors, etc.

The weekly volume variance between the ORB and the BCDB flow meter is determined by using the following formula:

Total ORB volume discharged for the week (m3) — Total BCDB volume discharged for the week (m3) = X

(X ÷ ORB volume) × 100 = Weekly Variance Percentage

• Portable Pump Use

There have been several recent issues with the use of portable pumps not in accordance with procedure. The portable pump procedure (ENV-1203) is being revised to further tighten controls and
checks regarding the use of portable pumps (see below). The Environmental Officer will now have responsibilities related to portable pump use as follows – the Environmental Officer must:
• Personally assess the planned operation of a portable pump to ensure it is fully compliant with all environmental regulations and Company policies.
• Ensure portable pumps are only used for operations personally assessed by the Environmental Officer. If additional operations are requested, each operation must be assessed by the
Environmental Officer and recorded in the Portable Pump Log separately.
• Conduct a machinery space inspection outside of normal working hours at least once per week to ensure no portable pumps or hoses are being used without prior approval.
• Check the Portable Pump Log on a daily basis.

• Annual Environmental Officer Training

The definition of “annual training” is being clarified to mean that attendance is required once per fiscal year with a gap of no more than 18 months between annual training events.

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COMPLIANCE REPORTING HOTLINE See the posters on your ship for additional toll free reporting options.
You can anonymously report any allegations of non-compliance. Visit:
REPORT BY PHONE 1-888-290-5105 (North America)
+1-305-406-5863 (International Calls).
ECN #20 JULY 2018
• Additional Environmental Officer Responsibilities
Several Environmental Officer responsibilities are being added to ENV-1008 to further improve environmental compliance. The Environmental Officer must:
• Attend the daily technical meeting, if such attendance does not conflict with other working or resting requirements. If the Environmental Officer is unable to attend due to a conflict with
working or resting requirements, then the Chief Engineer is to brief the Environmental Officer on the details of the daily technical meeting.
• Check BDCB flow meter readings on a daily basis.
• When in operation, observe the OWS and OCM for a period of at least one hour. The revised procedure includes language taken from the ECP which requires that OWS and OCM start
and stop times are also to be observed. Note: An explanatory section is provided in the Environmental Officer Weekly Report if an unannounced visit was not conducted or if the start
and stop times of the OWS and OCM were not observed during the visit.

ENV 1203 – Use of Portable Pumps

ENV-1203 is being significantly revised due to a number of recent issues related to portable pump use not in accordance with procedure. In addition to the following revisions, contractor use of portable
pumps (previously ENV-1205) will be merged with this procedure (see ENV-1203 Section 2.2). The following points highlight the most significant changes:
• All Deck and Technical Department portable pumps and portable pumps used by contractors (excluding portable pumps required by EMR-1401 and EMR-1801) on board must be stored and con-
trolled by the Chief Engineer.
• The Environmental Officer is to be notified anytime a portable pump is planned to be used.
• The Chief Engineer along with the Environmental Officer must assess the use of portable pumps to ensure that the set-up and use is compliant with current environmental regulations and company
• The Chief Engineer is to oversee the set-up of all portable pumps and check that they are only used for the purpose stated in the Portable Pump Log. The Environmental Officer is to be satisfied
that the use and set-up of portable pumps is compliant with current environmental regulations and company policies.
• If the Chief Engineer is unavailable, then the Staff Chief Engineer shall assume the Chief Engineer responsibilities as they relate to Portable Pumps.
• If the Environmental Officer is unavailable, then the Captain shall assume the Environmental Officer responsibilities as they relate to Portable Pumps.

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COMPLIANCE REPORTING HOTLINE See the posters on your ship for additional toll free reporting options.
You can anonymously report any allegations of non-compliance. Visit:
REPORT BY PHONE 1-888-290-5105 (North America)
+1-305-406-5863 (International Calls).
ECN #20 JULY 2018
ENV-1204 – Environmental Control System
Changes are also being made to ENV-1204 to clarify requirements under the Environmental Compliance Plan as follows:
• Requirements for Controlling Vacuum Connections
• The Chief Engineer and Environmental Officer must personally check the connection of the vacuum hoses and removal of the
hoses following completion of the operation.
• Hoses are not to be connected to any fixed vacuum connections without first receiving approval from the Chief Engineer.
• The Chief Engineer and Environmental Officer must personally review the planned hose operation, and ensure it is fully compliant with all environmental regulations.
• The Chief Engineer is to maintain an inventory of both unused and used/broken environmental seals. Note: TEC 1002-A1, the Chief Engineer Handover form will also be updated to reflect the
handover of the inventory of used/broken and unused/new Environmental Control System seals.

TEC 1002-A1 – Template Format of Chief Engineers Handover Form

In addition to documenting the handover of used and unused environmental seals mentioned above, the Chief Engineer Handover form will be updated to provide a space for an explanation of the condition
of the machinery space and the status of non-environmental related equipment in the section labeled “Machinery and systems”.

Required Actions:
• Review this ECN in its entirety. CHIEF ENGINEERS
• Review updated procedures within Global HESS. • Review this ECN in its entirety
• Ensure that the Environmental Officer Weekly Report is used and submitted as required • Review updated procedures within Global HESS
(replacing the Monthly Self-Assessment and Weekly Compliance Report). (For ships operating • Be sure to review and sign the Environmental Officer’s Weekly Report each week
in Alaska, continue to also complete the Alaskan Operations Environmental Officer Monthly • Review and discuss this ECN with all Engine Officers
Self-Assessment (ENV-1008-A3) in addition to the Weekly Report (ENV 1008-A1).
• Ensure that bilge water discharge variance checks are being conducted based on the updates in STAFF CHIEF ENGINEERS
ENV 1008. • Review this ECN in its entirety
• Understand the revised responsibilities as they relate to the use of portable pumps. • Review updated procedures within Global HESS


• Review this ECN in its entirety • Review this ECN in its entirety and participate in discussion with the Chief Engineer
• Review updated procedures within Global HESS
• Be sure to review and sign the Environmental Officer’s Weekly Report each week ALL DECK OFFICERS
• Review and discuss this ECN with all Deck Officers • Review this ECN in its entirety and participate in discussion with Captain
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COMPLIANCE REPORTING HOTLINE See the posters on your ship for additional toll free reporting options.
You can anonymously report any allegations of non-compliance. Visit:
REPORT BY PHONE 1-888-290-5105 (North America)
+1-305-406-5863 (International Calls).

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