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Types of

Prepared by:

Ms. Kathleen L.
Cabahug, LPT
Types of Media
1 2 3 4 5
Print Broadcast Film/ Video New
Media Media Movies Games Media
Print Media

- It is means of communications through

printed publications and format.
- Information and messages can be sent
out through fliers, brochures,
newspaper, magazines and billboards.
- In advertising, printed media is a form
of advertising that uses physical prints
such as magazines and newspapers to
reach audience, costumers and
Types of Printed Media
1. Newspaper
- The most popular form of print media.
- It is inexpensive and can reach a huge mass of
people quickly.

2. Magazine
- It provides detailed articles on different topics that
suite their target audiences.
- Topics include food, fashion, sports, lifestyle and so
- Magazines can be published weekly, monthly,
quarterly, or annually, and many of them are sold all
3. Billboard
- It includes text and graphics, or a combination
of both, to make it more visually appealing to
the audience.
- Billboard advertisements are the most
expensive type of print media.
- It is a good platform to target a large group of
audience and can target all the market

4. Books
- Books are the oldest form of print media that
are used as a way to communicate and as a
source of information.
- Books are very diverse as they cover different
5. Brochure
- A brochure contains details of a company, organization,
product, and/or service.
- It is commonly distributed in exhibitions or shops.
- It consist of three folds of glossy and colorful sheets with a
creative layout and it is used to keep the audience aware of
a articular brand.
- They are mostly contributed by hand, sent via mails, or
could be found at brochure rocks.

6. Flyer
- Small businesses may utilize this to advertise to help in
generating interest to a business.
- Flyers should be eye catching to attract the people’s
7. Newsletter
- It refers to a publication that mostly
discusses one main topic.
- It is commonly used as information
sources for neighborhoods, communities,
and groups interested in a particular topic,
cause, or event. In schools, for instance,
the newsletters are used as a tool to
communicate with and inform the parents
of the affairs and happenings in the
Broadcast Media

- It covers a variety of communication media

such as television, and radio.
- It provides valuable information through
speeches, documentaries, interviews,
advertisements, daily news, and financial
- Broadcast media is a very practical means to
transmit information immediately to the
widest audience possible, although the
internet currently challenges the television
and radio as being the primary sources of
Film / Movies

- Films are the oldest form of motion picture

technology capable of capturing life-like
still images and showing it on screen to
create an illusion of motion images.
- It has been the most popular medium to
convert different ideas, stories and
experiences into a moving form.
- Films or movies were used not just to
entertain the audience, but also to educate,
inform, and keep people aware of different
issues in the society.
Video Games
New Media
uses the newest means of
communication, digital technology.
those digital media that are
interactive, incorporate two-way
communication and involve some
form of computing.
opens more opportunities for
transmitting media to an audience
that doesn’t have specific culture.
Media Convergence
• The coming together of
different media product’s
• The co-existence of
traditional and new media
• The co-existence of print media,
broadcast media (radio and
television), internet, mobiles
phones, as well as others, along
media content to flow across
various platforms.

• The ability to transform different

kinds of media into digital code,
which is then accessible by a
range of devices.
Video Gaming

using old media (television)

to play games from new
media technology in a
form of a game console
(ex. Xbox, play station, etc. )
• It makes it harder to locate credible sources as most of
new media devices such as the internet and social
networking sites such as YouTube often times does
not filter the information on these site.
• Overload of many social sites that at times are havens
for sexual predators and criminals. Individuals may
because dependents on their new technologies. 
• Some may even become addicted. Some
psychiatrists have diagnosed many cell
phone users with Mobile phone addiction.
This they say is most popular among
teenagers. They believe that the cause of
this is the new release of mobile phones.
This causes people to spend unnecessarily
amount of money to support her addiction.
• High security risk Content can be stolen, copied
and redistributed with the proper consent or
authorization. Added to that identity theft and
compromise of personal information such as credit
card details.

• It is believed that new media devices such as cell

phones can cause serious health risk. Such as
headaches, ear aches, blurring of vision can cause

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