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1. The definition and The Social Function of Descriptive Text

1. A Descriptive Text describes a particular object like a place, thing, or

person. What is author’s purpose in writing a description? The author
wants to describe the particular object by describing its or his/her specific
features to help readers visualize what a person, an animal, a park, or a
things is like.

(Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2016 Kemendikbud, 2016)

2. Descriptive Text is a kind of text with a purpose to give information. The

context of this kind of text is the description of particular thing, animal,
person, or others, for instance: our pets or person we know well.
The Social Function of Descriptive Text is to describe a particular person
place, or thing.
(https://mmursyidpw.file.wor -Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell, ‘Making Sense of
Functional Grammar’ 1994)

2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

3. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

How is a descriptive text constructed? It starts with an opening paragraph.
In the paragraph there is a topic sentence that introduces the object going
to be described. A series of paragraphs follow the opening to describe the
parts or the features or the specific characteristic of the subject.
It is easy to say that the generic structure of Descriptive Text consists of:
 Identification: Identifies phenomenon to be described.
 Description : Describes parts, qualities, characteristics, etc

(Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2016 Kemendikbud, 2016)
(https://mmursyidpw.file.wor -Linda Gerot, Peter Wignell, ‘Making Sense of
Functional Grammar’ 1994)
3. The example of Descriptive Text


Gedung Sate is the popular name for the governor's office of West Java
province. It is one of the landmark buildings of Bandung and has become an icon for
the city. It was designed by Dutch architect J.Gerber. Work on the building was Identification
began in 1920 and it was completed in 1922. This massive structure is still an
imposing sight today. It is the centrepiece of a large complex of government
buildings set on a public square. It is one of the most magnificent colonial buildings
in all Indonesia.
Gedung Sate literally means 'Satay Building'. The name is a reference to the
metal spike on the roof which reminded Iocals of a satay skewer. For anyone
interested in architecture, it is one of the most unmissable sights in Java. It was an
innovative design in 1920 for a number of reasons. It was the first building in
Indonesia to use reinforced concrete technology. Artistically, it was even more
significant. It was one of the first buildings to combine Indonesian and European
styles of architecture to create the 'Indo-Deutsch' style. It has a tiered, wooden roof,
like a Javanese mosque. The main motif on the front of the building is a stylised
Javanese temple. The extensive use of dark timber for the roofing is a conscious
reference to local architectural styles. Yet the brilliant white of the main structure Description
with its bold arches mark it out as very much a Dutch building. Gedung Sate is
impressive in both its huge scale and also in its attention to small details. The
window niches and the wooden eaves both feature beautiful and intricate decoration.
Any lover of architecture should not miss this building.

( Wikipedia )

The Clock Tower of Bukittinggi or Jam Gadang is the landmark of

Bukittinggi and West Sumatra in Indonesia. The typical symbol of
West Sumatra also has a story and unique because has been already
decades years ago. Jam Gadang was built in 1926 by architect Yazin Identification
and Sutan Gigi Ameh. Laying the first stone, the Clock Tower was
carried out Rook Maker's first son who was then 6 years old. This
clock is a gift from the Queen of the Netherlands to Controleur
(Secretary of State).

Distinctive symbols Bukittinggi and West Sumatra's has a story and

uniqueness in its history. It can be traced from the ornaments on the
Clock Tower. In the Dutch colonial period, this ornament clock
round and on it stands a statue of a rooster.

During the Japanese occupation, ornaments the clock turned into a

pagoda. While in the period after independence, the ornament shape
again changed to the shape gonjong traditional Minangkabau house.
The numbers on the clock are also unique. The number four in
Roman numerals are usually written by IV, but at the Jam Gadang
is listed with IIII.

From the tower of Jam Gadang, the tourists can see the panorama of
Bukittinggi city is composed of hills, valleys and buildings lined up
in the middle of the city not to be missed.

(Text Sources:

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