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Correspondence: affect their lifestyle because of insulin.

R.Gasgonia, It has been established that careful

N.Capule, diabetes self-management is essential in
R.Centeno, avoiding chronic complications that
K.N.Dimagiba, compromise health. Disciplined diet control and
M.R.Maclang, regular exercise are the keys for the diabetes
self-management. An ability to maintain one's
blood glucose at a relatively flat level, not
fluctuating wildly with meals and hypoglycaemic
medical intervention, would be the goal for self-
As non-communicable or chronic
Diabetes is an important health
diseases are a growing threat to human health
problem through the world. In comprehensive
and economic growth, political stakeholders are
diabetes care, therapists must understand not
aiming to identify options for improved
just the observable behaviour but the
response to the challenges of prevention and
underlying attitudes which drive that behaviour.
management of non-communicable diseases.
Health, then sickness, has many aspects, and
This paper is intended to contribute ideas on
one of the famous descriptions is guided by
personalized chronic disease management
WHO. This study aimed to further understand
which are based on experience with one major
every struggles that the diabetic patient is
chronic disease, namely diabetes mellitus.
facing, for them to be able to take insulin as
their maintenance and it would also help us to In this research, we use a face to face
be aware about the possible factors that may interview ant statistical methodology to gather
Firm information’s coming from the And also to expand your knowledge about
correspondents; we also used a recorder tool to diabetes and personal impact of having
draft all the data’s properly. Second, an iterative diabetes. As well as helped you to think about
development process was undertaken to underlying risk factors for complications.
identify the lifestyle of a diabetic patient, Additional studies are certainly required to
literature review was undertaken to identify draw general applicable guidelines for lifestyle
and understand themes relating to self- adjustments of diabetes disease.
management just to inform a topic guide. Third,
the topic guide was used to inform semi-
structured interviews with patients with Type 1 In line with the results, we have

DM (T1DM) and Type 2 DM (T2DM) to identify concluded that Insulin medication is more

how self-management of DM affects advised by doctors compared to oral

individuals. Fourth, the research team medication. The process of taking insulin as a

considered potential attributes alongside health maintenance to regulate the glucose level of

attributes from an existing measure (Diabetes patients diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus is

Health Profile, DHP) to produce an instrument more effective compared to taking oral

reflecting both health and self-management medication, it helps a lot in regulating the blood

outcomes simultaneously. Finally, a draft sugar level of a diabetic patient more efficiently

instrument was tested in a focus group to than the ones who take their medications by

determine the wording and acceptability. drinking pills and tablets although a downside
to this is that insulin is expensive and most
diabetic patients consider purchasing a high
The preliminary result of this
quantity of oral medications instead. Financial
descriptive study is encouraging. For the
problems are faced by diabetic patients in terms
patient to know how it works by using Insulin
of buying insulin but the result is more advised
and oral medication. An individual life-style
since it prevents people with Type 1 diabetes to
adjustment can be structured from the
deteriorate into Type 2 diabetes which is more
extracted characteristics of the diabetic patient.
severe and deadly than Type 1 diabetes. Most
Like doing an exercises, healthy diet and
diabetic patients takes oral medication for their
avoiding kind of lifestyle that can cause of death
daily maintenance. Therefore we are here to rotated within the same general location. Some
conclude that the insulin helps the diabetic patients that we interviewed only take oral
patients to prolong their lives and to balance medication as their treatment because they
their sugar level. cannot afford insulin as their medication. As a
result insulin helps the liver, muscle, and fat
cells to store the glucose you don’t need right
INTRODUCTION away, so it can be used for energy later. In turn,

This research talks about the struggles the liver produces less glucose on its own. This

of people with diabetes mellitus and how the keeps your blood glucose levels in check. The

application of insulin as their maintenance liver releases small amounts of glucose into

affect their lifestyle. Diabetes Mellitus is a your bloodstream between meals to keep your

chronic disease where the blood in the body blood sugars within that healthy range.

contains a high sugar level. This disease is Studying this research will have built on your

caused by the body's inability to use insulin knowledge of diabetes and diabetes care

properly, or the inability to manufacture insulin systems, and the personal impact of having

altogether. There are times when it can be diabetes, as well as helped you to think about

caused by both factors. "Diabetes is the leading underlying risk factors for complications.

cause of blindness, kidney failure, and leg Diabetes is a disease that occurs when
amputations. In fact, it is the third leading cause your blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is
of death in the United States." (Magee, 1999 p. too high. Blood glucose is your main source of
2) This study helps us to know the impact of energy and comes from the food you eat.
insulin to the diabetic patients in their lifestyle, Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, helps
so we conducted an interview to the diabetic glucose from food get into your cells to be used
patients. As they said insulin helps their body to for energy. Sometimes your body doesn’t make
control blood sugar and other complications. enough insulin or doesn’t use insulin well.
Insulin is usually injected into the abdomen, but Glucose then stays in your blood and doesn’t
it can also be injected into the upper arms, reach your cells according to National Institute
thighs, or buttocks. Injection sites should be of Diabetes and Kidney Diseases.
The most common is type 2 diabetes, risen from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. The
usually ion adults, which occurs when the body number of people with diabetes has risen from
becomes resistant to insulin. In the past three 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014.
decades the frequency of type 2 diabetes has
Everyone knows the fact that diabetes
risen dramatically in our country. Type 1
is a lifetime disease, that is why the World
diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes or
Health Organization (WHO) said that the
insulin-dependent diabetes, is a chronic
diabetes case is becoming alarming, Diabetes
condition in which the pancreas produces little
prevalence has been rising more rapidly in
or no insulin by itself. For people living with
middle- and low-income countries, some of
diabetes, access to affordable treatment,
those are Afghanistan, Armenia, and Benin.
including insulin, is critical to their survival.
Diabetes is a major cause of blindness, kidney
There is a globally agreed target to halt the rise
failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb
in diabetes and obesity by 2025.
amputation. In 2016, an estimated 1.6 million
Presently, World Health Organization deaths were directly caused by diabetes.
has measured a total number of 422 million Another 2.2 million deaths were attributable to
adults that have diabetes, and 1.6 million high blood glucose in 2012. Almost half of all
deaths are directly attributed to diabetes each deaths attributable to high blood glucose occur
year. 1 in 3 adults aged over 18 years is before the age of 70 years. WHO estimates that
overweight and 1 in 10 is obese. diabetes was the seventh leading cause of
death in 2016.
The global prevalence of diabetes*
among adults over 18 years of age has risen Not everyone has a proper knowledge
from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014 (1). about diabetes and how this disease develops in
the human body, some people does not know
Hyperglycaemia, or raised blood sugar,
the real causes of having a diabetes , some of
is a common effect of uncontrolled diabetes
them does not know how to avoid this disease
and over time leads to serious damage to many
and how to mend the said illness. Medical
of the body's systems, especially the nerves and
Professionals said that Diabetes can be treated
blood vessels. World Health Organization
and its consequences avoided or delayed with
(WHO) revealed that the global prevalence of
diet, physical activity, medication and regular
diabetes among adults over 18 years of age has
screening and treatment for complications, values above normal but below those
Healthy diet, regular physical activity, diagnostics of diabetes, occurring during
maintaining a normal body weight and avoiding pregnancy. Women with gestational diabetes
tobacco use are ways to prevent or delay the are at an increased risk of complications during
onset of type 2 diabetes. pregnancy and at delivery. They and their
children are also at increased risk of type 2
Diabetes has many types, first is, Type 1
diabetes in the future. Gestational diabetes is
diabetes (previously known as insulin-
diagnosed through prenatal screening, rather
dependent, juvenile or childhood-onset) is
than through reported symptoms.
characterized by deficient insulin production
Consequently, using insulin as maintenance on
and requires daily administration of insulin. The
diabetes has had an increasingly significant
cause of type 1 diabetes is not known and it is
influence on multiple facets of modern
not preventable with current knowledge.
medication method. Because of this research,
Symptoms include excessive excretion of urine
studies have examined the usage of insulin as
(polyuria), thirst (polydipsia), constant hunger,
well as the well-being of its victims. This
weight loss, vision changes, and fatigue. These
understanding is particularly concerning in the
symptoms may occur suddenly. Second, Type 2
context of both children and adult, as these
diabetes (formerly called non-insulin-
groups deals with diabetes and are therefore at
dependent, or adult-onset) results from the
the greatest risk of experiencing potential
body’s ineffective use of insulin. Type 2 diabetes
negative effects.
comprises the majority of people with diabetes
around the world, and is largely the result of
excess body weight and physical inactivity.
The study focused on explaining the
Symptoms may be similar to those of type 1
help and benefits of insulin as a maintenance to
diabetes, but are often less marked. As a result,
dietetic persons. The researchers define,
the disease may be diagnosed several years
explain, review and synthesized the existing
after onset, once complications have already
matter concerning Diabetes Mellitus. Our main
arisen. Until recently, this type of diabetes was
objective is to prove that insulin is efficient in
seen only in adults but it is now also occurring
terms of regulating the blood sugar level of
increasingly frequently in children. Gestational
diabetic patients and has a higher chance of
diabetes is hyperglycaemia with blood glucose
decreasing the glucose level for diabetic medication or the other way around.
patients compared to those taking oral Furthermore, the study explains how insulin
medications. We want to inform people regulate and became the standards of
diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus adapt the medication in diabetes mellitus.
culture of using insulin as a medication instead
On the other hand, diabetes mellitus is
of the traditional way like the intake of oral
the dependent variable. Diabetes is a long
medicines (pills and tablets) with a variety of
lasting or recurrent, substantially impairing an
different medicines required to be taken at a
individual’s ability to do limited tasks and limit
well-organized time and schedule.
their food intake to maintain their sugar level.
Conceptual Framework At its most severe, diabetes can lead to death.
When mild, people can be treated through oral
The present researchers believe that this study
medication and healthy diet but when it got
is relevant to their field since it explores in the
moderate or severe, they may need medical
field of medication. To accomplish this project,
and professional talking treatments and insulin
the researcher reviews and synthesize the
intakes. The value of the two variables will be
existing literature pertaining to the
measured through the response accuracy of the
characteristics of insulin that may help explain
Science, Technology, Engineering and
its benefits to diabetes.
Mathematics students.

Insulin as a Maintenance

If a diabetic patient doesn't take insulin

then the body can no longer move glucose from
Diabetes Mellitus
the blood into the cells, causing high blood
glucose levels. People with type 1 diabetes will
In the study, the independent variable
need to inject insulin in order to survive.
is insulin used as a maintenance. This will test
the respondent’s knowledge about the benefits If a diabetic person takes insulin then it

of insulin in their health. Also, unfolds whether helps to keep your blood sugar from going too

the respondents are already using this type of high. After a person without diabetes eats a
meal or a snack, the pancreas releases insulin. proper guidance and knowledge if ever.

The insulin then signals muscle, fat, and

liver cells in the body to absorb glucose (sugar)
Future researchers. The topic would
from the bloodstream to be used for energy.
propose more possible research ideas to future
What if a non-diabetic takes insulin researches to help improve and look for more
then it is possible to overdose and die of an efficient medication for Diabetes Mellitus.
insulin injection. If enough is injected fast
enough, the body can't recompense
appropriately and the person would die of Parents. This paper will help them to be

hypoglycaemia. Below around 20mg/dL of aware that insulin is much effective than the

blood sugar levels in the blood you are likely to oral medication since it is a lifetime disease that

suffer brain damage and eventually death. they might encounter someday.

The study is focused on the usage of Diabetic patients. We would like to

insulin as a maintenance in diabetes mellitus. inform them that insulin is a better medication

Moreover, the results will be beneficial and will instead of taking oral medicines, and that

contribute for the following: insulin is effective in regulating the blood sugar
level and prevent them from having type 2
STEM students. The Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics will
have awareness on the possible effects of
diabetes in both young’s and adults and can Community. The alarming level of
provide help and solution. diabetes in the community today goes
unnoticed by most people, we want the
community to be aware of how chronic
Teachers. The results will help teachers
diabetes is.
provide ideas and/or suggestions that will give

This chapter presents the discussion on to represent the entirety of the population. The
the research design, sampling techniques, list of all diabetes health care facilities (public
respondents or participants, experimentation, and private hospitals and health centers) was
procedure of data gathering, and the statistical acquired from random city of Bulacan. From 20
treatment that has been used for accurate data barangays of two cities of Bulacan, Hagonoy
analysis and interpretation. and Malolos, three (3) have been picked
through random sampling. The diabetes health
care facilities in these cities are the target
The type of research design that has sources of respondents of the researchers. The
been used for this study is descriptive design. diabetes heath care facilities are contacted to
This research design helps the researchers to obtain verbal consent to administer the
provide answers to the question of who, what, questionnaire to the patients at their places. A
when, and how associated with a particular letter of consent will also be sent to them along
research problem. Also, a descriptive study with a sample copy of the questionnaire that
cannot conclusively ascertain answers to why. was used. A letter was also addressed to the
Descriptive research design is used to obtain City Health Officer to obtain endorsement and
information concerning the current status of consent to conduct a research in selected
the phenomena and to describe “what exists” barangays.
with respect to variables or condition in a
Data collection was conducted
throughout the facilities and health centers in
operating hours from selected days of the week

The research technique that has been in order to include both working and non-

used in this study is random sampling. The working diabetic patients.

researchers used this sampling method to

obtain more scientific result that could be used
The respondents in this research are A descriptive survey was selected
from random location, Malolos and Hagonoy, because it provides an accurate portrayal or
Bulacan. The researchers chose the following account of the characteristics, for example
areas because of the socio-economic conditions behavior, opinions, abilities, beliefs, and
knowledge of a particular individual, situation
present in the area that is relevant to the study
or group. This data gathering procedure was
and also as it fits the time frame and resources
chose to meet the objectives of the study,
of the researchers. The randomly sampled
namely to determine the struggles of people
respondents were asked by the researchers for
with diabetes mellitus and how the application
consent and approval to answer the questions
of insulin as their maintenance affects their
given by the researchers until the desired
number of respondents which is seven (7) is
reached. The opinion of experts is also sought in RESULTS
this research in order to provide explanations
This chapter contains the presentation,
regarding the diabetic patient’s behavior and analysis and interpretation about insulin as a
practices. maintenance for people diagnosed with
diabetes mellitus.

The present study was conducted to

explain the help and benefits of insulin as a
In order to gather data, the researchers
maintenance to diabetic persons. As you see
used survey in this study. Surveys may be used from the previous chapter the research
for descriptive research design. A survey is used technique that has been used in this study is
random sampling. The researchers used this
to collect original data for describing a sampling method to obtain more scientific
population too large to observe directly result that could be used to represent the
entirety of the population. The list of all
(Mouton, 1996:232). A survey obtains
diabetes health care facilities (public and
information from a sample of people by means private hospitals and health centers) was
of self-report, that is, the people respond to a acquired from random city of Bulacan. On this
representative sample, a survey was carried out
series of questions posed by the investigator to find out the extent of awareness about
(Polit & Hungler, 1993:148). In this study the Diabetes Mellitus and problems faced by
patients because of this illness and the changes
information was collected through self-
that happened to their lifestyle when they
administered questionnaires distributed started to take insulin pens for their
personally to the subjects of the researchers.
I just started to
What do you take insulin
Restituto prefer more? because my
maintenance. An interview schedule was used Lorenzo Insulin Pens diabetes is already
to collect data for the study. This schedule or Oral severe that
Medications? resulted in
comprised of background information of the
patients with diabetes and their experiences
user with type 2
about their illness (diabetes). The results diabetes
obtained were put through statistical analysis (Recently))
and are presented in this present chapter. The
Researchers interpreted the data by
interviewing the respondents (people with Anselma What do you Oral Medication,
diabetes mellitus) and observing how they Santos prefer more? Because I don’t
answer the questions. Insulin Pens want to be
or Oral dependent in
Type of Diabetes Medications? insulin and I prefer
Type N Percentage more oral
1 1 10%
Fernando What do you I prefer oral
2 6 90% Perez prefer more? medication
Total Insulin Pens because it helps
or Oral me to stabilizes
Medications? my sugar level so I
don’t need insulin
Name Question Answer
Esperanza What do you For me it’ better
Priscilla Insulin, because it Panganiban prefer more? to use oral
Castillo What do you has better effects Insulin Pens medications
prefer more? to my body than or Oral because it is more
Insulin Pens oral medications. Medications? affordable and
or Oral (Insulin User with effective to my
Medications Type 2 Diabetes) body
Purificacion What do you Insulin because
Cruz prefer more? oral medications
Insulin Pens can’t lower down
or Oral my sugar level
Medications? anymore.
(Insulin User with
Type 2 Diabetes)
What do you Insulin because it
prefer more? is what the doctor
Insulin Pens prescribed to
Flora or Oral me(Insulin user
Raymundo Medications? with type 1
Name Question Answer

What Are the Insulin helps me Name Question Answer

effects of taking to heal my
Priscilla Castillo oral medications/ wounds easily
Do you use No, because
insulin pens to unlike before that
Priscilla other types for me taking
your body? I am using oral
Castillo of insulin is
medication? already
What Are the I didn’t enough to
Purificacion effects of taking experience any control the
Cruz oral medications/ negative effects my glucose
insulin pens to since I started level
your body? using insulin
Do you use Yes, I tried to
pens, in fact I gain
Purificacion other types use
weight because
Cruz of metformin
of it.
medication? and many
What Are the other oral
effects of taking Insulin helps me medicines
Flora oral medications/ to suppress the before
Raymundo insulin pens to increasing level of
Do you use
your body? my glucose,
other types No, because
Flora of since from
What Are the Raymundo medication? the start,
effects of taking Insulin helps me insulin is the
Restituto oral medications/ to heal my only thing
Lorenzo insulin pens to wounds fast and that I use for
your body? to stop the my
rapidly growth of maintenance.
my glucose level
What Are the Oral Medication, Do you use Yes, aside
Anselma Santos effects of taking helps her to Restituto other types from insulin I
oral medications/ recover from Lorenzo of am taking
insulin pens to diabetes shock medication? oral
your body? that she medicines
encountered. too, for
What Are the Oral Medications prevent
Fernando Perez effects of taking controlled her infections to
oral medications/ sugar level finely. my
insulin pens to amputated
your body? foot
What Are the Oral Medications
Esperanza effects of taking regulates her
Panganiban oral medications/ sugar level in a
insulin pens to proper manner.
your body?
Do you use Yes, I am Do insulin or Yes, it helps
Anselma other types taking herbal Anselma oral me to
Santos of medicines Santos medications regulate
medication? too (King’s help a lot in the and
Herbal) maintenance of maintain
Do you use No, I am just your diabetes? the normal
Fernando other types taking oral sugar level
Perez of medicines, Do insulin or Yes, it helps
medication? but not Fernando oral me to
regularly, Perez medications regulate the
because of help a lot in the normal
financial maintenance of sugar level
issues your diabetes? of my body
Do you use Do insulin or
Esperanza other types No, I just use Esperanza oral Yes, it helps
Panganiban of oral Panganiban medications me to
medication? medicines help a lot in the maintain
maintenance of normal
your diabetes? sugar level

Name Question Answer

Do insulin or Yes, it helps

Priscilla oral me to
Castillo medications regulate the
help a lot in the normal
maintenance of sugar level
your diabetes? of my body The goal of the current study was to
Do insulin or Yes, it helps examine if insulin is an effective maintenance
Purificacion oral me to for diabetic persons. In this part of the study,
Cruz medications regulate my the researchers presented the summary
help a lot in the sugar level undertaken during the research. The
maintenance of conclusions drawn and the recommendation
your diabetes? made as an out-growth of this study.
Do insulin or Yes, it helps
oral me to Based on the findings of the study,
Flora medications regulate insulin is an effective maintaining blood sugar
Raymundo help a lot in the and regulation in an average level. Using a real-time
maintenance of maintain assessment of interviewing and validating the
your diabetes? the normal data’s collected, the study was proven to be
sugar level efficient. The current study is strengthened by
both the rigor of the data collection and the
Do insulin or oral Yes, it helps
established validity of the measurement.
Restituto medications help me to
Lorenzo a lot in the maintain
maintenance of normal
your diabetes? sugar level

The study could be beneficial to the Health care units. To provide an affordable
following: medication and treatment for the people
diagnosed with diabetes
STEM students. For them to undergo deeper
understanding and further research towards the
Local Government. To provide proper care and
attention to different locals in their community
that is suffering and encountering different
Medical students. For them to develop more
problems regarding diabetes especially those
understanding and knowledge about the
people who can’t afford to undergo proper
different type of diabetes and the proper usage
medication because of some financial issues.
of insulin

National Government. For them to make a

Parents. For them to properly look out for the
move for the sake of every countrymen, to stop
health of their children because diabetes
the rapid growth of diabetes level in the
doesn’t only affect adults but also to children.
country, and to help every Filipinos to attain the
proper medications for diabetes.

Youth. For them to know that everyone can

suffer the illness of diabetes, even if they are
young, and for them to start a healthy lifestyle
to prevent having diabetes APA Citation

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Priscilla Castillo

Insulin User with type 2 diabetes

Restituto Lorenzo

Insulin user with type 2 diabetes (Recently)

Purificacion Cruz

Insulin user with type 2 Diabetes

Flora Raymundo Anselma Santos

Insulin user with type 1 diabetes Non-insulin user with type 2 diabetes
Fernando Perez

Non-insulin user with type 2 diabetes HAGONOY,



Esperanza Panganiban

Non-insulin user with type 2 diabetes






Address: 922 A. Mabini St. Mojon, Malolos, Bulacan


Contact #: 0905-076-2359


Date of Birth : August 29, 2001

Age : 17years old
Gender : Female
Height : 5'
Weight : 39 kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic



La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Marcelo H. del Pilar National High School
Sta. Isabel, City of Malolos, Bulacan
Brainshire Science School
Baclaran, Parañaque

Sta. Rita de Casia Parochial School
Baclaran, Parañaque
Address: 68 bantayan 1st, Bulihan, Malolos,
Contact #: 09168264198

Date of Birth : February, 3 2000

Age : 18 years old

Gender : male
Height : 5'2
Weight : 39kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic


La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Bulihan National High School
Malolos, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Bulihan Elementary school
Malolos ,Bulacan
Address: 170 Sitio Central, Dulong Bayan, City of San Jose del
Monte, Bulacan
Contact #: 09057068587


Date of Birth : May 14, 2001

Age : 17 years of age

Gender : Male

Height : 5’10

Weight : 74 kg

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Iglesia ng Dios



La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Sapang Palay National High School
Fatina V, Area E, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Dulong Bayan Elementary School
Dulong Bayan, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Address: 914 Enriquez St. San Agustin, Maolos, Bulacan


Contact #: 0935 256 1038


Date of Birth : November 17, 2000

Age : 18 years old

Gender : Male

Height : 5'7

Weight : 57kg

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Catholic



La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School
Sta. Isabel, Malolos, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Central Integrated School
Sto. Rosario, Malolos , Bulacan
Address:841 purok5 Santisima Trinidad City of
Malolos Bulacan
Contact #: 035-0194-595


Date of Birth : September26, 2001

Age : 17 years old
Gender : Male
Height : 5'7
Weight : 45kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic


La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Dr. Felipe de Jesus National High School
Agnaya, Plaridel, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Santisima Trinidad Elementary School
Santisima Trinidad City of Malolos Bulacan
Address: Blk.11 lot 14 ph. 5b Mugwort st. Grand
Royale Subdivision brgy.
Pinagbakahan Malolos,Bulacan
Contact #: 09354772531


Date of Birth : December 08, 2000

Age : 18 years old
Gender : Male
Height : 5'5
Weight : 52kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Iglesia ni Cristo


La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Marcelo H. Del Pilar National High School
Sta. Isabel, Malolos, Bulacan
2013 - 2017
Santissima Trinidad elementary school
Malolos , Bulacan

Address: Blk 36 lot 10 Regatta North Subd.
Sumapang Matanda. Malolos, Bulacan
Contact #: 09152339990


Date of Birth : March 11, 1998

Age : 20 years old
Gender : Male
Height : 5'5
Weight : 55kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic



La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Dr. Felipe deJesus National High School
Agnaya, Plaridel, Bulacan

Mary the queen school of malolos
Sto. Rosario Malolos, Bulacan
Address: 032 Lalangan, Plaridel, Bulacan
Contact #: 09051943653


Date of Birth : April 26, 2000

Age : 18 years old
Gender : Female
Height : 4'8
Weight : 38kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic


La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering,
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


Dr. Felipe de Jesus National High
Plaridel, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Negros Occidental
Address: Camino Real Street, Bulakan, Bulacan
Contact #: 0965-671-1305


Date of Birth : July 09, 2001

Age : 17 years old
Gender : Female
Height : 5’
Weight : 50kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Catholic


La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2018 - Present

Saint Mary’s Academy of Hagonoy

Science, Technology, Engineering,
Poblacion Hagonoy, Bulacan
2017 - 2018


Ramona S. Trillana High School
Sto. Rosario Hagonoy, Bulacan
2013 - 2017

Hagonoy West CentralSchool
Sto. Rosario Hagonoy, Bulacan

Address: 0553 Torres St. Panasahan, Malolos, Bulacan


Contact #: 0975-980-7425

Date of Birth : April 12, 2001

Age : 17years old
Gender : Female
Height : 5'
Weight : 39 kg
Civil Status : Single
Nationality : Filipino
Religion : Roman Catholic



La Consolacion University Philippines
Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics
Barasoain, City of Malolos, Bulacan
2017 - Present


City of Malolos Integrated School
(2013-2017) Sto.Rosario, Malolos, Bulacan

Panasahan Elementary School (2010-2013)
Panasahan, Malolos, Bulacan

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