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The purpose of this thesis is to facilitate the administration of Sungai

Bahar VII Public Health Center and recapitulation of reports especially in the
services of mothers and children, immunization. Where the data processing is still
using manual methods such as data processing check ups of mothers and children,
immunization is recorded in the agenda book. The research method used in this
thesis is the R&D (Research and Development) approach, the procedure of
making this system begins with research and information gathering, Planning,
Developing preliminary product forms, initial field testing, Main product revision,
Main field testing. Using Visual Basic 6.0 programming language and database
using MySQL. This research resulted in a more effective Administration Service
Information System at Sungai Bahar VII Puskesmas, facilitating the
administration of inputting, storing and reporting data available at Sungai Bahar
VII Puskesmas. Input data needed in this application are, children's data, maternal
data, examination data, immunization data, doctor data, and development data.
Data processing that is processed in this application is the process of examination
of patients, the process of immunization, and examination of child development.
The resulting outputs are examination reports per patient, periodic examination
reports, immunization reports per patient, progress reports per patient, patient card
printing, and child growth and development charts. For the future implementation
of this system so that it is necessary for someone to manage administrative service
data specifically for using this system.

Keywords: System, Information, Service, Immunization, Visual Basic 6.0,



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