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Laundry : is a place where clothing and linens

are washed. The soiled linens and clothing to be washed

are also called laundry.

Steps before clothes to be laundered:

1. Laundry must be marked for identification.
2. Sort the clothes according to the kind of materials
and the color.
3. Clothes go to the washer.

*Washers or Washing Machine hold from 11 to 544 kgs

of laundry. Rotating cylinders in the washers swish the
clothes about in a soap or detergent(a synthetic
cleaning agent) and water until they are clean. The
detergent and water in the machine maybe changed 5
to 6 times to get the clothes completely clean. At least
4 hot water rinses follow to make sure all dirt and soap
are removed. Then the clothes go to the
spinner(extractor). The machine has a basket that
whirls the clothes around to remove much of the water.
A Wash-Extractor is a machine that both washes and
extracts water from clothes.
*Clothes (garments) made of different fabric may
require different kinds of cleaning.
Most clothes made of cotton and of man-made fibers
maybe laundered. Most garments made of wool require
Dry-Cleaning. Garments made with blends of fibers may
usually cleaned by the method appropriate for the
fibers present in the greatest percentage.
Some linings and trim are require a different
cleaning method than that used for the rest of the
garment. The manufacturer may tell on the garment
label how to clean the garment.

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