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Introduction to

Computational Contact Mechanics

Part I. Basics

Vladislav A. Yastrebov

Centre des Matériaux, MINES ParisTech, CNRS UMR 7633

WEMESURF short course on contact mechanics and tribology

Paris, France, 21-24 June 2010
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

To whom the course is aimed?
Developpers and users.
What is the aim?
Accurate contact modeling, correct interpretation, etc.
FEM - Finite Element Method, FEA - Finite Element Analysis

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mathematical foundation
contact geometry;
optimization methods.

Inside the Finite Element programme

contact detection;
contact discretization;
account of contact.

Contact problem resolution with FEM: guide for engineer

master-slave approach;
boundary conditions;
spurious cases.


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

FEM a powerfull and multi-purpose tool for linear and
non-linear dynamic and static continuum mechanical and
multi-physic problems

[Rousselier et al.] [Klyavin et al.] [Brinkmeiera et al.]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

FEM a powerfull and multi-purpose tool for linear and
non-linear dynamic and static continuum mechanical and
multi-physic problems

[Rousselier et al.] [Klyavin et al.] [Brinkmeiera et al.]

Contact problems are not continuum and they require:

new rigorous mathematical basis: geometry,
optimization, non-smooth analysis;
particular treatment of the nite element algorithms;
smart use of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Disk-blade contact

T.Dick, G.Cailletaud
Centre des Matériaux

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems
assembled components; Rolling bearing

F.Massi et al.
LaMCoS, INSA-Lyon et al.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Tire rolling noise simulation
rolling contact;

M.Brinkmeiera, U.Nackenhorst et al.

University of Hannover et al.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Deep drawing
rolling contact;
forming processes;

G.Rousselier et al.
Centre des Matériaux et al.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Post seismic relaxation
rolling contact;
forming processes;
geomechanical contact;

J.D.Garaud, L.Fleitout, G.Cailletaud

Centre des Matériaux, ENS

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Crash-test
rolling contact;
forming processes;
geomechanical contact;
crash tests;

O.Klyavin, A.Michailov, A.Borovkov

St Petersbourg State University

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Knee simulation
rolling contact;
forming processes;
geomechanical contact;
crash tests;
human joints;

E.Peña, B.Calvoa et al.

University of Zaragoza

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite Element Method

Finite element analysis of contact problems

assembled components; Knee simulation
rolling contact;
forming processes;
geomechanical contact;
crash tests;
human joints;
and many others.

E.Peña, B.Calvoa et al.

University of Zaragoza

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

They trust in the FEA

Leading international industrial companies

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From a real life problem to an engineering problem

Need to determine:
the problematic:
relevant geometry;
relevant loads:
relevant material:
relevant scale:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From a real life problem to an engineering problem

Need to determine:
the problematic:
strength/life-time/fracture; For example: Brinell hardness
vibration/buckling; test
relevant geometry;
relevant loads:
relevant material:
rigid/elastic/plastic/visco-plastic; Scheme of the Brinell hardness test and
dierent types of impression
brittle/ductile. [Harry Chandler, Hardness testing]
relevant scale:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From a real life problem to an engineering problem

Need to determine:
strength. For example: Brinell hardness
sphere + half-space.
mechanical surface quasi-static.
rigid + elasto-visco-plastic.
macro. Scheme of the Brinell hardness test and
dierent types of impression
[Harry Chandler, Hardness testing]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From an engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength/life-time/fracture; stress-strain state;
vibration/buckling; eigen values;
thermo-electro-mechanical. coupled physics.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From an engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength/life-time/fracture; stress-strain state;
vibration/buckling; eigen values;
thermo-electro-mechanical. coupled physics.
geometry; nite element mesh;

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From an engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength/life-time/fracture; stress-strain state;
vibration/buckling; eigen values;
thermo-electro-mechanical. coupled physics.
geometry; nite element mesh;
loads: analysis type and BC:
static/quasi-static/dynamic; static/quasi-static/dynamic;
mechanical/thermic; mechanical/thermic;
volume/surface. volume/surface.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From an engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength/life-time/fracture; stress-strain state;
vibration/buckling; eigen values;
thermo-electro-mechanical. coupled physics.
geometry; nite element mesh;
loads: analysis type and BC:
static/quasi-static/dynamic; static/quasi-static/dynamic;
mechanical/thermic; mechanical/thermic;
volume/surface. volume/surface.
material: material model:
rigid/elastic/plastic/visco- rigid/elastic/plastic/visco-
plastic; plastic;
brittle/ductile. brittle/ductile.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From an engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength/life-time/fracture; stress-strain state;
vibration/buckling; eigen values;
thermo-electro-mechanical. coupled physics.
geometry; nite element mesh;
loads: analysis type and BC:
static/quasi-static/dynamic; static/quasi-static/dynamic;
mechanical/thermic; mechanical/thermic;
volume/surface. volume/surface.
material: material model:
rigid/elastic/plastic/visco- rigid/elastic/plastic/visco-
plastic; plastic;
brittle/ductile. brittle/ductile.
scale: microstructure:
macro/meso/micro. RVE/microstructure/.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength. stress-strain state.
geometry: nite element mesh:
loads: analysis type and BC:
material: material model:
scale: microstructure:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength. stress-strain state.
geometry: nite element mesh:
sphere + half-space. sphere + large block.
loads: analysis type and BC:
material: material model:
scale: microstructure:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength. stress-strain state.
geometry: nite element mesh:
sphere + half-space. sphere + large block.
loads: analysis type and BC:
mechanical surface mechanical surface
quasi-static. quasi-static.
material: material model:
scale: microstructure:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength. stress-strain state.
geometry: nite element mesh:
sphere + half-space. sphere + large block.
loads: analysis type and BC:
mechanical surface mechanical surface
quasi-static. quasi-static.
material: material model:
rigid + elasto-visco-plastic. rigida + elasto-visco-plastic
scale: model.
a rigid in FEA: much more harder than another solid,
special boundary conditions or geometrical

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic: analysis type:
strength. stress-strain state.
geometry: nite element mesh:
sphere + half-space. sphere + large block.
loads: analysis type and BC:
mechanical surface mechanical surface
quasi-static. quasi-static.
material: material model:
rigid + elasto-visco-plastic. rigida + elasto-visco-plastic
scale: model.
macro. microstructure:
homogeneous > RVE.
rigid in FEA: much more harder than another solid,
special boundary conditions or geometrical

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic analysis type
geometry nite element mesh
loads analysis type and BC
material material model
scale microstructure

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mechanical problem
From engineering problem to a nite element model

Problem: FE model:
problematic analysis type
geometry nite element mesh
loads analysis type and BC
material material model
scale microstructure

Finite element mesh : )

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:

Axisymmetry of geometry
axisymmetry of load

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Mirror symmetry
Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:

Axisymmetry of geometry
mirror symmetry of load

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

No symmetry
Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:

Axisymmetry of geometry
no symmetry of load

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Plain strain
Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:
Mirror symmetry of geometry
mirror symmetry of load
very long structure or xed edges

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Plain stress
Main ideas:
geometry AND loading;
3D to 2D:
strain/plane stress;
3D to smaller 3D:
half/quarter/sector; Mirror symmetry of geometry
mirror symmetry of load
very thin structure

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Symmetry and plane problems

How to solve problems faster

Full 3D mesh Axisymmetric 2D mesh

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Finite element mesh


In general the nite element mesh should

full the required solution precision;
correctly represent relevant geometry;
not be enormous;
be ne where strain is large;
be rough where strain is small;
avoid too oblong elements.
In contact problems the nite element mesh should
not allow corners at master surface;
be very ne and precise on both contacting surfaces;
use carefully quadratic elements.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0
What are the contact boundary

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions

Two solids Ω1 and Ω2 .

Volumetric forces Fv : e.g. inertia mü.
Neumann (static, force) boundary
conditions: distributed and
concentrated loads.
Dirichlet (kinematic, displacement)
boundary conditions: displacements.
In each solid we full div (σ) + Fv =0
What are the contact boundary

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of contact
Signorini conditions

Signorini conditions of nonpenetration gn > 0 and non-adhesion

σn ≤ 0

gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σn = σ · n

Contact boundary conditions ∼ unknown Neumann (force) boundary

conditions depending on the geometry.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of contact
Signorini conditions

Signorini conditions of nonpenetration gn > 0 and non-adhesion

σn ≤ 0

gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σn = σ · n

Contact boundary conditions ∼ unknown Neumann (force) boundary

conditions depending on the geometry.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of contact
Coulomb's friction

Coulomb's friction conditions

|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

Contact boundary conditions ∼ unknown Neumann (force) boundary

conditions depending on the geometry.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of contact
Coulomb's friction

Coulomb's friction conditions

|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

Contact boundary conditions ∼ unknown Neumann (force) boundary

conditions depending on the geometry.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of contact
Coulomb's friction

Coulomb's friction conditions

|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

Contact boundary conditions ∼ unknown Neumann (force) boundary

conditions depending on the geometry.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Zoom on penetration

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Volume intersection

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Surface-in-volume 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Surface-in-volume 2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Nodes-in-volume 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Nodes-in-volume 2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Nodes-to-surface 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection

Two FE meshes penetrate each other

What penetrates?
Nodes, lines, elements?
Into what it penetrates?
Into elements, under surface?
How do we detect such penetration?

Nodes-to-surface 2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact discretization
What is elementary contact contrubutor?

Local contacting unit?

to-surface Node-to-node discretization:
small deformation/small sliding
Gauss point to surface

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact discretization
What is elementary contact contrubutor?

Local contacting unit?

to-surface Node-to-node discretization:
small deformation/small sliding
Gauss point to surface

Large deformation/large sliding

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact discretization
What is elementary contact contrubutor?

Local contacting unit?

to-surface Node-to-node discretization:
small deformation/small sliding
Gauss point to surface

Node-to-segment discretization
large deformation/large sliding

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact discretization
What is elementary contact contrubutor?

Local contacting unit?

to-surface Node-to-node discretization:
small deformation/small sliding
Gauss point to surface

Contact domain method:

large deformation/large sliding

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact discretization
What is elementary contact contrubutor?

Local contacting unit?

to-surface Node-to-node discretization:
small deformation/small sliding
Gauss point to surface

Conception of the contact element

Contact domain method:

large deformation/large sliding

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Spatial search and local detection

Spatial search Local contact detection
Detection of contacting solids: Detection of contacting nodes and
multibody systems surfaces of two discretized solids
Discrete Element Method Finite Element Method
Molecular dynamics Smoothed Particle

Example of DEM application


Toruscylinder impact problem

[B. Yang, T.A. Laursen, 2006]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Spatial search and local detection

Spatial search Local contact detection
Detection of contacting solids: Detection of contacting nodes and
multibody systems surfaces of two discretized solids
Discrete Element Method Finite Element Method
Molecular dynamics Smoothed Particle

3rd body layer modeling Buckling with self-contact

[V.-D. Nguyen, J. Fortin et al., 2009] [T. Belytschko, W.K. Liu, B. Moran, 2000]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach, for example,
What? Slave nodes
Where? Under master surface

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach, for example,
What? Slave nodes
Where? Under master surface
Assymetry of contacting surfaces

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach, for example,
What? Slave nodes
Where? Under master surface
Assymetry of contacting surfaces

New paradigm
BUT! We need to detect contact before any
penetration occures!

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach, for example,
What? Slave nodes
Where? Under master surface
Assymetry of contacting surfaces

New paradigm
BUT! We need to detect contact before any
penetration occures!

Contact detection idea

In general the detection consists in checking if
slave nodes are close enough
to the master surface

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Local contact detection

Basic ideas
How to detect contact?
What penetrates and where?
What/where approach, for example,
What? Slave nodes
Where? Under master surface
Assymetry of contacting surfaces

New paradigm
BUT! We need to detect contact before any
penetration occures!

Contact detection idea

In general the detection consists in checking if
slave nodes are close enougha
to the master surface
a What does it mean close enough?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Solid with slave nodes and solid with a master surface.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

External detection zone dist < dmax and gn ≥ 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Internal detection zone dist < dmax and gn < 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Contact detection zone dist < dmax

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Verciation if slave nodes are in the detection zone

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

No slave nodes in the detection zone

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

No slave nodes in the detection zone

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Solid with slave nodes and solid with a master surface.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Contact detection zone dist < dmax

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Verciation if slave nodes are in the detection zone

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Some slave nodes are in the detection zone. One node is missed!

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

Create contact elements with detected slave nodes.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Maximal detection distance

Maximal detection distance concept dmax

If a slave node is closer than dmax to the master surface, then this slave
node is considered as possibly contacting at current load step and a
contact element is to be created.

How to choose dmax ?

Dangerous solution
Make the user responsible for this choice
Practical solutions: choose accordingly to
master surface mesh;
boundary conditions (maximal variation of displacement of
contacting surface nodes during one iteration/increment)
use both criterions.

V.A. Yastrebov | MINES ParisTech Computational Contact Mechanics Paris, 21-24 June 2010 20/77
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Triangles - slave nodes and circles - master nodes which are connected by
master surfaces.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Triangles - slave nodes and circles - master nodes which are connected by
master surfaces.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Contact detection zone.

What does it consist of?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Zoom on the master contact surface and

the associated detection zone.

V.A. Yastrebov | MINES ParisTech Computational Contact Mechanics Paris, 21-24 June 2010 21/77
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Contact detection zone is nothing but the region, where each point is
closer to the master surface than dmax

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Each contact element consists of a slave node and of the master surface
onto which it projects, i.e. the closest master surface.

V.A. Yastrebov | MINES ParisTech Computational Contact Mechanics Paris, 21-24 June 2010 21/77
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Each contact element consists of a slave node and of the master surface
onto which it projects, i.e. the closest master surface.

V.A. Yastrebov | MINES ParisTech Computational Contact Mechanics Paris, 21-24 June 2010 21/77
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Each contact element consists of a slave node and of the master surface
onto which it projects, i.e. the closest master surface.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized master surface

Master surface contsist of many elementary master surfaces.
The aim is to nd for each slave node the associated master surface.

Each contact element consists of a slave node and of the master surface
onto which it projects, i.e. the closest master surface.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Closest points denition

How to dene the closest point ρ∗ onto the master surface Γm for a
given slave node rs ?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Closest points denition

How to dene the closest point ρ∗ onto the master surface Γm for a
given slave node rs ?
Denition of the closest point ρ∗

ρ∗ ∈ Γm : ∀ρ ∈ Γm , |rs − ρ∗ | ≤ |rs − ρ|

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Closest points denition

How to dene the closest point ρ∗ onto the master surface Γm for a
given slave node rs ?
Denition of the closest point ρ∗

ρ∗ ∈ Γm : ∀ρ ∈ Γm , |rs − ρ∗ | ≤ |rs − ρ|

Functional for parametrized surface ρ = ρ(ξ):

F (rs , ξ) = (rs − ρ(ξ))

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Closest points denition

How to dene the closest point ρ∗ onto the master surface Γm for a
given slave node rs ?
Denition of the closest point ρ∗
ρ∗ ∈ Γm : ∀ρ ∈ Γm , |rs − ρ∗ | ≤ |rs − ρ|

Functional for parametrized surface ρ = ρ(ξ):

F (rs , ξ) = (rs − ρ(ξ))

In general case, nonlinear minimization problem:

minξ∈[0;1] F (rs , ξ) ⇒ ξ ∗ : ∀ξ ∈ [0; 1], |rs − ρ(ξ ∗ )| ≤ |rs − ρ(ξ)|

minξ∈[0;1] F (rs , ξ) ⇔ (rs − ρ(ξ )) · ∗
∂ξ ξ∗

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Closest points denition

How to dene the closest point ρ∗ onto the master surface Γm for a
given slave node rs ?

minξ∈[0;1] F (rs , ξ) ⇔ (rs − ρ(ξ ∗ )) · =0
∂ξ ξ∗

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!
Only if the master surface is smooth ρ(ξ) ∈ C 1 (Γm )
∂ρ ˛˛
(rs − ρ(ξ∗ )) · =0
∂ξ ˛ξ∗

In the FEM the surface is not obligatory smooth, only continuous

ρ(ξ) ∈ C 0 (Γm )

Even if a projection exists it can be non-unique.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!
Only if the master surface is smooth ρ(ξ) ∈ C 1 (Γm )
∂ρ ˛˛
(rs − ρ(ξ∗ )) · =0
∂ξ ˛ξ∗

In the FEM the surface is not obligatory smooth, only continuous

ρ(ξ) ∈ C 0 (Γm )

Even if a projection exists it can be non-unique.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!
Only if the master surface is smooth ρ(ξ) ∈ C 1 (Γm )
∂ρ ˛˛
(rs − ρ(ξ∗ )) · =0
∂ξ ˛ξ∗

In the FEM the surface is not obligatory smooth, only continuous

ρ(ξ) ∈ C 0 (Γm )

Even if a projection exists it can be non-unique.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!
Only if the master surface is smooth ρ(ξ) ∈ C 1 (Γm )
∂ρ ˛˛
(rs − ρ(ξ∗ )) · =0
∂ξ ˛ξ∗

In the FEM the surface is not obligatory smooth, only continuous

ρ(ξ) ∈ C 0 (Γm )

Even if a projection exists it can be non-unique.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Existance/uniqueness of the closest point

Does the projection always exist? No!
Only if the master surface is smooth ρ(ξ) ∈ C 1 (Γm )
∗ ∂ρ ˛˛
(rs − ρ(ξ )) · =0
∂ξ ˛ξ∗

In the FEM the surface is not obligatory smooth, only continuous

ρ(ξ) ∈ C 0 (Γm )

Even if a projection exists it can be non-unique.

For more details see Contact geometry section

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Blind spots

Blind spot problem

Blind spots  gaps in the detection zone.
Do not miss slave nodes situated in blind spots.
Types of blind spots: external, internal, due to symmetry.
due to symmetry

master projection zone blind spots
normals to master s symmetry

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Who is master, who is slave?

Social inequality in contact problems

Master-slave denition
The choice of master and slave surfaces is not random.
Incorrect choice leads to meaningless solutions.

Initial FE mesh Incorrect master-slave Correct master-slave

choice / choice ,

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection in global algorithm

At the beginning of each At the beginning of each
increment (loading step) iteration (convergence step)
+ fast;  slow;
+ good convergence;  innite looping;
+ stable;  not stable;
 lack of accuracy. + more accurate.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection in global algorithm

At the beginning of each At the beginning of each
increment (loading step) iteration (convergence step)
+ fast;  slow;
+ good convergence;  innite looping;
+ stable;  not stable;
 lack of accuracy. + more accurate.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection techniques

All-to-all detection Elaborated techniques
Direct all-to-all detection Bounding boxes
Slave nodes to master Account only close
segments. regions.
Indirect all-to-all detection Regular grid methods:
Slave nodes to master bucket [Benson].
nodes. Detect only into a cell
Slave node to attached and in neighbouring cells
master segments.
Sorting methods:
Advantages: heap sort, octree [Williams,
simple implementation. O'Connor].
Data tree construction
Drawbacks: and tree search.
time consumming O (N ); 2
blind spots/passing by nodes.
relatively fast O (N ),
O (N log N )..
blind spots/passing by nodes.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection techniques

All-to-all detection Elaborated techniques
Example: two curved contacting surfaces 
1 million of slave nodes against 1 million of master segments.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection techniques

All-to-all detection Elaborated techniques
Example: two curved contacting surfaces 
1 million of slave nodes against 1 million of master segments.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection techniques

All-to-all detection Elaborated techniques
Example: two curved contacting surfaces 
1 million of slave nodes against 1 million of master segments.

Indirect all-to-all technique

187 hours(!)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection techniques

All-to-all detection Elaborated techniques
Example: two curved contacting surfaces 
1 million of slave nodes against 1 million of master segments.

Indirect all-to-all technique Bounding box+grid detection

187 hours(!) 1 minute

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Contact detection
Global search/local contact detection;
slave-master or what-where approach;
conception of the maximal detection distance and its choice;
contact geometry and contact detection - closest point denition;
existance and uniqueness of the closest point;
from continuous and smooth to discretized C0 surface;
attention - blind spots;
detect contact at the beginning of increment;
dierent detection techniques;
self-contact detection.
contact detection is strongly connected
with contact geometry and
contact discretization.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Geometry is a foundation for
master-slave approach;
discretization method;
Geometrical quantities
penetration or normal gap gn - normal contact;
tangential sliding ∆gt - frictional eects.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Challenges in contact geometry

requirement of smooth surface.
non-uniqueness of projection;

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Challenges in contact geometry

assymetry of contacting surfacesa ;
requirement of smooth surface.
non-uniqueness of projection;
a something penetrates into something, something slides over something

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Challenges in contact geometry

assymetry of contacting surfacesa ;
requirement of smooth surface.
non-uniqueness of projection;
a something penetrates into something, something slides over something

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Challenges in contact geometry

assymetry of contacting surfacesa ;
requirement of smooth surface.
non-uniqueness of projection;
a something penetrates into something, something slides over something

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact Polished metal surface

macro deformation; 400x600 microns specimen
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Fractal surface
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact

macro deformation;
escaping dislocations and twins; Deformation twinnings in coating
relaxation at nano-scale. [Forest, 2000]

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations;
Escaping dislocations
remedy - special smoothing techniques. [Fivel, 2009]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact

macro deformation;
escaping dislocations and twins; Deformation twinnings in coating
relaxation at nano-scale. [Forest, 2000]

Finite element surface is not smooth

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations; Escaping dislocations
remedy - special smoothing techniques. [Fivel, 2009]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact

macro deformation;
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.
2D surface smoothing with Bezier
Finite element surface is not smooth curves

convergence problems;
unphysical oscilations;
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothness of contact surface

Do real surfaces are smooth or not?

It depends on the scale.
The smaller scale, the higher roughness.
Fractal surface.

Surface deforms even without contact

macro deformation;
escaping dislocations and twins;
relaxation at nano-scale.

Finite element surface is not smooth 3D surface smoothing with Bezier

convergence problems; surface
unphysical oscilations;
remedy - special smoothing techniques.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of geometrical quantities

First order variations

Contact in the weak form

Geometrical quantities: normal gap gn = gn (x) and tangential sliding
ġt = ġt (x , x)

Virtual work at contact surface δ W cont = δ Wn + δ Wt

normal contact Wn (σn , gn ) ⇒ δ Wn (σn , gn , δσn , δ gn )
frictional contact Wt (σ t , ġt ) ⇒ δ Wt (σ t , ġt , δσ t , δ ġt )
Resulting nonlinear equation R δ W int , δ W ext , δ W cont = 0
“ ”

Need of analytical expressions

First order variation of the normal gap and tangential sliding

∂ gn ∂ ġt
δ gn = · δx δ ġt = · δx
∂x ∂x

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Account of geometrical quantities

Second order variations

Linearization of the weak form

R δ W int , δ W ext , δ W cont = 0
“ ”
Resulting nonlinear equation
Linearization R (x) = 0 ⇒ R |x0 + ∆R (x )|x0 ≈0
∆R (x) = ∆δ W int + ∆δ W ext + ∆δ W cont
normal contact ∆δ Wn (σn , gn , δσn , δ gn , ∆δσn , ∆δ gn )
frictional contact ∆δ Wt (σ t , ġt , δσ t , δ ġt , ∆δσ t , ∆δ ġt )

Need of analytical expressions

Second order variation of the normal gap and tangential sliding

∂ 2 gn ∂ 2 ġt
∆δ gn = ∆x · · δx ∆δ ġt = ∆x · · δx
∂ x2 ∂ x2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Point and surface

Master-slave approach

Slave node penetrates under and slides over the master surface.
Slave node  point rs
Master surface  ρ(ξ)
Surface parametrization ξ = {ξ1 , ξ2 }
Projection of the slave node
ρ(ξp )
Normal to the master surface
n(ξ p )

Geometrical quantities
Normal gap gn = (rs − ρ) · n
Tangential sliding ġt dt = δρ(ξ)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Point and surface

Master-slave approach

Slave node penetrates under and slides over the master surface.
Slave node  point rs = rs (t )
Master surface  ρ(ξ) = ρ(t , ξ)
Surface parametrization ξ = {ξ1 , ξ2 }
Projection of the slave node
ρ(ξp ) = ρ(t , ξ(rs (t )))
Normal to the master surface
n(ξ p ) = n(t , ξ(rs (t )))

Geometrical quantities
Normal gap gn (t ) = (rs (t ) − ρ(t , ξ(rs (t ))) · n(t , ξ(rs (t )))
Tangential sliding ġt (t , ξ(rs (t )))dt = δρ(t , ξ(rs (t )))

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Continuum geometrical formulation

Covariant and contravariant bases, fundamental surface tensors

Covariant nsurface basis

∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
= ∂ξ 1
; ∂ξ 2

n surfaceo basis
∂ ρ̂ ∂ρ ∂ρ
= ∂ξ1
; ∂ξ 2

Basis change
∂ ρ̂
= A−1 ∂ρ ∂ρ
∂ξ ∂ξi
= aij ∂ξ
∂ξ j
1st fundamental covariant surface tensor
A ∼ aij = ∂ξ · ∂ξ
∂ρ ∂ρ
i j
1st fundamental contravariant surface tensor
∼ aij = ∂ξ
∂ρ ∂ρ
i · ∂ξj
2nd fundamental surface tensor
H ∼ hij = n · ∂ξ ∂ξ
i j

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Continuum geometrical formulation

First order variations

First order variation of the normal gap δ gn

δ gn = n · (δ rs − δρ)

First order variation of the surface parameter δξ

∂ρ ∂ρ
δξ = (A − gn H) −1
· · (δ rs − δρ) + gn n · δ
∂ξ ∂ξ

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Continuum geometrical formulation

Second order variations

Second order variation of the normal gap δ gn

∂ 2ρ
„ «
∂ρ ∂ρ
∆δ gn = − n · δ · ∆ξ + ∆ · δξ + δξ · 2 · ∆ξ +
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ
+ gn δξ · H · A−1 · H · ∆ξ+ (1)
„ « „ «
∂ρ ∂ρ
+ gn n · δ · A−1 · ∆ ·n
∂ξ ∂ξ

Second order variation of the surface parameter δξ

„ » «
∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
∆δξ = (gn H − A)−1 · · δ · ∆ξ + ∆ · δξ + δξ · · ∆ξ
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ2
„ 2 2 ∂3ρ
∂ ρ ∂ ρ
− gn n · δ 2 · ∆ξ + ∆ 2 · δξ + δξ · · ∆ξ
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ3
 ff „  ff«
∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
+ ∆ · n + H · ∆ξ · I {n · (δρ − δ rs )} + gn A−1 · · δ + · δξ
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ2
 ff „  ff«–
∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
+ δ · n + H · δξ · I {n · (∆ρ − ∆rs )} + gn A−1 · · ∆ + · ∆ξ
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Small penetration

Approximation of zero penetration

Normal gap is small gn ≈ 0.

δ gn = n · (δ rs − δρ) δξ = A−1 · · (δ rs − δρ)

∂ 2ρ
∂ρ ∂ρ
∆δ gn = −n · δ · ∆ξ + ∆ · δξ + δξ · 2 · ∆ξ
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ

» „ «
∂ρ ∂ρ ∂ρ
∆δξ = −A−1 · · δ · ∆ξ + ∆ · δξ + δξ · · ∆ξ +
∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ2
 ff
+ ∆ · n + H · ∆ξ · (I {n · (δρ − δ rs )}) + (3)
 ff –
+ δ · n + H · δξ · (I {n · (∆ρ − ∆rs )})

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized contact geometry

From continuum formulation to the Finite Element Method

Finite element method formalism

r= φi (ξ)x i = φi (ξ1 , ξ2 )x i

i =1 i =1

[X ] = [X (t )] = [x 0 (t ), x 1 (t ), ..., x N (t )]T ;
[Φ] = [Φ(ξ)] = [0, φ1 (ξ), . . . , φN (ξ)] ;
[Φi ] = = [0, φ1,i , . . . , φN ,i ] ;

rs = rs (t ) = x 0 (t ) = [S0 ]T [X ] , where [S0 ] = [1, 0, . . . , 0]T .

ρ = ρ(t , ξ p ) = φi (ξ p )x i = Φ(ξ p ) [X (t )] , = [Φ] [X ]

∂ρ(t , ξ)

[X (t )] = [Φ0i ] [X ]
∂ρ ∂Φ(ξ)
ρi = = =
∂ξi ∂ξi ∂ξi ξ
ξ p p
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized contact geometry

From continuum formulation to the Finite Element Method II

First variations of geometrical quantities

T 
n δx 0
 
 −φ1 n   δx 1 
δ gn =  . 
    T
·  .  = [∇gn ] · δ [X ] (4)
 ..   .. 
−φN n δx N

T 
δx 0
 ∂ρ 
n 1, j   δ x 1 
 − ∂ρ φ + g nφ  
= [∇ξi ]T · δ [X ]
 ∂ξj 1
δξi = cij  .
 · . 
  .  (5)
 .
. . 
δx N
 
− ∂ξ φ + gn nφN ,j
j N

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized contact geometry

From continuum formulation to the Finite Element Method II

Second order variation of the normal gap ∆δ gn

ˆ ˜T
∆δ gn =δ [X ]T · −n Φ0i ⊗ [∇ξi ]T − [∇ξi ] ⊗ Φ0i
ˆ ˜

− hij − gn hik akm hmj [∇ξi ] ⊗ [∇ξj ]T

“ ”

ˆ ˜ h iT
+gn aij n Φ0i ⊗ Φ0j
n · ∆ [X ] =
= δ [X ]T · [∇∇gn ] · ∆ [X ]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Discretized contact geometry

From continuum formulation to the Finite Element Method II

Second order variation of surface parameter ∆δξ

8 2

cij 4 Φ0k
i ∂ρ ∂ρ h 0 i
∆δξ = δ [X ]
k k

∂ξ j
⊗ [∇ξ ] + [∇ξ ] ⊗
j k
∂2 ρ ∂3 ρ
A [∇ξ ] ⊗ [∇ξm ]T
0 1

+ gn n ·
j k∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ ∂ξ
k j ∂ξm

T 00 T
+ gn Φ
jk n ⊗ [∇ξk ] + gn [∇ξk ] ⊗ n Φjk
h i h i

0 T T “h 0 i T
kj [∇gn ] ⊗ n Φk + hks [∇ξs ] + Φk n + hks [∇ξs ] ⊗ [∇gn ]
„ „ h i « ” «

km hΦ0 i ∂ρ ⊗ n hΦ0 iT + h [∇ξs ]T + “n hΦ0 i + h [∇ξs ]” ⊗ ∂ρ hΦ0 iT

+ gn a
„ «
j ∂ξm k ks k ks ∂ξm
km ∂2 ρ 0 T T
0 1

+ gn a
k + hks [∇ξs ] +
∂ρ „ „ h «
[∇ξ ] ⊗ n Φ
∂ξm ∂ξj ∂ξ
@ A
T ”io · ∆ [X ] =
k + hks [∇ξs ] ⊗ [∇ξl ]
+ n Φ
“ h i ”

T ˆ
= δ [X ] · ∇∇ξi · ∆ [X ]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


Discretization of the contact area into elementary units responsible
for the contact stress transmission from one contacting surface to

Units: Discretization method and assymetry:

surface nodes; methods which enforce assymetry of
surface of elements;
Gauss points onto
methods which reduce this assymetry:
segment-to-segment, mortar, Nitsche;
Problem types: contact domain method.
small deformation -
no slip;
large deformation -
arbitrary slip.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Node-to-node discretization
[Francavilla & Zienkiewicz, 1975], [Oden, 1981], [Kikuchi & Oden, 1988]

, very simple;
, passes Taylor's test1 .

Scheme of two conforming meshes.

Pairing nodes form NTN contact elements.
1 Taylor's patch test requires that a
uniform contact stress transmittes correctly
from one contacting surface to another.
See section Finite Element Analysis.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Node-to-node discretization
[Francavilla & Zienkiewicz, 1975], [Oden, 1981], [Kikuchi & Oden, 1988]

, very simple;
, passes Taylor's test1 .

/ small deformation;
/ small slip;
/ requires conforming FE meshes.
Scheme of two conforming meshes.
Pairing nodes form NTN contact elements.
1 Taylor's patch test requires that a
uniform contact stress transmittes correctly
from one contacting surface to another.
See section Finite Element Analysis.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


Two FE mesh with matching nodes in the contact zone

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


NTN contact element detection

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


Master-slave discretization

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


Normals on the master surface

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


Denition of the normals at master nodes as an average of the

normals of adjacent segments

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTN  Node-to-node
Denition of the normal

Denition of the normal for the node-to-node


Denition of the normals at master nodes

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTS  Node-to-Segment/Node-to-Surface

Node-to-segment discretization
[Hughes, 1977] [Hallquist, 1979] [Bathe & Chaudhary, 1985] [Wriggers et al., 1990]

, simple;
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

Scheme of two non-matching meshes

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTS  Node-to-Segment/Node-to-Surface

Node-to-segment discretization
[Hughes, 1977] [Hallquist, 1979] [Bathe & Chaudhary, 1985] [Wriggers et al., 1990]

, simple;
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

/ does not pass1 Taylor's test.

1 [G. Zavarise, L. De Lorenzis, 2009]

Scheme of two non-matching meshes
A modied NTS algorithm passing the
contact patch test

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTS  Node-to-Segment/Node-to-Surface

Node-to-segment discretization
[Hughes, 1977] [Hallquist, 1979] [Bathe & Chaudhary, 1985] [Wriggers et al., 1990]

, simple;
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

/ does not pass1 Taylor's test.

1 [G. Zavarise, L. De Lorenzis, 2009]

Detection of contact elements
A modied NTS algorithm passing the
contact patch test

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTS  Node-to-Segment/Node-to-Surface

Node-to-segment discretization
[Hughes, 1977] [Hallquist, 1979] [Bathe & Chaudhary, 1985] [Wriggers et al., 1990]

, simple;
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

/ does not pass1 Taylor's test.

1 [G. Zavarise, L. De Lorenzis, 2009]

NTS contact elements
A modied NTS algorithm passing the
contact patch test

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

NTS  Node-to-Segment/Node-to-Surface

Node-to-segment discretization
[Hughes, 1977] [Hallquist, 1979] [Bathe & Chaudhary, 1985] [Wriggers et al., 1990]

, simple;
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

/ does not pass1 Taylor's test.

Remark: for a stable large deformation NTS contact elements

implementation NTS should be
supplemented with Node-to-Vertex and
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Segment-to-segment discretization
[Simo et al., 1985], [Zavarise & Wriggers, 1998]
, avoids some spurious modes of
, use of higher order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.
Scheme of two non-matching meshes

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Segment-to-segment discretization
[Simo et al., 1985], [Zavarise & Wriggers, 1998]
, avoids some spurious modes of
, use of higher order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.
Scheme of two non-matching meshes
/ complicated segment denition;
/ only 2D version;
/ constant contact pressure
within one segment.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Segment-to-segment discretization
[Simo et al., 1985], [Zavarise & Wriggers, 1998]
, avoids some spurious modes of
, use of higher order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.
Projections of both surfaces
/ complicated segment denition;
/ only 2D version;
/ constant contact pressure
within one segment.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Segment-to-segment discretization
[Simo et al., 1985], [Zavarise & Wriggers, 1998]
, avoids some spurious modes of
, use of higher order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.
Contact sub-elements
/ complicated segment denition;
/ only 2D version;
/ constant contact pressure
within one segment.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Segment-to-segment discretization
[Simo et al., 1985], [Zavarise & Wriggers, 1998]
, avoids some spurious modes of
, use of higher order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.
Integration line
/ complicated segment denition;
/ only 2D version;
/ constant contact pressure
within one segment.
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mortar and Nitsche methods

Mortar and Nitsche discretizations

[Bernadi et al., 1994][Wohlmuth, 2000][Puso&Laursen, 2003][Becker&Hansbo, 1999]

, passes Taylor's test;
, correct contact stress
distribution within contact
, use of any order shape
, large deformations and slip;
, mesh independent.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Mortar and Nitsche methods

Mortar and Nitsche discretizations

[Bernadi et al., 1994][Wohlmuth, 2000][Puso&Laursen, 2003][Becker&Hansbo, 1999]

Advantages: Drawbacks:
, passes Taylor's test; / very complicated
, correct contact stress implementation1 ;
distribution within contact / stability problem for curved
element; surfaces.
, use of any order shape
1 3D implementation is a nightmare, but
, large deformations and slip;
it's feasible.
, mesh independent. T.A. Laursen about mortar method,
ECCM, 2010

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

CDM  Contact Domain Method

Contact domain method for discretization

[Oliver, Hartmann et al. 2009]
, passes Taylor's test;
, continuous formulation of
contact elements;
, large deformations and slip.

Scheme of two non-matching meshes

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

CDM  Contact Domain Method

Contact domain method for discretization

[Oliver, Hartmann et al. 2009]
, passes Taylor's test;
, continuous formulation of
contact elements;
, large deformations and slip.
/ requirements on the FE mesh in
Scheme of two non-matching meshes
3D1 ;
/ not elaborated.

1 Triangluationproblems for arbitrary

contacting surfaces in 3D.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

CDM  Contact Domain Method

Contact domain method for discretization

[Oliver, Hartmann et al. 2009]
, passes Taylor's test;
, continuous formulation of
contact elements;
, large deformations and slip.
/ requirements on the FE mesh in
Projections of both surfaces
3D1 ;
/ not elaborated.

1 Triangluationproblems for arbitrary

contacting surfaces in 3D.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

CDM  Contact Domain Method

Contact domain method for discretization

[Oliver, Hartmann et al. 2009]
, passes Taylor's test;
, continuous formulation of
contact elements;
, large deformations and slip.
/ requirements on the FE mesh in
Contact domain construction
3D1 ;
/ not elaborated.

1 Triangluationproblems for arbitrary

contacting surfaces in 3D.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with
Hermite polynoms;
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with
Hermite polynoms;
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with
Hermite polynoms;
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
Scheme of two non-matching
nonphysical edge eects; meshes
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
Smoothing of the master
nonphysical edge eects; surface
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
Contact detection
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
Contact element construction
nonphysical edge eects; (edge contact element)
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
Constructed smoothed contact
nonphysical edge eects; elements
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

Ordinary (top) and smothed

(bottom) NTS contact element
in 2D

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Smoothing technique
Smothing of the master surface with Examples of NTS contact
Hermite polynoms; elements smoothed with
P-slines; Bézier curves
Bézier curves;
fulls requirements of C 1 -smoothness
all along the master surface;
nonphysical edge eects;
complicated in 3D  requires special
FE discretizations.

Ordinary (top) and smothed

(bottom) NTS contact element
in 3D
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary value problem with constraints

Continous formulation of boundary value problem

Partial dierential equation
∇ · σ + fv = 0 in Ω1,2
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions
σ · n = f0 at Γ1N,2 , 1, 2
u = u0 at ΓD
Contact constraints: non-penetration and non-adhesion at Γc 
Signorini's conditions
gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σ n = σ · n
Contact constraints: Coulomb's friction at Γc
|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary value problem with constraints

Continous formulation of boundary value problem

Partial dierential equation
∇ · σ + fv = 0 in Ω1,2
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions
σ · n = f0 at Γ1N,2 , 1, 2
u = u0 at ΓD
Contact constraints: non-penetration and non-adhesion at Γc 
Signorini's conditions
gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σ n = σ · n
Contact constraints: Coulomb's friction at Γc
|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary value problem with constraints

Continous formulation of boundary value problem

Partial dierential equation
∇ · σ + fv = 0 in Ω1,2
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions
σ · n = f0 at Γ1N,2 , 1, 2
u = u0 at ΓD
Contact constraints: non-penetration and non-adhesion at Γc 
Signorini's conditions
gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σ n = σ · n
Contact constraints: Coulomb's friction at Γc
|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary value problem with constraints

Continous formulation of boundary value problem

Partial dierential equation
∇ · σ + fv = 0 in Ω1,2
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions
σ · n = f0 at Γ1N,2 , 1, 2
u = u0 at ΓD
Contact constraints: non-penetration and non-adhesion at Γc 
Signorini's conditions
gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σ n = σ · n
Contact constraints: Coulomb's friction at Γc
|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary value problem with constraints

Continous formulation of boundary value problem

Partial dierential equation
∇ · σ + fv = 0 in Ω1,2
Neumann and Dirichlet boundary conditions
σ · n = f0 at Γ1N,2 , 1, 2
u = u0 at ΓD
Contact constraints: non-penetration and non-adhesion at Γc 
Signorini's conditions
gn σ n = 0, gn ≥ 0, σ ≤ 0, σ n = σ · n
Contact constraints: Coulomb's friction at Γc
|ġt | (|σ t | + µσn ) = 0; |σ t | ≤ −µσn ; ġt = |ġt | , σt = σ · t
|σ t |

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Weak form with contact terms

Continous formulation of the weak form for contact problems

Weak form
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN

Contact term in the weak form, contact pressure σnc = σ · n at Γc

σnc δ gn d Γ = 0
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ −
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN Γc

Variational inequality (σnc δ gn ≥ 0)

σ · ·δεd Ω ≥ fv · δ ud Ω + f0 · δ u d Γ
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

Variational equality
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − f0 · δ u d Γ + C = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Weak form with contact terms

Continous formulation of the weak form for contact problems

Weak form
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN

Contact term in the weak form, contact pressure σnc = σ · n at Γc

σnc δ gn d Γ = 0
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ −
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN Γc

Variational inequality (σnc δ gn ≥ 0)

σ · ·δεd Ω ≥ fv · δ ud Ω + f0 · δ u d Γ
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

Variational equality
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − f0 · δ u d Γ + C = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Weak form with contact terms

Continous formulation of the weak form for contact problems

Weak form
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN

Contact term in the weak form, contact pressure σnc = σ · n at Γc

σnc δ gn d Γ = 0
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ −
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN Γc

Variational inequality (σnc δ gn ≥ 0)

σ · ·δεd Ω ≥ fv · δ ud Ω + f0 · δ u d Γ
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

Variational equality
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − f0 · δ u d Γ + C = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Weak form with contact terms

Continous formulation of the weak form for contact problems

Weak form
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN

Contact term in the weak form, contact pressure σnc = σ · n at Γc

σnc δ gn d Γ = 0
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − 1, 2
f0 · δ ud Γ −
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 ΓN Γc

Variational inequality (σnc δ gn ≥ 0)

σ · ·δεd Ω ≥ fv · δ ud Ω + f0 · δ u d Γ
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

Variational equality
σ · ·δεd Ω − fv · δ ud Ω − f0 · δ u d Γ + C = 0
Ω 1, 2 Ω 1, 2 Γ1N,2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Methods for contact resolution

Variational inequality
[Duvaut & Lions, 1976], [Kikuchi &
Oden, 1988]
Variational equality1
optimization methods
[Kikuchi & Oden, 1988], [Bertsekas,
1984], [Luenberger, 1984], [Curnier
& Alart, 1991], [Wriggers, 2006]
mathematical programming methods
[Conry & Siereg, 1971], [Klarbring,
1 Oftenused with so-called active set strategy, which determines which contact
elements are active (in contact) and which are not.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Function to minimize f (x) and constraint gi (x) ≥ 0, i = 1, N
Penalty method
Lagrange multipliers method
Augmented Lagrangian method

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Function to minimize f (x) and constraint gi (x) ≥ 0, i = 1, N
Penalty method

fp (x) = f (x) + r hg (x)i2

∇fp (x̄) = ∇f (x̄) + 2r ∇ hg (x̄)i ∇g (x̄) = 0
r −→∞
x̄ −−−−→ x∗
Lagrange multipliers method
Augmented Lagrangian method

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Function to minimize f (x) and constraint gi (x) ≥ 0, i = 1, N
Penalty method
Lagrange multipliers method

L(x, λ) = f (x) + λi gi (x)

min {f (x)} −→ x∗ = x̄ ←− min{L(x, λ)}

g (x)≥0
∇x f (x) + λi ∇x gi (x)
∇x,λ L = = 0, λ i ≤ 0
gi (x)
Augmented Lagrangian method

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Function to minimize f (x) and constraint gi (x) ≥ 0, i = 1, N
Penalty method
Lagrange multipliers method
Augmented Lagrangian method

La (x, λ) = f (x) + λi gi (x) + r hgi (x)i2

min {f (x)} −→ x∗ = x̄ ←− min{La (x, λ)}

g (x)≥0
∇x f (x) + λi ∇x gi (x) + 2r ∇ hgi (x)i ∇gi (x)
∇x,λ La = =0
gi (x)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods

Function : ( ) = + 2 + 1 2

Constrain : ( ) = ≥ 0
f x x x

Solution : = 0
g x x


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods

Function : ( ) = + 2 + 1 2

Constrain : ( ) = ≥ 0
f x x x

Solution : = 0
g x x


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2

r = 10

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2

r = 50

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: penalty method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Penalty method
fp (x ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2

Advantages , Drawbacks /
simple physical interpretation; solution is not exact:
no additional degrees of too small penalty →
freedom; large penetration;
too large penalty →
smooth functional. ill-conditioning of the global
user has to choose penalty r

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Additional unknown λ

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Additional unknown λ Lagrangian

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Additional unknown λ Lagrangian

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Lagrangian Lagrangian (isolines)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Lagrange multipliers method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Lagrange multipliers method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + λg (x ) → Saddle point → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Advantages , Drawbacks /
exact solution. Lagrangian is not smooth;
additional degrees of freedom
increase the problem.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Additional unknown λ

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Standard Lagrangian r =0 Isolines of the standard Lagrangian

r =0
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x ( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Augmented Lagrangian r =1 Isolines of the augmented

Lagrangian r = 1
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x ( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Augmented Lagrangian r = 10 Isolines of the augmented

Lagrangian r = 10
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x ( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Augmented Lagrangian r = 50 Isolines of the augmented

Lagrangian r = 50
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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Demonstration :: Augmented Lagrangian method

f (x ) = x 2 + 2 + 1,
x g x( )=x ≥ , 0 x

= 0
Augmented Lagrangian method
L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i2 + λg (x ) → minx maxλ L(x , λ)

Advantages , Drawbacks /
exact solution; additional degrees of freedom
smoothed functional. increase the problem.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Necessary conditions of the solution

∇x L(x , λ) ∇x f (x ) −2r h−g (x )i ∇x g (x ) λ∇g (x )

=0 + +
∇λ L(x , λ) 0 0 g (x )

Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Necessary conditions of the solution

∇x L(x , λ) ∇x f (x ) −2r h−g (x )i ∇x g (x ) + λ∇x g (x )

=0 +
∇λ L(x , λ) 0 g (x )

Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Necessary conditions of the solution

∇x L(x , λ) ∇x f (x ) −2r h−g (x )i ∇x g (x ) + λ∇x g (x )

=0 +
∇λ L(x , λ) 0 g (x )

Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Necessary conditions of the solution

∇x L(x , λ) ∇x f (x ) (−2r h−g (x )i + λi )∇x g (x )

=0 +
∇λ L(x , λ) 0 g (x )
Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Necessary conditions of the solution

  i +1
∇x L(x , λ) ∇x f (x ) λ ∇x g (x )
=0 +
∇λ L(x , λ) 0 g (x )
Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Optimization methods
Augmented Lagrangian method + Uzawa algorithm

Augmented Lagrangian

L(x , λ) = f (x ) + r h−g (x )i + λg (x )

Uzawa algorithm
λi +1 = λi − 2r h−g (x )i

Advantages , Drawbacks /
exact solution;
smoothed functional;
no additional degrees of

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

FEA requires
good nite element mesh
represents the real geometry;
ne enough to represent correctly stress-strain eld;
rough enough to solve the problem in reasonable terms.
comprehension how close we are to the real solution;
careful apposition of boundary conditions.

Example of contact problem solved in Example of contact problem solved in ABAQUS (no
ANSYS (no FE mesh presented) FE mesh presented)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Smart meshing with linear elements

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Smart meshing with quadratic elements

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Case of singularity

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Case of hidden maximum

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Convergence by mesh

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Convergence by mesh

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

No convergence by mesh (singularity)

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Convergence by mesh

One dimensional example on mesh renement

Case of two maximums

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions
innite looping;
convergence to the wrong solution.

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Resolution of nonlinear problem

Departure point R (x0 , f0 ) = 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Resolution of nonlinear problem

Change of boundary conditions R (x0 , f1 ) 6= 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Resolution of nonlinear problem

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x0 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x0 , f1 ) → x 1 = x0 + δx

0 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Resolution of nonlinear problem

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x 1 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x 1 , f1 ) → x 2 = x 1 + δx

1 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Resolution of nonlinear problem

Convergence kx i +1 − x i k ≤ ε → x1 = x i +1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Innite looping

Departure point R (x0 , f0 ) = 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Innite looping

Too fast change of boundary conditions R (x0 , f1 ) 6= 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Innite looping

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x0 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x0 , f1 ) → x 1 = x0 + δx

0 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Innite looping

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x 1 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x 1 , f1 ) → x 2 = x 1 + δx

1 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Innite looping

Innite looping

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Convergence to the wrong solution

Departure point R (x0 , f0 ) = 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Convergence to the wrong solution

Too fast change of boundary conditions R (x0 , f1 ) 6= 0

V.A. Yastrebov | MINES ParisTech Computational Contact Mechanics Paris, 21-24 June 2010 67/77
Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Convergence to the wrong solution

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x0 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x0 , f1 ) → x 1 = x0 + δx

0 0

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Convergence to the wrong solution

Newton-Raphson iterations
R (x 1 , f1 ) + ∂∂Rx x δx = 0 → δx = − ∂∂Rx x R (x 1 , f1 ) → x 2 = x 1 + δx

1 1

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Boundary conditions
How fast can we go?

General thinks
Contact problems are always nonlinear
Nonlinear problems requires slow change of boundary conditions

Convergence to the wrong solution

Solution. Correct?

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Patch test
Methods passing Taylor's patch test
Contact domain method.

Possible schemes for contact patch


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Patch test
Methods passing Taylor's patch test
Contact domain method.
Method not passing Taylor's patch

NTS not passing patch test -

oscilation of contact pressure (top)
Nitsche method passing patch test

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Patch test
Methods passing Taylor's patch test
Contact domain method.
Method not passing Taylor's patch
NTS passes the patch test in
two pass;
NTS not passing patch test -
NTS passing patch test [G. oscilation of contact pressure (top)
Zavarise, L. De Lorenzis, 2009]; Nitsche method passing patch test
Revisiting Taylor's patch test

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Master-slave discretization
General rules

Rule 1
Contacting surface with higher mesh density is always slave surface.
Rule 1
If the mesh densities are equal on two surfaces, master surface is the
surface which deforms less.

Initial FE mesh Incorrect master-slave Correct master-slave

choice / choice ,

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples


1 Introduction

2 Contact detection

3 Contact geometry

4 Contact discretization methods

5 Solution of contact problem

6 Finite Element Analysis of contact problems

7 Numerical examples

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

3D contact


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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

3D contact


y y

x x

z z

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

3D contact


y y

x x x

z z z

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Finite element mesh Description

Plane strain
E i = 68.96 · 108 Pa
Es = 68.96 · 107 Pa

νi = νs = 0.32
µ = 0.3
∆uv = 1mm/10 incr
∆uh = 10mm/500incr
NN = 3840

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing

Results <Stress12 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing


K.A.Fischer, P. Wriggers [2006]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing


J. Oliver, S. Hartmann [2009]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing


Our results [2009]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Shallow ironing


Our results [2009]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Finite element mesh
Plane stress
E = 2.1 · 1011 Pa
ν = 0.3
µ = 0.4
r = 5.999 cm
R = 6 cm
F = 18750 N
α = 120◦
NN = 2500

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Finite element mesh

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Finite element mesh

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Results <Stress22 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Results <Stress22 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Results <Stress22 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Results <Stress22 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Results <Stress22 >

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

Semianalytical, K.M.Klang [1979]. Simulation, P.Alart and A.Curnier [1990]

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 1 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 5 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 10 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 25 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 50 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Klang's problem

ZEBULON, 100 increment

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Disk-blade contact

Disk-blade frictional contact, elasto-plastic material

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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Intro Detection Geometry Discretization Solution FEA Examples

Multi contact

Multi plate frictionless contact

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