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E-mail Address: onhsocs616@gmail.

Contact No.: 09171246774

November 18, 2018


Attorney-at-Law (Roll#3265)
La Paz, Pawili, Pili, Camarines Sur

Dear Atty. Apongol:

This has reference to the letter forwarded to me by the Office of the Assistant Schools Division
Superintendent SUSAN S. COLLANO, DepEd- Division of Camarines Sur through my messenger requiring
my attention regarding my inaction to the letter-complaint addressed to me.

In this connection, please allow me to set forth the surrounding circumstances in this wise: (1) With
respect to the fact that I have not yet informed you and the concerned parties with regards to the action
taken on the letter-complaint, may I respectfully appeal to an able consideration and understanding of
the said parties because: (a) due to the sensitivity and confidentiality of the issues contained in the
letter dated October 19, 2018, I have decided not to delegate the duty to resolve the same to my
subordinate, (b) other matters outside the school which my primary function requires my attention also
share coincidentally with my hectic time within which I have to act upon; and (c) several holidays were
in the period, for the last two weeks the higher offices sent me to training and consultative conference.
Attached herewith are my authority to travel and appearance to that effect.

However, as mandated by the law, I humbly believe that my obligation or duty to “respond” to the said
letter has been satisfactorily and substantially performed to comply with the law when the following
actions were taken upon receipt of the letter-complaint: (1) The afore-cited letter was then received by
my office last October 26, 2018 at around 1:00 pm bringing to my attention the
condemnable/despicable behavior of Mrs. Regondola a teacher of Ocampo National High School; (2)
With this, my office outrightly issued a memo slip to call the attention of Mrs. Lourdes Regondola, as a
respond to the said communication, that, should this allegation is true she should stop of doing so.

Noteworthy, prior to this letter , Last October 18, 2018 Mrs. Cherry Barbonio appeared to my office
with the Asst. Principal –Designate ,Mrs. RUBY AQUINO, appealing to the office to stop the teacher
from the insulting/sarcastic remarks. With this, the office then issue a memo letter to call the attention
of the said teacher to stop doing so.

I responded to the letter but had not inform your office yet. According to authoritative meriam-webster
dictionary, the term “respond” means (1)“to say or write something as an answer to a question or
request;(2) “to do something as a reaction to something that has happened or been done”;(3) to have a
a particular reaction to something”; to have a good or desired reaction to something” (emphasis is
mine). Certainly, with the actions I have done as manifestation of my reactions to the letter, I have
substantially complied with the law though the concerned parties and you have not yet been informed
in writing due to the reasons above-cited.
My prayer for relief.

Sincerely Yours,


Principal II

Rule VI SECTION 5 of RA 6713 so states”. Duties of Public Officials and Employees. – In

the performance of their duties, all public officials and employees are under
obligation to:

(a) Act promptly on letters and requests. – All public officials and employees shall,
within fifteen (15) working days from receipt hereof, respond to letters, telegrams or
other means of communications sent by the public. The reply must contain the action
taken on the request….)
respond: (Thesaurus Dictionary) 1. to reply or answer in words; 2. to make a return by
some action as if in answer:; and 3. to react favorably.

With these, even I did not inform you in writing within 15 days I presumed
prejudice/damage to the law I have done or act favorably to your request. The said
delay was due to holidays, and that I was sent by higher office to attend trainings in
connection with my job as the head of the institution. I deemed not to delegate the said
problem due to said problem is confidential in nature and need the protection and
dignity of the learner.

Attached herewith are the travel order and certificate of appearances to shed light on
the cause of the delay.

I humbly believe that the following the “spirit of the law” doctrine it is also the intent of
the law that issues or prayers in the letter be acted upon although the other party has
not yet been informed in writing if justifiable warrants. The fact that I have done actions
to the letter though written reply has not yet been made is better than replied letter but
the issues contained therein are not acted.

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