Statement of Purpose: "Good Food For Better Life", Were The Words I Used To Hear Frequently From My Father. I Used

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Statement of Purpose

“Good Food for Better Life”, were the words I used to hear frequently from my father. I used
to wonder, what really is a ‘good food’? How does a good food provide a better life? My interest and
curiosity accrued day by day. As goes the maxim, “First say to yourself what be; and then do what you
have to do”, by EPICTEUS, so did I. I took up Food Process Engineering at Tamilnadu Agricultural
University, one of the best agricultural universities in India.

Academic Background

My teachers, instead of quenching my thirst, made me thirstier. With constant encouragement

and support from them I have been able to maintain an Overall Grade Point Average of 9.17 out of 10.0.
I strongly believe in “learning by doing”. It is the hope of coming up with path-breaking results,
streaked with an element of uncertainty that makes experimental research extremely fascinating. My
undergraduate thesis work on ‘Extraction of Food Colorant from Marigold(Tagetus erecta) and
Industrial training program has given me a glimpse into the world of such research and has
strengthened my conviction that this is where I can find intellectual satisfaction.

Research Interests

For the manifestation of our inner desire into concrete realities, there is no better way than
working with indefatigable spirit towards our goal. My purpose in pursuing a graduate degree in Food
Science is to learn, gain expertise in the field and upgrade my knowledge about food that aids in my
future research activities in the pursuit of satisfying the global needs. There is a pressing need for
making food processing methods faster and accurate. Computers are now being extensively used to
automate various processes. Also computer simulation of a process and the changes that occur during
the process provides a better understanding and control over the process. Computers also play a vital
role in quality control. Hence with the base as food process engineering and my interest in computers, I
am very much interested to integrate both and work on ‘Computer Applications in Food Processing’.

Other Interests

This is a world of 'third wave' called the electronic reduction and computers. In order to move
with the current world, I learnt UNIX, C, C++ in a leading institution called SSI Limited and secured
good grades. I also have an unquenchable thirst to participate in games and youth festivals. The
certificates and the medals may speak my varied interests.

My Aspirations

I am very eager to pursue my higher studies in Food Science at your esteemed University,
which has the right environment and research facilities, under the mentorship of your experienced and
well qualified faculty. I am sure that I will fit in with your idea of a promising graduate student. Any
financial aid would of great help to me. With the degree from your institution I will be able to fulfill my
career ambition of a researcher and a teacher in the field of Food Science.

Subramanian – Anand Swaminathan

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